You Drive Me Insane

By treble_maker1212

3.9K 150 586

Lonny is an aspiring musician who has just moved to LA from Canada, but quickly realizes he needs a roommate... More

City of Angels
I Hate this Fucking Town
A Great Dane With Noodle Legs and Other Plotpoints
Ok, Not a Bad Day, Just a Dick.
Who Said I Cared if We Woke Him Up?
Unless You Want To Take Your Own Advice
Don't Curse in Front of Lennon
Fucking Cyclists
Aliens or Possession is The Only Explanation
What's in The Box?
A Nice Family Dinner
To Amazon prime and British Bastards in Cowboy Hats
Pirate Andy Was a Lewk
Where's The Dark Chocolate?
I Did it My Way...or Whatever Frankie Said
Liv is Tired of Their Bullshit tbh
Mike is a bitchπŸ™„
Lomy and Andy fight therapy
God, the Guitarist πŸ˜«πŸ™Œ
That's All, Folks!

Lovelines and Other Hippy Dippy Shit

136 5 10
By treble_maker1212

For once it was actually raining in Los Angeles, softly pelting against the window as Lonny stared out at the street below, ignoring the work he was supposed to be doing on his laptop. Beaux's band was in the studio for a new album and Lonny had agreed to help write and sort of produce all of the guitar sections in it.

Things had become simultaneously so much better and so much worse in his apartment. Andy had seemed to come back to himself after he opened up about his past relationship to the guitarist and Olivia, he was slowly but surely becoming the playful, teasing, confident man that he knew(and loved).

Olivia was staying over more; in fact, there were days where Lonny wondered if she had actually moved in. Not that he would mind... ok he would mind in the sense that he would be forced to be around the two people he was in love with twenty-four seven.

It was kind of nice to have the actress around all the time though, he and Andy tended to argue whenever they attempted to cook together, so Olivia was usually the one to join him in the kitchen and it wasn't as if she was freeloading or anything like that, she helped clean around the apartment(Andy loved cleaning so they usually did that together), pitched in with laundry and dishes and was generally very easy to get along with.

If it wasn't for Lonny's stupid feelings, he would suggest that Olivia just go ahead and officially moved in with them.

With his headphones off and the only sound being the rain, Lonny could just barely hear Olivia whistling as she presumably got ready to leave for set. He knew it was her because Andy had a night photoshoot that required him to leave at midnight and he still wasn't home(Andy couldn't whistle either so there was that).

Against his better judgment, Lonny stood up and walked out into the hall, following the sound of the whistling until he stopped in front of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe, watching as Olivia washed her face.

The actress jumped slightly when she glanced up in the mirror and saw the guitarist. "Don't sneak up on me!" She exclaimed, turning back to playfully slap at his mostly bare chest, only covered by a loose muscle tee that dipped down low on his sternum.

"I wasn't sneaking! I just walked in here!" Lonny defended, raising his hands up in surrender as he let himself admire her.

"Yes you were, dick." She huffed, a smile playing at her soft, full lips as she turned back to the mirror to brush her teeth, rinsing the toothbrush under the faucet before she applied a line of toothpaste.

Lonny scoffed and shook his head. "When's Andy coming back?" Just as he asked this, the front door opened. "Never mind."

Andy stumbled through the apartment, completely exhausted. He was used to long days at a shoot, but long nights? That was something he did not enjoy. He looked around the apartment and saw Lonny standing outside the bathroom.

Lonny nearly jumped when he felt a face press into his shoulder and neck. "I'm so fucking tired." Andy groaned, nuzzling at the younger man's soft skin.

The guitarist felt like his entire body was on fire. "Long shoot?" He asked, desperately trying to sound casual as Olivia turned to look at them after rinsing the toothpaste from her mouth.

"So long, if I ever agree to do a night shoot again, fucking punch me!" Andy said, lifting his head so his chin rested against the sharp cap of Lonny's shoulder.

"I will happily oblige." Lonny snorted, hissing when Andy poked his side sharply.

"Shut up." Andy mumbled.

