Star Wars - Jedi Fugitive

By TravelersInkwell

890 34 4

Deep behind enemy lines, Jethro must struggle with his conscience as the mission begins to take an unsettling... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 2

58 1 0
By TravelersInkwell

The shuttle came out of hyperspace above Coruscant and was immediately greeted by a massive blockade of Venetor Class Star Destroyers.

"Kriffing hell," Corsair said, "There's got to be twice as many as normal."

"They're gearing up for something," Dom put in. "Blazer, get on the comm and see what's going on."

He didn't have time before the lead cruiser hailed them.

"Unidentified Correllian shuttle. Please transmit proper ID and landing authorization."

"This is the commando shuttle Brawler. Let us through."

"Transmit your ID and authorization or you will be fired upon."

"Give them our override codes," Jethro said, "and see if that's enough for them."

There was a long pause after the codes were transmitted. When a response finally came through, the voice sounded like a mixture of flustered and distressed.

"Your codes check out sir. Sorry sir. Please proceed to the planet's surface."

The comm cut off abruptly.

"Kriffing off world transfers," Jethro heard Blazer cursing from the crew compartment.

The rest of the flight down to the planet's surface was uneventful. The word seemed to have been passed on from the blockade to leave their shuttle alone.

They touched down outside the detention center and were met with a full contingent of troopers waiting to escort the Dr. inside.

"Take good care of him," Jethro said as he handed him over to the waiting guards, "and call us if you need help getting him to talk."

"Don't worry sir, " the lead guard replied. "We'll make him sing."

"That's what I like to hear."

"Sir, I have orders to tell you that General Mach is waiting for you at the C.M.O."

"Understood soldier."

Back on the ship, Corsair fired up the engines again.

"Next stop, the Center for Military Operations."

"Not yet," Jethro ordered. "I have," he paused, "something to look into first."

"But sir, you know how Mach gets when you keep her waiting."

"She can wait," Jethro insisted.

"Alright sir, it's your funeral," he joked. "Where do you want me to drop you?"

"Walking distance of the Senate building will do fine."

Blazer and Leadfoot exchanged glances. Corsair hesitated only for a second before swinging the ship around to comply.

"Yes sir."

Jethro made his way down the halls of the senate building towards the office he knew belonged to the Pantoran Senator.

It had been several months since the two of them had been stranded and on the run from that bounty hunter. During the chase the two had become close to say the least.

Things had changed quite a bit for Jethro since then, and the war effort had kept him far from the Republic capital of Coruscant, and subsequently far away from the young senator, Riyo Chuchi. Now that he had time, however little it was, he was going to make sure he saw her.

He reached her door. Taking a deep breath, he keyed the door open and stepped into the room, and stopped short.

There, sitting behind the senator's desk was someone else.

"Oh, uh," she said, "May I help you?"

Jethro had caught her off guard, just as she had him. He struggled to regain his composure.

"Who are you?"

She seemed taken aback. "I'm Senator Chi Eekway of Pantora. Who are you?"

"Where's Ri... Senator Chuchi?"

"Senator Chuchi resigned."


"She resigned two months ago."

He didn't know how to react. The last time they saw each other, they had agreed that their duty to the war had to come before their feelings. Now he found out that she had resigned. How was that even possible?

"Is there something I can help you with?"

"Uh, no, nothing."

Jethro's head was spinning. He didn't know what to think anymore.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." He keyed the door open again and backed out. "I'm sorry about the interruption."

The door closed, leaving him alone, horribly alone.

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