You Drive Me Insane

By treble_maker1212

4K 150 586

Lonny is an aspiring musician who has just moved to LA from Canada, but quickly realizes he needs a roommate... More

City of Angels
I Hate this Fucking Town
A Great Dane With Noodle Legs and Other Plotpoints
Ok, Not a Bad Day, Just a Dick.
Who Said I Cared if We Woke Him Up?
Unless You Want To Take Your Own Advice
Don't Curse in Front of Lennon
Fucking Cyclists
What's in The Box?
A Nice Family Dinner
To Amazon prime and British Bastards in Cowboy Hats
Pirate Andy Was a Lewk
Where's The Dark Chocolate?
I Did it My Way...or Whatever Frankie Said
Liv is Tired of Their Bullshit tbh
Mike is a bitchπŸ™„
Lovelines and Other Hippy Dippy Shit
Lomy and Andy fight therapy
God, the Guitarist πŸ˜«πŸ™Œ
That's All, Folks!

Aliens or Possession is The Only Explanation

143 6 20
By treble_maker1212

Using this picture of Lonny instead of a picture of Olivia for this chapter because plot reasons

Lonny stared at his reflection, a frustrated sigh falling from his lips as he examined the now full beard that covered the lower half of his face.

"Damnit." He muttered as he ran his left hand over the corse hair on his jaw.

He needed to shave, but unfortunately the cast on his dominant hand and the pain made it impossible to hold a razor or his beard trimmer.

He cursed his father's genes for making his facial hair grow at such an abundance. He was fine with a beard, when he actually had the option to choose whether or not he would grow it out, but now he had no choice.

The guitarist pulled out his phone and snapped a quick selfie and posted it to his Instagram story.

'I'm gonna look like a caveman by the time my hand heals!' He captioned it.

He huffed and carefully began to pull his t-shirt over his head, wincing when it jostled his cast and tossed it to the ground before he slid off his sweatpants and boxers.

He grabbed a plastic bag from target and slid it over his cast so he wouldn't get it wet and hopped into the shower.

Lonny never would've guessed how difficult it was to wash hair one handed, but it's a pain in the ass.

He twisted and turned painstakingly slow to rinse the suds from his body without getting water on the cast before he stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist, tossing the plastic into the garbage can before opening the door to go back into his room to change.

He paused and turned back to the mirror to look at his reflection before looking back at his beard trimmer, contemplating.

Andy walked into the living room with a basket of clothes in his arms and his phone sandwiched between his ear and shoulder as he talked to Jinxx, he's been needed to do the laundry for about two weeks, but with how crazy things had been prepping for fashion week, he hasn't had the time.

"How's he feeling?" Andy asked the older man. Lennon had come down with a cold and wasn't feeling the best.

"He's still pretty sick, but I took him to the doctor and they said it was just a cold, so I'm not too worried. He's been so cuddly, poor baby, he feels bad." Jinxx said as he glanced into his bedroom to check on the sleeping child in his crib.

"Aww, I'll come by later." Andy said, his heart breaking at the thought of his god son in pain.

"Andy, you have two photoshoots this week and fashion week coming up, you don't need to catch Lennon's cold." The older man chuckled, he knew Andy would be holding Lennon the second he walked through the door.

The model sighed, he knew Jinxx was tight, but he still wanted to see him.

"Tell you what, you can facetime him later when he's awake." Jinxx offered up as an alternative.

"Alright, I guess, but once he's better i want all the cuddles!" He exclaimed, drawing a laugh from Jinxx.

"Deal." The violinist laughed softly, worried he would wake Lennon up.

He paused for a moment before he spoke again. "...You want to stay with us next week? We don't get to see you as often and Lennon misses you." He said, trying to sidestep the obvious suggestion.

Andy smiled sadly and shook his head. Jinxx once again trying to protect him. "I know what you're doing, Jinxx. You don't have to do that." He said. August first was a day he dreaded every year, you would think after all this time it wouldn't hurt any more, but if anything, it hurt more every year it passed.

Last year, he had tried to distract himself, work, travel, spend time with chosen family, but it still ended the same way it always ended. Him curled up in bed with tears streaming down his face and that little box he has carried around since he was twelve.

"I know I don't, but I want to. Stay the weekend at the very least?" Jinxx requested, trying to hide the worry in his voice. August was always a hard time for him and he wanted to make sure Andy was ok.

"Ok, I can't stay, but I will try to come up as often as I can." Andy relented, he really did appreciate how much Jinxx cared about him and his wellbeing.