Olivia chuckled and shook her head. "I need to get going. Lonny, make sure Andy actually goes to bed, please?" She requested, raising up on her tiptoes to press her lips against Andy's and paused for a moment before she turned and kissed Lonny's cheek, then pulled away and slid past them.

Andy raised an eyebrow and chuckled when he felt Lonny tense up, the heat from his flushed skin radiated off of him. He was so shy, it was adorable.

He was expecting to feel uncomfortable or awkward after he realized he had feelings for Lonny, but if anything, it just made things much more clear than they had been before. He did feel a bit guilty since he was in a relationship with a woman he loved very deeply, but he wasn't going to do anything about it, it was just a silly crush, so he had nothing to feel bad about. That's what he kept telling himself anyway.

Andy stepped away from the younger man and followed his girlfriend into the living room, grabbing her from behind and wrapped his arms around her waist kissing her neck and jaw repeatedly, smiling as she giggled and struggled in his arms.

"Andy! I have to go!" She laughed, pushing his arms away and turned to face him.

"Alright, alright. Have a good day, baby." Andy said, kissing her gently on the lips before he pulled back and grinned, bumping his nose against hers.

"Love you." Olivia whispered.

"Love you too." Andy replied, watching her as she walked out the door.

Lonny came into the living room, his face still uncomfortably warm from the kiss and from Andy pressed up so close to him. "You going to bed?" He asked the older man, he looked exhausted.

"Yeah I will, what are you gonna do?" Andy said, turning to look at the guitarist.

'You wanna come cuddle with me?' Oh my God, no.

"I um- I need to go to the store, you need anything?" Lonny asked, not wanting to be alone with Andy at the moment, even though he would be asleep for most of the day.

"I think I need some more almond milk?" The model said, a questioning look across his face as he tried to take a mental catalog of all of his food.

"Alright, do you want me to grab some dark chocolate power bars?" Lonny asked, knowing how much Andy loved those.

Andy's eyes lit up and he smiled. "You are the best, you know that?"

The guitarist smiled and shrugged, he loved that big toothy grin Andy had when he was excited. "I mean... I am pretty cool, I guess."

The model snorted and turned to walk into his room. "It's already went to your head! That's the only compliment you're getting out of me for a while." He called over his shoulder.

Lonny shook his head and grabbed his keys so he could head to the grocery store.

As he walked out into the hall, he spotted his neighbor, Juliet walking towards him from the elevator.

"Hi, Lonny! How are you?" She asked, adjusting the strap of her purse that hung from her shoulder.

"I'm great, Juliet. How about you? How's Maria and the pup?" Lonny replied with a smile.

"Good, good and spoiled as ever." She chuckled. "Are you and your roomie free tonight? Ria and I have been meaning to invite you guys for dinner."

"Let me text Andy and see, he had a late shoot so I don't know if he'll be awake." Lonny said, pulling out his phone to text the older man.

Ol' blue eyes: 'sure, sounds fun, can Liv come?'

"He wants to know if he can bring his girlfriend?" Lonny relayed the question.

"Is that the hot brunette I've seen come in and out of your apartment?" Juliet asked with a grin.

"Yes, that's Olivia." The guitarist chuckled.

"Well I am not one to turn down the company of a beautiful woman, so yes." She replied.

"You're literally married!" He scoffed.

"And she's dating your roommate! I'm not gonna do anything, just appreciate how hot she is." Juliet said with a roll of her eyes, Maria would be checking her out just as much as she was.

"Ok what time do you want us there?" He asked, changing the subject.

Her full lips pursed in thought and she tilted her head to the side. "Seven ish?" Juliet suggested.

"Seven should work, I'll see you then." Lonny said then turned down the hall, making his way over to the elevator as he let Andy know about the plan.

Ol' blue eyes: 'seven sounds good, wake me up when you get home so I don't sleep all day.'

Lonny pressed the ground floor button and watched the door slide closed.

Dinner with the neighbors was so...domestic? Something about it sent butterflies through his stomach and he shivered. He really didn't need to be thinking about it that way.

