[BL] Eternal Spring ✔️

By _earthshaker_

6.2K 331 61

In the kingdom of Qiangda, the people live a harmonious life. The imperial family bears the mark of the phoen... More

第四十七章 [END]


863 21 7
By _earthshaker_

"Ugh! Fine, leave!" A young man climbed to his feet, glaring after the stout donkey that ambled it's way to the side of the road to feast on the green grass that'd captured it's attention. The donkey's bridle jingled a merry tune, bells hung amongst the rope. Across the animal's broad shoulders, it carried the man's possessions in two travel worn bags.

The man in question had turned away to peer up at the sun high in the sky, lifting the veiled hat from his head. He was handsome, with a strong jaw, straight nose and shapely lips. Cold eyes rested under angular brows, the previous frustration and annoyance already fading. His hanfu* had tight-fitting sleeves of blue, an overcoat of white and a skirt of black. Worn leather bracers adorned his arms and his hair was worn in a half-up, half-down style and pinned with a small silver crown-pin. This man's name was Liu Qingyuan.

(*Hanfu - A style of clothing, usually consisting of a robe or a jacket as the upper portion and a skirt as the lower portion)

Liu Qingyuan looked around, dark phoenix eyes narrowing against the grit the wind blew up into the air. He spotted water several paces away and decided to wash up and get a drink.

The river burbled happily as he approached, it's waters tumbling over smooth rock. Liu Qingyuan crouched, his long, black hair cascading over his shoulder. He gazed at his distorted reflection for but a second. The water was cold and did well to refresh him.

After checking that the donkey was still nearby, Liu Qingyuan laid back, hat balanced precariously on his forehead. The rocks warmed his back and a gentle breeze played with his hair. The river's happy melody coaxed the sleep upon him. Liu Qingyuan settled in. A quick nap didn't seem so bad. His master wouldn't hear head or tail of it anyways. Ah yes...his master.


Two Months Ago

"The servant greets your Majesty." Liu Qingyuan bowed low to the man atop the ornate chair of a throne. The old man smiled and made a sound of contentment.


Liu Qingyuan rose, turning to the man standing to the right of the king. His build was slight and lean but he harnessed the power of a wolf. The man was dressed in black silk, long hair up in a high ponytail, bangs dripping down over one side of his face to partially conceal the black mask that covered the scar over his right eye. His black eyes glittered with cunning and in his hand he clutched a fine sword imbued with gold.

"Shifu.*" Liu Qingyuan bowed again. The man smiled a little and nodded, acknowledging the greeting. The man turned, accepting a scroll of imperial yellow and descending the steps to face his disciple.

(*Shifu - "Master" or "teacher")

"By command of his Majesty of Gongzhuan, Liu Qingyuan, disciple of Mo Wu is compelled to travel to Qiangda to shine light on the truths of an important matter of the court." Liu Qingyuan glanced up in curiosity at his master at the vague proclamation. "Accept this edict."

Liu Qingyuan kneeled once more, arms outstretched and head bowed. "I accept." Mo Wu placed the scroll in his hands and stepped aside as Liu Qingyuan bowed again. "Thank you, your Majesty."

The king waved him off. "You are dismissed. Well wishes on your travel."

"Then, we shall take our leave," Mo Wu said. He turned his glittering gaze on Liu Qingyuan and gestured for him to follow. Liu Qingyuan followed his master outside, through a courtyard and into a smaller, more private room.

"Shifu," he dared to ask. Mo Wu raised a hand, silencing his disciple and seating himself at the round table in the center of the room. Liu Qingyuan stepped forward, grabbed the teapot and offered his master a cup of tea.

"Do not be hasty," Mo Wu said, taking a sip. "Reign in the wild emotions. Be calm and stead-fast."

"...yes, shifu." Liu Qingyuan took a seat across from his master, waiting as he set down his cup and savoured the lingering flavours on his tongue. He turned his gaze, suddenly, on his pupil.

"Have you heard of the Qiangda flower?"

"...I'm not sure I have." Mo Wu gazed at him blankly for a second and Liu Qingyuan fought against the childish urge to squirm. That stare always made him antsy.

"To sum it up; when the line of Phoenix rulers began, Qiangda and it's people prospered. The mark brought good blessings. Until their 4th king rose to the throne, and abused his power. Nobody could stop him as he had the blessings of the heavens. No mortal weapon could harm him.

"Under years of his regime, the people suffered and there seemed no end to this hell. The gods finally noticed and realized their mistake. Something should not exist without its opposite counterpart, as yin cannot exist without yang and the other way around. So, the Qiangda flower came into existence."

Mo Wu paused to take another drink of his tea.

"It is the counterpart to the Phoenix mark. It contains a poison that is otherworldly, able to overpower the phoenix mark and it's protection."

Liu Qingyuan looked at his master a little skeptically. "Do you know what it looks like?"

"It can take many forms. It depends on each ruler." Liu Qingyuan sagged in disappointment. "The...imperial family has destroyed all information about it and has been keeping it a guarded secret for centuries." Mo Wu sneered at the table. "For fear they meet their end because of it."

