//Punishing Gray Raven\\

By KochoTurin

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My First PGR fanfic The Punishing Virus has managed to destroy most of Mankind durings its first eruption in... More

Chapter 1 : Commandant Raiden
Chapter 3 : Skoll And Hati
Chapter 4 : Vast
Chapter 4.5 : White Red And Gray
Chapter 5 : Crimson Abyss
Chapter 6 : Babylonia
Chapter 7 : Frozen Darkness
Chapter 8 : Cyberangel
Chapter 9 : Arts Sand
Christmas Special
Chapter 10 : Strike Of The Hawk
Chapter 11 : Golden Star
Author Note
Chapter 12 : Roseleaf
Chapter 13 : Fallen Stars
Chapter 14 : Eternal Engine
Chapter 15 : The Nighter
Chater 16 : Ouroboros
Chapter 17 : Kowloong
Chapter 18 : Vermillion
Chapter 19 : Lucia
EX Chapter 20 : Ocean Tides
EX Chapter 21 : Venus Vacation
Ex Chapter 22 : Firn
EX Chapter 23 : Firm Grasp
Ex Chapter 24 : Qu
Ex Chapter 25 : Luna
Chapter 26 - Ascension
Chapter 27 - La Luna Sangre
Chapter 28 : Frontiers
Chapter 28.5 : Scarlet
Chapter 29 : Gateway to Sight
Chapter 30 : Imprisoned
Chapter 31 : Mother
Chapter 32 : Previous Era
Chapter 33 : Rising

Chapter 2 : Field Test Completed

2.8K 60 43
By KochoTurin




We Continue our treak towards our Commandant and His Squad the Gray Ravens almost night... They managed to secure themselves an enclosed area where the Corrupted was dealt with just moments ago...But first they needed to make sure that the Area is Safe

Lee and Lucia opted to survey and deal with any corrupted around a mile radius... To which Liv and Raiden agreed too even tho... Raiden knew something was up
Shows Liv and Raiden walking the stairs and getting a birds eye view of there surroundings...

Liv continued to glance on the person she is currently following feeling wary and not trusting him fully. Nothing was said during the whole walk as Raiden was more focused on getting to higher ground


Once they reached the Very rooftop and no Corrupted appeared. Raiden walked to the edge of the building and layed down like a sniper would

Liv was confused yet intrigued at the same time at what her Commandant is doing


Liv questioned

Raiden looked back at Liv while pulling a pen and a small book

Raiden:"What is it Liv?"

Liv:"Why aren't you sitting instead? Why lay on the ground?"

Raiden seemed confused by Liv's question and answered

Raiden:"Well just some Commandant things... I wanna try and get the feeling of the area you know? It's comfortable laying down"

Liv nodded with sudden glee and immediately lied down like Raiden

Raiden then began looking at the destroyed landscape and then began drawing on the small book

Liv watches with genuine curiousity and amazement and pays every single detail her Commandant draws and then looking back from the buildings to the drawings

Several Minutes later
Night time

After what happened Raiden and Liv decided to contact Lucia and Lee of the investigation and there corrupted killings

Liv:"[Liv to Lucia and Lee, Please Respond]"

Lucia:"[Affirmative...What happened Liv?]"

Liv:"[Is everything alright on your line?]"

Lee:"[Affirmative, Nearby Corrupted has been dealt with. Moving out and regrouping with you and Commandant]"

Liv:"[Affirmative. Liv out]"


Shows Liv and Raiden still walking down the stairs of the rundown building

Liv:"Commandant were regrouping and I've got there coordinates"

Liv informs her Commandant who nodded in return as they both continued descending down the stairs

Liv couldn't help but glance at her Commandant... To her something about Him feels strange, His always composed and his words are always truth... She couldn't poke her finger on it... She even tried searching her Commandants name on the database but it was highly classified

Liv:"Commandant... I have a question"

She asked as they walked from the stairs and continued down the hallway

Raiden turned around and looked at Liv... He then nodded to say go ahead and ask

Liv:"Where are you from Babylonia?"

Liv asked as she steadily walked towards him in order to catch up


He looked up seemingly in thought before answering

Raiden:"Not much. but I can give you that I'm from the Slums on Babylonia the lower parts"

Liv:"I heard the living conditions there are manageable and only good"

Raiden chuckled at Liv's confused look as she looked for it on her Database

Liv:"Why did you became a Commander then Commandant?"

Raiden::"No need to be formal Liv just call me Raiden"

Liv nodded with a smile

Liv:"Okay then Raiden-sama"

Raiden:"Well... The Life was good but it wasn't really my calling in Life... Maybe my calling was in here on earth who knows?"

Liv then did a thinking pose while walking beside Raiden

Liv:"I see..."


Liv was getting used to being around Raiden and she was quite happy about that... And neither was Raiden
After there little treak Liv and Raiden regrouped with the others... Lucia and Lee are waiting for them at a rundown area inside the building

Liv:"Hi guys"

Liv greeted them the usual way

Lucia:"... Uhm... Nothing happened up there correct?"

