I Thought You Loved Me!?

By Problem_Child_1

5.4K 80 21

⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️ this story contains: self harm abuse neglect maybe more if you are triggered by an... More

chapter 1 (edited)
chapter 3 (edited)
chapter 4 (edited)
Chapter 5 (edited)
Chapter 6 (edited)
Chapter 7 (edited)
chapter 8 (edited)
chapter 9(edited)
thank you so much

chapter 2 (edited)

749 13 1
By Problem_Child_1

The next day,Deku woke up in the recovery girl's office and wasn't too surprised as his mom is a nurse and probably had to work the night shift. Recovery girl had cleared him to go to class. All Might was just given a Stern lecture from Recovery girl. With that he went on his way to get ready for class. Recovery girl got him another uniform and let him use the showers there. After he was ready he then went and got to hang out with his friends for a bit before class started.

Aizawa then walked in. And started the lesson. The day went by like usual except he had to sit out during training after yesterday. He got sent to the nurse to sleep during training.

After school, Deku and all might train again as per usual. When Deku got home and his mom was told what had happened and got punished for "acting out" in class. Since no one knows All Might's his step dad except Momo and Bakugou, all Might was still able to go back home to see him and he got in even more trouble. All might pretty much got away with what happened since he is the number one hero and all. Once his parents were done lecturing him his mom had to go to work and All Might had to finish patrolling. Once they left he went to his room and that's when things got bad.

⚠️ SH ⚠️

He was just trying to relax when the thoughts started to kick in and take over. When he was lost in his thoughts he lost control. It felt like he was drowning in his thoughts and he couldn't pull himself out. He decides to leave his room feeling extremely empty and went to the bathroom. When he goes to the bathroom he sees his razor picks it up and cuts deep lines right next to the ones before. He had so many scars running up and down his arms he wanted to end it right then and there and hopped in the shower and then went to bed.

⚠️ SH OVER ⚠️

The next morning he woke up and changed his clothes and went to school leaving his room as quiet as possible as he was trying not to get caught by All Might so he wouldn't be trained before school. Luck was in his favor as All Might was sound asleep in his bed.

"Hey kacchan, Momo" Deku greeted when he got to school and saw his two best friends. It may not have been cheerful but they both know what he's going through so they knew he meant the best.

"Hey nerd, " Bakugou said, being the normal angry man he is but if you pay really close attention you can hear the love in his voice for his best friend. In a platonic way.

"I'm not ready for the long weekend." Deku said seriously, seemingly nervous as he didn't want to be at his house longer than he needed to be.He started once again avoiding eye contact and stared at his bright red shoes fidgeting with his hands nervously.

"yeah I bet if anything happens call me okay?" Bakugou says wanting to help his friends the best he can.Hr also knows his mother had wanted to have Deku over for years. He hasn't been over since middle school.

"All right, I will do." Deku says with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He also knew he wouldn't unless he absolutely needed to call him. Not wanting to bother his friend with his problems as he knew it would cause more issues as he is already a burden as it was.

"Think on the bright side, maybe you'll get to sleep in," Momo said, trying to lighten the mood a little bit.As she didn't like seeing her best friend upset.

"Hopefully" Deku says simply not really knowing what to say.All in all not really feeling like talking.

"Class starts soon, let's head to our seats" Bakugou says not wanting them to get in trouble. They head to their seats and Aizawa comes in shortly after.

"Okay class even though there's a long weekend you still have homework pages 30 to 32 even." Aizawa assigned and they worked problems on the board and nothing exciting really happened. It was a pretty boring type of day.

After school, all Might didn't come home to train Deku so Deku just walked home. He played his music in his ear buds and was pretty calm the whole way home

Once he got home

"Do you have a report card?" Inko asks as soon as he walks in the door as she is about to leave for a work shift.

"n-no I h-have homework though" Was the reply Deku gave without looking her in the eyes.

"Well you better do it right" Inko says while she's putting on her shoes.

"O-okay" Deku stuttered, getting really anxious from the way she was talking.

"NOW GO!" Inko yelled and walked out the door slamming it closed. With that deku hurry to the kitchen sat at the table and did his homework. Once he finished he went to his room.

