Dylan O'Brien Imagines

By emilyM7411

84K 592 182

A book filled with imagines of Dylan O'Brien and Stiles Stilinski💕 Requests are open🌼 I write: Smut Angst F... More

Missing him (D.O) -Fluff
Jealous (D.O) -angst+fluff
Caught (S.S) -smut
Mornings like this (D.O) -Fluff
The break up (D.O) -Angst
In the kitchen (D.O) -Smut
I'm sorry (S.S) -Angst
Clingy- (D.O) -Angst+fluff
love your smile (D.O) -fluff
Epic love- (D.O)- Fluff
Injured (S.S) -Smut
Void (V.S)- angst
Part 2 (V.S) -
~Please read (A/N)~
Anxiety attack (D.O)- Angst
Pregnant- (D.O) -Fluff
Anxiety attack (D.O) Angst- pt.2
Afraid (S.S)- Angst
Brother's best friend (D.O'B)- Smut Pt.1
Brother's best friend (D.O'B) Pt.2
I Fell (D. O'B) - fluff
First Date (S.S) - Fluffy Smut
Killer (S.S)-angst? fluff?
we were meant to be (S.S)- fluff
Overworked (D.O'B) Angst
just acting (D.O) Smut + Angst
hungover- D.O'B (fluff)
Best friend's brother (D.O'B) Smut
pt. 2 Best Friend's brother- D.O'B (smut)
The break up Pt.2 (D.O'B) angst+fluff
Merry Christmas⛄🎄
Wrong time {D.O'B) angst
We belong together (D.O'B) - Fluff
Apologies- S.S (smut)
Attitude- (S.S) SMUT
Look at me- Mitch Rapp (Smut)

Can't hurt her- Angst + Fluff (S.S)

1.5K 16 4
By emilyM7411

Warnings☀: kissing, crying, fighting, cussing. Angst to fluff. That's basically all of it. Happy reading loves💜

I've liked Stiles for almost three years now, but he never seems to notice because he's always to caught up with Lydia.
Don't get me wrong, Lydia is absolutely gorgeous and she's one of my best friends but i just don't see why Stiles keeps chasing after her when she clearly doesn't show any interest in him.

Me and Stiles where currently waiting in his bedroom for Scott and the rest of the pack to show up. I was sitting on his chair and he was lying on his bed.

"Stiles, can i ask you something?" I asked hesitantly.

"Always" Stiles replied. He sat up a little and looked at me, waiting for me to ask my question.

I took in a deep breath and asked him

"Why do keep chasing after Lydia even though she keeps telling you that she doesn't like you?" I asked, while playing with a hair tie i kept on my wrist.

"First of all ouch." He said dramaticly, placing a hand over his chest.

"Second of all, i haven't even asked her out or flirted with her for the past few months now, which means i'm pretty much over her...well, almost over her. Point is, i'm done chasing her. I have to move and that's exactly what i'm doing." Stiles said. He was now sitting on his bed, facing me.

"Ohh." Was all i could reply with, but it was kind of hard to hide the smile on my face. Luckily when he saw it, he smiled at me aswell.

Before either of us could say or do anything else, their was a knock on the front door. Me and Stiles went downstairs to go open it. It was the pack.

We all went up to Stiles' room to discuss what the hell we are going to do about Kate.


After a few hours, we all decided to call it a day and that we would continue everything tomorrow. Scott and Allison said goodbye and headed out. Lydia said goodbye to Stiles and told me she would wait for me in the car since she would be taking me home.

Now it was just me and Stiles left. We hugged each other, it lasted longer than normal but i really wasn't complaining. When we both finally pulled away, Stiles still had his arms on my waist and i had my hands on his biceps.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds before Stiles spoke.

"I like you Y/N" he said, looking right into my eyes. I was shocked to say the least. I just stood there, eyes wide and mouth slightly open. When i didn't say anything Stiles started to panic and frantically started to apologize. So i did the only thing i could think of to make him shut up, i kissed him.

"I like you too, Stiles" i told him when we pulled apart. He smiled and kissed me again, only pulling away when we heard Lydia honking at me to hurry up. I gave him a quick kiss before hurrying to the car.

"Took you long enough." Lydia said smiling at me and shaking her head.

"Listen, i have to tell you something." Lydia said.


"I like Stiles." She said, after taking a breath.


"I know, i know. It's all out of the blue, but i really like him." Lydia said. I was shocked to say the least and i'm pretty sure my face gave it away.

"Okay hold up a second. What changed? I mean he's literally had a crush on you since second grade, he's asked you out atleast a thousand times and you always say no, there are times when you where a complete bitch to him and ignored him and now you suddenly have feelings for him?"

