You Drive Me Insane

By treble_maker1212

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Lonny is an aspiring musician who has just moved to LA from Canada, but quickly realizes he needs a roommate... More

City of Angels
I Hate this Fucking Town
A Great Dane With Noodle Legs and Other Plotpoints
Ok, Not a Bad Day, Just a Dick.
Who Said I Cared if We Woke Him Up?
Unless You Want To Take Your Own Advice
Don't Curse in Front of Lennon
Fucking Cyclists
Aliens or Possession is The Only Explanation
What's in The Box?
A Nice Family Dinner
To Amazon prime and British Bastards in Cowboy Hats
Pirate Andy Was a Lewk
Where's The Dark Chocolate?
I Did it My Way...or Whatever Frankie Said
Liv is Tired of Their Bullshit tbh
Mike is a bitch🙄
Lovelines and Other Hippy Dippy Shit
Lomy and Andy fight therapy
That's All, Folks!

God, the Guitarist 😫🙌

249 7 10
By treble_maker1212

Dakota_Wonder the title is their fault, blame them.

Jinxx sat on the edge of the bathtub, watching Lennon as he splashed around in the water, squealing happily.

The front door opened and he didn't bother looking up, the only people who didn't knock before they entered the apartment was Andy and Jake, but Jake was making dinner, so that only left one person.

"Need any help with him?" The model's deep, gravelly voice asked from behind the violinist.

"You want to wash his hair for me?" Jinxx said as he turned to look at the younger man.

"Sure." Andy nodded, cooing at Lennon as he sat down, pouring shampoo into his hand.

"What's on your mind?" Jinxx asked as he watched Andy lather the product into his son's hair.

"I talked to my therapist yesterday." Andy said casually.

"What did she say?" The older man questioned curiously, grabbing a cup for the model to fill up to rinse Lennon's hair out.

"That I'm in love with Lonny and I should talk about having a polyamorous relationship with Liv." Andy shrugged.

"EX-FUCKING-SCUSE ME?" Jake screamed from the other room, running into the bathroom.

"Language." Andy said calmly, gesturing to Lennon.

"You can't just say that and not expect a reaction, Drew." Jinxx snorted, grabbing a towel from the counter to dry Lennon off.

"Why are you so calm about this?" The sound engineer questioned incredulously.

"You're going to look at me and tell me it doesn't make sense that Andy's in love with Lonny?" Jinnx asked with an eyeroll.

"Well yeah, but I never thought he'd actually admit it!" Jake exclaimed, gesturing wildly towards the younger man who stood up and wrapped Lennon in the fluffy towel.

The violinist chuckled. "Fair point."

Andy rolled his eyes and stepped around Jake to go into Jinxx's bedroom to get his god son dressed for bed.

"So are you going to do it?" Jake asked curiously, following him into the other room.

"I- I don't know. I know I should, I just don't know how to bring it up." Andy sighed, smiling when Lennon's nose scrunched up and he huffed in frustration as he tried and failed to put his shirt on by himself.

"Easy, mention that Lonny is looking very submissive and breedable and if she agrees, she'll be down for a throuple." Jinxx called from the other room, making Andy do a double take and laugh in surprise.

"I am not fucking saying that to her, Jinxx!" He yelled, his shoulders shaking with amusement.

"Then what are you going to say?" Jake asked, tilting his head to the side as he observed the younger man.

"And are you sure Lonny feels the same way? Like we all think he does, but it doesn't hurt to be sure." The violinist said as the others came back into the living room.

"I have no idea and we kind of got into a fight yesterday morning and he sort of accidentally admitted that he had feelings for both Olivia and I, so I think we're good on that front." Andy admitted quietly as he sat Lennon in his high chair. "Maybe I should just go on to Olivia's and get it over with?"

"Oof, have you talked to him since? He's probably mortified." Jake said, sitting down on the couch and beckoning Andy to join him.

"Nope, he hasn't been back to the apartment since he left yesterday and I haven't tried texting or calling him because... well you know why." The model shrugged, joining the older man on the couch and leaned his head back to rest against his arm that was draped over the back.

He was worried about Lonny obviously, but he had no idea what to say to him until he talked to Olivia.

Jake hummed and ran his fingers through Andy's hair absentmindedly as he considered their options. "I think you should talk to Liv today." He said.

Jinxx nodded in agreement from where he stood against the counter. "Yeah, like you said; you might as well get it over with."

