Moral of the Story

De justkending

24.6K 908 320

Marrying too young out of highschool leads to a naive and failed marriage. Now 10 years later, word comes tha... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Eighteen

951 37 12
De justkending

"Y/N!" a voice shouted. It shocked her and she turned so quickly that she would have stumbled if Bucky didn't have a grip on her. "Oh, my baby!"

Running toward her was none other than her mother with her arms wide open and a worried face marking her aged features.



"Careful with her, Marlene. She's bruised up from the accident," Thomas shouted behind her, raising a hand in nerves, but she didn't listen and wrapped Y/N in her arms harshly.

"Oh, my baby! I heard about the accident. What happened? Are you ok?" she rushed out, squeezing her and leaving little room for being able to escape.

Y/N groaned and leaned toward Bucky who still had a hand on her back helping her keep her balance. In an attempt to get out of her mother's grasp, she began to nuzzle herself into Bucky's shoulder and fit herself under his arm for shelter, and Y/N's mother gave up on trying to smother her. Though she didn't let go of her fully as she still had her hands gripped tightly around Y/N's non-injured wrist and other arm.

"She has a bruised rib and a sprained wrist," Bucky warned, trying to not sound rude, even though he had the same reaction to the woman as Y/N did.

"Oh, sweet girl. I'm so happy you're ok. Oh, and look at your head," she raised a hand over the butterfly bandage on her forehead, but before she could make the mistake of touching it, Bucky pulled her closer to him.

Marlene noticed the gesture, and as if for the first time, she noticed it was Bucky doing the talking.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" Y/N spoke up, not trying even a little to get out of Bucky's hold.

For a split second, a moment of judgment flittered across her features at the two intertwined in each other. She cleared her throat and backed away finally.

"What am I doing here-? Ha!" she laughed sarcastically. "You fly into town for a week and don't even bother to call and tell me? Then I end up hearing from a friend of a friend that my daughter is in the city."

"Mom-" she groaned, feeling the fight coming on.

"Then to top it all off, when I called your dad, he told me you 'need rest' cause you got into a wreck," she waved him off behind her.

"Surprised you still have his number," Y/N mumbled, quiet enough that only Bucky heard the snarky comment. On hearing it, a smirk appeared but quickly was pushed away.

"Why didn't you call me and tell me you were here?" Marlene asked with her hands on her hips.

Y/N let out a short laugh and Bucky and Thomas shared a look knowing exactly where this was going to go.

"What's the point? When I did live here, you didn't even bother to see me then? No point in wasting the gas," she shrugged, turning slightly to see her better in Bucky's arms.

"Girls," Thomas started, Sherri coming up behind him with Chloe behind her.

"Oh, stop it, Y/N! Don't make our reunion after all these years a bad one," Marlene chided.

"What made you think it would be a good one with our relationship?" Y/N laughed.

"Don't talk to me like that, young lady," Marlene warned, raising a scolding finger.

"What? You can dish it, but can't take it yourself?" Y/N sassed with an eye roll.

"Girls, stop it!" Thomas shouted, moving to break them apart.

"Y/N, let's get you to bed," Sherri stepped in gently, taking the other side of her to lead up the stairs they were standing in front of.

Bucky began to help redirect her from the fight about to happen.

"No. We clearly need to talk," Y/N fought back. "I'll try to be civil," she added apprehensively.

"You need rest. Not an argument," Bucky whispered down to her.

"She won't leave until I talk to her," Y/N mumbled back, realizing she was practically chest-to-chest with him.

"I can make her leave," he offered.

"I wouldn't wish that on you," Y/N laughed, patting his chest and slowly stepping away from him. "Ok, Marlene. Let's catch up, why don't we?" she motioned to the living room.

"I'd prefer we talk without a shouting match," Marlene said, popping her hip with her arms crossed.

"I'm capable of it if you are," Y/N countered, stopping right in front of her.

You'd have to really be paying attention to it, but on her face, a sense of intimidation crossed Marlene's face before she quickly covered it again.

"Great," she replied, in false courage.

Y/N nodded and began to slowly limp into the living room. Marlene followed close behind.

Left in the entryway, Bucky, Sherri, Chloe, and Thomas all shared a look and silently shared their thoughts.