⚠️ SH ⚠️

Deku was in this room when the intrusive thoughts started again. He took his razor and cut five more times he was going to cut again when he heard a knock on the door.

Deku hurries up and bandage his wrist (poorly) and open the door to see Aizawa and all might. You could tell that there was tension between all three of them.Deku could tell just by looking at All Might that he Definitely wasn't happy about being there but, to anyone else he looked fine.

⚠️ SH OVER ⚠️

"h-hey Mr.Aizawa hi all might what can I do for you?" Deku asks not quite sure why they were here but hoping he wasn't in trouble.He could tell just by the look on All Might's face he took too long answering the door and he was gonna get it later.

"We are here to talk to you and your mom" Aizawa states bluntly, not wanting to be there anymore as he could sense something bad was about to happen.

"Well she's actually at work right now, I'm sorry" He says sincerely, bowing in front of them.

"It's alright, problem child, we can just video call her and tell her and you what we need to say" Aizawa responded being led into the house as this was happening he noticed how messy the house was. Trash seemed to litter every surface of the house.

"Well why don't you guys have a seat on the couch? Sorry the house is a mess. I didn't know you guys were going to be coming around." Deku says as he guides them further into the house over to where the couch was. As they sat down Deku disappeared into his room and came back, set his computer on the couch next to the two heros and cleared off the coffee table so he had room to set up his computer. Inko then answered almost immediately looking quite frustrated and in the background you can see the hospital walls.

"what Do you need?" Inko asked, sounding annoyed her face changed in disgust and annoyance as she had just seen this brat and didn't want to deal with him anymore then she already had too. Then looking up she saw the two Heroes who were in the room and her face changed to the fake loving facade she put up in front of people.

"We are gonna move the kids into dorms. With all the villain attacks we want to keep the kids safe but we need all of the parents permission before we move the kids in." Aizawa says getting straight to the point not liking the energy of the room. He had a bad feeling like something was off.

"Fine I'll let him stay but you need to keep me updated on your grades and better be working and not slacking off." Inko says, still keeping up the face loving facade. She was talking to Deku there at the end, sounding joking but Deku knew she was being completely serious.

"O-ok mom" Izuku says plainly and with that the heroes left Inko was still on the call as she had some words to give to Deku.

"Is that all you needed sir? If so, I would like to talk to my son on my own." Inko said looking at the Heros with a smile that looked innocent but to All Might and Deku they knew he was about to get a tongue lashing.

"I expect you to be on your best behavior and have the best grades ever since you're going to be living at the school anyway! you have to listen and if I find out you're failing or not giving your all You will be in trouble! if I say to come home you need to come home immediately and if you don't when you come home you will be in huge trouble! So you better listen unless you want to be grounded and all you will do is train with yagi, do you understand?!" Inko says very seriously, her face getting red with anger and her eyebrows furrowing together with anger. Inko was getting very angry with the whole situation and taking it out on her son. She was angry because now she can't see him everyday. Usually that would seem cute but in reality she can't control and manipulate him twenty-four seven like she always does. Her way of getting stress out is leaving her.

":y-yes ma'am" Deku responded, stuttering because he was anxious his mother was going to do something even though he isn't even here.He did not say anything else as he didn't want to anger her anymore. He was afraid that she would come home if he said anymore. He waited for his mom to yell at him for giving a verbal response instead of a nod.

"Go pack. I expect you to be ready by tomorrow morning." Inko responds harshly and hangs up getting back to work leaving no room for Deku to respond. With the call ending he got up from his spot on the couch and went to the bathroom and fully cleans his cuts. After he starts packing; he doesn't pack any of his All Might merch for obvious reasons. He got done packing at 2 AM so he finally laid down on his bed and went to bed. He had been woken up early by his mom knocking on his door waking him up. When he had gone down stairs to get breakfast and start getting ready he noticed that For some reason she seemed like she was in a really good mood. That's when he realized that it was probably because she had to be around other people and needed to seem like a good mother. Deku told his mom he could carry his stuff by himself and told her not to worry about it. So she didn't and let Deku do all of the work by himself. So Deku leaves to go set up his dorm room. It surprisingly Didn't take very long to set up. After he set up, he started studying but didn't understand anything. Because of this he was getting frustrated so frustrated he started to cry. This definitely didn't help his mental state at all. Bakugou was walking by the dorms and heard him crying and knocked on his door to make sure he was okay.

