Luna II(A BTS Soulmate AU)

By JiminBeJammin

458K 18.1K 5.2K

Vacation is over and the largest group of soulmates in the world is back in Seoul and back to work-this time... More

🚨New Story Alert🚨


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By JiminBeJammin

Luna sighed in relief when she finally got to leave her office. She'd been asked to work on a huge last minute project, so she and the boys had to prepare to fly to the US a few days earlier than anticipated.

"Everything is finally squared away as far as scheduling for the whole time you're going to be in LA, but you know once people catch wind of you being there—more requests will come," Lola says as they walk side by side in the hallway.

"I'm sure they will. Since it's such a busy time, if it's someone wanting a feature, tell them we need a sample of the song. I'd rather determine if I'm going to work on it that way rather than waiting to meet up and hear it in person. It saves a lot of time," Luna replies and Lola nods, scribbling it in her notebook as they enter the elevator.

"Got it. Everything went smoothly concerning your purchase and the boys' manager, Sejin, and I have a sit down scheduled once we get to LA to discuss our little mole. Neither of us had time this week. Adora's been watching that blog like a hawk and no activity thus far," Lola replies.

"Good to hear. The quicker we handle that, the better. Looks like I'm going orange soon. I'll see you later though Lo. Get some rest. We've got a long flight ahead of us," Luna says, bidding her goodbye when she gets to the salon floor.

She adjusts her bag on her shoulder and greets everyone as she walks in.

"Wow Luna your hair has gotten so long," Jin says, making her laugh.

She had a hair appointment that morning and had gotten some 30 inch tape in hair extensions, a look for the video she'd be shooting in less than two days. She'd decided to release a song she'd kept in her vault for the longest, Green Light Go, as a surprise for her fans. She'd shared a snippet of it a long time ago, but her label wouldn't let her release it so she was doing a surprise drop at midnight.

"Yeah I don't know what happened. Must've grown overnight," she shrugs, playing along.

"Definitely extensions," Chae-Yeong mumbles, thinking JK wouldn't hear because he had his air pods in.

Unbeknownst to her, they were never on in the first place. He just put them in so she wouldn't talk to him and so he could keep tabs on her.

"Obviously. What's so wrong with that?" he scoffs, making her look down at him in surprise.

"I-oh I didn't mean any harm," she stutters out, attempting to look innocent.

"Are we done?" he asks, his face nothing short of serious.

The girl nods frantically with apologies he didn't care to hear. He stands from the chair and makes his way over to Luna, who is sitting on one of the couches, and plops himself down in her lap, making her giggle.

"Well hello to you t—" she says, but is cut off by the sweet kiss JK places on her lips.

"I missed you beautiful," he says, wrapping his arms around her neck and attacking her with cheek kisses.

"You okay Chae-Yeong-ssi? You look a little flushed," Jimin asks, his voice laced with fake concern as he looks over at the clearly upset girl.

"Oh yeah I'm okay. I'm just getting ready to leave. See you in LA. Enjoy your flight," she says, smiling tightly and bowing at him as she shoves items in her bag and makes a hasty exit.

"Watch out for that one. She's...a bit strange," Jimin's stylist warns him lowly, watching warily as the girl damn near trips over her feet in her haste.

"We will," he replies, giving her a knowing smile and locking eyes with Tae in the mirror.

They, too had been watching the blog, checking it every time they saw her on her phone for an extended period of time. Unfortunately though, there were no new posts yet. They knew she'd slip up eventually though. People like her always do.


"So can we know now?" Tae asks as Luna and Jin place their meal on the table.

She'd told them she had a project, but didn't tell them what, deciding to keep them in suspense until dinner.

"Once everyone's seated and situated," she chuckles, looking around at the half empty table.

"Dinner's ready!" he yells, his voice echoing through the house.

That does the trick in getting everyone downstairs. Luna waits until everyone is seated and has a portion of food on their plates before she decides to speak up, Tae's expectant face making her laugh.

