Legacy of the Stars

By winghover

132 5 1

Imagine you had a power that could change the world forever. What will you do? Become its savior? Or its dest... More

Chapter 2: Promise
Chapter 3 : Recruitment
Chapter 4: Departure

Chapter 1: Confession

59 2 0
By winghover

The Warrior brings his exhausted, covered in blood body toward the enemies. He is alone, his army was annihilated, and his allies abandoned him. The fate of once powerful empire is rest entirely on a sole survivor of the war. Who is now like a candle try to stay alive in a storm. However, with the courage and pride of a soldier, he gives the army’s leader a cold glare. He is ready to fight a glorious battle, and die bravely. But still, he will die. The Warrior pulls out his sword from a battle ware holster and stares at his reflection. He pray to his sword with his clan’s Code of Honor “Life is my reason. Courage is my strength. Honor is my hope. Freedom is my salvation.” The Warrior stands up, look at the blue sky for one last time and run toward the army. The sun is covered by millions of arrow that rain down upon the Warrior…


The boy finally woke up from his nightmare, soaking wet with sweats. The boy’s striped pajama was soaking even though the temperature is well below freezing. His red eye glow in the dark room like a lantern. He rubbed his temple and jump down from the upper bunk bed.

“It’s the twentieth times now, what is it trying to tell me?” He looked at his clock “Crap, its 6:00 am. I’m late”

He jumped down from his upper bed and try to waked his younger twins up. Today is their last day of school.

“Ignis, Ignis. Wake up kid. We’re late!”- The boy called out his twins’s name relentlessly while putting on his uniform

“Ugh…..5 more minutes Auran…..”

“Come on man! It’s 6:00 am. We’re late”

“Hm….but I don’t wanna wake up..”- Ignis growl a bit before go back to his slumber.

“Ignis!” Auran hopelessly shake his twin’s bed, begging him to wake up. Auran gave up on his lazy twin, stood up with a grind“You left me with no other choice”

Auran grab Ignis’s pillow with his forehand and Ignis’s leg by the other, the young boy let out a devil grin before flipping his twin off the bed, literally sented him flying. Ignis, could not predict the sudden act of vendalism, hug his head and roll on the ground crying in pain even though he bearly felt the impact. The other half just laughed, Auran know his “clone” tantrum trick way too good, he just can't explain that to his parents about it. Auran put on the School's signature hat.His messy hair always got stuck in the buttons. So much so that he was once called “Bird nest”. But after today, no one will call him that anymore. He shall be freed.

“Hey bro. Will Stella come too?”- Ignis asked Auran while putting on his socks. “Today is the last day, we....no, you should go check on her.”

Auran just smiled back in answer. His best friend and secret crush Stella Cressium has always miss school events ever since elementary. Last year she even miss her scholarship date. Stella is a smart kid, one of the most intelligent children on Myrendel. She is just too lazy. She said that her philosophy is “Laziness is the mother of all genius”.

“Worry about yourself first, kiddo”- Auran knocked Ignis on the head. He is well known for devastating head knocking. “Change quickly and go to school, i'll go check on Stel. Just reserve our spot, yeah?”

Ignis playfully punched Auran on the shoulder and ran down stair. Their parents have left early in the morning so breakfast was left on the table. Ignis dashes to the table, take a sandwich with a banana and run to the door. Auran looked at his breakfast, pouted a little bit. “Peanut butter jelly….every single damn day…”. Auran put on his favorite rollerblade and dash out of the house. He dashed toward Stella house. No one can miss that house; it's like a modern time palace. The house's owner is Stella, and just herself. Her family is among the most well-known royal family- The Crescent Lotus. Definitely no surprise when their daughter own a palace and rank 1 in Quantum Physic and Social Science in the entire country. Auran stood in front of Stella house, knowing that she’s still wrap up in her bed. He took out his phone and call Stella’s number.


No answer



“Morning, sleepy head. What are you doing? It’s the last day of school”- Auran looked at Stella’s sleepy face on the phone screen, smiling. “You not gonna leave me to those knucklehead at school, right?

“Hmm? Oh Auran…morning….” Stella answer in a sleepy voice and rubbed her eye. “What time is it?”

“6:00 am, the ceremony begins at 7” Auran shook his head “Hurry up, we’re late”

“What’s the point? It’s just a ceremony” Stella yawned “I mean I’m gonna miss it anyway, like always”

“Oh come on, just for today. Auran used his puppy eye “I'll buy you chocolates. Pretty please?”

Stella knows that she can’t refuse anything that Auran request, he even offered chocolates. Stella is a big fan of chocolates!

