Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)

By Aabicus

124K 4.7K 902

After a gruesome death by her parents. Eliana Rose once again knows she is to be reincarnated into her 27th l... More

Chapter 1: So I died.... again
Chapter 2: The void + New world
Chapter 3: New world
Chapter 4: So the plot begins...
Chapter 5: Hello little crow
Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!
Chapter 7: Sexy Stranger
Chapter 8: Dinner party day
Her house-
her house- part 2
her house- part 3
Chapter 9: Founders day
Chapter 10: Founders day-part 2
Chapter 12: Slater, Rose and Trevor
Encounter with a creep - snippet and soulmate poll.
Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)
Chapter 13: So much shit in one chap
A/N + poll (/▽\)
Chapter 14: pain, pain and more Pain
Chapter 15: Katherine MY LOVE
Chapter 16: More Katherine talk
Chapter 17: Even MORE Katherine
Chapter 18: Carnival creeps
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Kidnapping?
Chapter 21: Hello Elijah
Chapter 22: Mr Easter Bunny
Chapter 23: Oh nO I hOpE I doNT faaaaAAL!
Chapter 24: Mutts
Chapter 25: Love?
Chapter 26: Can I just Die?
Chapter 27: Betrayal????
Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus
Chapter 29: Rebekah (Short chap)
Chapter 30: Wakey wakey
Choose a dress
Chapter 31: Cinderella Fetish (pt 1)
Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)
Chapter 33: Mates? MATES!
Chapter 34: Is this a Fanfic?

Chapter 11: Lets get some shit done.

2.9K 157 18
By Aabicus

heyya guys, 

sorry for the slow updates, between  exams and stuff, life's been hard lol. Plus my creativity is just dead this week.

Also. . . . . the chapters may be a tiiiiiinnnyy bit shorter. . . . . . deal with it.

luv ya. and enjoy lol.

(also this chapter doesn't have anything from the main plot, this is just Val befriending ghosts an stuff)




Val pov

After the founder's party, I had headed home. walking inside my room and plunking down onto my bed after saying goodnight to gram. Sleep overtaking me. 


My eyes flutter open and I slowly groan, sitting up. I was sitting on an open grassy field, wearing a white flowy dress and flowers plated into my hair. standing up, I walk towards a distant figure, turned away from me, a woman.

her slightly curly blonde hair flowing out, but she seemed like she was in her 30-50s. 

Sensing my presence, she turns around. I freeze.


She smiles pleasantly at me, before walking up to me. "hello child"  her voice was like silk, Elegance radiated off her. 

I stutter, unable to find my words.

"h-hello miss", regaining my posture I smile back at her.

"it seems, that fate wanted us  to meet dear. Come", she holds her hand out to me gesturing me to sit sown beside her on the grass. I smile at her before sitting down next to her, looking out onto the grassy opening. 

Then it clicked.

I can talk her out of it!

"yes miss, seems we are fated to meet. Strangely right after I got the vision", she looks at me intrigued.

"and what did you see?" her voice was gentle and motherly, I internally scoff.

some mother

I smile, absentmindedly and begin to talk. This could go very right. . . . or very wrong.

"A vision, along with flooding memories of other dimensions. Supernatural creatures, witches and vampires. A voice spoke to me, like mother nature herself. she told me of the original vampires, the mother and father, their future as they are to be hurt by the witch called Esther,  their own mother" I turn to her, she looks stunned, her mouth hanging slightly open. 

I continue. "I was told to stop her, instead, re-join them, make a happy family. for what Esther did for her children, saved this world."

Regaining her composure, she looks at me, before asking. "how so?"

"the other worlds, without supernatural, and vampires included, turned out awful. with humans at the top of the food chain, they use, destroy and hurt nature. Animals species die, air and water, polluted to the brim." I pause. then continue on. "vampires are like pest control, keeping populations in check, but not killing off too many. they are one with nature now, and if they weren't meant to be. the originals would have never survived the turn into vampires. Nature wouldn't have allowed it, They have a natural enemy, werewolves who keep them in check.

