The One With The Werewolf

By katiec563

925 34 14

Edan Wilkes has been living with The Weasley family for the last 3 years, since her parents died protecting h... More



67 3 3
By katiec563

Edan was still half asleep as Adam lead her in the familiar direction of the Gryffindor common room. Suddenly the pair heard voices down the corridor. Adam quickly put out his wand and they were engulfed in darkness.

"What's that?" Came the familiar voice of Professor Snape.

Edan recognized Harry's voice next. "It's only a spare bit of parchment."

"Perhaps we should go down another corridor." Adam whispered quietly. 

"No no." Edan replied inching closer. "I want to hear this." Fred and George had recently given Harry the Marauders Map and from the sound of things, he'd already been caught. 

Another voice entered the conversation. "It seems to be enchanted to insult whomever attempts to read it. Probably a Zonko's product I suspect. Right Harry? Will you please accompany me to my office?" It was Remus.

Before Edan or Adam could react Remus and Harry rounded the corner. "Edan. Er- Miss Wilkes, Mr Cormac. I believe you to should be in bed. Follow us." Remus was eyeing me closely or more specifically Adam's arm around me and our tousled hair. Edan groaned internally but did as he instructed. 

Remus had Adam go in first, leaving Harry and Edan out in the corridor. "What happened?" Edan questioned him. 

"I was bored." Harry shrugged. " I was walking around looking at the map when Snape caught me." Edan rolled her eyes because she knew he wasn't being completely honest. However, she had learned a long time ago to stay out of Harry Potter's business if she could help it. Harry grinned at her. "What were you and Adam up to?"

Edan sighed. "Nothing! We fell asleep out by The Black Lake. That's it." Edam exclaimed as Adam exited the classroom. She jumped to her feet. "What happened?"

"He wants to speak to Harry." Adam said. Harry rose to his feet and disappeared through the doorway. " I received a well earned detention, it was worth it." Adam said with a smile and a shrug of his shoulder. Adam stepped closer to Edan, he reached out to tilt her chin up to him. "I want to kiss you." Edan returned his smile and closed the space between them. 

Adam wrapped his arms around Edan and held her close. Until Harry suddenly opened the door again. The couple sprang apart as Harry scratched his head clearly uncomfortable. "He wants to see you now Edy." Edan waved good bye to the two boys before entering the class.

Edan sighed as she approached Remus who was standing facing his largest classroom. Edan hopped up onto a desk to wait for Remus' rant. A few moments of silence passed which annoyed Edan endlessly. "I'm still here you know!" She shouted at him. 

Remus narrowed his eyes at her. "What were you doing out so late with that boy."

"I'm sure he already told you. We were out by the lake where we fell asleep by mistake. It's not a big deal." Edan exclaimed. 

"I'm giving you another detention." He grumbled.

"Fantastic!" Edan shouted jumping off of the table. "Good night professor." 

Edan exited the room and rushed down the corridor. She'd had such a wonderful time with Adam but now all she could think about was how disappointed Remus looked in her. Why did she even care? "Edan, wait." Came his familiar voice. Edan shook her head and continued on her way quickly picking up her face. She didn't want to see, she didn't want to care about him, she wanted to think about Adam!

"Edy!" Remus hissed grabbing her wrist. He turned her around and pulled her to him. Then, he kissed her. He kissed her like she'd never been kissed before. She completely forgot about everything around her. All that she could think about was Remus and his lips on hers. 

The next morning Edan awoke pretty close to 8 am. She only had an hour before her scheduled detention with Remus. As she dressed she mentally scolded herself for having such inappropriate dreams about her professor. That was the only explanation she could come to, there was no way that kiss had actually happened. 

Hermione was long gone. Edan exited her dormitory while pulling her unruly hair into a high pony tail. Figuring the boys were in the Great Hall eating thats where Edan headed to. 

Unfortunately as she entered the hall they weren't the only ones she ran into. "Hey Edy!" Said Adam the moment she walked in. Edan flinched remembering she'd kissed him the night before. Fred and George had noticed her entrance and began walking in her direction. 

Adam wrapped his arms around her and attempted to his her once again. 

Edan quickly turned her face and he pecked her innocently on the cheek. "erm - I have to go serve detention." She said quickly escaping his grasp. Adam smiled at her, completely unaware of her inner turmoil, then told her to find him later.

"What was that?" Asked Fred. 

"Nothing. I have detention." Edan replied.

"Excellent!" The Twins said in unison. 

"See you lot later." Edan said as she departed. Her mind wandered back to the dream she'd had the night before about Remus kissing her. She continued to mentally kick herself for dreaming such a thing. 

As she reached the classroom she shook herself once more before entering. Remus was sitting up at his desk. He smiled at Edan as she entered. 

"Hello Edan. You'll be marking papers for me today." Remus said patting the seat beside him. Edan remained quiet but nodded and took the seat. She picked up the provided quill and looked at the papers. It was first years work. 

Time flew by, grading first year work was quite easy for Edan. She'd already made it through the entire stack of papers he'd given her. Edan glanced up at Remus to ask what she should do next but he was already watching her. 

"You're done Edan." He said taking the quill from her hand and replacing it with his own. 

Edan looked at him shocked. "What are you doing?" 

He instantly pulled his hand away from hers.

"My apologies. I thought after last night we were on the same page.. nevermind." Remus replied looking quite flustered. 

"Wait... that was real?" Edan questioned feeling quite silly. 

Remus laughed and took her hand once again. "Yes, it was real Edan." He said grinning at her. 

"Oh.." I said slowly looking back down at the papers. Remus tipped her face up and kissed her. 

There was a sudden knock on the door before it burst open. Edan quickly grabbed the quill and started graded the paper she'd just finished with. 

In walked Professor Snape, his stupid black cloak flowing behind him. He smiled evilly at Edan when he noticed her. 

"Ah. Miss Wilkes. What a pleasant surprise." He said sneering at her. Then he fixed his eyes on Remus. " I am surprised you're spending time alone with her after our little chat Lupin."

"Miss Wilkes is serving her first of two detentions, Severus." Remus replied. He kept his cool which Edan was surprised at. She herself was quite nervous. Snape certainly had his suspicions. "Was there something you needed?" Remus asked. 

"I've come to inform you that your drink is nearly ready." Snape replied then he smirked at Edan. "Perhaps Miss Wilkes can spend her second detention helping me with my private stores. Unless, of course, she must spend detention with you." 

"That's quite alright. Although, she has been here for awhile already. You may go Edan." Remus took the quill from Edan's hand.

Edan shrugged as she rose to her feet. She grabbed her coat and left Snape and Remus together. 

This was already proven to be quite a difficult year. 

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