Andy nodded and sighed as he stood up. "Ok, but if I show up single again, at least consider not taking her side." He half joked.

Jinxx huffed a laugh and threw an arm around Andy ad they walked to the front door. "Well...since I basically raised you...I will hesitate for a good thirty or so seconds before I side with Liv." He teased back.


Andy stood outside of his girlfriend's apartment door, he had been out there for a solid three minutes, unable to bring himself to knock. Maybe he should just leave? If he goes back to Jinxx's, him and Jake will call him a pussy and if he goes home, Lonny might be there...and he didn't really want to talk to the younger man until he sorted things out with Olivia.

He took a deep breath before he finally lifted his hand up and wrapped his knuckles against the wood, waiting with bated breath as he heard soft footsteps come towards the door and then it opened to reveal Olivia.

"Hi, baby! What are you doing here?" Olivia greeted, confused but still pleased with his presence as she stepped aside to let him in.

Andy leaned down and pressed a kiss to her lips. "Just wanted to see you, I think I might stay here tonight, is that ok?" He asked as he pulled away.

"Of course, can I ask why? You don't need a reason to stay here, it just seems like something is wrong." Olivia clarified quickly.

"Lonny and I got into an argument yesterday morning and I don't really want to talk to him about it yet." The model explained as he followed his girlfriend into the living and sat down next to her on the couch.

"Like your usual arguments or a real one?" The actress asked, sliding an arm around Andy's shoulders.

"A real one." Andy chuckled, resting his hand on her thigh.

"What was it about?" Olivia leaned in and kissed the side of his head.

"Ok I just want to go ahead and say that it was my fault, I shouldn't have said anything." The model said before he sighed. "So he got roped into going into a wedding with some girl he doesn't even know and it was obvious that he didn't want to go so I pointed it out and we started fighting about it and...yeah." he trailed off, drawing patterns into her soft skin.

"Who the hell was this girl anyway? What's her name? What does she look like?" Olivia questioned quickly, she didn't like the thought of the guitarist out with some random bitch at all...ok, she probably was a lovely person, but that didn't matter.

Andy glanced at the actress in surprise at her sudden outburst, something akin to the frustration and annoyance that he had felt when he found out about the date was evident in her face.

'Holy shit.'

"I don't know, I forgot to ask- are you?- are you jealous?" Andy asked, his voice a mixture of incredulous and hopeful.

Olivia felt her face turn red and she began stuttering. "I- no! What? That's ridiculous! I am most certainly not-"

Andy cut her off with a kiss, wrapping his arm around her before he pulled away. "Baby, please be honest with me, you don't understand- just please tell me. Do you have feelings for Lonny?"

The urgency in his words made her pause, studying his face for a long moment. There were no signs of anger, accusation or jealousy. It was like he needed her to say that she loved Lonny, like those words would free him of all his burdens.

'Oh my God, we really do have the same type, don't we.'

"I you?" She asked carefully, praying she hadn't somehow misread anything.

Andy sighed in relief and leaned forward so their foreheads were pressed together. "Yes, I do." He admitted.

"What do we do about this?" She asked, running her fingers through his hair as she stared into his icy eyes.

"Well I kinda left out some stuff about mine and Lonny's fight." Andy said cryptically, rubbing her waist as he brushed his nose against hers. "Lonny accidentally admitted that he had feelings for both of us."

"What?" Olivia gasped as she pulled away.

"Yeah." The model nodded.

"Ok so if we have feelings for him... and he has feelings for both of us... why are we still sitting here?" She asked, already standing up.

Andy laughed brightly at this and stood up as well, pulling his phone from his pocket.
"I'm gonna call CC and Beaux to see if Lonny is with either of them."

He tried CC first and luckily he picked up on the first ring. "Hey handsome." Andy greeted playfully.

"Sup, baby." CC replied with a laugh.

"Where's Lonny?" The model asked.

"Oh...well he uh- I don't know?" The older tried, he was never the best liar so he already knew Andy would see through it.

"I'm assuming Lonny told you what happened." Andy sighed, hoping he had told him everything.

"Yeah...he did." CC relented, where was the younger man going with this?

"CC, I feel the same way and so does Olivia, we want to talk to him. Now, where is he?" Andy explained softly.

