Glitch || An Mha X Fem Villa...

By 123455432110a

37.5K 1.1K 349

She is the youngest villain to have ever committed such despicable crimes. There were a lot of rumours about... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 - The Secret is Out!
Chapter 7 - The Trip To The USJ!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 - Aizawa's Unsettling Thoughts
Chapter 11 - The Sports Festival
Chapter 12 - The Sports Festival | Part 2: The Cavalry Battle
Chapter 13 - The Sports Festival | Part 3: Flashbacks
Chapter 14 - The Sports Festival | Part 4: The Battle Tournament
Chapter 15 - The Sports Festival | Part 5: The Second Round
Chapter 16 - The Sports Festival | Part 6: The End! Onto Internships!
Chapter 17 - Day 1 Of The Internship Week || Q/A With Present Mic
Chapter 18 - Day 2 Of The Internship Week || Updates with Aizawa
Chapter 19 - Day 3 Of The Internship Week || ...Daichi...?
Chapter 20 - Day 4 Of The Internship Week || Quirks And A Lot Of Confusion
Sorry. Not A Chapter
Chapter 21 - Day 5 Of The Internship Week || Warp Gate
Chapter 22 - Day 6 Of The Internship Week || A Call From Deku
Chapter 23 || Day 7 Of The Internship Week || No Regrets
Chapter 24 - Monday Morning
Chapter 25 - The Cure for Chaos is Stillness
Chapter 26 - The Only Limit Was Her Mind

Chapter 6

1.6K 51 11
By 123455432110a

Midoriya POV

As she left, it was like I couldn't even move. Nobody was supposed to figure out about my Quirk. And yet I had single-handedly (A/N: Pun intended :D) let somebody who had practically admitted to my face that she worked with other villains, know about All Might's time limit, how I got my Quirk and how it had effected him.

My heart was racing with anxiety. It was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears. I didn't even realize that Recovery Girl had called my name. Three times. All Might snapped his fingers in front of my face. I blinked. "Huh? Oh sorry." 

"Are you alright, dear?" Recovery Girl asked. "Y-Yeah. Just thinking. Sorry for worrying you." I said with a closed-eyed smile. Recovery Girl treated my arm. "Thank you. I feel a lot better." I thanked her. "No problem. But you can't keep getting into fights like this. You're being too reckless. If this keeps up one of these days I won't be able to heal you. You must be careful."

I nodded. "I will." 

"And you." She turned to All Might. "You really have to be there when this sort of thing happens. You need to be there to stop him before it could be too late." 

"Yeah. Sorry about that." All Might said, a hand holding onto his neck. "Sorry won't cut it. He could have been seriously injured. We can't keep doing this, All Might. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am."

~ Time Skip (At his house)~

I sat on my bed, thinking. I looked up to see all the All Might merch that I had in my room. I couldn't help but feel like I had let him down. I couldn't help but feel like...this was my fault. Although, that fact alone that she managed to figure out everything just from looking at the cast on my arm was incredible.

And she figured it out so fast, I didn't have any time to react. 

With everything that the class, the teachers and I have seen, Glitch has amazing skills. And, if I'm being completely honest, I doubt that's even a sliver of her power. If she could do everything that we have witnessed these past few days so casually, then I have a feeling that there's a whole lot - and I mean a whole lot - more that meets the eye.

But then my question is, why is she holding back?

"Izuku! Dinners ready!" My mother called.  I'll have to deal with this tomorrow. I have to talk to Glitch about this. But I also probably have to talk to All Might about the same situation. 

The scent of the food that my mother had prepared had made its way to my room. I took it all in, letting out a calm sigh. A smile came on my face. I could deal with it tomorrow, I guess. "Coming!" I called out.

The Next Day (Your POV)

I was sitting on the ground, leaning against the side of Aizawa's desk. He had confiscated my phone - well, most of it - and had downloaded some game for me to play called "Subway Surfers. It was pretty boring. The characters were so slow. But I played it for most of the class.

During the class, Aizawa had mentioned that it was about time they nominated a Class Rep. Broccoli had gotten three votes and the Living Crafting Box got two. Of course, Blondie threw a hissy fit and demanded to know who had voted for Broccoli.

Aizawa settled down the class and continued the lesson.


By the time it was lunch, Aizawa started leading me to the cafeteria. Just then, loud alarms went off. I could hear the faint shouts and screams over each other from the cafeteria. I could also hear what seemed to be a stampede of some sort. 

Aizawa looked out a nearby window and saw those reporters from last time back at the entrance gate. Aizawa let out a deep sigh. 

I started jogging to the door and was instructed that I follow him. Soon, we made it to the gate, where we saw Present Mic being bombarded with questions. I sat down under a nearby tree. The tree provided a very good shadow and I watched the event occur. It was good entertainment.

When Aizawa arrived, all the reporters turned to him.

"Is it true that All Might is here as a teacher?"

"If so what class subject does he teach?"

"Does he work here full time?"

"When will we get the chance to see him?"

"I heard that U.A. is holding a villain prisoner."

"Is she really the youngest villain to have ever succeeded down that path?"

"Did she really surrender just like that?"

"Was there a catch?"

"How are you handling the situation?"

"Was it a trap?"

"Has she revealed any Quirks?"

"What's her schedule?"

"Have you witnessed any suspicious activity?"

"Has All Might done anything to the villain, considering that she's a villain? Or is she being treated like a student here because of her age?"

"Where is she staying?"

"What has she been doing?"

"Does she have to wear handcuffs or a Quirk-canceling bracelet at any time of the day at all?"

"How can us citizens know for sure that we're safe - that you heroes are taking care of this odd situation?" 