Liv looked at Raiden and nodded

Raiden:"Surveying the Area from the high ground is norm when you have free time... Liv accompanied me"

Lee nodded and Lucia coughed a little before regaining her composure

Raiden:"How did the survey on your end?"

Lucia was about to speak when Lee interrupted her and showed there Commandant a map

Raiden:"I see that you marked out points where you have reached corrupted... Looking at the map you've exterminated them"

Lee nodded which made Raiden chuckle a bit

Raiden:"Didn't expect the corrupted to arrive here and in big numbers no less"

Lee:"Commandant... If I may"

Raiden and the other two looked at Lee with confusion

Lee:"...Can we not stand around here and find a better place because..."

He pointed upwards and the group saw it was night time


Lee:"I have a found a good place for us to settle in for the night"

Raiden nodded and Followed Lee who began walking to that direction... Lucia and Liv talked about something before following them


The Group settled around the campfire that Lee made

Nothing was spoken around the team as Raiden was more concerned of reading a small book

Lucia couldn't quite read her commandant's expression and overall personality... Also the fact that Liv was sitting right next to Raiden reading as well... Didn't help her much

Lee was quietly standing in the corner gathering his mind and thinking something

Liv decided to break the ice and asked a question to her Commandant

Liv:"Commandant does this book have an emotional attachment to you?"

Liv asked with a curious face and tone. Raiden smiled a little and coughed to get his breath out

Raiden:"An Old Man... My Master gave to me..."

Raiden answered truthfully and as if hesitating to answer it fully to which Liv took notice of

Liv:"I see... Its a heavy topic for you"

Liv said

Lucia then decided to also speak up


She says stabbing her sword onto the ground and leaning her face on its handle balancing her head straight looking to Her Commandant

Raiden:"What is it Lucia?"

Lucia:"This might sound inadequate... But... Why do you treat us Constructs like friends? Its kinda new to us since... The first one was discharged"

Raiden closed the book which earned everyone's attention... Raiden looked at Lucia and nodded... Signing he wants to know more as he sit up straight

Lucia:"Our Commandant was a nice person at first... Until he slowly showed his true colors to us on that day... He began to act... Different"

Raiden:"Go on"

Lee opened his eyes and stood behind Liv and put a hand on her shoulder... Liv on the other hand felt it and it calmed her down but she still lowered her head as she remembered what happened

Lucia:"Our Commandant... Became aggresive and his harassments reached an utmost dangerous level... He also tried to... Liv..."

Raiden glances at Liv who has her hands on her skirt while shaking... He then looked back at Lucia who had a frown and an angry face

Raiden:"Your Angry aren't you?"

Lucia returned her face to a stern one and nodded as she continued the story

Lucia:"Soon after that incident... I filed a report to the higher ups... But they couldn't outright fire him due to the fact that there aren't some new commandants who finished there training"

Raiden then grabbed Liv's hand gently and rubbed his thumb on her hand to atleast comfort her and prevent from crying... To which was successful

Liv looked at there Commandant and smiled a little... Raiden returned a simple closed eye smile before turning back to Lucia

Even tho Lee couldn't show it much... He made a little smile in a second at this turn of events...

Lucia sighed and did a small smile before continuing her Story

Lucia:"It also got to the point where not only was the Gray Ravens his target... Even the Purifying Force and Engineering Force to the Cerberus team were affected"

Raiden did a small cough to hide his suprise

Raiden:"Oh wow... It was that bad holy shit"

Raiden thought and he wondered if that guy was still alive after all that scuffle

Lucia:"Well... One it didn't go well for him... And two... He suffered multiple rib and bone breaking"

Raiden tried to hide a small laugh which which the group noticed and chuckled

Raiden:"Oh jesus..."

He said to himself as he did a sign of the cross

Raiden:"Poor soul"

He quietly said

Lucia:"But since his discharged and your here... You've made the team better Commadant... And I look forward to our missions and team performance"

Raiden nodded

Raiden:"This team won't be perfect for some time... Your image has been tainted by him so... I'll try to make your reputation high again"

Liv:"Thanks Commandant..."

Liv shyly said as Lee removed his hand on her shoulder... Lee then put a hand on the shoulder of his new Commandant

Lee:"I look forward to what happens in the future... Commandant"

The team looked at each other and nodded... Vowing to each other a sign of a new blossoming friendship... Hopefully

Raiden:"Heh thanks Guys..."

Raiden said before yawning which prompted Liv to quickly think and thought of an idea

Liv:"Here Commandant you can use my thighs as your pillow!"

She promptly said as she positioned the sleeping Commandant to her thighs before patting his head

Raiden closed his eyes... After falling asleep... Liv quietly stole the Book and began reading its contents...

Liv:"So that is what happens in The Bible huh... I didn't know Commadant was a person of faith"

Lucia:"A Bible?"

Lucia questioned as she stood up and stood near Liv leaning her face towards the book

Liv:"If i recall the Bible seems to be a collection of stories... Why would Commandant have this? Is he a person of faith?"

