who is that - dream x female...


5.8K 166 17

dream x female oc - she/her lowercase intended !WARNING! - some chapters may contain -- mentions of smut (p... Еще

not a update - rest in peace techno <3


186 7 1



Clay and i have been dating for about two months now and i have to say that i have never had this much fun from the past 2 months, in my entire life. Clay is growing bigger and bigger online and even though i don't have a full job yet i have been going around and taking peoples photos and i also had a whole bunch of money saved up from years of working so at the moment not having a job isn't really affecting me. Both soph and addi had grown hugely online with all the collabs with dream and sapnap. Addi has just over 100 thousand followers on twitch, and is now close to hit 200 thousand subscribers on youtube and Soph has over 250 thousand followers on instagram.

Clay's and i's relationship is still a secret to his fans and i actually like it like that because after seeing some of his fans things i actually prefer to not have them know. Addi, Soph, and Nick have made a couple irl short videos and there are still some people who wonder how they know each other but they all ignore those questions knowing that we want to keep it private. Lots of Clay's close friends online know about us but just not his fanbase

i have gotten back into dancing lately. not like the professional level i did as a kid but more like ill just go to random classes and i'm actually really enjoying it although nobody really knows and i'm not really telling them especially soph and addi because i used to just rent out a studio for an hour whenever i was sad or stressed out just to go and forget about everything so they know that if i was doing this i must be stressed which i am sometimes but that's really not the main reason i started doing it again and thats simply because i just missed it and i felt like doing it again. clay doesn't really know i was a dancer growing up so it's sort of irrelevant to say

but in general i'm finally at a point in my life where i really am my happiest


Some how, some way, Addi convinced me to be in her new video she was recording where her, Soph, and I switched lives for 24 hours. Addi was doing me, Soph was doing her, and I was doing Soph. Which I feel like this was just them trying to get me to start modelling. They have been asking me for months why I don't just try it and I keep telling them that it's just to much for me and I can't handle it all but here I am. But it's not just that because after the 24 hours are up we are switching so Soph will have me, Addi will have Soph, and I will have Addi and that's for another 24 hours so the next 48 hours are going to be hard as hell.

Plus I don't get what they would do as me because ever since I lost my job the things in my day are not that interesting. I made sure that I was free and had no bookings for these two days because that would be to scary to trust them in taking customers photos but when I'm not in a booking I'm normally with Clay and they can't really show that so other than that I guess all I do is take photos for soph

We all gave each other a list of things to do and even though my list is pretty short I still think they are going to have trouble with some things


"I have no clue why I agreed to this" I said as soph handed me my first outfit out of the many outfits that I had to do a photo shoot in. Even though Soph was Addi today, the deal was that since it would be us doing each other job we made sure it was good and we made a deal that we had to help each other when needed and of course I still needed help choosing the outfit so soph was helping out

"You'll do great. Don't freak out" she said

We had to film our POV's and what we did during the day so that it could go all in the video. I was already stressing about the fact that I already knew my parts would be very awkward but now I'm also stressing about actually making these photos good.

"You look good. Just act like the cameras not there" addi said as I walked out of the change room fully changed. Soph had done my makeup before I got changed and now I was all glammed up

"Just wait a second" walked away and grabbed my phone and went straight to Clay's number. I needed to calm down and I know he can do that very easily


"Hey" he said as he answered the FaceTime

"Woah you look all fancy" he said shocked

"Yeah remember that video I told you addi wanted to do" he nodded

"Well I'm today I'm Sophia the camera obsessed model and now I'm about to do a photo shoot and well I sorta need some quick reassurance that I'm okay with this" I rambled

"Why do you need me to tell you if you are okay? Shouldn't you know if you are or aren't?"

"But the thing is I don't know"

"I'm not the blond popular model she is. I'm not the model they think I can be"

"Look, as your boyfriend I wouldn't like people looking at you the way they look at certain models but I mean if this will finally prove to you that you are the most fucking beautiful girl in the entire world then you need to do it" he said

"now i am going to hang up the phone so you can get back to the video but tell them i want copy's of the photos" he smirked and i rolled my eyes as he hung up the face time call


1 and 1/2 hours later

i have changed into about 5 different outfits and now i am absolutely exhausted. i still have the rest of the day to get through and yet i already feel like going home and taking a fat nap.



hey have you ate today? i can stop by
and bring you food, if you're hungry

mak <3💍
okay sure. im taking a break rn cause
addi had to help soph with something for
her stream and i also got tired

thank you <3

np see you soon
love u <3




makenzie walked out of her living room "hey" she said walking up to me and giving me a kiss

"so hows it going so far" i asked following her back to the living room.