God, he needed a tour soon, just to get away from everything for a bit to clear his mind.


Andy layed in his bed, staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought. He was thinking about a lot of things; his career, his relationship, his chosen family.

He knew how lucky he was to have all of them in his life and he loved all of them very deeply in different ways. He loved Jinxx like a brother and father figure, he loved Jake in a similar way, minus the father part, Lennon was a given, he would die for him, CC was one of his closest friends now, Olivia was in fact the love of his life, she was perfect for him and he was grateful to have her; and Lonny... he was complicated.

Once he had excepted the fact that he cared about Lonny as more than a friend, it seemed like it kept getting worse and worse as time went on; and the more his feelings grew for the younger man, the more guilt he felt. He loved Olivia more than he ever thought he was capable of, but the fact that he started feeling those same butterflies and heart palpitations for Lonny as he had when he first started falling in love with Olivia? This was going to end badly.

A soft knock on the door caught his attention.

"Come in!" He called out, fighting a smile when Lonny popped his head in. Even with all the thoughts and guilt running through his mind, the sight of the younger man instantly put him at ease.

"Hey, I'm back. Just wanted to see if you were awake or not since you wanted me to get you up when I got home." Lonny said softly, Andy looked wide awake so he was curious if he ever slept.

'Should I?' "Get me up, huh." Andy said with a quirked brow. He knew it was mean, but he had to.

Lonny sputtered a bit. "Shut the fuck up, Andy." He finally huffed out. God, he would love for that, but unfortunately it was not an option. Ever.

Andy laughed and sat up. "What time is it?" He asked, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed and stood up.

"Its just after two, I had to run some errands and traffic was a bitch." Lonny replied.

"Ok, I'm gonna take a shower." Andy said, grabbing some clothes from his dresser.

"Did you text Livvie about dinner?" Lonny asked, stepping aside to let him through the doorway.

Andy grinned at the nickname, it was so fucking cute. "I did, she said she'd stop by her place to get ready though, apparently she doesn't have any 'dinner appropriate' clothes here." He explained with a scoff.

Lonny nodded and paused for a moment, he was tempted to ask why she hadn't moved in yet, but he really didn't want to put that idea in his head if they haven't discussed it.

"Ok." Lonny said, his breath catching in his throat when Andy started to walk past him but stopped, facing him so their chests were inches away and he could feel the older man's warm breath fan his face.

Before he could react, Andy reached up and carded a hand through his hair, smoothing it down on the side before he pushed it behind his ear. "Sorry, it was sticking up all weird." Andy said awkwardly when he realized he had given in to that intrusive thought.

"It's fine." Lonny said, he hadn't realized one could blush as much as he has in the past few weeks.

The model nodded and quickly made his way to the bathroom before he did anything stupid.

'Like push him against the wall and kiss him until we're both breathless...or fuck him so I can hear all of those pretty sounds he probably makes.' Yep, Andy needed to jerk off now. Great.


"What time are they coming, baby?" Maria asked as she tossed vegetables into a pan and added several different seasonings on them.

"Seven or so, they're bringing Andy's girlfriend so make sure you make enough for five." Juliet replied as she straightened up around the living room.

"The hot brunette?" She asked with a grin.

"Hell yeah." The dark hair woman laughed.

The blonde chuckled and glanced at the clock, they should be there in a few minutes. "I might offer to do a reading for them." She said casually.

"For free?" Juliet questioned, the surprise was evident in her voice.

"Yeah, I just have a feeling that they're all...I don't know, it seems like they need the answer to the same question." Maria said with a shrug. All three of them seemed to have something hanging over them and from what she could tell just from passing them in the hall or casual small talk, the only solution was hidden in one another, what that solution was? Maria would have to do a reading to find out.

"Ooooh drama, I love it!" Juliet said gleefully when a knock came from the front door.

Juliet walked over to the door and opened it, smiling at the three people standing on the other side of it.

"Hi, you're just in time! Come on in." She said, waving them in.