"Ok, so we're all on the same page that we need to have a fire extinguisher in close proximity?" Thomas asked, looking at the three.

"Figuratively or literally?" Chloe asked.

"Both," Bucky sighed, walking to the kitchen to watch the train wreck from a distance.


The group stayed close by as the two talked on the couch. Bucky, Sherri, and Thomas stayed by the kitchen island drinking coffee and holding their own conversation, but only to cover their eavesdropping.

Chloe had been camping out in her parent's room which was just down a little hallway from the living room giving her access to the conversation, but staying in the shadows as she spied.

So far, it seemed civil, but Bucky could tell on her face there were moments she was biting her tongue in an attempt to keep the peace she promised. He wasn't sure how she wasn't falling over in her seat from the drugs, but I guess that burst of adrenaline from seeing her mom kept her up.

"How's Jerry?" Y/N asked, picking at the blanket in her lap as she watched her mom's expression.

"He's good. Gone away on business trips a majority of the time, but we're still going strong."

"Still making bank I'm guessing," Y/n said with one raised eyebrow.

Marlene let out a huff of air and rolled her eyes.

"I'll have you know, I do love him. As much as you think I'm a gold digger, we do have a strong relationship and we have many anniversaries to prove it," she defended herself, but Y/N saw past it.

"I never said you were a gold digger," she responded even though she thought it.

"Didn't have to, I can hear the judgment in your voice," Marlene sassed.

Y/N bypassed the argument and let out a long breath, finally falling more into the couch.

"What do you want, Mom? You haven't reached out to me in all these years except to ask for something from me and now you're here acting the part of a worried mother," she sighed. "And to top it all off, the last time we really saw each other was when I needed your help with my divorce and you refused to lend even a cent of advice."

"Speaking of divorce, you two seem rather cozy," she nodded her head back to the kitchen without looking at the person in question.

"That wasn't my question," Y/N retorted.

"Well, it's mine. What's going with all that?" Marlene grinned wickedly and motioned behind her.

Bucky and Thomas noticed the gesture and shared a look before trying to listen in again.

"None of your business."

"If it pertains to my daughter, I think it is my business," Marlene argued with a pointed look.

"HA!" Y/N shouted out loud making every head turn their way. "You act like you actually played the role of my mother at some point in my life."

"Oh, God..." Bucky mumbled.

"Y/N Y/M/N-," Marlene started.

"No, no. You don't get to use my full name like you're some kind of authoritarian in my life," Y/N laughed harshly. "Just tell me why you came here. There's only ever been one reason for you to reach out to me since you left, and it's because you need money or heard of some connection I have that you want a part in."

"That's quite the accusation to make," Marlene scoffed.

"Ok, then prove me wrong," Y/N motioned to her sitting forward a little more. "Tell me what I think you're here for is the wrong idea. I beg of you to prove me wrong for once."

There was a stare-off as neither woman wanted to let down their guard. The stubbornness in the air was close to choking those in the vicinity. Y/N had the upper hand, but Marlene wasn't one to lose a fight. She was good at twisting things to make her the victor and her opponent wrong.

It felt like 30 minutes of horribly awkward and tense silence even if it was just a single minute of it. But apparently, Marlene was desperate because she rarely relented, and now was one of those times.

"Fine," she said stiffly. "Jerry's business is going under slowly and I was wondering if you'd be willing to help lend a hand." Y/N sat in silence staring at her. A piece of her utterly surprised at the confession and not able to comprehend what she was saying. "I know you have connections that he could create his own bonds in his line of work with, but a small loan would be nice too-"

"And you proved me right," Y/N cut her off.

"Y/N, listen-" Marlene said, putting her hands up in defense.

"Why should I when you never did?" she laughed bitterly. Before her mother could get another word in, she stopped her. "You know what? Forget it. I think it's time for you to go."

She was quiet for a second but tried one more time.

"I know we don't have the best relationship, but-" Marlene sighed.

"Stop," Y/N cut her off, shaking her head. "You need to go, Marlene."

She stared at her. Her own name stunned her.

"So just like that. The woman who birthed and took care of you half your life, you're just going to throw to the curb when she needs your help?" And here came the twisting of the situation.

"Don't put words in my mouth," she said sternly, yet calmly and began to stand up. There was silence as she looked at her mom and debated her next comment. One direction led to a long argument and another led to an end. "I need rest. You need to go home and I need rest."

