Rwby A Black Flame(Bumblebee)

By DanLovesPancakes

112K 3.6K 654

Blake is going through a depression over the white fang what she does not realize though is how much it is af... More

Black Lies
Burning Question
Ninjas of Snow and Fire
Thinking and Busted
Dark Tears and Distress
Stressed Minds Are Walking
Burning Books
Amber Eyed Thoughts
Black Burnt Memories
Tension and Thoughts
Mysterious Package
Disappearing Bull
This is important people!
Fairytale Sisters
Paying Back A Friend
Coloured Advice
Sorry Guys :(
Interrogation, Kidnapped
New Fanfic *The Past Will Chain You*
Battle Wound Smile
Waiting With Pain
Meet Up
Xena Blueprints
Trusts A Dark Promise

Red Snow and Black Books

5.4K 178 15
By DanLovesPancakes

*Blake POV*

I sat up on my bed, closed my book and looked up at the red cheeked girl in front of me.

Blake: "So Ruby what happened with Weiss?" My voice was a mixture of annoynce and curiosty.

Ruby: "Well me and her were having a nice walk around Vale, and when we were walking down an alley way I was walking backwards, and I kinda fell"

Blake: "And?"

Ruby: "Well we kinda ended up you know ki-" Suddenly Weiss rushed into the room almost on cue and covered Ruby's mouth, her face redder then the other girls hood.

Weiss: "We were doing none of your business!" She gave a cold stern look I was going to call her Ice Queen but decided to be nice because of the current situation she was in.

Weiss: "Ruby I just remembered people are handing out free cookies at the other end of the school!" she tried to sound excited so she would buy it, fortunatly for Weiss it worked.

Ruby: "Cookies!!!" Ruby said, her already high pitched voice had manged to reach a few more higher notes. This just left me and her alone in our dorm.

Blake: "You sure it was an accident?" I said my bangs making it so she couldn't see I was looking at her through the corner of my amber eyes.

Weiss: "What are you implying?" She raised and eyebrow and put her hands on her hips.

Blake: "Weiss don't think I haven't noticed you like Ruby" I said now just staring at my book instead of her.

The room went completly silent so silent you could hear the wind smoothing itself into the air. The calmness however was broken when crying started, surprsingly it was Weiss her hands covering her face and her ears giving away that she was blushing.

Weiss: "She's such an immature child" She said through her tears.

Blake: "But that's why you love her isn't it, because of her childishness" I knew I was right, she knew I was right and to be honest I was happy that that was the case, I never really showed my romantic side but I did have one.

Blake: "Weiss I won't tell Ruby okay just please stop crying" I said with a calm voice I wasn't on the best of terms when it came to Weiss sure, but if people saw she was crying they'd ask questions or just assume I did something, either way it was better to just stop her rain of tears.

Weiss sat down on the bed and looked at me 

Weiss: "Thank you Blake, I didn't expect you to know much about this subject" she said in a sophisticated manor, at least she was back to normal now. I put my book back in my pile and decided to go stretch my legs, I saw she was lying on her bed now.

Blake: "Having a nap?"

Weiss: "Yes"

Blake: "Alright have a nice nap.... Ice Queen"

Weiss: "HEY!"

And with that I quickly closed the door and dashed to the library.

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