Heeseung Ship Prompts/Oneshot...

By 0HyunseungX

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Heeseung Ships only! [REQUESTS: OPEN 24/7] •Please be patient with the requests ; school's been up in my ass... More

Prompt 1. Shy <Heehoon>
prompt 2. Enemies or Lovers? <heehoon>
Oneshot 1. [HeeWon]
prompt 3. HeeJayHoon
prompt 4. Heeki
Oneshot 2. HeeKi
Oneshot 3. [Polaroid Love]
Oneshot 4. [Rose]
oneshot 5. [Forget-me-nots]
Oneshot 6. [Fate]
oneshot 7. [Water Boy]
Oneshot 8. [My Prince]
Oneshot 9. [Attention]
Oneshot 10. [Trouble Maker]
Oneshot 11. [Double Take]
Oneshot 12. [Jealousy]
Oneshot 13. [Let Me Buy It]
Oneshot 14. [Maybe]
Oneshot 15. [Flower Boy]
Oneshot 17 [M.I.N.E] 🔞
Oneshot 18. [Your Voice]
Oneshot 19. [Self-indulgent]
Oneshot 20. [In Between]🔞
Oneshot 21. [Brat] 🔞

Oneshot 16 [New Kid]

2.6K 60 53
By 0HyunseungX

Ship: Heeseung×Sunghoon×Sunoo

Hey yall I'm back and ready to attack, now this was requested by elizajanee_ !


"Heeseungie Hyung!"

Heeseung just exited from his Physics class when he heard an all too familiar voice calling out his name.

He turned his head to the direction of the sound and smiled when he realised it was his boyfriends.

The two of them rushed over to him, bags making rustling noises as they ran to him.

"Hello Sunghoonie and Sunoo~" Heeseung greeted, flashing them a sweet smile, patting their heads.

"Hyung! Here you go! Your weekly bouquet!" Sunoo exclaimed, gently pushing a bouquet filled with blooming white and light pink flowers wrapped neatly in 2 shades of pink with a dark red ribbon tied around it.

Heeseung gratefully accepted the bouquet, a soft gasp leaving his lips as he recieved the precious cargo in his hands.

"It's so beautiful..." Heeseung whispered, admiring the variety of flowers.

"The meaning basically is 'You're lovely' and 'Purity and Innocence'" Sunghoon explained, grinning widely as he watch Heeseung smell the sweet aroma.

"I chose it!" Sunoo butted in, closing his eyes, a smug smile on his lips, puffing out his chest.

"Oh shut up! We had Jaeho help us with it." Sunghoon retorted back, pressing his index finger accusingly at Sunoo's chest.

Heeseung quickly squeezed himself between them, interwining his fingers with the other two, bouquet safely kept inside his bag with the flowers peeping out from it.

"Let's go, you two." Heeseung teasingly sighed, pulling them along to their dorm, not wanting to hear their childish argument.

As they walked out of the school gates to their dorm, Heeseung was once again trapped in their endless bickering and softly giggled to himself, reminiscing how they became a couple.


Sunghoon and Sunoo were walking side by side on the pavement, feeling the spring breeze gently caress their skin and ruffle their hair.

The Sun shone its warm light on them, its rays contrasting the chilly wind.

It was their first day of school at a new school.

"Is this the one?" Sunoo asked once the magnificent 'HYBE University' was only a few metres away from them.

"Yeah, no shit." Sunghoon rolled his eyes at the younger before halting to a stop in front of the golden gates.

"This...is huge!" Sunoo gasped out in shock.

Sunghoon's eyes doubled in size looking at the huge university, levels and levels of classrooms and more blocks and dormitories.

The older confidently pushed open the gates, stepping inside the school premises.

"Well, let's go then." He commented, striding inside the school.

"Yah! Wait up!" Sunoo called out after him, catching up with him.

"We have to go to the Office first..." Sunghoon muttered, taking a map that was conveniently located near the entrance.

Spreading the map to its full size, he stared intently at the south of the plan, looking up afterwards.

"It's here." He spoke, grabbing Sunoo's arm to drag him to their right and down some empty classrooms.

Finally, they arrived at the office.

"Hello boys, how may I help you?" A friendly voice chirped once the duo stepped into the office.

"Uhm, hello, ma'am, we are new transfer students, Park Sunghoon and-"

"Hi! I'm Kim Sunoo." Sunoo cut off the older boy, ignoring the glare being thrown at him, smiling at the lady behind the counter.

"Oh I see, please hold up dears, I'll get a copy of your timetables. In the meantime, you can settle yourselves on the sofa there and wait for someone to come and show you around." She said, hand directing towards the leather couch set up on the corner of the room.