(A/N: Wow. Just reading all that out loud is exhausting.)

"Can't we just beat them up?" Present Mic asked Aizawa with a whisper. "I mean, they are trespassing." "Don't even think about it. Unless you want to get arrested for hurting civilians."

I looked out the nearest window to see what was going on inside the building. However, in a quick flash, I could've sworn I saw that "Tenya Iida" guy...FLYING??? Honestly. It's the truth. That, or the fact that I've been spending way too much time with these heroes and I'm going crazy.


I sat on the bench nearby. All Might was currently training the students, (with some additional help from Cementoss), so I just sat there and watched. I think I pretty much know all their Quirks now. Oof. Bad move for heroes, don't you think?

I saw Broccoli talking to All Might. All Might's back was facing me so he couldn't see me. But Midoriya was diagonally across from him, while still being pretty close. I waved at him. 

He caught sight of this, and he shrunk a little. "Sure, Young Midoriya. But you need your training too so don't be too long."  "Thanks." He said, nodding.

Then he started to head over to me.

Oh? This should be interesting.

"H-Hey Glitch." Midoriya greeted. "H-Hi Midoriya." I greeted him with a tease. "Oh. You're not calling me by your nickname anymore." He pointed out.  "Oh. I still am. But I think Aizawa advised me to try using the real names of the students so I'm trying it out."

"Oh. I see. Well, I-uh..I appreciate it."  "Don't get too comfortable." I said. "Is that all?"  "No...I..." He started. "I just wanted to ask if you could...lay low on the whole Quirk thing you were talking about yesterday? I-In Recovery Girl's room?"

I'll mess with him a little.

"Is there a reason why you wanted me to keep quiet? This is big news. It's also very exciting! I think the whole world should know about how [All Might's Quirk Is Your Quirk.]" I said that last bit a little louder. 

Midoriya looked scared. Although I raised my voice, I made sure my volume was a volume that seemed loud to Midoriya and that All Might could hear it, but the others wouldn't be able to. 

"Please, Glitch! This is important!" He said. But what I was not expecting was for Midoriya to actually bow his head and beg me. Wow. I guess he's still thinking about that encounter. I must've shocked him by the way I figured it out, and now he's insecure. Huh. I almost feel bad for him.

Ha! Me? Feel bad for a hero? Not to mention the successor of the So-Called-Symbol Of Peace? Yeah. I don't think so. Funny joke of a thought, though.

I patted his head. "We'll see, Midoriya. I don't like to make promises that I can't keep. Now, don't you have training to do? Don't wanna be left behind. Besides, no villain likes a hero that's beaten too easily."  Midoriya hesitantly nodded before he headed back towards where Cementoss was and requested a whole bunch of walls. Soon, he was punching away. 

He seems to be more of a punching guy than a kicking guy. That's for sure. Just goes to prove he's got a lot to learn if he's going to take over for All Might someday. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Blondie scowling at me. 

"You just gonna stare at me all day or are you gonna start screaming?" I asked, her eyes focused on the others. "Personally, I hope you pick the second option. That way we can get it over with."

He stormed over.

"What were you and stupid Deku talking about?" He asked. I lazily looked at the innocent-looking vegetable for a while. That only made Blondie angrier. "ANSWER ME, IDIOT!"

"I don't think that's any of your business." I said, turning back to him. Broccoli let out a deep but quiet sigh of relief. I could almost feel the little sparks going off in his rival's hands. "Listen villain. I don't have time to deal with you. I know you're up to something, and like it or not, I'm gonna be the one who figures out what. Not those other extras. Not the teachers. And DEFINETLY not stupid Deku."

"Yeah um I'm gonna stop you right there." I said, pointing my index finger out. "First of all, YOU'RE the one who walked up to ME. Not the other way around. So technically, you can't really say that you don't have time to deal with me considering what you just did. Second, you've got it all wrong. I'm not up to anything. Although placing me in a school full of heroes was a mistake, it wasn't a mistake of mine. Third, my business is my business and none of yours. So I would very much appreciate it if you would back off. Despite the fact that I know where all this hatred is coming from. Me being a villain here and your detestation towards Broccoli. And Fourth, you're making a scene." 

He turned around to see practically the entire class gawking at what has happening. But it looks like Blondie didn't care. "Just know that I'll be watching you, you bastard." He said. "Uh...Ok? Go ahead, stalker. I can take it." I said amusedly.

"Ok! That's quite enough." All Might said. "Training is over."

"Tch." was the only thing Blondie said before walking away with his hands in his pockets. The students' eyes followed him out the door. Then, as if on cue, they all turned to me at the exact same time. "Well?" I asked. "Aren't you going to go after him?"  "He probably wouldn't listen to us right now." Sero said. "But training is over. You're not going to stay here, are you?" I asked. "Or is that something you normally do?"

"No. Not really." Sero answered. "Glitch." a monotone voice called out. Everyone turned to see Aizawa at the door. I got up and stood beside him and we left the room. "Look who's getting more obedient." He said, using the same monotone as before. "Don't forget what I said in the video." I said, looking straight ahead.

"Don't worry." He responded. "That's something I can guarantee you that I won't be forgetting for a long time." I looked at him with slight confusion. What did he mean by that? Did he think I was up to something, too? Like what Blondie assumed?

I smiled. How sweet.

I turned to look out a window nearby, and saw the Hero Midnight, the rat and the old nurse right in front of the U.A. Barrier. 

At least, it was supposed to be the U.A. Barrier...All that was left of the door was dust. 

I smiled to myself. The alarms, the reporters, and now the all made sense now. 

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