"Fuck yeah! Finally!" CC yelled into the phone, making Andy jump slightly and laugh.
"He went back to the apartment to grab a few things, I think he was hoping that if he stayed with me long enough, you would forget."

"Ok thanks, man. I appreciate this." Andy said earnestly.

"Hey, no problemo! Just go get your man before he fucking moves in with me to avoid embarrassment." CC laughed and with that he hung up.

"Apartment?" Olivia asked as she slid on her shoes.

"Apartment." Andy nodded. It seemed fitting that the place where this all started was the place they would have this new beginning.


Lonny looked through his clothes carefully, trying to determine which ones would be necessary while he stayed with CC for however long he needed to.

"I should just move out at this point, it doesn't matter that my name is on the lease, I'm not kicking Andy out and I don't want to ever face him or Olivia again, so I might as well." He reasoned with himself as he walked around the room.

Maybe he could get CC and Beaux to help him move out while Andy isn't home? Andy made plenty of money, he could afford the place by himself.

That would be so shitty of him though, he couldn't just up and leave... maybe he could?
Maybe he could flee back to Canada?

"Canada doesn't look so bad right now." He mumbled as he stuffed another shirt into his duffel bag, but froze when he heard the front door open.


'Maybe if I'm quiet, Andy won't know I'm here?'

"Lonny? I know you're here, man! Your cars downstairs and I called CC!" Andy called from the living room.

"Damnit." Lonny hissed under his breath before he slowly made his way into the other room. He knew he wouldn't be able to avoid this forever, unfortunately.

"Hey, Andy- and Olivia." Lonny said, tacking on the greeting to the actress when he saw her standing there next to Andy.

'Double fuck.'

"Hi, Lonny." Andy breathed. God, the guitarist was so fucking perfect and beautiful, his hair was all messy and looked so fucking soft.

"Hi, Lon." Olivia also greeted. Well... this was awkward.

"I um- welp- cool cool." The guitarist mumbled, staring at anything other than the people in front of them.

"Yeah..." Andy sighed.

"I need to get going, it was really nice seeing both of you." Lonny said, turning to grab his duffel bag from his room.

"Ah ah ah! Not so fast! We're talking, now!" Olivia scolded in frustration, she was so unbelievably sick of both of them in that moment.

Lonny froze and slowly turned to face the actress. Well fuck, this sucked.
"Ok, let me explain myself! I promise it's not a big deal and it doesn't have to be weird."

"Lonny." Olivia said.

"Let's just pretend this never happened and that I never said anything!" The guitarist rambled, ignoring Olivia.

"Lonny." Olivia spoke again, hoping to cut him off.

"It's just a dumb crush! It's fine! I won't ever do anything to make this any more weird than it needs to be, just please don't move out, like you can, but I need to move in with CC or at the very least-"

"Lonny, oh my God! We love you too!" Andy finally exclaimed.

Lonny froze, his jaw dropping in shock. There was no way he said what Lonny thinks he said. "Come again?" He whispered.

Olivia bit her lip to keep from laughing and stepped forward, lifting her hand up to his jaw and raised up on her toes, pressing her lips to his softly before she pulled away. "I love you, Lonny." She whispered.

Lonny stared at her, his lips tingling from the kiss. Was he dreaming?

Andy moved to Lonny's side and curled his index finger around his chin to face him and leaned in to kiss Lonny slowly, smiling when he kissed back. "I love you so fucking much, Lon." He whispered as he pulled away, smiling at the younger man.

"Am- ok, am I dreaming?" Lonny whispered as he looked back and forth between the two of them.

Olivia chuckled and shook her head, kissing him on the jaw as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Nah, definitely not." She giggled, turning her head to kiss Andy, who wrapped his arm around Lonny's back as he moved his lips against hers slowly before he pulled back to face the guitarist.

"Lonny?" He whispered, brushing his nose sweetly against the younger man's.

Lonny snapped out of his daze and slid his hand up to cup the side of Andy's face as he kissed him deeply, sighing into his mouth. Holy shit, at this point he didn't care if it was a dream just as long as he didn't wake up.

He pulled back and turned to kiss Olivia again and Andy nuzzled into his neck smiling before he nipped playfully at his shoulder. "Lonny?" He said again with a chuckle when both Olivia and the guitarist groaned in annoyance as they broke the kiss.

"What?" Lonny asked, the frustration draining from him as he turned to face the model.