They thanked the lady before making their way to the couch.

Sunoo looked at the interior first, beige walls decorated with some letters spelling out 'OFFICE' in black, a corner of the wall hung pictures of the current student council and another portion was a board about the teachers and another for the star students in its history.

Sunghoon decided to plop himself down on the comfortable couch, sinking into it.

He took out his phone to distract himself, Sunoo joining soon.

"Good morning Mrs. Park! How are you?"

A soft, soothing voice interrupted their work.

"Why, I'm fine thank you very much, Heeseungie and hello Riki! Just a minute, I'll hand you the transferees' timetables."

Sunghoon tried craning his neck to catch a glimpse at the counter but could only make up a mop of bright pink hair and black, gelled hair.

"May Park Sunghoon and Kim Sunoo come to the counter please?" The counter lady or now known as Mrs. Park called out.

The duo who were called immediately grabbed their belongings upon being called.

They were walking to the counter where the other two males stood at.

Sunghoon glanced up at them and froze at his spot.

"Wow..." He muttered to himself as his eyes laid on the smiling angel in front of him.

Pink fluffy hair falling ever so slightly over his eyes that crinkled as he flashed Sunghoon a dazzling smile. The pretty boy had his bag in front of him, using his two hands to politely clutch the handle.

His uniform fit him like a glove, the school uniform's sleeves being a bit too long for his arm, making the cloth hang on his hand, the high waisted pants showing off his incredibly long legs and lithe waist.

Sunghoon was woken out from his daze when Sunoo jabbed him in the ribs.

"Take the timetables you bastard." Sunoo mumbled through gritted teeth in his ear.

Sunghoon focused back his attention on Mrs. Park's extended hand passing him a sheet of paper in a clear folder with different words and numbers typed in bold on it.

"Thank you." He managed out as he retrieved the price of paper.

"Very well then, Heeseungie and Riki, the both of you have been excused from classes today. It's still quite early-40 minutes until class starts but HYBE is a huge school, you may start touring now."

"Alright thank you, Mrs. Park! See you later." The pretty male smiled softly, bowing down to the elder lady.

"Goodbye, Heeseungie! Tell your grandma I said hi."

So his name is Heeseung? Pretty name... Sunghoon thought mindlessly.

"Ehem. Shall we go now?" A deep voice interrupted, the tall raven haired male beside Heeseung.

"Oh right! Hello, you must be Park Sunghoon and Kim Sunoo? Nice to meet you, I'm Lee Heeseung, 20, this is Nishimura Riki but you can call him Niki. He's 16." Heeseung spoke cheerfully, smile never leaving his face.

Sunoo nodded on their behalf and Sunghoon managed to catch that adoration held in his sharp eyes.

"Let's go." Niki spoke, slinging his arm around Heeseung shoulder, pulling the other male who was still facing the two transferees towards the door.

"Ah, yes. Please come along!" Heeseung rushed, arms gesturing to the door while he let Niki pull him towards the hallways effortlessly.

Something churned in Sunghoon's stomach, a frown now visible on his face.

"Sunghoon! Let's. Go." Sunoo tightly gripped his bicep and dragged him after the duo.

"So this is the Science block! There are about 7 levels here but I'm confident that your classrooms should be on the third or fourth floor." Heeseung rambled away with his voice that no one could ever get sick of, pointing to the rooms and introducing the teachers that taught each class.

Whatever he was speaking about didn't bother the other two though.

They were too busy staring at the boy in front of them to care.

"And this should be it for Block E. Let's move on to the next one." Niki finished for Heeseung and proceeded to pull him across the hallways to the next flight of stairs where Block B was located.

It was already 10 and students started filling the hallways after their third period.

Almost everyone was waving to Heeseung and Niki like they knew them ever since they were born.

Heeseung would just shurg it off with a small wave and slight forced smile whereas Niki just glared at them intently, giving off the 'Back-the-fuck-away-from-me' vibes.


"So this should be all the things that you should need to know. Feel free to ask me for help if you need it." Heeseung ended off at Block F.

"Okay, thank you Heeseung-ssi!" Sunoo thanked, breaking out into a smile.

"You can just call me hyung. But we have to get you to your dorm first."

And so the group of 4 made their way to the dormitories.

"If I'm correct, your dorm should be ok level 8, #408 right? Just beside ours?" The oldest asked while tapping a card on the elevator scanner.


They lift stopped at the first floor and they entered, pressing the eight on the panel.