"You have a point, but i don't know what changed, maybe it's the fact that he hasn't flirted or asked me out once for like six months now or maybe it's the fact that he's moving on that has me so interested in him all of a sudden, i just- i don't Y/N i really like him." Lydia said.

I wanted to start crying from how mad i was and it's not even about the fact that she hurt him, made him chase after her for years and now suddenly she likes him that has me so angry, it's the fact that she knows i like him!
I've told her multiple times about how much i like him and there were even times when she told me to go for it, that she'd be happy to see him obsessed with another girl because then he would finally leave her alone.

"I- i'm happy for you then, i guess." I said, putting on my best fake smile.

"Really?" She asked me, turning to look at me.

"Yea, you're one of my best friends Lydia, how could i not be happy for you." I said

She leand over the middle console and hugged me. I hugged her back.


Lydia dropped me off at home. When i got to my room i put my phone on charge and took a nice, long shower that i desperately needed to clear my thoughts. I kept thinking about me and Stiles and how he said he liked me, but i also kept thinking about what Lydia said. She likes Stiles.

I sat there in the shower, consumed by my thoughts for almost an hour before i made my final decision.

I was going to back off. Lydia is my best friend and if she likes Stiles than i'm going step aside so that they can be happy and that's all i want, for them to be happy...even if it caused my happiness.

I got out of the shower, dried off, brushed my teeth, then put on my pj's and off i was to bed. I got comfortable under the covers before i grabbed my phone to check for any messages. And sure enough, i had one from Stiles.

"Hey Y/N/N, i just wanted to check in and make sure you got home safely❣"

                         "Hey Stiles. Yea i'm home safe, thanks for checking in🙂"

"I'm glad you're safe. So whatcha doin rn?"
                                "About to go to sleep, wbu?"

"Just thinking about a few things."

                                                "A few things like?"

"Like us. About the kiss and how amazing it was, about how i wanna kiss you again. And i'm thinking about what we are."

                                           "Stiles, the kiss was absolutely amazing, all three of them were actually, but i don't think it should happen again. And i don't think we should be anything more than friends."

"Wait i'm confused rn. First you kissed me, then you said you liked me and kissed me again, twice! And now you're saying that it shouldn't happen again and that we should stay friends?"

                              "Ik how it sounds and how it looks okay, but i did mean it when i said i liked you, i've had a crush on you for three years now, but i don't think we should be anything more than friends untill you're 100% sure you're over Lydia."

"You've had a crush on me for three years?"

                                "Is that seriously all you got from that text?!"

"It was at first....listen Y/N, i told you, i'm almost completely over Lydia. The reason i haven't flirted or asked her out for months now is because i started liking you."

                                              "But you're still not completely over her Stiles and i don't wanna be with you if you're not 100% sure you want to be with me."

                               "It's late and we have school tomorrow. Night Stiles🌼"

"Y/N, you can't seriously leave the conversation like this"


"God dammit Y/N"

"Fine, but we are going to talk about this tomorrow at school"

"Night Y/N, sweet dreams❣"


I barley even slept four hours last night. I spent the whole night crying my eyes out.

This morning when i woke up, my eyes where all red and puffy. I used some ice to try and get the puffiness away and i just covered the redness with some concealer.

I finished up with everything and made my way to school. I went inside and headed straight to my locker, i tried to be as quick as possible so that i could avoid Stiles, unfortunately i wasn't fast enough. I shut my locker and just as i turned around to go to my first class, i bumbed into Stiles.

"I hope you're not trying to avoid me." Stiles said looking at me. He looked so damn hot with his messy hair and tight shirt, oh i wanna kiss him so bad.

"Me, avoid you, pfft never." I said, lightly hitting him on his arm.

"Ohh okay, so why were you rushing to get to class then?" Stiles asked, he took a step closer to me so i took a step back.

"Because it's my favorite class and i wanted to be early." I said

"Y/N, we have math first, you hate math." Stiles said, he started to look a little pissed that i was lying to him about avoiding him.
I didn't know what to say, but luckily when i looked to right, i saw Lydia and Allison walking through the doors.

"Oh hey look, there's Allison and Lydia. As fun as this was, i'm gonna have to say bye now." I said, smiling politely at him before speed walking to the girls.


I tried to avoid Stiles as much as i possibly could, i succeeded for the most part, but when lunch came, we all sat at our usual table. Allison and Scott sat next to each other, me and Lydia sat next to each other and now we where just waiting for Stiles.

A few minutes passed by and Stiles finally showed up and when he did, Lydia told him he could sit next to her, to which he just responded "oh uh, that's okay, thanks though." And sat next to Scott.

He was now seated right infront of me. I didn't look at him, i just focused on talking to Allison. I could feel his gaze on me.

