College Love (Jimin x female...

By lelonie1711

164 10 0

We stopped this story it's not worth it More

First day of the 2nd Semester
The blonde guy
1st school day
Olivia and her friends
Meet all the friends
New Information
Sumis date
Ahris date
Exciting Sunday
The Game
Important Autor Notice!!!

Y/n's date

11 1 0
By lelonie1711

(The day of Sumi's date and Ahris date is now displayed in the perspective of Y/n)

Y/n pov

When I woke up, it was 9:15 am, it didn't take me long to get up and went to the kitchen. I saw Ahri sitting in the kitchen, she greeted me I took a glass of orange juice and sat down with her and I started drawing. After a short time, Sumi came, Ahri and Sumi were talking about their plans today. They could persuade me to meet Jimin, I hesitated for a long time and went to take a shower immediately and then put my outfit on:

When I was dressed, I heard Sumi and Ahri say goodbye on after the other. I was then a bit on my phone and got a message from Jimin.

Jimin 🐥

Hey, Y/n are ready for our meeting?

Hey, yes, I'm done and you?

Yes. Then I'll come pick you up now

Okay see you then

After writing to Jimin, my excitement increased more and more.

After less than long, it knocked on the door and it was Jimin as expected, he smiled at me and I immediately blushed, he noticed it and giggled. "Can we go?" Jimin asked and I nodded because I can't say a word with excitement. I turned around and fetched my bag with a block and a pen and went out of the door. When we were looking for a nice place on campus, no one talked, it was a bit unpleasant, when we found a nice place we sat in the grass and got our painting things out. "You look very pretty today, Y/n!" he said and smiled. I said thank you quietly because I noticed that I was turning red. We started drawing the flowers around us.

"Let's see wo can draw the best" Jimin said victoriously. I accepted the proposal and asked what to draw, he explained to me that we should raw the most beautiful thing we see here. After explaining, I looked around and saw a beautiful flower, I didn't hesitate long and started drawing it.

After an hour, we were both done and I noticed Jimin getting a little nervous. "Okay, I'm doe" I proudly said "Me too" Jimin said. "Who's starting to show it first?" I asked. "You're staring" Jimin said quickly. I looked at him confused but didn't think anything about it anymore and showed mine. "Wow that's beautiful" Jimin said shocked "Thanks" I said pleased, "But mine is much nicer" he proudly said "I don't believe that" I said and began to laugh "believe me" he said "Then finally show it to me" I said curiously, he hesitated briefly but showed me then I was shocked when I saw it, it was a picture of me "omg" I said in shock "Do you like it?" he asked me nervously "Wow that's wonderful, I didn't except you to be such a good drawer" I answered "Thank you" he said shy and turned a little red. "It's so good. Did you think about going to the art class?" I asked him "No, art doesn't interest me so I stay in sport class" he said laughing. After the conversation, we continued to draw and talk and get to know each other better. It was already very late when I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that Ahri called me several times. I wrote to her that I would come home soon. "Jimin, it's already late, I would go slowly" I told him "No problem, I'm taking you to your dorm." he said and stood up. "You don't have to that" I replied, "But I like to do that otherwise something else will happen to you" he said lovingly. "Thank you, really nice of you" I told him and grinned at him, we packed our stuff together and went towards my dorm.
When we arrived at the dorm, we said goodbye with a hug and I immediately went into my room and only thought about Jimin the rest of the evening.


Authors Notice
Hey guys, we hope you liked it have a good day/night.

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