"But shifu...how do you know of it, then?

He took a sip of his tea. "You cannot cut out the tongues of 20 million people, lest your kingdom's order collapses." Liu Qingyuan nodded, brow furrowing as he speculated. "I want you to go to Qiangda and I want you to find it. Use it to kill their ruler."

Liu Qingyuan's bewildered blinking was the only sign of his shock. "Why...me?"

"Are you questioning me?" Mo Wu stood, lightly whacking Liu Qingyuan's arm with his sheathed sword. "I spent so many years training you to be my dagger; the one that flies true and straight, into the heart of enemies. You'll go alone and if you return safely, my teachings will not have been for naught." For a beat, his fierce gaze flickered to Liu Qingyuan's, as if searching for a truth in his eyes. "Everything will be ready at dawn. Don't be late."

Mo Wu exited without another word. "Yes...shifu." Liu Qingyuan bowed at his retreating back, turning to gaze upon the scroll on the table. He didn't really mind his master's cold exit. Mo Wu was not one for affection.

Liu Qingyuan gathered the scroll and departed from the hall. He had a lot to prepare for the journey ahead.


Liu Qingyuan woke with a start. He nudged away the wet nose in his face and pushed himself up from the rocks. The sun had lowered in the sky; he had to get moving. He picked up his sword and gathered the rope bridle attached to the donkey.

"Let's go." a sharp tug got the donkey clambering back onto the dirt path, head bobbing lazily with each step. With one more glance to the sky, Liu Qingyuan slung his hat back onto his head, the veil falling to obscure his face.


The central city of Qiangda was a hubbub of activity. Liu Qingyuan looked around, trying to take in everything that was being thrown at him. Stall owners shouted out into the street, advertising everything from fruits, veggies, cloth, pouches and snacks. Tanghulu* vendors walked amongst the people, carrying their stock on their shoulders. Restaurant and shop owners called out for patrons, delicious scents and appealing sights spilling onto the street. Somewhere in the clamour, a dog barked furiously.

(*Tanghulu - Traditional northern China snack of candied hawthorn)

Liu Qingyuan had seen it all before, just on a smaller scale. The sheer amount of activity awed him. He paused, remembering the displeasure he was supposed to be feeling. His shifu was right. While Gongzhuan was still suffering from the repercussions of the war, Qiangda was flourishing, their nation growing ever bigger.

Liu Qingyuan snapped out of his thoughts as a pudgy man shoved past him, nearly falling onto his face when Liu Qingyuan didn't move an inch.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" The man snarled, turning around. He paused at the look in Liu Qingyuan's eyes. "Ah..haha...no hard feelings, yeah?" The man bowed hastily and disappeared into the crowd.

A young girl standing on the side of the road, idly waving her fan. She nudged her friend. "Did you just see that? How rude!" Liu Qingyuan looked over and the girls quickly averted their gazes, hurriedly shoving their way through the throng. "Look at his body though. I bet he's handsome!"

"Mi Ran!" The other girl scolded, flashing a glance back, before running after her friend.

Liu Qingyuan was broken out of his speculating by a tap on his arm.

"Sir." A humbly dressed man bowed to Liu Qingyuan, washcloth thrown over his shoulder. "You are the Wolf's disciple, yes?" Liu Qingyuan gave a small nod. He gestured to a large, two-story inn on the right. "Please, after you." Liu Qingyuan observed the shining timbers of the building, letting the inn worker take a hold of the donkey's reins and show him inside.


After putting away his belongings, Liu Qingyuan took up the worker's suggestion to tour the city. He politely declined the guide, and was on his way. The market buzz had not died down from before, the sounds just as loud, the sights just as vibrant and the scents just as fragrant. Liu Qingyuan wondered if the people ever lost their enthusiasm.

"HEY!" A shout drew people's attention to a girl further down the street. She'd climbed on top of a table and was madly waving her arms. "HIS MAJESTY IS BACKKKK!!!"

Like the floodgates had been opened, a great number of people pressed onto the street, shouting their praises and flocking towards the source. Abruptly, great drums began to sound, bellowing their message into the sky, even as the street burst into a great cacophony of noise. Startled, Liu Qingyuan stepped back into an alcove, watching in bewilderment as the people rushed by.

Even from a slightly higher standing, there were so many people, he could not see the source of commotion.

He slipped into an alley, soundlessly navigating the unfamiliar back roads. By the time he emerged, the 'main attraction' had already passed him. Inside the veil draped palanquin*, Liu Qingyuan could make out a figure dressed in pure, light-coloured robes, golden embroidery catching the light of the waning sun. He waved at his people, the black silk of his hair swaying in the wind. Liu Qingyuan squinted at his behavior, perplexed at the notion that a king would lower himself to acknowledge the common people. At least, it wasn't something he was used to. Liu Qingyuan watched the palanquin until it passed the gate to the palace, huge red doors closing with a decisive slam.

(*Palanquin - litter)

That was the place he needed to be, and the king he needed to kill. But first, he needed a hot meal in his belly and a warm bath to boot.

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