After another few minutes, Lydia and Allison where talking about something and Scott and Stiles where talking about something. I would make a few comments here and there, but i mostly stayed quiet.

That's when i felt it, Stiles placed one of his leggs between both of mine. When i felt it my head shot towards him. That bastard wasn't even looking me, but i could tell from the shit eating grin he had on his face that he knew i was looking at him.

The bell finally rang and i went straight back to avoiding Stiles.


After school, we all headed to Scott's place to discuss the plan further. After everything was discussed, we all got into groups of two.

Scott would be with Derek, Allison would be with Lydia and i was going to be with Stiles.

Scott and Derek where going to be on lookout outside of the school while Lydia and Allison checked one half of the school and me and Stiles checked the other half.


"Okay, is everyone ready?" Scott asked. We were standing infront of the schools main entrance.

"Yea, we're ready." Allison said, the rest of us just nodded our heads before heading inside.

Allison and Lydia headed off to go check their side and me and Stiles went to check our side of the school.

"So, are you finally going to tell me why you've been avoiding me all day?" Stiles whispered. He sounded pissed.

"I told you Stiles, i'm not avoiding you." I whispered back.

"Oh don't give me that bullshit Y/N. We both know you've been avoiding me and i wanna know why. Was it because of the kiss?" Stiles asked.

"No Stiles of course not."

"Was it because i said i liked you?"

"No S-"

"Is it because i'm not totally over Lydia yet?"

I stayed silent after he asked me that, it wasn't because he still had a tiny bit of feelings for her, it was because she has alot of feelings for him.

We were inside the library now.

"So it is because of that?" Stiles said, shaking his head.

"No Stiles it isn't okay, just leave it alone." I said, tears were starting to form in my eyes.

"How am i supposed to leave it Y/N? You kissed me three times and you said you liked me too, now you're avoiding me like i'm some sort of sickness." Stiles said, he started talking louder.

He stopped walking and when i didn't, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him, i didn't look at him, i just looked down at the floor while he was talking. The tears that formed in my eyes where now rolling down my face.

"Was all of that just a joke!" Stiles asked me.

"No Stiles, of course not." I said looking up at him. When he saw i was crying he let go of my arm and instead he placed both hands on either side of my face.

"So then tell me why you've been avoiding me." Stiles said, his voice was alot softer now.

"Because Lydia likes you." I said looking him in his eyes. He just stood there shocked.

"She likes you and she's one of my best friends so i don't want to hurt her.

"So you just decided to give up your own chance at being happy, for her?" Stiles asked.

"Of course i would. I want her to be happy and if that means i can't be, then so be it."

"What about me Y/N?"

"What about you Stiles?"

"It's my choice. I get to choose who i want to be with and i want to be with you." Stiles said, tears where forming in his eyes too.

"And i want to be with you, but i can't do that to her Sti. I can't hurt her." I said, placing my hands on his wrists.

"It's fine." Lydia said.

Our heads shot up to see Lydia and Allison standing in the doorway.

"We thought we heard you guys screaming so we came to check if you're okay." Allison  said, smiling kindly at us.

"It's okay Y/N/N. Stiles is right, it's his choice and he's choosing you." Lydia said.

"Lydia i-" I started, but she cut me off

"Just shut up and give me hug okay." She said smiling at me. I laughed a little as i made my way over to her.

"I want you to be happy Y/N/N, besides i'll find someone again." She said into the hug.

"Now go over there and make things official with him." Lydia said as she pulled away. I smiled at her and Allison before turning around and running towards Stiles.

I wrapped my leggs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He caught me when i jumped up, placing both of his hands underneath my thighs.

"Y/N will you make the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?" Stiles asked with a smile on his face.

"No. Haha jokes, it's a yes of course." I said smiling back at him. He just rolled his eyes before he kissed me.


The four of us headed back to where Scott and Derek were waiting for us.

"All clear." Allison said when we stepped outside.

"We heard everything." Derek and Scott said at the same time.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Scott said, giving me and Stiles a hug.

"Okay not to ruin the celebration, but we still have to find Kate." Derek said.

"That won't be necessary." Peter stated. We all looked at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Derek asked.

"I came here to kill Kate." Peter said casually.

"She's down in that secret room if you want to see if she's really dead." Peter said. We all followed him and sure enough, there was Kate's lifeless body on the floor.


After the whole mess was cleaned up and sorted out. We all went home.

Me and Stiles went back to his place where we stayed up all night watching starwars and cuddling.

Everything was finally perfect.


Hey dudes,

Thank you so much for reading this story. If want, you can leave a comment and if you have any requests, please fe free to send me a message of the request.

Thank you so much for your support and for being so patient with me❤

Untill the next story, bye loves❤

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