“Well….i guess 1 day wouldn’t hurt” Stella giggled “Give me 5 minutes ok? No peeping”

            “Yes ma’am” They both laughed

            Auran hung up the phone and wait patiently outside. His memory slowly drifts back to him. Auran and Stella are childhood friend, they were born on the same day, same times but 1 year different. Ever since the 5 years old Stella moved to Myrendel, the 6 years old Luminious twins has been attach with her like shadows. They love to play Hide and seek; a game which Ignis always wins because of his detective skill and because Stella always hide where Auran is. She always clings to Auran and pouts when Ignis found them. Thing haven't change 12 years later, they still play the same game every Sunday; Ignis still win and Stella still clinging on Auran and pout everytime she got caught. To Ignis, Stella is his only sister, sometimes he even call her his own “little kitty” much to the little Stella's dismise. To Auran, however, she's more than that. He wants to be something greater than that- a boyfriend. He has a colossus crush toward Stella for 5 years now but he never tells her anything. Today, he thought, will be his chance. He bought her favorite flower too. Girls like flower right? This has got to work!

            “Hey, thanks for waiting.” Stella opened the gate and smiled at Auran “How do I look?”

            Auran's cheek turned red, Stella looks exceptionally beautiful today. She wore an angel style dress that he gave to her as a gift on Valentine 2 years ago. The white silk dress was well crafted with flower pattern hanging around her waist. On the back there are 2 distinct wings pattern which resemble a Valkyrie’s wing. Below that beautiful wing is Auran’s word “To our little angel-Stella”. He remembered Ignis’s face when he saw that line, it’s one of those annoying face people give to you when they know you have a crush on someone, and Ignis is the king of those faces. Stella spin around once to impress Auran, her dress  spread like a blooming lotus while her hair flying in the air resemble that of a river. Auran almost fainted from the overload amount of beauty from her.

            “You….you look…great” the boy stuttering, trying to hide his red face

            “Hm~~” Stella spout a bit “Just great?”

            “I…I mean…you look beautiful!”

            Stella giggles from Auran’s embarrassment. She walk up to Auran, hold his hand and drag him out of his own world. The boy can only smile back at the angel. They walk together to school, holding hand. They were both silence, no one decide to talk but just tighten their hand as if they afraid the other person going to run away. They always do this, but today Auran felt uneasy; he’s going to confess to his childhood friend. If that isn’t embarrassing enough then this hand-in-hand thing will blow his head away any second. But, deep inside his heart, he’s really happy about it.

            “Shouldn’t girl be the one happy about this?” He mumble.

            “Hm? Happy about what?”

            “Ah…nothing. By the way, shouldn’t you wear school’s uniform? It’s a ceremony, not a picnic” Auran change the topic before it get any more awkward

            “I don’t need to, I can wear whatever I want as long as it’s pretty. The Principle told me that”

            “Hell, you can wear a pajamas and still pretty”

            “Oh? What’s with you today? You gave me lots of complement”

            “Hehe… nothing” Auran laugh nervously “Special occasion for number 1 student, the pride of Platinum Spade Academy huh?” He pinched her cheek playfully
            “Hau~, I’m 17 now, don’t do that” Stella sounds annoy “You’re rank number 2 in Mathematic too.”

            Auran waved her off. He’s also a smart kid, second only to Ignis. He can easily solve any kind of puzzle or pattern with only 1 look. However, Ignis can do it even faster, that little kid IQ is rumored to be well above 200.

            “What do you want to do this summer?” Auran look at Stella

            “Oh” Stella glared at Auran for a quick second before looking down, feeling guilty “I’m sorry, Auran”
            “Sorry? For what?”
            “I have to move to Rysendel” Her voice was almost like a whisper, enough for Auran to hear “My dad want me to be the Mistress”

            Auran stopped in shock. He has planned everything so well, but why now? Why did the Duke do this to him? Auran ask himself hundreds of question without answer, his mind was blocked from all contact of the outside world, even Stella’s voice calling his name. His plans were ruined, and his heart almost sank. Rysendel is in the other side of the world; even if he wanted to he can’t afford enough money to visit her.

            “Auran, Auran!” Stella shakes his shoulder “Can you hear me?”

            “When will you go?” Auran let out a big sigh

            “Hm… 2 days from now” Stella tighten her grip “I’m gonna miss you”

            “Yeah…” Auran looked up to the sky “I will too. Anyway, let’s hurry” Auran tighten his grips

            The school bell rung at the same time as they reach the gate. Not wasting any more time, they both run toward the ceremony; Ignis has already sit in his spot while saving 2 other seats next to him. By the look of it, it seems that he’s planning something, Auran can say for sure that it’s something “evil” as he catch glimb of the other half grind.