"Do you want to be our boyfriend?" Andy asked softly, cupping Lonny's face and tracing his cheekbone with the pad of his thumb.

Lonny paused for a moment before he reached up to cup the back of Andy's head and pulled him down to kiss his forehead sweetly. "You are so fucking cute, what the fuck?" He groaned as he pulled away, grinning when Andy giggled. "I love you." He whispered before he turned to face Olivia.

The actress also laughed giddily as he pressed his lips to her forehead as well.
"And I love you. Of course I want to be your boyfriend." Lonny said as he pulled away to look at the two with loving eyes.

Andy leaned in and kissed up and down Lonny's neck, moving around so he stood behind him and gripped his hips as Olivia kissed the guitarist on the lips, moving hers against his until he opened his mouth and proceeded to slide his tongue into her mouth, lapping at the actress' as she gripped at his shoulders.

Lonny wrapped one arm around Olivia's waist and reached up to tangle his fingers into Andy's soft hair as he nipped playfully at his throat. He needed to touch both of them, feel their warmth under his skin to know that this was in fact real.

Andy pulled away from Lonny's neck and gently tapped at Olivia's jaw to get her attention and kissed her when she pulled away from the guitarist.

Lonny slid out from between them and leaned in to kiss at both of their jaws, pausing when Andy's breath hitched as he nipped at a spot just under his ear.

'Oh I'm keeping that place in mind.' He smiled to himself.

Olivia pulled away and turned to face Lonny, tugging at the bottom of his shirt in an attempt to take it off of him, drawing a laugh from the guitarist as he lifted his arms up to allow her to remove it from him as Andy stepped back and shrugged his own jacket off, grinning at the two loves of his life.

Lonny glanced at both of them for a moment before he picked Olivia up and kissed her deeply. "Andy's bed is bigger." He mumbled against her lips before he felt Andy's hands on his shoulder, urging him to walk as he guided them into his room with a chuckle.

Lonny sat the actress down on the bed gently, but before he could do anything, Andy spun him around and shoved onto his back next to Olivia on the mattress and climbed on top of him, kissing him roughly as he slid his hands up and down his toned chest and stomach.
Olivia watched them with a grin and pulled off her old t shirt and jeans.

"Fucking gorgeous." The model mumbled against his lover's lips.

Lonny gripped the back of Andy's shirt and tugged at it until he sat up and pulled it off, tossing it behind him.

Olivia leaned down and slid her tongue across Lonny's jaw and into his mouth, crawling over him to straddle his waist.

Andy kissed up the length of Olivia's spine, pausing to unhook her bra and slid it down her arms. Lonny broke the kiss and pulled her up slightly to lap at her nipple, sucking it into his mouth.

Olivia moaned softly at the sensation and Andy grinned, pushing her hair aside to mouth at her throat. "His mouth feel good, baby?" He growled against her ear, making the actress whimper and nod.

Lonny released her nipple with a soft pop and glanced up at her. "I want to eat your pussy." He stated, smiling when Olivia groaned and Andy cursed.

Olivia rolled off of him and layed in her back, spreading her legs invitingly as she watched Lonny sit up and move to the edge of the bed where he dropped to his knees and pulled her down slightly, mouthing up and down her thighs before he pushed her panties aside, his mouth watering at the sight of her wet cunt.

Andy watched them with a heated gaze as he moved to lay down on the bed next to Olivia, pulling her into a kiss as Lonny leaned in and ran his tongue up the center of her pussy.

Olivia moaned against Andy's mouth and reached down to card her fingers through Lonny's thick hair, whimpering as he suckled at her clit.

"Tell Lonny how fucking good his tongue feels on your cunt, sweetheart." Andy whispered against her lips, raising his hand up to fondle her breasts.

"So good, fuck! So fucking good, baby. Don't stop!" Olivia gasped as she pulled away from Andy, her back arching when Lonny slid a finger inside of her.

Lonny hummed against her and started thrusting his finger in and out of her in search of her G spot.

"Another finger, Sweet boy. We need her pussy nice and stretched open for your cock." Andy hummed, smiling when he glanced up at him briefly, his mahogany eyes filled with surprise before he did as he was told.

'If you think I won't be fucking that ass tonight, you have another thing coming, baby.'

Olivia suddenly gasped and she tugged at Lonny's hair. "Right there!"

Lonny adjusted his hand and crooked his fingers to where they were hitting Olivia's G spot over and over, smiling at the way her thighs trembled.