"Okay, so I told everyone earlier that I was contacted about a project that I'm going to have to work on super soon. So, DC comics is coming out with a spin-off of Suicide Squad and they want myself and Megan thee Stallion to work on a song together for it. Not only that, but they offered for me to co-direct the video shoot as well," she grins, clapping her hands excitedly.

She laughed and fought the urge to cover her ears at the uproar that occurred at the table. After all the congratulations died down, she speaks again.

"I'm also dropping a surprise song drop at midnight tonight. I don't expect you to stay up and listen because we leave at 4am to head to the airport, but I thought I'd let you know. I'm shooting the video for that in about 3 days, depending on what my LA team can get done in that amount of time," she says.

"In that case, I'm gonna hug you now because I know we won't be seeing much of you in the next few days," Jin says, fake crying and hugging her to his chest.

"Well, I have the first day in LA off and you guys have the first 3 days off so I'm sure we'll see each other in between my schedule. Besides, next week much of our schedule is the same—interviews remember?" she says and he nods.

"We'll still miss you though," Joon says, patting her knee.

"Aww baby, you guys can always pop in on my video shoot," she suggests and he nods.

"Maybe we will. We don't want to be in the way," Yoongi says and she shakes her head.

"Trust me, you won't. The way videos are shot in the US is much more lax than here. Rappers bring their whole team plus a whole entourage of friends with them like everywhere. I'm sure I can accommodate the seven of you," she assures him.

She'd feel better with them present anyways. With their upcoming schedules, every opportunity to spend time together was not to be taken for granted.


Luna woke up to her 3:15am alarm and groans, shutting it off and grabbing the remote that turned her light on off the bedside table. Jimin and Tae immediately started to stir, but JK didn't move an inch—still laying on his back and snoring softly.

"Up and at em. We have 45 minutes until we leave," she says and Jimin and Tae sit up, slinging their legs over the bed and rubbing their sleep from their eyes.

She straddles JK and brushes her hand through his hair, calling his name. He stirs a little and groans, holding on to sleep for as long as he can.

"Get up or we'll do this the hard way," Luna warns, lightly slapping his face.

"Okay, okay," he groans, but still doesn't move.

"Don't say I didn't warn you," Luna says, bending down to bite his nipple.

"Ahh! Stop! Noonaaa," he whines, sitting up abruptly.

"I told you to get up. 43 minutes until we leave and you're getting left to fly with the staff if you're not ready," she says, climbing off him.

She makes her way to the bathroom and does her morning routine before making her way into her closet to put on the outfit she laid out the night before. She'd taken her shower the night before as well as put her packed bags by the front door already.

She swiped on some bright red lipstick and placed a black hat atop her head, finishing her look. They were flying private today, but the boys didn't know that. She had to keep up appearances, hence her putting effort into her airport fashion. She grabbed her carryon and opened her safe, pulling out her passport and locking it back before exiting her room.

To her surprise and delight, everyone was either already downstairs or heading there. She'd convinced them all to triple check their bags as well as shower and lay their clothes out like she did to make for a smooth morning.

"Good job crew," she grins, knowing they went the extra mile because she hated to be late.

"We still have 25 minutes. Can we have breakfast here?" Tae asks and she shakes her head.

"We'll have breakfast on the plane. Since we're all ready, it wouldn't hurt to leave early," she says.

"But I hate airplane breakfast. The only thing that's good is the fruit," Tae pouts, trudging into the kitchen to grab a box of granola bars from the pantry.

"Speak for yourself. I'll take your plate if you don't want it," JK says.

"Okay, passport check," Luna says, grabbing hers from her crossbody bag and holding it up.

Everyone except Joon, who is fumbling around in his bag does the same.

"Here we go," JK says, rolling his eyes.

"It was just here," Joon tsks, already frustrated.

"Here, let me," Hobi says, grabbing his bag and unzipping all the compartments.

He makes a little victory noise when he finds it in a zipped side pocket, holding it up for the group to see.

"Who on Earth needs that many zipped pockets?" Jin asks.