She looked up and saw Bucky, her dad, and Sherri staring into the room.

"Sherri," she asked, taking a deep breath and wincing as the pain meds had slowly begun to wear off. "Can you help me to my room? Dad, can you walk Mom to her car?"

"Y/N-," Marlene began again as she stood up to meet her level.

"When I'm not recovering from a four-car pile-up, and my mind isn't swimming from these opiates, I'll talk to you," Y/N said, turning and walking away from her. Sherri had rushed over and was offering her arm to help her walk. "Get home safe, Marlene."

Her mom stared in shock as Sherri walked her up the steps. Thomas and Bucky shared a look and Thomas began to walk into the living room to escort her out of the house. She was hesitant at first, but quietly and shamefully walked in front of him back to the driveway to her car.

Bucky stayed in the kitchen while everyone went their ways and Chloe eventually came out and walked to the island where Bucky was leaning and processing.

"Well, no need for a fire extinguisher... This time," Chloe said.

"I'm surprised that's the case," Bucky chuckled looking down at the high schooler. "You hear all that?"

"For the most part," Chloe nodded, jumping on a stool. "You?"

"Harder to hear in here," he shrugged, turning and crossing his arms. "What was the tipping point?"

"Sounds like Jerry's business isn't doing so great. Looks like mommy dearest needs a loan," Chloe said with pursed lips, leaning forward on the counter.

Bucky sighed and rubbed his temple. "I should go check on her."

He was about to start walking to the stairs, but Y/N's little sister stopped him.

"Just wait, Buck. As you said, she needs rest. Let my mom take care of it and she can give us the details."

Bucky hesitated looking toward the front of the house and then the living room. She was right, they had just gotten on good terms, but that didn't mean she was ready to let him on the drama that was her mother after these 10 years. Not like he didn't know how it worked considering he was a part of the first 18 years, but one step at a time.

He chuckled a little under his breath and looked at Chloe.

"Since when did you get so mature?" he teased her, bumping her shoulder.

"Eh, hanging out with your sister does that," Chloe bumped him back.

"You both are trouble."

"Figured we'd give our parents another round of grey hairs after they retired from taking care of you two," she nodded her head in the direction of Y/N.

"You guys haven't even scratched the surface of the trouble we caused," Bucky prided himself a little.

"I wouldn't necessarily brag about that, big guy," she patted his arm and walked back to her room.


A string of cuss words had come out of Y/N's mouth as soon as she stepped foot on the last step at the top of the stairs. With each one, Sherri just bit her tongue knowing she needed to get it out.

Her motherly figure started prepping her bed for her as she changed into pajama shorts and a t-shirt. Each movement caused a twinge in her facial expression due to the soreness in her muscles. As Y/N changed, Sherri went into the bathroom and got her medicine for the night.

When she came in, she was easing herself under the covers and still saying things here and there, but the cussing had gone down.

"She had the audacity to come over here after all these years and all for that? Whatever helps her, right?" Y/N grunted, shivering as she adjusted to the warmth of her bed from the cold air. "Not the fact that her daughter was in an accident and beaten and bruised."

Sherri sat at the edge of her bed with a Y/N's water bottle and the pills in hand. She waited for a pause in her rant before she smiled softly.

"Get it all out?"

"Not at all," Y/N chuckled roughly, putting her hand out for the meds.

Sherri handed them to her, then the water. She watched her throw back the pills and swallow before taking a following sip.

"She did ask about the wreck," Sherri shrugged.

"Just for coverage of her true intention," Y/N came back with.

"You're not wrong," Sherri nodded. Then a moment of silence passed. "I'm sorry, sweetheart."

With that comment, Y/N finally eased some of the tension in her shoulders.

"It's not your fault," Y/N sighed, falling back into her pillow.

"We could have sent her off before you got back," Sherri shrugged feeling slightly guilty.

"She would have found me before I left just to get her word in. Didn't matter if it was here, the grocery store, or the bathroom at Target," Y/N said, grabbing Sherri's hand. "She would have found a way to talk to me."

"What did she want?" Sherri asked.

"You guys didn't hear?" Y/N was surprised.