"Good enough, bring Liv with you." The violinist said with a chuckle, soft whimpering from the other room caught his attention. "Ok, Len is awake, I'll call you later, I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Jinxx, tell Lennon and Jake I love them too." The model said and hung up, sitting his phone on the counter in the kitchen before he walked down the hallway.

He opened the door to the laundry room and sat the basket on the machine,
grabbing the detergent from the shelf and began measuring it out in the scoop.

"Ow! Son of a bitch!" Lonny cursed from the bathroom.

Andy glanced up and considered whether or not he should check on him, he didn't care, but he also wanted to make sure the dumbass didn't break his other hand.

The model walked over to the bathroom and stood in the doorway to see his roommate frowning at a beard trimmer sitting on the counter.

"You good?" He asked in amusement as he leaned against the door frame.

The younger man's hair was wet and pushed out of his face and his had a white towel wrapped around his waist. It seemed like that beard of his had grown overnight and it was just getting worse and worse by the day.

Well not worse, per say. Andy didn't mind the facial hair, if anything he was jealous of Lonny's uncanny ability to actually grow it.

Lonny jumped at the voice and turned to glare at the older man. "This beard is driving me crazy and if I don't get to shave it soon I will lose my mind!" He huffed, going back to glowering at the grooming tool.

Andy watched the younger man for a long moment, he could very easily make a joke and walk away, but instead he sighed.

He knew he would feel bad for not offering to help at the very least. That was it. His conscious, he wasn't doing it for Lonny.

Lonny glanced up at the groan that escaped the older man's lips, his brows furrowing in confusion as he entered the bathroom fully.

"Listen, I don't want to hear it, I don't want you ever mentioning this or bringing it up, I'm only doing this so you'll shut the fuck up about your beard." Andy said, pointing at the guitarist.

"Do what?" Lonny asked, what was he going on about now?

Andy huffed and turned his eyes heavenward to seemingly collect his patience before he looked back at the younger man.

"I will shave you, but this doesn't leave this bathroom, understood?" The model elaborated, picking up the beard trimmer to emphasize that he was being serious.

Lonny stared at the older man in surprise, he couldn't be serious...could he? on one hand, this definitely was a joke, of course, but on the other, he was desperate to shave.

"Ok I can't tell if you're fucking with me or fine, as long as you don't try to slit my throat." He grumbled.

Andy snorted slightly and gestured for him to sit on the counter so he could reach him before he stepped forward and turned on the beard trimmer.

Lonny tried not to flinch away when the older man pressed the blades against his cheek and drug it down to his jaw. He glanced at Andy, his intense topaz eyes focused on his task and his bottom lip pulled in between his teeth.

Andy placed his hand under Lonny's chin and tilted it up so he could shave his neck and jaw. His fingers tingled from the contact with the younger man's skin.

He slid closer, his hips pressed into Lonny's knees as he turned his face to the side to work on his other cheek and jaw.

Lonny felt his breath hitch, he prayed the older man didn't notice. Maybe he needed to start dating, get a tinder account, he was clearly touch starved.

Andy's eyes widened a bit when the younger man spread his legs slightly so he could stand closer, he caught Lonny's gaze, his warm umber eyes felt like fire burning into his own before he looked away, his gaze trained on the bristles dusting over his cheekbones.

He could admit that the guitarist was good looking, in a punk rock boy next door type of way that sounds like it shouldn't work, but it did, really well. He also didn't realize how fit Lonny was until now since he was standing roughly four inches away from him.
Andy let his eyes flick over to the sleeve of black and white photo realistic tattoos for a moment, they were really well done and clearly thought out, unlike his patch work of memories and stories that littered his skin.

The tattoos fit both of their personalities very well he felt.

He looked away quickly, praying the younger man didn't catch him, that would be mortifying.

Andy wasn't the only one taking note of ink though. Lonny let his eyes wander the expanse of ink the covered his neck and arms, disappearing under the shirt sleeves of his Bengals jersey, he was more into realism, but Andy's edgy, artistic and colorful tattoos just looked right on his body, he had several batman tattoos, some band related tattoos and obscure pieces that definitely had a story behind each and every one of them, he honestly liked them.

If it was anyone else and if they were in any other situation, he would ask about those stories.

The guitarist stared at the wall behind them awkwardly to avoid the older man's gaze, his cold hands sending shivers down his spine as they traced over his skin.

"Your hands are fucking icicles." He said, trying to break the strange tension that had formed between them as he struggled to breathe properly.

It took a moment for Andy to register the words before he snapped out of the almost trance like state he was in as he fought to focus on shaving Lonny and nothing else.

