A Forgotten Life

By Shinedownlover560

15.5K 358 97

Trunks and Rosamoona are back in the stunning second book in the Trip Through Time trilogy. Growing up is tou... More

Author's Note
Part I
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Part II
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Eight

516 13 7
By Shinedownlover560

"Good luck, Pigeon. You're gonna need it," Trunks said, smirking as he took up his battle stance. I matched his smirk as I took up mine.

"Thanks. But I'm going to be the one who walks out of this ring the champion," I replied. He laughed.

"Are you ready folks?!" the Announcer cried. The crowd went wild. "Ready... And... FIGHT!"

Just like with Goten and I, neither of us moved an inch. We stared each other down, each waiting for the other to make the first move. Finally, it happened. It was so quick that the Humans couldn't tell what occurred.

Trunks' smirk grew before he shifted his body very slightly. I charged him, my first drawn back. Trunks jumped into action a millisecond later, his fist also drawn back. We met in the middle of the ring, blocking each other with our opposing forearms. I smiled.

I saw movement out of the bottom of my eye. I jumped just in time as Trunks swept his foot around. Quickly jumping after me, Trunks started to throw punch after punch. I blocked and dodged each hit. After letting him have his fun, I grabbed his fist out of midair. Surprise flitted across the young Saiyan's face before I threw him over my shoulder. Trunks caught himself before he hit the wall, hovering a few feet above the ground.

"Not bad," he commented, coming back and standing in the ring. I smiled broadly. 

"Thanks. You too." I looked around at the stunned faces of the crowd. Even though they had just watched Goten and I fight, they still didn't seem to be able to comprehend what was going on. "So, hows about we give them a little show?" I asked. Trunks chuckled.

"That sounds like fun. I think we should," he answered.

"Okay. We'll start with a few Ki blasts," I informed him, sending one at him to demonstrate what I meant.

Trunks deflected it with a simple flick of his wrists. The crowd followed the bright purple ball of light as it ascended into the heavens.

"That's boring," Trunks complained. "How about a Kamehameha?" He brought his hands together, cupping his fingers. "Ka-me, Ha-me," he started. A light blue ball formed. "Ha!" he exclaimed, moving his hands forward. The blast left his hands and came at me. Smiling, I jumped into the sky. 

Trunks repositioned his hands and the blast followed me up. Still smiling, I phased out and reappeared back where I had been standing. Looking around at the crowed, I managed to contain my fit of giggles.

"I don't know. I think that's a little much for them," I speculate, placing a finger on my bottom lip. Trunks laughs again.

"Yeah, I think you're right," he agreed, coming at me once more. Stepping out of the way, I elbowed him in the back. 

Trunks crashed to the ground, but quickly phased out, appearing above me. I looked up in time to see him bring his fists down on my face. Luckily, I moved in time so it didn't break my nose.

Drawing my hand back, I punched Trunks in the gut. I flew over to the other side of the arena so I could have time to heal myself. Suddenly though, Trunks was in front of me.

"That's cheating, Pigeon," he scolded.

"No. I believe it's called using your resources," I told him. Trunks smirked, throwing a punch at me. I easily dodged it, throwing one at him in return. 

I continued to throw punches at him. This time, I backed him up. When we got to the middle, Trunks stopped moving. Well, backwards that is.

We both started to lift off the ground as we fought. I could hear shocked gasps from the audience. I smirked, punching Trunks in the face. He drifted back a few feet before coming at me again. 

Phasing out, I appeared behind him, quickly round-house kicking. It caught him in the back and he was thrown forward.

"Go Moona! You can do it!" Momma cheered behind me. I chuckled lightly as Trunks landed.

"What's the matter? Are you tired?" I called down to him.

"Only in your dreams, Pigeon!" he called back, smiling. As I went to land, Trunks disappeared. Before I could move, he had my arms pinned behind my back. "I told you I wasn't going easy," he murmured into my ear as he bent my arms. Pain shot through them.

Grunting, I struggled to get out of his grip. It only caused more pain to shoot through my arms.

"Ow!" I cried. Though I knew it was no good, I continued to struggled. Each time I grimaced and winced from the pain. 

"Stop moving. It's only making it worse," he told me, holding my arms tighter.

I groaned with pain. My legs kicked widely, trying to find their target while my tail thrashed around under my Gi.

"Come one, Moon. Just give up," Trunks said. I shook my head.

"No!" I cried, powering up. But when I did, it felt unfamiliar. Sure, it was my power, but I didn't quite recognize it.