Andy smirked and stood up from the bed to grab condoms and some lube. "Lon, sweetie? Do you want ribbed condoms or regular?" He asked.

Lonny pulled away from Olivia's weeping cunt, but continued to finger her as he answered. "I mean, whatever feels best for Livvie." He shrugged.

Andy grinned and walked back over to the bed, a predatory look in his eyes and he bent down and tilted Lonny's face up by his chin. "Sweetie, I don't mean a condom for you to wear, I mean for one for me to wear." He growled seductively, lapping into his mouth and moaning at Olivia's juices that covered the younger man's face.

Lonny moaned and kissed back filthily. "Ribbed." He whispered into the model's mouth.

Andy grinned as he pulled away. "Liv, back or doggy?" He asked, though he already knew her answer.

"Doggy." Olivia gasped, gripping the sheets and whining when Lonny pulled his fingers out of her to let her flip onto her stomach.

"Lonny, take your pants off." Andy growled next to his ear, smirking when he gasped and nodded, quickly pulling down the sweatpants and boxers he was wearing down, letting them pool on the floor around his ankles.

Andy turned the guitarist to face him and kissed him soundly before he dropped down to his knees and licked up the length of his cock.

"Fuck." Lonny hissed, gripping Andy's soft hair as he suckled at the tip.

Andy hummed, smiling when Lonny jerked in pleasure and took the head into his mouth, suckling at it gently, then he started bobbing his head, taking the cock into the back of his throat before he pulled back, repeating over and over until Lonny was gripping Andy's hair tight enough to sting.

The model pulled away and slowly worked his way up Lonny's torso, leaving a trail of nips, licks and bites in his way and sucking at his nipples before he stood to his full height and kissed Lonny until he was breathless.

"On the bed, all fours. I want your face buried in Olivia's pussy while I finger fuck you." He ordered, grinning at the younger man.

Olivia's chest was pressed into the mattress and her ass was arched up obscenely, waiting patiently for one of them to touch her.

Lonny groaned and nodded, crawling onto the bed so he was also on all fours and pressed his face in between the soft, round globes of her ass as he shoved his tongue inside.

Andy smiled at this and poured some lube onto his fingers before he circled one around Lonny's entrance, chuckling when he pressed back against the digit.

Lonny moaned against Olivia's cunt as the older man pushed the finger inside of him, thrusting in and out slowly before he pushed another in.

"Does that feel good? Is this what you needed? Your mouth on Liv's cunt and my fingers in your gorgeous ass?" Andy teased, leaning down to nip at the pale skin at the base of his spine.

Lonny nodded, moaning whorishly as the older man's fingers pressed into his prostate. He needed to be inside of Olivia and needed Andy inside of him now.

"Fuck me, please!" Lonny gasped against the actress' skin.

"Alright baby, just let me stretch you a little more, ok?" Andy reassured, mouthing up the length of his spine before he pressed a third finger in and started thrusting them quickly in and out of Lonny.

Olivia was already close, but desperately wanted to wait until Lonny was inside of her as she bit down on the comforter to keep herself from screaming.

Lonny's thighs were shaking with want as he lapped and sucked at Olivia, whining when Andy suddenly pulled his fingers back out. A gasp escaped his lips when he was suddenly wrenched up by the hair and the model pressed his chest into the guitarist's back.

Andy mouthed at Lonny's throat as he stroked his cock slowly, nipping at his ear before he ripped open the condom foil and slid it onto the other man's length.

"Go ahead a put your cock inside of her, but don't fuck her until I'm in you." He growled, biting down on the shell of Lonny's ear.

Lonny nodded and moved up the bed until he was directly behind Olivia, bending down to kiss her shoulder softly. "Ready?" He asked softly.

"Yeah." Olivia breathed, turning her head to give him a quick kiss before he straightened up and pressed the tip of his cock against her entrance, breathing deeply before he pressed in slowly, moaning as her hot wet cunt surrounded him.

"Fuck." Olivia hissed as he slowly filled her, he was so fucking big, he felt like he was close to Andy's size.

As soon as Lonny bottomed out, he paused, running his hands over Olivia's hips and ass while he waited for Andy's next move.

Andy climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around Lonny's waist, kissing down his neck and across his shoulders slowly. "You want my cock?" He whispered.