"They're always cold." He mumbled shakily, turning Lonny to face him as he began trimming the hair on his chin and upper lip.

Unfortunately there was no option but to look directly at Andy, he could close his eyes...but that seemed weirder than actually looking into his eyes.

He glanced around, looking at the ceiling, the shower curtain, the wall. Anything but Andy's face, but eventually his eyes settled on it, tracing the sharp cheekbones, his perfectly arched brows, his soft full lips. It made sense that he was a model.

Andy could feel his cheeks warming as he felt The guitarist's eyes on him.

'What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I fucking blushing!' He thought angrily to himself as he tapped gently on his lips.

"Suck your lips in, please." The model whispered.

Lonny did as he was told, biting the inside of his cheek as he tugged awkwardly at the edge of his towel and avoided the older man's face, his face was flushed and he couldn't figure out why, he probably felt just as uncomfortable as he did.

It was almost sweet when he thought about it, Andy definitely didn't have to do this, but he did. He was so confused, this didn't seem in character for Andy or at least the Andy he was used to seeing.

'What if he's an alien that killed Andy and took over his life? Or he's possessed?' He thought to himself as he shifted awkwardly on the counter.

Ok that was probably a bit dramatic, but at this point anything made more sense than him doing this out of the goodness of his heart.

After what felt like a lifetime, Andy finished and turned off the beard trimmer, sitting down onto the counter next to Lonny before he stepped back and let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Lonny slid off the counter and turned to look at himself in the mirror. Andy had done a good job, he hadn't nicked him or miss any spots.

"Thanks." Lonny mumbled awkwardly.

"Don't mention it." Andy said before he turned and walked out of the bathroom to finish his laundry.

Andy felt weird, he could tell Lonny was just as uncomfortable as he least he was pretty sure he was, but he was just gonna pretend it didn't happen.

He was regretting this, he knew he shouldn't have been nice to Lonny, now things were even more uncomfortable than they were before.

"Fuck." The model mumbled under his breath as he tossed clothes into the washing machine.

Lonny all but ran into his bedroom, his face burned with embarrassment. Why did he agree to let Andy do that? Was he insane?

"What the fuck is wrong with me?" He groaned quietly as he stared up at the ceiling, his back pressed against the door after he closed it.

He pushed himself off the door when he realized he looked like every girl in a romcom after a date and threw on some clothes. He was picking Beaux up from the airport with CC and he needed to get ready.

When he finished dressing, he walked out of his room and made a bee line to the door, not looking up so he didn't make eye contact with Andy.

Andy heard the footsteps down the hall but he refused to turn around, he held his breath as he turned on the machine and counted to ten before he let it out. He heard the front door open and sighed in relief when it closed again.

The model walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch heavily. He needed to talk to someone, he couldn't call Jinxx, because he was taking care of Lennon and he couldn't call Olivia because she was on set.

"God I need more friends." He grumbled to himself as he pulled his phone out and sent a text to Jake.

'Somehow managed to make things even weirder between my roommate and I, how was your day?' He texted, turning on an audio book to listen to while he waited for a reply.

Pake Jitts: 'how the hell did you manage that?? And good, thanks for asking'

'I'm a fucking idiot' Andy replied, rubbing a hand over his face as he layed back on the couch.

Pake Jitts: 'I'm aware of this, but be more specific' The model snorted and shook his head, why did he surround himself with smartasses?... ok probably because he was one as well, but that was neither here nor there.

'He couldn't shave because the jackass broke his hand, so I did it for him and it was incredibly tense and awkward so now I want to die.'

Jake read the text with a raised brow, huh.
Maybe Jinxx was right about the sexual tension.

'Dude, you're too nice for your own good!' He texted the younger man before he sat his phone aside and turned his gaze back to his computer screen with a sigh, the track lines morphing together into a blob from having stared at it for so long.

Maybe they should do something about all of this? He and Lonny were friends now, so it wouldn't be that difficult to set something up, like an intervention of sorts.

There had to be something missing from this picture, he knew the guitarist well enough to know that he and Andy should be the best of friends (or more), their personalities seemed like they would mesh and balance each other out perfectly!
But for some reason, they weren't, not even that, they genuinely seemed to loathe each other and while he could understand where Andy was coming from, he had no idea why Lonny felt the way he did.

Jake made up his mind and decided he would run it by Jinxx when he got home to see what was the best plan of action for this.


Some steamy tension and Jake is gonna have an intervention for our boys👀

This was so short, but hopefully y'all still enjoyed it! Be sure to rate and comment, my loves🖤

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