            “Oh, look what we have here~ Lovey dovey~” Ignis look at the “couple” interlock hands

            “Shut up Ignis” Auran twitch his right eye

            “Hey hey, no more” Stella stood between them with her hands out “It’s our last day ok? Try to be nice with each other”

            “Yeah, that’s right. Brother”

            “Argh….that kid. I’ll deck him at home”

            Auran sit down next to Stella, try to stay awake from the Principle’s long essay about how good was the senior’s test score, how did the school change in the last 20 years and how many got into University. The speech drag on for an hour, most of the senior already fell at sleep on the ground; Stella even lean her head over Auran and sleep on his shoulder, every now and then she let out a cute little noise that make the boy’s face turn into a tomato. Ignis try to entertain himself by playing his old Kendama, a Christmas present, but always fail to land the ball on the handle. If any bystander walk by this ceremony will mistake it for a mental hospital with 1 patient can’t stop talking. Auran, with a little angel on his shoulder, can’t let himself fall at sleep. He occasionally look at the angel and stroke her hair carefully so she wouldn’t wake up. She looks as innocent as a first grader kid who having a nap, her breathing start to match that of Auran’s.

            “And so, I am grateful to be the principle of Platinum Spade Academy, thank you!”

            As soon as the speech is over, the senior has wake up from their well deserve sleep and happily applaud. Of course, they did not applaud because they were moved from the speech; they just simply glad that it is finally over. Auran gently pinch Stella’s cheek to wake her up. The little angel growl and bit Auran in the neck, Auran immediately regret his action. Stella woke up finding herself biting Auran’s neck like she’s trying to practice sucking his blood, just like those vampire movie. She nervously glares at Auran before sitting back up straight.

            “S…Sorry” She take a glimpse of her bite mark on Auran’s neck

            The boy flushes violently, muffle some incomprehensible words and rub the bite mark. It still have her scent on it, it’s not like he don’t like it; It’s just too embarrassing to admit.

            “Attention, all Senior, please stands up”

            Auran stands up, still holding Stella’s hand. The Vice Principle walked to the podium, clear her voice and start the graduation speech.

            “Today is the day that we have promised you, the day that you will step into our society to become a better generation, a better adult. Although we are from many places, from different aspect of life, we have live together, learn together and laugh together. Today, we shall depart each other for our future, but don’t be discourage, as deep inside our heart, we’re watching you, guiding you from far away. Teachers, Parents, Friends are your guiding lights in this new century. A new era or prosperity and knowledge is waiting for you behind that school gate. We shall leave the future to you all, my dear and loving student. Now, let me see your smiling faces as you throw your graduation cap in that blue sky.”

            The graduation caps soon blanket the sky above the ceremony while the senior is cheering for their graduation. Some are crying, some are smiling, but all of them know that the future is in their hand. The new era is for them to build. Auran smiles as he look at his cap flying in the sky like a kite. He closed his eye and take a deep breath before turning to Stella sitting next to him

            “Hey, come with me a bit” Auran gently pull Stella up and run toward the school’s roof top

            “Where are we going ?” Stella tilted her head


            The couple runs through the crowded hallway, classroom and stair to the roof top. Auran’s heart beat faster after every foot step he make, and it’s almost stop when he reach the roof. It was surprisingly quite, there is only two of them. Perfect timing. Auran smiled as he walk toward the center of the roof.

            “Auran? Is it something that you want to tell me?”

            “Stella… can I ask you something” Auran nervously swallow

            “Yes, go ahead” Stella smile

            The boy stutter badly, trying to rehearse his confession in his mind while the angel tilting here head, confusing.

            “I…uhm….have you….ever…..like anyone?”

            “Hm~, why did you ask?”

            “Huh? Well….because…i…uh, it’s just”

            “Yes, I do”


            Auran feel like the whole world is crashing down on him, has the god forsaken him? His little angel has someone else in her heart? I can’t believe this, after all this time.

            “Do you want to know what kind of person he is?”
            “Uhm..sure” Auran muffle

            “Let’s see, he’s adorable. Very handsome, very good at making me laugh” Stella giggle a bit “He’s not very good at talking with girls though. He’s easily stutter when he’s talking. But I like that about him. He’s care a lot about other people, he’s always been nice to me. Most of all, I like him.”

            Auran can’t hear anything that Stella said about her man, he’s got drift in his own world. He feel like he’s wanted to cry.

            “I just hope that he know who he is~”

            “Huh?” Auran snap out of his daydreaming

            “Aw man, after all of that confess….”
            “Oh, he’s really nice right? You must like him a lot huh. Good for you, hehehe”

            “Yea” Stella hold Auran’s hand, giggle “I like him”

            “What are you doing? If he’s here, he’s gonna get mad” Auran startle, step back from her

            “I can’t believe that you’re this slow.”


            “This will help you”

            Stella stood on her toe and rested her hand on Auran’s chest and other one on his shoulder. She put a light, nervous kiss on his lip

            “Wha…..Does that mean?” Auran touched his lips, dumbfounded

            “Yep, that’s you.” Stella smile as she hug Auran tightly “I love you”

            Auran stood there dumbfounded, but deep inside, he was glad. He lifted up Stella’s chin, take a good look at her beautiful face before kissing her. They stay there for a long time before Auran break of from it. Finally, he said, he has found his angel.

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