"okay i guess. it's exhausting for sure but its only for today so its fine"

"isn't this a two day video?"

"yeah but tomorrow instead of modeling its streaming. which speaking of that i was hoping you could help me with some of that. its going to be on addi's twitch but im not fully sure i know how to stream in general and her and soph will probably be out all day doing their tasks. and i might just need help with the small behind the scenes stuff"

"yeah no problem. ill be happy to help, after all look who you're talking to" i joked with her and she rolled her eyes playfully. we have this ongoing inside joke where we act like we are the only people in the world and nobody matters but us. i don't know when it started but it hasn't stopped and we both know that we are joking so why stop now

"i mean i could ask them for help but i don't want to bother them, and plus i think my hot boyfriend knows how to do all the streaming things so there no need to bother them" she teased. i went silent not expecting her to say that at this moment but then both of us started laughing our heads off

DAY 1 Finished



liked by dreamwastaken and 145,342 others
@addisonnnn_ - day 1 completed. on to day 2

@dreamwastaken☑️ - 🔥
liked by creator
>> @officialsoph - go tell the person that's directed towards to listen to us when we say they need a career in it
>> @user8 - @officialsoph ?????????
>> @user9 - not to invade your privacy but what the hell is going on right now. im so confused

@officialsoph - you can really tell how tired mak looks lmao
>> @addisonnnn_ - ikr




ThisIsAddi went live!
ps. this isnt actually addi. this
is actually mak. i have to be
addi for a day for her video.
anyways join if you want :)


"hello everyone" mak said waving at the camera. it was decided last second that it would be a face cam stream. Makenzie and clay both voted no but nick, addi, and soph all voted for her to do a face cam so per Mackenzie's promise that she would do which ever one that won the small vote, she had to get addi and nick to help to set up a webcam addi had left at makenzie's place after a girls night that she did a quick stream at 3 am because we were all board. we were all on facetime with each other and it was getting a bit hectic because she had to start stream in less than 5 minutes and all of them were trying to all say what they think she should do.

"okay wait i'm not good at streaming so don't expect to much from me today. i did get help from all the streamers i know and they helped set up some last minute things but i still am not sure how to work any of this"

"if you didn't see the instagram story earlier, i had asked you guys what i should do and even though i suck at games you guys said you wanted me to play games more specifically almost all of you said minecraft so i guess i'll play minecraft because apparently everyone wants to see me be the worst player in history"

"um hold up i have only ever played on this server once and i have zero clue on how to join the games" she said grabbing her phone and quickly calling clay to help her even though she knows he's watching

"hey you guys never told me how to join the game"

"what why"

"fine" she takes the phone off of her ear and puts on speaker so the stream could hear

"am i on speaker now" he asked

"yeah what did you want"

"hello chat"

"is that all"

"yeah anyways go up to the character with the word bedwars above it"

"okay wait people are asking my skin. look it was not chosen by me.." she started laughing

there was a delay to dream also stating to laugh after the stream caught up "you still haven't changed it"

"no. i haven't played since then. chat dream chose it one night at like 2 am a couple months ago"

"how about i just come online and we can do doubles"

🔮user1 - LMFAO
user7 - you should play party games
user4 - of course dream would pick that skin
user3 - do a qna
👑🔮user6 - do you have social media?
user9 - DREAMMMM

"i think sapnap wants to join" he said logging on the server

"he can join if he wants after all you two know how to play. we have to give the stream someone to root for"

"okay ill call you on discord so we can play. talk to you soon" he says

"k bye" mak said hanging up the phone

"i am going to feel so stupid playing with them arnt i" she said to the chat as it was blowing up that dream and sapnap were joining

she hears a running signaling that someone was trying to call her on the computer


"hey makenzie" sapnap said

"hey ni-sapnap" she said. both dream and sapnap had told her before stream that they prefer when on stream to be called by their online names so that people don't get confused about anything

"i partied you. please say you remember how to accept it" dream said

"yes i do. i may not be able to do anything else but i know how to do that" she told the boys

they loaded into a game. they were nicked and vanished but that still didn't stop people watching the stream to join their game "okay so the plan is that makenzie you follow me to get peoples beds and sapnap you can protect the bed and then do whatever you want. got it?" dream said as they got teleported into the game.

