The 'Monster' Super-Battleship

By MadMonsterBBB

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In an alternate history, USS Montana was built in 1941 and served throughout WW2 fighting in major battles in... More

USS Montana Bio
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8.5
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
A Bloody Christmas Special
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Special Chapter Preview

Chapter 11

4.4K 49 14
By MadMonsterBBB

Montana heads to the cafeteria to take his breakfast before remembering that he has a video from a fan for his overall career before the aliens. He decides to have his breakfast inside his ship where he takes out his tab and watches the video while listening to the music in his headphones. 

(This's the part where I narrated his past to now while following the music)

The video starts with Montana onboard his ship surrounded by mist as he stares blindly into it with his rifle on his chin between his hands. The wind was howling lightly for Montana's liking before closing his eyes and letting a sigh, he then orders his ship to go full speed, driving straight into the mist for some time before the mist begins to fade and light to show in front of him and glows brighter before disappearing and presents him a glimpse of the Azur Lane girls playing at  Pearl Harbor after he successfully repelled the Japanese surprise attack. The mist rolls in and changes the scene to Midway and Santa Cruz respectively, where he suffered his first two losses, Yorktown and Hornet, leaving Enterprise the sole survivor of the Yorktown Class. The mist continues to change scenes, remembering his best moments and victories and mourning the loss of other ships under his command, including his one stand against the numerical superiority of the Japanese fleet destined to ambush the Marines. At WW2's end, Montana lost about 10 ships under his command, most of them were from Taffy 3 which he hadn't known much about them, but he knew they were tough and were born fighters. They were the ones that give him the information about the Japs' ambush plans.

Montana's first fleet Admiral was in love with the sister of one of Enterprise's fighter pilots. They first met during their school days and their relationships grew during the war. However, he will soon suffer more losses during peacetime. In 1948, Montana's first fleet Admiral married his sister, but 10 years later, just as they get their first baby girl, his wife died and at the same time, The Grey Ghost was sent to the scrapyard where her parts will be used for CVN-65. From 1958 to 1966, most of the ships he knows and respects were either being nuked or scraped, most notably the Cleveland class with the USS Little Rock (CL-92) as the only survivor of the class and the Essex class leaving CV-10, CV-11, CV-12, and CV-16 as the survivors. 

Despite these horrors, He managed to get through the trauma as he continued his career, thanks to the Iowas, Midway, Little Enty (CVN-65), and some of the surviving ships of the Second World War sailing right behind him. Enty asks him for a lift, which he obliges with a smile before looking at the sunset in front of them as they cruise along the Pacific Ocean. However, even with their help, he still feels sad.

Narrator: Montana was a fighting legend that risked his life saving many lives as they were like family members to him but every time he looked at his loved ones still alive, he still see the faces of the deceased ones. To this day, his depression never left his mind.

(Ends here)

However, because he's way inside of his emotions, he wasn't aware that Enterprise was inside his ship, looking for him after she woke up from her sleep. When she found him inside his room, she decide to join in the video and watched it all the way. Now she has a clear understanding of his past when she saw Montana shedding a tear before he speaks ...

Montana: Over and over again, I stood by in place while people I loved suffered and died in front of me. I watched families be destroyed and said nothing, did nothing to even calm those who had lost her sister. The blood of their crew is on my shoulders again, and again. I have stood by and watched these tragedies happen. I was so lost in my mind about the war and my enemies that was unable to care enough to try and prevent them. Am I not allowed to have a happy life?  Am I just here to see the other's happiness while I'm just filled with every negative feeling I know? Am I just a burden to the-

Enterprise can't take it and hugs him immediately, cutting him off.

Enterprise: Stop. Please...don't finish that. 

Montana: *surprised* E-Enty?

Enterprise: Montana... *looks at him with tears on her cheeks* what happened during that time it wasn't your fault. When I first met you, you have this feeling that you always sacrifice yourself to save those you care about the most, even me. I thought my past was horrible when I failed to protect Yorktown at Santa Cruz, but when I found out about your past, especially about what happened to your commander's wife and me, I feel like you lost the will to care anymore. I don't want that, I was afraid, afraid of the ocean, afraid of losing my friends, afraid of losing... you.

Montana just sat there in disbelief, the Hero ship of WW2 having fear not only about the ocean but the fear of losing him as well.