"I mean parts, and I'm sure I could put things together, but I'd rather hear it from you," Sherri replied with a squeeze of her hand.

"Take a wild guess," Y/N said with a tilt of her head.

Sherri mimicked her movement and said sadly. "Money?"

"Is there anything else she worries about?"

"Clearly not even her injured child," Sherri sighed, upset with the woman.

"She didn't say anything rude to you, did she? I know she's jealous of what you and Dad have and she's made it known in the past..."

"I was outside when she got here. I was only there two seconds before she saw you."

"Good. I'd have to make her feel like shit for two things if she had... Well, probably more but out of the main reasons she fucked up tonight-"

"Are you going to actually talk to her?" Sherri interrupted feeling another cussing story coming.

Y/N hesitated in her answer. She had told her mom she would and a part of her regretted it. However, if she wanted to be the bigger person, she should give her a chance to explain herself.

Would it make her any better than her mom if she ignored her if it didn't benefit her in the end? Sure it was a selfish thing to reach out to another person about, but if the roles were reversed, Marlene wouldn't do it.

Y/N wasn't like that. Her whole outlook on life was to help for the greater cause. Help those grow and those in need. Why would she change that outlook just for a woman who wouldn't do it for her?

"I will, but not until tomorrow. Bucky was right, I need rest right now and I was pushing it while talking to her," Y/N replied, turning on the non-injured side and getting comfortable.

"Good idea, sweetie," Sherri nodded, pulling up some extra blankets and wrapping her in them. "Did you have a nice day with Bucky?"

Y/N gave her a look that showed she knew that question entailed more than it sounded like.

"We're slowly getting back to where we were all those years ago. Friends-wise anyway," she responded, nestling her head into the pillow.

"Good," Sherri smiled. "Listen, I know your father has been kind of pushing him on you and for reasons outside of just friendship..."

"You think?"

Y/N's motherly figure laughed at the sass.

"I think," she winked. "But honestly, in the end, I think it's just a good thing to move past what's happened in the past. You both have grown so much."

"I'm starting to see that now..."

"Now, I didn't know Bucky all the way back in your high school days, but from everything your father has told me... And everything he's helped our family within the passing years..." she paused, but Y/N filled in her silence.

"He's a good guy," Y/N nodded. "Hard to call someone who comes and takes care of you and your loopy self for a whole day after not seeing each other for 10 years, anything else."

Sherri had a warm smile on her face at her daughter's response.

"I'd have to agree." Seeing Y/N's eyes fluttering to stay open, she patted her legs that were under the covers and stood up. "Ok, I won't keep you up any longer than I need to. Get some rest, June Bug."

"Love you, Sherri," Y/N nodded, finally closing her eyes. "Thank you."

"Anything for you."


Once she was back downstairs, Thomas and Bucky were waiting for her in the kitchen.

"How is she?" Bucky was quick to ask.

"Tired, but ok," Sherri sighed, going to the fridge and pulling out an opened bottle of wine. "Anyone else?" she offered, raising the bottle as she grabbed a glass.

"I think I need something stronger," Thomas groaned, leaning back on the counter and rubbing his temple.

"How are you doing?" Sherri asked him.

"I'm fine. I'm just glad that it wasn't a long visit."

She walked over and laid a caring hand on his shoulder, which he turned and smiled at, pulling her closer to him.

"I'll get out of you guys' hair. I'm sure you guys are ready to call it a day," Bucky tucked his hands in his jacket pocket and started inching to the door.

"Hey, Buck?" Thomas stopped him. Bucky turned with raised eyebrows. "Thank you. Truly. Both for taking care of her and also just willing to help wherever you can."

"It's no issue," Bucky smiled. "You guys have a good night."

"Thank you, Bucky," Sherri said.


He had finally made it home and was exhausted from the day. Not in a bad way, just tired from a full shift and then everything that followed.

"Hey. You're home late," Steve greeted as he came in. He still hadn't moved into his new apartment yet, but he was just a few weeks away.

"Yeah, long day."

"I know you were going to drop off by Y/N's house to wrap her hand up, but was that where you were there the whole time?" Steve asked from the couch as Bucky changed in his room.

"I offered to watch her while Thomas ran some errands and then it turned into a whole thing..."

"Whole thing meaning bad whole thing, or?..." Steve countered, watching the TV as he talked.