"Juls, this is my girlfriend, Olivia. I'm not sure if you guys have met yet." Andy said, introducing the two women.

"We haven't, it's so nice to meet you, that's my wife, Maria." Juliet replied, pointing back to where the petite blonde was waving.

"Hi, it's so nice to meet both of you too." Olivia smiled.

"Go ahead and have a seat, dinner is almost ready." Maria called.

They all sat down and a one eyed pug came waddling over, bumping his nose against Olivia's leg. "Hi sweet little baby!" She said excitedly, bending down to love on the dog.

"So what do you do for a living, Olivia?" Juliet asked, smiling as she interacted with her dog.

"I'm mainly an actress, but I do modeling as well." Olivia said, sitting up so she was actually facing the other woman.

"Is that how you and Andy met? A modeling thing?" Maria asked as she carried serving dishes in to sit on the center of the table.

"Sort of, I was invited to a runway for a brand I work with sometimes and Andy was walking it." The actress said with a smile.

"That's so cute!" Juliet gushed.

"How did you guys meet?" Olivia asked, helping herself to some food.

"Ria came into the shop I used to work at for a cover up." Juliet said with a loving smile as she looked at her wife.

"I didn't know you were a tattoo artist, you should give me one some time." Andy said.

"What about you, Maria. I don't think you've ever said." Lonny said, taking a bite and humming at the taste.

"I do psychic readings." She replied. "I was actually telling Juj that I should read your palms before you got here."

"That would be so much fun!" Olivia gasped.

Andy smiled and nodded in agreement. He didn't neccesarily believe in that sort of thing, but it would be fun nonetheless.

"How would that work? I've never gotten that done before." Lonny asked curiously.

"Here, give me your hand." Maria instructed, turning in her seat to face the younger man.

Lonny held his hand out and watched as she wrapped her thin fingers around his wrist and studied it closely for a few moments.

"You have a deep connection with your family, you have wonderful news coming soon for your career that you've been waiting for and... hmmm. Your loveline is very deep, your love life is about to change drastically." She said as she let go of his hand.

Lonny stared at her in surprise, he wasn't sure what to make of any of that and frankly, it kinda freaked him out.

"Oh my God, me next!" Olivia said, holding her hand out to the older woman who chuckled and took it.

"Your career is flourishing right now and it will continue to do so, the struggles with your health will be taken seriously and you will get the help you need and... huh. Your love life will also go through a dramatic change." Maria said, staring curiously at the actress' hand before she let go of it.

Olivia has gone through so much trying to find a doctor who would help her with her endometriosis, so the thought that things might actually get better almost made her tear up.

Maria turned to look at Andy, raising an eyebrow as she waited until he finally sighed and layed his hand palm up across the table.

"Ok, you have a deeply troubled past, but it looks like you are going through a season of healing and growing, so I'm very happy for you, you have doubts about yourself and your career but I can assure you that they are completely unfounded and-" Maria cut herself off and stared at Andy's hand.

"And what?" Andy asked curiously, she had been pretty spot on up until that point.

"Olivia, can I see your hand again?" She asked softly, glancing at her palm when she stretched it out. "Lonny, yours too." When she looked at the guitarist's she sat back. So that's what she had been sensing.

"What is it, babe?" Juliet asked.

"You all have identical lovelines." Maria finally said.

None of them spoke, what exactly were they supposed to say to that?

"So who wants desert?" Juliet said to cut the uncomfortable silence that filled the room as she stood up.

"Yeah that sounds great." Andy said, clearing his throat awkwardly. Palm reading wasn't a science, just because she was accurate on some things doesn't mean shit.

Olivia nodded and took a sip of her wine. Well, this wasn't what she was expecting, though it did make sense to her.

Lonny wished he was sitting next to the door so he could make a break for it..or a window, he could jump, it would be fine.

Palm reading was a load of shit anyways... right?


Shout out to Maria for calling everyone out, shout out to the boys for immediately denying it and shout out to Liv for just being like "yeah, checks out.🤷‍♀️"

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