"The mother he stole that diaper bag from," Yoongi says, making them laugh.

"Yah! I thought this bag was fashionable," Joon defends.

"Fashionable, but not very practical," Luna says, plucking his passport from his hand when he attempts to put it back in his bag.

"I'll hold on to it," she says, sliding it in her bag with hers.

The drive to the airport was quiet as everyone was still a bit sleepy or immersed in other tasks—the latter being Joon reading a book, a small book light hanging off the brim of his hat. Luna snapped a picture, thinking it was absolutely adorable and he gives her a dimples grin from his seat across from her.

They make it to the airport and the driver takes a longer route, entering the area that held all the private jets and hangars. He stops and security opens their doors for them, escorting them out.

"Was there some sort of mixup? I thought we were flying first class," Joon says, grabbing his phone.

"No, we're in the right place. We're flying private...onthejetiboughtyesterday," Luna says, rushing the last part.

"W-excuse me what?" Joon asks, blinking slowly.

"Did you just say you bought a jet yesterday? As in purchased the whole thing?" Tae asks and she nods.

"Surprise!" she says widening her arms and doing spirit fingers.

"I thought I had crazy spending habits," Hobi says, making her laugh as security led them to her jet.

"Oh lighten up guys. I already owned a jet. In fact, I sold mine to Bighit. Your tour manager was looking into funding for one and Adora and Lola overheard him. Lola knows that I had been wanting to sell mine and upgrade, so she contacted me. I sold mine and put the money towards this one, so I paid less than half out of pocket and it's loaded," she says excitedly.

"Well, if you like it, I love it. As long as you're happy, who are we to tell you how to spend your money?" Yoongi says, slinging his arm over her shoulder.

"Especially when we get to benefit from it. I'm excited to see what's inside," Jin says, making her laugh.

They make it to the jet and the pilot she hired, Samantha, and her daughter, Sarah were waiting for them outside of it.

"Hey guys!" she greets, hugging them both.

She and Samantha went way back. She flew a lot of her private fights back in the day when she was still renting private jets and her daughter was a stewardess, so she'd hired them together. They were trustworthy, reliable, and most of all pleasant people. They all exchange pleasantries and Luna takes a few pictures outside her new jet before they board.

"She's a real beauty. She runs great and I've never flown something so luxurious. You're definitely going to enjoy your flights more," Sam says and Sarah agrees.

"Thank you for showing up on such short notice Sam. You guys always come through.

They take a little tour of the jet before takeoff, marveling at the bedroom in the back that was big enough for a whole king sized bedroom set as well as a closet. There was also a full bathroom consisting of a sink, toilet, shower, and towel closet.

It seated 12 and all the seats were able to be let back into beds. There were pop out trays and TVs in the headrests as well as on the wall at the front of the passengers' cabin. There was even a section that resembled a living room complete with couches and tables to dine on. There was another cabin in front of that one that held 4 seats and a couch, comfortable enough for security as well as airline workers. The kitchenette as well as a smaller bathroom was right in front of that  cabin; and lastly, the pilots cockpit.

"This is a whole house. I didn't even know they put all this on jets," Joon says, looking around in amazement.

"I didn't either until after I bought my first jet. It was an impulse buy and I realized afterwards that there were so many more amenities I could've chosen. At the time, I was just fed up with my flight info being leaked so I started flying private and my record label made me pay for my own flights. I figured with the thousands I was spending per flight, I could just buy a jet and hire my own staff, so I did. I've been wanting to upgrade since then," she says, taking her seat and buckling her seatbelt for takeoff.

"There's no way the breakfast on this plane is gonna suck," Tae says, making them laugh.

"Not when your stewardess is also a chef," she grins, making him gasp, the box of granola bars clutched against his chest.

He hurriedly puts them away in his bag, not wanting to offend Sarah. This is about to be the best flight ever.

A/N: Luna on her rich bitch shit as usual 💁🏾‍♀️

Jk got Chae-Yeong's ass together. Do you think she has something up her sleeves or that she'll play innocent for a while? Hmm...

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