"Y-yeah" Deku responded to the knock on his door wiping his tears and trying to sound normal as he's supposed to be strong and not cry.He doesn't want to be called a cry baby anymore even though he is one.

" It's me Bakugou, can I come in?" Bakugo asked,concerned although you couldn't hear it in his voice; he just sounded angry but if you know Bakugou well then you would be able to hear the difference in the voice.

"Sure" Deku responded, his voice shaking so he didn't really want to talk. He then got up slowly and opened the door letting Bakugou in. His face was still red from crying so he kept his head down at his feet hoping Bakugou wouldn't notice.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou asks to get straight to the point without wasting any time or stalling. He could see the tear stains and his red eyes even if Deku had his head down.

"What do you mean?" Deku asks, nervous and confused not knowing he heard him crying. And not wanting him to call him a baby.

"I heard you're crying, I just want to make sure you're okay nerd" Bakugou states bluntly, starting to get concerned. He knew Deku wasn't gonna talk easily but he knew what he heard and just wanted to check up on the poor boy. He slowly made his way into his room.

"I was just frustrated," Deku says, mumbling a little but it was loud enough for Bakugou to hear. To Bakugou it sounded like he was ashamed he had been crying but he needs to learn that you can cry when you need to.

"with what?" Bakugou asks, seemingly more interested as when he himself gets frustrated he blows stuff up. He doesn't cry but everyone expresses their emotions differently and he guesses this is just how Deku is when he's frustrated.

"School" Deku says bluntly, slightly glaring at the paper on his bed where it looked like he was trying to do homework. When Bakugou looked over to where Deku was looking on his bed he found the homework then noticed all of his All Might merch wasn't there. His other hero merch is but not All Might. Although it makes sense.

"I bet me and ponytail could help but first let's get your mind off of it and head downstairs." Bakugou reassures him with a very slight smile on his face. He the guids Deku out of his dorm and locks the door behind him. And they head down the stairs of the dorms to go to the common room where most of 1-A was hanging out.

"What are we g-gonna do?" Deku asks, stuttering as he is scared of all the people in the room. Specifically because the old Deku-squad is still in here. As they were standing there talking Momo sees them and comes over to talk to them. She could tell something was wrong as Deku was extra fidgety and still had tear stains and puffy red eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" Momo asks, her brows furrowed with confusion and concern.

"I need help studying," Deku says bluntly, looking at the floor. not wanting to be on the topic anymore he was starting to get frustrated just by the amount of times he has had to explain this story.

"Okay I can help" Momo says getting the message that he doesn't want to talk. She moves a little closer and runs her hands across his face. He flinched slightly but soon moved into the touch.

"Later he needs a break," Bakugou said, speaking directly to Momo as Deku was being engulfed into a hug by Momo and she was taking care of his face and eyes.

"okay well kiri wants to play just dance you up for it?" Momo asks, looking down at deku as he had moved out of her arms and am now looking up into her eyes.

"yeah I'm down" Deku says looking up to her his face looking a lot more happy then it was his mood doing a full 180.

"He feels bad for not talking to you" Momo explains seeing that no one was talking to Midoriya over some rumors that Monama started and Kiri just didn't know what to believe and at least she knew this was his way of apologizing.

"he should" Bakugou grumbled, his frown growing and he looked like a grumpy angry man.

"I think some other people are joining" Momo warns letting Deku know that it wasn't just Kiri that was going to be there she knows it was better to warn him now then later.

"O-okay" Deku said, stuttering out of nervousness as he knew there were probably going to be quite a bit of people there.

"Hey we can always leave if you want and we don't even have to go" Momo said, picking up how uncomfortable Deku was feeling and how he seemed to be anxiously picking at his fingers.

"No No it's okay I wanna play with Kiri" Deku said looking over at Kiri who caught him in the act and smiled at him and waved. So Deku smiled back at him.