"got it" she replied as sapnap hummed in a agreement

10 minutes later

"WHAT NO DREAM HELP'' she shouted for help as she was about to get killed. dream quickly came over and knocked the other team off but not before they had final killed makenzie

"told you i sucked"

"well if sapnap wouldn't just completely forget about the plan and just rush people without protecting our bed then you would of respond" dream said

"HEY you cant blame me when it was an easy team to rush"

"yeah but in the presses we had like 2 full teams coming at us. but forget it. Mak just click on the head in your inventory and then click on mine or sapnap head to watch us" dream says and makenzie did as he said

1 hour later

they ended up paying 4 games of bed wars. they got targeted which made them lose the first three gamed but then dream and sapnap won the last on after makenzie had died falling into the void on accident.

"i think i'm done playing for today" Makenzie said. as she was saying that her phone dinged

🧬3 hot mf's

addi 🥸
ayo nice win even though u died at
the beginning. lmao

anyways stream for a little longer for
fun even if you don't want to play
anymore just do a just chatting.

big mak 🙉
do i really have to or do you just
want me to because this video has seemed
to turn into making makenzie do things
she doesnt like for 48 hours

sophh 🤠
don't act like you weren't just laughing
2 seconds ago with your bf and his friend

big mak 🙉
fine ill stream for another 30
minutes but then i'm done

also no longer joking that this
video should now officially be
titled 'Torturing Makenzie for 48 hours'

addi 🥸
you love it. and you know it

big mak 🙉
um correction: i'm fine with playing
games with people. i'm not fine with the
side comments from everyone watching

addi 🥸
don't look at those idiot. i'm sure the
mods, INCLUDING your own boyfriend
will deal with those idiots

trust me you are doing great other than
the silence while texting us so stop
texting us and get back to the stream


"and nevermind about me ending now because it turns out i'm streaming for longer according to addi"

"you guys don't have to stay. i think i'm going to maybe just talk to random strangers in this chat" she said putting her face cam in full screen

"ill stay but i'm just going to grab a snack. brb" sapnap said muting his mic and walking away from his computer

"i guess put some questions in the chat and ill answer them" she said leaning back in her chair

she waited for a good question to pop up "oh someone said whats one thing you like and one thing you dislike about addison and sophia" dream helped out with finding a question

"um one thing i like about the two is that they both are always there for me and they always have my back. one thing i dislike is that they both don't like the fact that i'm not some online person that wants millions of followers and they don't hide the fact that they want me to do that"

"but truthfully they are my best friends and i know they are just trying to do what they think is best for me"

"they are clearly watching" she said as her phone pings a couple of times from their group chat

"oh wait i have a photo i know people will like because apparently people are obsessed with a certain cat i know" she laughed as she grabbed her phone and opened the photos app

"here look"

"you just leaked that you have seen patches" dream laughed

"you have to admit that's a cute photo of her" she pulled her phone away from the camera

"every photo of her is cute"

"wait what are we talking about" sapnap said as he sat back down at his computer

"i showed a cute picture of patches"

"oh okay"

"now you're not going to get any questions because everyone is just spamming patches content" dream said

"That's the point. I think people have forgotten that although I have had little laughs and those laughs were genuine, this is not for me and this is strictly for Addison's video and then I'm gone.. we'll not really but yeah" she said realizing that everyone she is is close to all are social media people so realistically this might not be but she still means the part that this is just for Addison's video.

"chat at least put some more questions in so that she has to answer at least some more questions before she ends the stream" dream said

"how about this i'll stream for another half hour but only if you post a picture of patches on your twitter right now and you also have to get me a shake from shake shack" she said smiling

"fine but you have to stream for 40 minutes if you want both" dream said

"deal. you're welcome for getting you more pictures of patches everyone watching" Makenzie laughed a little

"wow what a trade 40 minutes of sitting in front of a screen for a picture of a cat and a drink" sapnap said jokingly

"the best trade i've done in a while. anyways now i guess i have to answer questions" Makenzie says waiting for people to think of questions

"how old are you? same age as addi and soph. 21"

"why shake shack? i don't know i just know its completely out of the way from him so i wanted to make it difficult i guess"