"What exactly are my options for "or"," Bucky asked, coming in and pulling a new shirt over his head.

"That bad?" Steve cringed slightly, turning to his friend.

"Actually had a really nice time with Y/N. Felt like the old days," Bucky responded walking to the couch and then collapsing on it. "It was pleasantly strange."

"Ok, then you're confusing me. What's with the ominousness?" he asked.

"Surprise visit from Marlene, turned the whole night around," Bucky said with pursed lips.

"No!" Steve leaned forward in his chair, fully enthralled now.

"Yup," Bucky nodded slowly, popping the "P".

"What happened?"

"Apparently came by just to ask her for a loan," Bucky shrugged.

"Not to check on her from the accident? Has she talked to her at all over the years?"

"I don't think so. Y/N never mentioned anything about mending their relationship. Hell, at one point I think I heard her mention they hadn't seen each other since the night she asked for help in the whole divorce thing..." Bucky ran a hand through his hair. "I do know that Y/N never made the intention to visit her or reach out while she was in town."

"They haven't talked since then?" Steve asked.

"Not a hundred percent sure, but if I were to use context clues. It's not looking like it."

"Damn..." Steve leaned back in the seat and raised a finger to his chin. "Did it put her in a sour mood?"

"I didn't see her after they talked. Something happened mid-conversation and she stood up and told her mom to leave. First time ever I didn't see a bomb go off between them. Y/N literally just told her to leave and went to bed."

"Wow. Sounds like growth to me," Steve took in.

"That or the fact that she's on all kinds of meds and still recovering from a car accident," Bucky chuckled lightly.

"Knowing Y/N's stubborn ass, you know she would have fought through that all back in the past just to make sure she won the argument with Marlene," Steve said. "I think Y/N really has grown up some."

"I think you're right," Bucky agreed after a minute. It was silent in the room for a second before remnants of the night came back to him. "Hey, did you know she was almost engaged?"

"Y/N?" Steve asked, surprised.

"No, my sister," Bucky replied sarcastically. "Of course, Y/N! Who else are we talking about?"

Steve ignored him and went on with the conversation.

"I never heard anything about that. Though, she and Nat never really talk about their relationships to me. It's all the updates in everything outside of that."

"Well, she was. Was with a guy for over a year and he was going to propose." Bucky slumped more in his seat.

"Ok..." Steve drug out. Bucky sent him a judging look. "What do you want me to say, Buck?" he laughed harshly. "She moved on with her life. People do that when they go to college and step into the real world. You went on dates and had girlfriends too."

"Nothing serious though," Bucky pouted to himself.

Steve rolled his eyes. "Who's fault is that?" he replied with a pointed look.

"Hey! None of them were for me," Bucky pointed, sitting up some.

"And that's fine. I know your relationship with Bonnie was confusing and an interesting one, but you were the one who walked away."

"She wasn't the one," Bucky mumbled.

"Again, that's fine. But just because you didn't find the one, doesn't mean Y/N wasn't allowed to," Steve shrugged. "And if what you said is true, then Y/N didn't find the one. She's currently unattached from what we know, so..."


"So, why are you upset about it?"

"I'm not upset."

"You're literally pouting like a three-year-old who got coal for Christmas right now," Steve motioned to him.

Bucky straightened at that.

"No, I'm not."

"Nice cover, punk," Steve laughed and rolled his eyes again.

"Ok, and so what if I'm slightly upset about it," he emphasized the 'slightly' part.

"Nothing," Steve shrugged. "You're allowed to feel how you want, but you can't be mad at other people making decisions."

"I'm not," Bucky said, trying to sound unphased.





There was a long pause in the conversation as the muted sounds of the TV played in the background. The news discussed the upcoming temperatures for the week as Steve looked at Bucky and Bucky avoided any form of eye contact.

"It looks like we have some beautiful weather coming to us tomorrow. Nice mid 70's compared to the low 40s the past few days, Kevin..."

"Oh, perfect walking weather. You know that's just in time for the downtown food truck festival tomorrow, Rachel. A family-friendly event and so many great small businesses and family-owned restaurants making their way on Dekalb Ave."

"You're slightly jealous then, are you?" Steve spoke up.

"Yeah, and what about it?" Bucky stood up and stormed to his room. 

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