So they made their way over to where Kiri was and started a small conversation. Kiri ended up apologizing and told him that if anyone hurt him he would have his back. In the end there ended up being Bakugou, Momo, Deku, Kiri, Mina, Denki, Sero, Jirou, and the old deku squad. When Uraka spotted Them and marched on over.

"Can we talk to Deku alone please?" Uraraka interrupted their conversation, not even caring.

"S-sure" Deku said nervously but just followed Uraraka half getting dragged away. Bakugou and Momo watched in concern but just let it be and trusted he would be fine. Uraraka had dragged Deku to the kitchen where the rest of the Deku squad was.

"you aren't welcome here in UA so you definitely aren't welcome in the Deku Squad anymore" Uraraka said looking extremely angry for no reason her face looked like she wanted to kill him.

" and it's not the Dekusqaud it's the ura squad now *kero*" Tsu added to what Uraraka said. Her face looked just as angry and they both got real close to him when saying these things.

"You need to stay away from this group or your not going to like what happens next you got that?" Uraraka said quietly now right in front of deku as she held her fist up menacingly like she was about to punch him. When she didn't get a response she grabbed him by the top of his shirt and pinned him against the wall.

" You Got That?" She said a bit louder and alot more threateningly trying to get the point across when she got a shaky nod from Deku she dropped him and he fell to the ground as they walked out. He just sat on the ground trying to figure out what had happened before he calmed down.

He pulled himself up off the ground hyperventilating a little bit and walked over to Bakugou and gave him a hug as he started to cry and his breathing picked up even more thinking everything they said was true. He really didn't deserve to be in UA. Heck he didn't even deserve to live and no one needed him. He should have taken Bakugou's advice in middle school. Bakugou looks down to see Deku shaking and could feel the wetness of his tears on his shoulder.

"hey nerd what's wrong?" Bakgou asks in concern as he slowly runs his hands up and down the young boy's back whose shoulders are still shaking and tears are falling landing on Bakugou's shirt.

Deku just shook his head not wanting to bother him with his problems overthinking everything now his voice getting caught in his throat and his breathing picking up once again.

" hey hey calm down you're alright no ones gonna hurt you, you wanna talk about it?" Bakugou says very out of character as he noticed the younger ones breathing pick up and felt him hyperventilating.

Deku shakes his head once again and clings onto bakugou even harder but moves so you could see his face

"would you like to watch a movie instead? '' Kiri says, trying desperately to make things better and make the poor greenette feel better.

" yeah we could watch an all might movie" Mina said, giving out a suggestion as she saw how distraught the greenette was and moved over to him to try to provide more comfort.

Deku shakes his head really fast and starts crying even harder not wanting to think or see his step dad even more than he already has too.

" hey you're okay and safe here would you like to watch a nice Disney movie?" Bakugou said throwing out another safer suggestion and squeezed him while rubbing his back in response Deku nodded against his chest.

"okay what movie" Momo asks now moving over to the couch to get more comfortable and help set up the movie. They all agreed on watching Moana. Deku was cuddled up between Kiri and Bakugou and ended up falling asleep after he had calmed down a little bit. Jirou Momo and Jirou were cuddled up on the other side and Denki and Sero were laying on the floor in front of the couch.

"is he okay?" Kiri asked very concerned for the poor boy knowing he would never turn down an All Might movie and how he is usually super happy, But thinking back to a couple days ago at traing he understands a little bit.

"Yeah he did not seem okay earlier" Denki said in agreement from below them on the floor.

"I think he was really stressed and Uraraka said something that pushed him over the edge." Bakugou honestly said wanting the best for the bot and knew that his friend group would definitely accept him and Momo.

"I swear if they did anything " Mina said as her face was engulfed with rage as she thought about what they could have done to him.

"for now he just needs to sleep, '' Bakugou said as he slowly rubbed his head and played with his green hair.

"your right" Momo agreed knowing the boy had dark eye bags from not sleeping.

Okay i'm really trying to update chapters but for whatever reason Wattpad isn't Updating them i'm going to be moving to Ao3 soon it might take a bit and Uploads will be slow because i don't always have my computer as i share it with my siblings but hopefully i can get a chapter out on friday on there but i've also started band and cheer practices and as i am new to band the practices are longer.

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