"So much, baby, so fucking much!" The guitarist gasped, pressing back against his chest as he moaned.

Andy smirked and slowly pushed into him, running his hands up and down his waist as he waited for Lonny to give the go ahead.

"Ok if one of you don't start moving right now-" Olivia whined, pushing back into the guitarist's hips impatiently.

Andy chuckled and slowly pulled back. "Fuck yourself on my cock." He growled to Lonny.

The younger man moaned and nodded, pulling out just to the tip and pressing all the way back onto Andy's cock before he thrusted back into Olivia, making her gasp and moan.

"Fuck, so good!" Andy hissed, running his hand up and down Lonny's back as he watched him fuck himself and Olivia.

Lonny was dizzy from the pleasure that assaulted all of his senses. He leaned down and mouthed at Olivia's spine as he quickened his pace, praying that whatever angle he needed to hit her G spot would also allow for Andy to hit his prostate.

Olivia's back bowed sharply and she cried out in pleasure as the hard cock inside of her hit her spot dead on.

Andy swiveled his hips and began to thrust into Lonny quickly also finding his prostate. "Right there?" He hummed when Lonny started cursing.

"Yes yes yes yes!" The guitarist whimpered, dropping down so his hands were pressed into the mattress on either side of Olivia's head.

Andy slapped Lonny's ass and grabbed his hips roughly as he slammed into him over and over.

Olivia was clawing at the blankets underneath her and grabbed onto Lonny's hand next to her to keep herself from cumming just yet. "Harder?" She all but screamed, pushing back into Lonny's cock.

Andy began to control Lonny's hips forcing him in and out of Olivia at a brutal pace as he fucked into his prostate over and over.

"I'm so fucking close, Andy! Please please please!" The guitarist yelped, biting down on Olivia's shoulder as he slipped a hand underneath her and began rubbing her clit quickly in time with his thrusts.

"Oh fuck, please!" Olivia gasped, throwing her head back against Lonny's shoulder.

"Make her cum, Lonny." Andy whispered, kissing his back gently, a sharp contrast to the hard thrusts into the younger man's ass.

Lonny started sucking bruises into Olivia's skin and circled his finger around her clit as he doubled his efforts thrusting into her spot.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" Olivia squealed as blinding pleasure shook through her entire body.

Lonny cursed as she tightened around him, fighting off the urge to cum but the tight wet heat constricting him was just too much. His eyes rolled back and his mouth dropped open in a silent scream of ecstasy.

Andy continued thrusting into the younger man before he slowly pulled out- still painfully hard- and watched his two lovers.

Olivia pulled off of the guitarist and rolled onto her back, pulling him down into a languid kiss as his hands mapped out the curves of her perfect body.

"I really hate to interrupt... but..." Andy trailed off, gesturing to his dick.

"Oh! Sorry baby, come here. We'll take care of you." Olivia said as she sat up, gesturing for Andy to come closer.

Lonny realized what she was planning and slid to the edge of the bed to join her. Once And was directly in front of them, the guitarist leaned in and started lapping at the slit while Olivia mouthed up and down the length.

"Fuck, you're both so good, love you so much." Andy sighed, dropping his head back and let his eyes fall shut from the pleasure. He knew he wouldn't last very long.

Their lips met at Andy's tip and they started kissing sloppily around it, cupping his balls and stroking his shaft before Olivia pulled away to mouth at Andy's thighs and Lonny took him deep into his throat, bobbing his head quickly before they switched.

"I'm gonna-" Before Andy could finish his sentence, he shot his load into Olivia's mouth, moaning softly as she lapped up every single drop before she pulled away, but before she could swallow, Lonny leaned in and kissed her roughly, taking the cum into his mouth and swallowed it with a moan.

"You two are fucking perfect, holy shit." Andy breathed, dropping down onto the bed and beckoned them to join him.

They all climbed onto the mattress, turning this way and that until they found the most comfortable position.

Olivia was on her back pressed into Lonny's chest as he rested on his side and Andy had slid down a bit so he could rest his head on her stomach, sighing as Lonny ran his fingers through his hair.

"I love you, Livvie. I love you, Andy." Lonny mumbled, kissing the side of Olivia's head.

"We love you too, Lonny." Olivia smiled, nuzzling into him.

"So much." Andy added, leaning to the side to press a kiss to his hip lovingly.



Fear not tho, this isn't the last chapter 😌

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