Enterprise: You're everything to me Montana when I feel next to you all the fear goes away. I want to help you, rebuild your life again, and make you happy. I love you. So... *starts to cry* ...P-please... DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE! *cries hard*

Montana is startled by her meltdown and can't do anything except hug her. He was not expecting this at all and feels bad that he accidentally let her watch his entire past from the Second World War and way back when he explain the alien invasion.

Montana's thoughts: Dammnit. Why did I let her suffer all of my pain? I'm such an idiot, now I have a big problem to deal with... But, the only reason why I'm still alive is because of my love and care for the girls I know and respect. This' my only chance to rebuild my life and have a better future for me and my girls, especially for Enty, and I'd rather not waste this chance.

Montana: Enty... I'm... so sorry.

Enterprise: It's okay, I know I shouldn't have watched that, but seeing you froze when you were about to kill Akagi makes me feel like I broke you, I'm sorry. Can you promise to stay with me and never let go?

Montana is now in a dilemma, he knows she wants to help you move on but promises are always hard to keep. He remembers a conversation between Sans and Frisk at the MTT Resort.

Sans: Now I hate making promises, and this woman, I don't even know her name. However, someone who sincerely likes bad jokes...

Montana: (Has the integrity you can't say 'no' to) I promise.

Enterprise: *Hugs him tighter* Can we stay like this for a while?

Montana doesn't hesitate

Montana: Anything for you, dear. *smiles*

Enterprise blushes a little when he said dear but she's happier than ever as she hugs his warm body, sobbing a little.

Enterprise: Your body is so warm

Montana: Like a pillow, right?

Enterprise blushes hard on that one

Montana: *chuckles then sigh* I'm just glad to have you in my arms, Enty.

Enterprise: Same here, I love you.

Montana: I love you, too.

That was the day their bond started to form. Then he remembers something, now that he has Sans and Gaster's powers he wanted to try something he had never done before.

Montana: Enterprise?

Enterprise: What is it?

Montana: Come with me.

Enterprise: Okay.

The two shiphumans head off the ship and head for the infirmary to see Vestal

Montana: Vestal?

Vestal: Yes Montana?

Montana: Where's Yorktown?

Vestal: Follow me

Enterprise: What are you doing?

Montana: You'll see.

They soon meet CV-5 USS Yorktown still in a coma.

Montana: *deep breaths* Hope this works.

Enterprise: What do you mean?

Montana closes his eyes as he snaps his left finger and outcomes a Blue Wisdom Cube while hovering his right hand above her chest and outcomes her soul completely hollow. He reopens his eyelids to reveal green lights inside his sockets as he combines the green aura and light blue aura from the cube and transfers them into her soul, filling it, which puts them in a state of shock, is he healing her? A few seconds later her soul emits a bright light, blinding their eyes for a while. When they regain eyesight, they saw her soul full and then...

Yorktown: *groans and looks up* S-sis?

Enterprise: *surprised* Y-Yorktown?

Montana: *surprised* It-it worked...

Yorktown: *gets up* Enterprise?

Enterprise: *tears of joy* Y-Yorktown?

Montana: It actually worked! *Laughs*

Enterprise immediately hugs Yorktown as she cries in joy for finally seeing her back in good shape, Yorktown soon hugs her back crying a little, Hornet, who was confused with the sudden celebration went to the infirmary only to see Yorktown awakened from her long coma. With tears in her eyes, she joined in the hug.

Hornet: Yorktown! You're ok!

Yorktown: Yes I am, sorry for making you two worry.

Enterprise: It's alright. You're okay now, that's all that matters *releases her and hugs Montana* Thank you very much!

Montana: *chuckles and hugs her back* Anytime Enty.

Yorktown: A boy? Enterprise?

Enterprise: Oh, that's right, this is Super Battleship USS Montana (BB-67), he was the one who healed you

Montana: Greetings, Fighting Lady.

Yorktown: You know me?

Montana: I'll explain

One Long Explanation later

Yorktown: I see, thank you Montana

Montana: Anytime Yorktown, Imma go leave you three, some time alone for your reunion.

Enterprise: Ok, thanks again, Monty. *winks and giggles*

Montana: *chuckles* Anytime, Enty.

Montana soon leaves the infirmary and takes a deep breath before saying.

Montana: I gotta say, this' one grateful day to remember.

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