"wow so nice" dream said sarcastically and she just smiled in the camera since she knew he would see it from having her camera on discord on so they don't have a delay

"i hate you" he says laughing a little under his breath

"mhm sure you do" she said with a slight smirk

"umm how did part one of the video go? im not really supposed to spoil any part of the video but lets just say that it was hell and i mean todays not fully better but at least i don't have to be all photogenic and shit"

"what are addi and soph doing right now? it either their doing their thing and going around taking photos or they are being annoying and watching the stream"


🧬3 hot mf's

addi 🥸
to clarify we are not annoying. we just
want to see the amazing job you are doing


"yup and the answer is watching the stream being annoying" Makenzie said after reading the text

"fit check?" she stood up and showed them just regular black sweatpants and her over sized rolling stones t-shirt

"not very interesting i know but after all the uncomfortable outfits yesterday i couldn't help but want to wear this" she laughed

user2: what is your favorite memory with addi and sophia
user11: why do you not like streaming
user1: tell us an embarrassing story
user13: wtf is she doing talking to dream and sapnap
user3: will you ever be in future videos after this one

"what is your favorite- why is everyone talking about twitter" she asked grabbing her phone and checking twitter

"no reason just keep answering questions" dream said quickly

"they are saying your private tweet so im looking weather you like it or not" Makenzie said

"Oh you motherfu- you're such an idiot" she said putting her head in her hands as she saw the post




(also just because shes making me go out of my way
to get her shake shack i added a extra photo for payback)


"you literally fell asleep on the couch and i had to drag you to the guest room because me, sapnap, sophia, and addison wanted to play mario kart and you took up half of the couch. plus not to rat anyone out but i wasn't the one that took this photo"

"it wasn't me because i stayed downstairs while you brought her up" sapnap defended himself

"still that second picture was not necessary" she said

"you are the one that's making me do all this stuff for you to sit in front of a computer longer" dream said

"WAIT i just realized something. was that yesterday"

"yeah" dream laughed

"i was going to say there's no way you carried me without me waking up but after everything i did yesterday i was clearly out of it"

"anyways i think i have answered way more questions than comfortable with and i have streamed the extra 40 minutes from the deal so i think im g-going to end" she said yawning at the end of the sentence

"bye everyone" she said ending the stream

"admit that was at least somewhat fun" dream said

"what the part where you posted a picture of me sleeping without me knowing or the part that i had thousands of people watching and commenting on me"

"the part that you weren't worrying about the people watching and just had fun" he said

"those were fine but before you say anything im not doing it again"

"for this being your first time doing it alone you didn't do so bad" sapnap said

"well i sorta had what like 110 thousand people watching thanks to you both tweeting telling all of your fans to join so i didn't really have room for mistakes"

"still. you did fine so stop thinking you have to be perfect for people to not comment because there are always going to be idiots" dream said and she just sat the silently fiddling with her fingers

"i think im going to take a nap and clay you still have to bring me my shake" she smiled

"yes i will head out now if you can stay up to let me in"

"yeah ill stay up for a little longer"

"while your out you should also get your bestest friend in the world a shake as well" nick joked




"pretty plweas dweam"


"fine be a simp for the rest of you life" nick said leaving the call

"im not a simp this was just the deal and he wasn't part of it" clay said after he had already left

"you are" she laughed

"am not"

"mhm sure. you keep thinking that buddy. now go get my shake you simp" Makenzie smiled

"actually im going to pick you up and we can go get it together"

"fine i don't care as long as i get it but it better be quick cause im fucking exhausted" she said and left the call right after




@sapnap is currently crying at home because he wasn't amazing like me to get a shake
- Makenzie :))

>> @sapnap - 🖕


DAY 2 Finished



liked by sapnapinsta, dreamwastaken and 132,785 others
@addisonnnn_ - day 2 is finally finished. lets just say this is probably the best one i have ever done. video should be out this week (depending on how if i get distracted or not) also thanks for being nice to mak and soph when they streamed :)))

@dreamwastaken☑️ - Makenzie said 'screw you guys for making this hell for me' don't come at me, im simply the messenger
>> @officialsoph - yeah we made it a hell of a lot of fun
>> @addisonnnn_ - ^^^ guys mak's just joking she had plenty of fun
>> @dreamwastaken☑️ - she says 'no not joking. dead serious'

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