Lucia thinked for a second wondering about it


She said
City Ruins

The Gray Ravens and there Commandant managed to clear an Area low of Corrupted and are heading towards where the Engineering force are building a structure

When the Gray Ravens entered the area everyone's gazes turned to them and not one dared to utter a word

Lucia remained unaffected... Liv was kinda struggling to hold herself straight... Lee was the one that just closed his eyes. Meanwhile Raiden's face just remained neutral and didn't even bother with the stares

Celica:"[Well, Well, Well congrats on your mission Gray Ravens thanks to your work we managed to have a successful construction of a stronghold there]"

Raiden:"[Thanks... When are we getting picked up?]"

Celica:"[Just wait a little more]"

Raiden:"[Very well]"

Celica ended the conversation... Gray Raven moved towards one of the makeshift resting place

Liv closely followed Raiden behind and tugged his jacket which got his attention

Raiden:"What is it Liv?"

Raiden asked... Lucia turned and saw Lee surrounded by Constructs

Raiden could make out the words "Lee join our squad instead!" and "Lee come back to Kurono ops!"

Raiden sighed as Lee tried to push them off... He then began walking towards the group and they immediately turned their eyes away

Lee sighed and thanked his Commandant before walking past him and towards Lucia and Liv... Earning the ire of the group earlier

As Raiden sighed and then began walking back into his squad... Liv then shouted


An explosion occurred at Raiden's place which shocked everyone... Until someone said

???:"That's what that fucker gets for trying to touch me!"

As the female in question stabbed a cannon to the ground revealing her long hooded cloak... White hair and a pair of yellow eyes... The Hood fashioned itself like two horns going up

Construct 1:"Alright Karenina!"

Construct 2:"What a hero!"

Construct 3:"Thats what that man gets for sexual assault!"

Karenina then proudly pumped her chest with an arrogant smirk... But her proud nature would soon turn


Liv:"It shows that Commandant wasn't in that Area... Wait... There's a signature that suddenly appeared"

Lucia:"Appeared where?"

Liv then turned towards the top of the building and saw him sitting there swinging his legs looking at Karenina with a blank face

Lee blinked two times and made sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him

Lucia was dumbfounded as she had no idea how her commandant was that fast


She shouted happily... Raiden turned and did a two finger salute with a closed eyed smile

Everyone then turned to where The Gray Ravens are and saw the Commandant from earlier there

Construct 1:"Wow..."

Construct 2:"How...did he get there"

Construct 3:"Thats impossible... For a human"

Karenina then got the shock of her life as she saw the Man was fine and just looking at her with a blank face which pissed her off

Karenina:"How dare you don't die!"

Liv tried to calm Karenina down and immediately tried to defend her commandant

Liv:"Wait Karenina!"

Karenina:"Out of my Liv aren't you the one who said what that monster did to you!?"

Liv then waved her hands embarrassingly

Liv:"That's the old one!this is our new appointed Commandant!"

Liv said

Karenina stood back a little

Karenina:"... Say what now?"

Raiden then jumped down and went beside Liv

Liv:"This is our new Commandant! Commandant Raiden!"

Karenina then did a thinking pose for a while... She then processed the information she got and...

Karenina:"...Wait...new? As in NEW NEW?"

Raiden nodded and Liv also nodded which made Karenina flush her face with a beet red stain

Karenina then did a slight bow

Karenina:"Uh Ehm Uhm... I'm sorry New Commandant of Gray Ravens!"

She said

Raiden:"It's nothing... I just didn't expect you were a kill on sight type of construct"

Karenina then stood up straight again

Karenina:"Ehm Uhm... I'm sorry and ill got back to what I was doing!"

Karenina then did walked out of the area... And then the surrounding Constructs apologised and then got back to there works forgetting what just happened

Liv and Raiden shrugged and went to Lucia and Lee who were more than dumbfounded went in the Resting Place or Dorm

The Contructs then took a sit on one of the couches... Lee immediately got to the storage rack and took some stuff and then made his way to the worktable

Lucia sat on one of the couch and brandished her blade from its sheath... She then puts in on the nearby table

Liv went to the bed and layed there as she had her Levi-Guns on the table beside Lucia's table

Lucia then looked at Raiden who sat into one of the seats infront of a desk and began writing a report of there mission back to HQ

Lucia then sighed to herself and did a small smile before cleaning her blade

Raiden the spoke

Raiden:"I guess our little Field Test was a success if i say so myself"

Lee chuckled and he continued doing what he was working on

Lucia:"Yes Commandant"

Raiden then smiled as he continued writing a report
Meanwhile at Babylonia
Meeting Room

???:"I see... I must commend you Hassen. You choosed a more young but experienced Commander of the Gray Ravens"

Hassen:"its not much... The moment i looked at him training, i for certain knew he was the one"

???:"Nice deduction and on their first mission... They managed to complete it ahead of schedule"

Hassen nodded

Celica who was on one of the corners

Celica:"Heh. That's Raiden alright... He always knows and has a backup plan for everything"

Celica smiled to herself
After this

I wanna now focus and close the prologue and prelude to the main story

After 2 more chapters

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