Sure there are bad vampires, but there are plenty good. Just as there are humans bad and good. Vampires may sometimes kill humans, but so do humans. Sure they drink blood, but humans eat animals. Sure some may kill and torment others, but witches are no different, apart from the fact they are servants of nature. witches kill too, sometimes more than vampires. In the end, we are all the same. Most are prejudice against all vampires, but they just don't see," I sigh and turn to look at her.

smiling I ask. "what do you think?"

She is speechless for a moment, before her eyes soften, and tears form in her eyes. She smiles at me. Before bringing me into a hug. "I . . . agree child. . . . . . Thankyou" I smile at her. hearing the distant noise of my ringing alarm bell.

I jolt awake.


waking up, I sit up, smiling to myself. I have visit the witch house, maybe talk to Emily. but that's the problem. I don't know where it is.


jumping off bed, and changing, I run downstairs with my bag.

her outfit - hair however you decide





At door of Bonnie's house, I knock  little melody. A few seconds later, Sheila opens the door with a smile. 

"hello sweetheart. need something?" Sheila smiles.

"hey grams, oh here's cake by the way", handing her a box of chocolate cake I made before arriving.

"OH MY GOD, thankyou, you're such an angel sweetheart. now what is this bribe for? did you want to practise you're magic again?" she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I Gasp dramatically, pretending to be offended.

"How could you presume that gram! the cake is because I love you. . . . . . but yes, could you tell me where the witch burial grounds are? I need to talk to Emily. and please don't ask," I look at her hopefully.

starring at me for a while, she groans.

"God child, I have learnt not to question you anymore. Those puppy-eyes are literally going to be the end of me."





And like that, I stood in front of the witch burial ground, carefully walking in.

God this place is creepy 

As I walk in, I set the bag down. I had revised a spell witch allowed me to talk to the spirits who sat here. Taking out my knife cut my wrist and pour the blood into a bowl, beginning to chant in Latin. 

" deus meus in te speravi conlitebor tibi domine in toto corde meo quem ad modum cervus ad fantes aquarum. Ouver! Chameron! Aliseon! Mandousin! Premy! Oriet! Mayorus! Esmony! Estiot! Dumosson! Danochar! Casmiel! Sadirno! Eparinesant! domine meus" 

I breath as the wind picks up around me. slowly opening my eyes to see a smiling Emily seated in front of me. 

my breath hitched in my throat.

damn, she's pretty

"wow, you're pretty" I look at her in awe.

Smiling, she returns the gaze. "hello child. we have been watching you fated one. Esther tells us what you said to her." she looks at me with a raised eyebrow. I pretend to not know that the woman in my dream was Esther.

"that was Esther?"

Emily simply nods her head in understanding.

"yes child. your words seem to have hit deep for most of the witches, and since you're soul is not from this universe, we trust you're word. what would you like dear?"

"well I was thinking that you witches would allow me to move in with you?, we can renovate the place. Put in a proper shrine for you guys. oooohhh I know! I could move my mansion here! . . . . if you witches would allow it that is." I look at her hopefully. she sighs, suddenly causing 100 other bennet ghosts to pop up around us, the whole lot quivering with excitement. Ayanna speaking up, almost squealing like a teenager.

"yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!!" "you can move you mansion here, AND you have to build us a shrine!"

I squeal. quickly drinking a potion that allowed me to keep seeing ghosts when I wanted. 

The spell was an easy one, it just means I simply move my mansion to the exact location of the witch house. 

the rest of the day was amazing. mansion was once again cloaked and I built a beautiful shrine for the witches. 

The bennet's and I gossiped and watched movies and they also made sure to put protection spells on me because it seems I'm their new bestie.

we literally have a photo frame with a group selfie that I spelled, saying besties4life.

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