Pushing this aside, I ripped out of Trunks' arms. Quickly, I turned around and kicked him in the chest before landing in the arena. Gently, I rubbed my shoulders, healing them as I did so.

'Rosa! I thought we agreed no trans...' Gohan started to scold me telepathically. I looked up towards him, confused. As I turned my head, a piece of my hair fell in my face. I gasped when I saw it was golden, not red.

"Dude! This is awesome!" I exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear. 

"And you probably thought I was trying to hurt you," Trunks said. I turned back towards him. He was smirking and his arms were crossed. I laughed.

"Actually, I did. I was really confused," I admitted. Suddenly, I remember the audience.

Looking around, I saw that they were all staring at me, wide eyed and mouth agape. The Announcer had a death grip on his microphone. 

"Oops," I muttered, slightly embarrassed. Trunks laughed.

"Don't worry about them. Now come on. We have a fight to finish." Looking back at him, I nodded. Smiling at me, Trunks also went Super. I raised an eyebrow. "So it's fair," he informed me.

"Whatever you say, Monkey Boy," I replied, smiling. He matched my smile before we charged each other. Each of us threw punches and kicks, some landing. 

Dodging Trunks' fist, I grabbed his leg. Flying up into the air, I held him out in front of me.

"So, how's the view?" I asked, loosening my grip slightly.

"Not bad. A little blurry," Trunks replied, twisting out of my grip. I gasped before he punched me in the chest, sending me falling to the arena. I caught myself before I hit so I wouldn't leave a dent. 

Frowning, I transported back up to Trunk.

"We're not getting anywhere," I stated. 

"That's just what I was thinking, Pigeon," Trunks said. "We need to step up our game."

"But not too much. We don't want to kill people," I reminded him. Trunks nodded.

Phasing out, I appeared in front of my friend. Forming a ball with my hands, I hit him in the head. Trunks descended, just like I had. But, also just like me, he caught himself. I blew a piece of golden hair out of my face in frustration.

"What's the matter, Moon? Tired?" Trunks called up to me. I rolled my eyes. It was my line from earlier.

"Not in the slightest. In fact, here I come!" I stated, flying at about half my full speed. Trunks stood poised, ready for me. When I was about halfway there, I realized this was a bad move. Trunks would just move out of the way.

Growling at my stupidity, I transported down to behind him. I didn't hesitate before I roundhouse kicked. Surprised, Trunks just barely dodged it.

As I spun out of my kick, Trunks hit me from behind with an energy blast. I stumbled forward. Another blast hit me, but this time lower. He was trying to get under my feet.

I jumped as the third one hit the ground, right where my feet had been. But it was a setup. Right away, I felt Trunks throw another at me. But I didn't have time to dodge it.

The blast hit me in the back, propelling me forward. An unexpected fifth blast hit me, causing me to speed up. 

With a start, I realized the seats were closing in fast. Instantly, I started to slow, but I was going to fast to stop. Closing my eyes, I crossed my arms in front of my face defensively. I extended my feet so they would hit first. About five seconds later, cool concrete met my bare feet. Opening my eyes, my heart sank when I saw I had just touched the top of the wall.

"Yes!" I heard Trunks cheer behind me. Sighing, I pushed off, doing a backflip before landing in the grass. Taking a deep breath, I let go of the energy and returned to normal. Hair that had come loose fell in my face. I brushed them away as I walked up to arena edge.

"Not bad, Monkey Boy. Not bad at all," I said, leaning on my elbows. Trunks didn't hear me though. He was too busy whooping and dancing around. Smiling, I shook my head. He was crazy. But that was one of the reason's why I loved him.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We have our winner! Put your hands together for this years Junior Division champion, Trunks!" the Announcer bellowed. The stunned crowd erupted into cheers for the Saiyan.

"Moon! Get up here!" Trunks called to me, waving. My smile grew.

Climbing over the edge, I walked over to Trunks. His hair was lavender again, and stood up in some places from the wind. Taking my hand, Trunks held our intertwined hands up. Laughing, I cheered with the crowd. 

"Goten! You too!" I yelled over the noise. Somehow, my brother heard me because he came up too. I grabbed his hand and did the same thing Trunks did with mine. The crowd seemed to love this 'cause the went ballistic.

'Congrats, Pigeon. You're a champion,' Trunks sent me. My heart swelled with happiness. Even though I had lost to him, for that moment, I did feel like a winner.

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