Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

By blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... More

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They Came • dos
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Sing To Me • seis
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
Happy Birthday!! • catorce
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
No Please Be Okay • veintiuno
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Unpublished chapter
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

School?! • trece

6.2K 186 94
By blurryfacelester

A/n: ^how Monica's make up looks and her. Pretended she has a lot of bracelets and an asking Alexandria shirt.

"Monica wake up!!!!" I heard one of the guys yell from downstairs. I was so excited yet terrified. What if people hate me?! What if they bully me? Oh but what if they love me? Just kidding who will love me?

I threw the blankets off the bed and went to my dresser and got an Asking Alexandria shirt and some kind of see through tights and a pair of shorts, I grabbed my combat boots and threw it all on my bed. I went to the bathroom and fixed myself then came back to my room.

"Monica are you up!!?"

"Yes I am!" I yelled. Ugh just shut up your getting on my nerves.

I slammed the door close and changed from my pjs to my clothes I picked out. I grabbed my bracelets and put them on because even though I'm more than a week clean they were still noticeable and I don't want people judging me for them. I grabbed my makeup and did it. I looked in the mirror.

Outfit looking good. Check.
Makeup looking good. Check.

Now my hair. I grabbed my straighter and plugged it in. I combed my hair and after a few minutes I straightened my naturally wavy hair.

"Monica are you almost ready!!"

"ALMOST WAIT!" I yelled. They're really getting on my nerves I don't know why. They're just asking if I'm almost done but it's bugging the shit out of me. Like you'll know when I'm done when I go fucking downstairs and tell you I'm damn ready.


I finished getting ready. Smiling in the mirror approving my appearance I grabbed my bag and slinked it over my shoulder. I hopped down the stairs with a smile on my face and stood in front of the guys.

"Hey Monica you look beautiful!!" Kellin said blushing hugging me.

"Thanks kellin." I said with my cheeks feeling hot and looked at my feet.

"Anyways I just have a tip for you Monica. People are rude. People make up lies just to bring you down. If people say mean things but none of them are true okay. You're beautiful and perfect the way you are okay. And you defiantly should make friends I'm not saying everyone lies but just those who tell you mean things are a-" Justin rambled on until I cut him off "I know what you mean Justin can I just go?"

He looked at his phone and said "shit it's gonna be 7 already yes let's go."


"Bye Monica!!" Justin, kellin, jake, and gabe yelled as I got off the car and headed into the schools office to get my schedule.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Monica? Hey! Kellin told me its your first day I school! I hope you have an amazing day and try not to be so shy. Try to be confident. Anyways I've to go love you Monica." Oli said in a fast tone.

"Okay thanks love you to Oliver. Wait what's your last name?" I asked. Hey I just realized I didn't know it.

"Sykes." He said.

"Oliver Sykes. That's cute. Anyways bye oli." I said hanging up the phone. I turned around to see a red headed girl dressed in all black coming up to me.

"Oh my gosh! Were you just talking to Oliver Sykes?!"

"Ummmm yeah.." What's the big deal? How does she know him?

"Oh my god That's my favorite band!" She yelled. "Can I please have his number?"

"Um I don't think so.. And I've got to get to class.." I said walking away from her. I walked into the large high school and everything was so confusing and many ways to go. I looked at the top of the walls looking for the building that says "front office". I bumped into someone and I fell with things falling out of my backpack. Probably should have closed that better. I frantically started grabbing everything as my face probably turned red, and felt so embarrassed.

"I'm so sorry." A guy said bending down picking up some of my journals.

"I-it's okay I-I was l-looking where I was going." I stumbled. God I'm so embarrassed. I looked at him and a big smile was on his face.

"I'm guessing you're new here?" He said.

"H-how did you know?" I asked.

"I've never seen you here." He said. Oh right.

"Y-yeah I'm new. W-where's the front office?" I asked.

"Your stuttering is cute and right here." He said I blushed and he walked to two big doors and above it said front office.

"Thanks." I said then I walked in and went to my counselors office.

"Oh hi Monica!" She smiled hugging me.

"Here is your schedule right here and I can get someone to show you around." She said handing me a slip of paper.

"Marget!" She yelled and then the boy I met in the hallway walked in and said "I'll show her around." I wanted to hide. God why is a cute boy being so nice to me? He probably wants sex right?

"Okay well there you go. You should get going the bells going to ring." We walked out of the office and then he took the paper from my hands and said "oh you have 25C for first period. That's right down this hallway. I'll show you and after first wait for me and I'll meet you here okay and show you to your second period okay?" I nodded okay and the bell rang to go to first. He smiled and said "I'll see you after first."

He disappeared into the hundreds of kids I walked into the classroom and it was English. I've never really went to a real school so I don't know how this will go sure we got like "home" schooled at the orphanage so I'm in grade 10.

"Hello I'm guessing you're the new student. Just sit over here on this side." The male teacher smiled. "It's just some of these kids are rude and you seem nice and shy how about you sit over on this side? I try to separate the bad kids from the nice ones." He said. Did you hear him?! Some kids are rude! Please don't let them notice me. Please. As some teens entered I looked down on my phone hoping everyone would just leave me alone.


A/N: sorry this chapter sucked I just thought yall deserved an update so yea.

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