"Alright, we're here. Here's your room card. Niki and I are just right next door if you need us! Have a good day, bye bye." Heeseung greeted them before Niki pulled him into their room.

Sunghoon plopped down on the nearest bed he could find and sighed breathily.

"Sunoo-yah, I think I'm in love." Sunghoon said, grabbing a pillow close to his chest and rolling on the bed.

"Me too, Heeseung hyung is so pretty!" Sunoo replied back, standing up to put away his clothes.

Sunghoon jolted up from his lying down position, now seated upright with his messy dirty blonde hair.


Sunoo halted and looked behind, staring questionably at the older.


"What did you say?"


"No, before that!"

"Heeseung hyung is pretty?"

"Bro what's wrong with you always liking the same people I like?!" Sunghoon yelled in frustration, covering his face with a pillow.

"Not my fault Minwoo didn't choose either of us!" Sunoo retorted back, continuing to transfer his clothes into the closet.

"Not just Minwoo! Minho too! And Shota, like why man?" Sunghoon groaned into the pillow.

"We never had a chance with either of them so stop whining you big baby." Sunoo provoked, sticking his tongue out, "But I have a feeling that one of us might have a chance with Heeseung hyung. My Sunoo senses never fail."

Sunghoon stopped groaning into the poor pillow and sat up, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I bet I'll get him."

Sunoo clicked his tongue in annoyance, a smug grin appearing on his face afterwards.

"Aight, bet."


Knock, knock.

"Hyung can you go get the door?" Niki asked from the other side of the room, lanky body curling up to the side, still sleepy.

Heeseung hummed in response, getting up from his bed.

Not bothering to neaten up his bed hair or fix his shirt that was very much about to fall off his shoulder nor put on a pair of longer pants because his shirt covered his shorts, Heeseung stumbled his way to the door.

"Yes, how may I help-" Before Heeseung could make out the blurry figures, the familiar high-pitched voice broke him out of his dream state.

"Oops! Did we wake you up, Hyung?" Sunoo questioned, eyes darting to his watch before looking at the older in front of him.

"Ah, uh, it was very sudden but it's fine, just come in, yeah? I'll go wake up Riki and freshen up. We can go to school together."

Heeseung lowered his gaze, a blush creeping up his neck as he opened the door and invited the younger duo in.

He rushed to close before skidding back to his room, embarrassment eating him up at the thought of making such a bad impression of himself in front of two newbies.

"Riki-yah, wake up!" Heeseung gently shook the younger's shoulder, attempting to wake him up.

"Mmm...five more minutes..." The said male mumbled, turning to the other side.

"Sunghoon and Sunoo are outside." Heeseung tried again.

Niki slowly sat up, head resting on the curve of Heeseung's exposed neck.

"I'm going to go freshen up, you should too."

When he received a gruff in response, Heeseung quickly made his way to the en suite in their room.

Once he was done, he brushed his hair out of his eyes, tucking in his uniform, draping one of the black jackets the school provided for them over his shoulders, not bothering to wear it properly.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, shall we go?" Heeseung apologised when he reached the living room, seeing the younger three already there, clad in their attire, chatting away.

"Hyung! There's breakfast special today! Come on." Niki yelled, eyes gleaming.

He jumped off the couch, placing both hands on Heeseung's shoulders, staring down at the older.

"Let's go!" He beamed.

Heeseung giggled at his enthusiasm, fixing his jacket before glancing at Sunghoon and Sunoo who were still glued to the couch, watching him intently.

"What are you waiting for? Let's go." Heeseung smiled softly at them.

The two walked towards them and followed Niki to the elevator whereas Heeseung locked the dorm, sliding his card into his pant's pocket.

Taking his glasses from his jacket, he perched it on his nose bridge, following the youngers closely.

"Hey, Heeseung Hyung?" Sunghoon hesitantly called out to the older who looked up to the younger.


"May I ask if you and Niki are dating?" Sunghoon questioned cautiously.

Niki broke out into a fit of laughter, clutching his stomach as he double over, a series of deep laughs reverberated throughout the floor.

Heeseung chuckled, "We get that alot, but no, Riki and I are not dating. We're just really close."

Sunghoon and Sunoo seemed to heave a sigh of relief after hearing that and the action went unnoticed by Heeseung.

They both side-glared each other upon getting the piece of information.

"Let's go, the lift's here."


"And hyung straight up rejected her and told her that he was gay!" Niki babbled on about Heeseung rejecting half the school.

Heeseung poked at his chocolate cake, looking down as Niki kept on rattling away about him.

"I'm going to put my tray back." Sunghoon announced to which was met with Sunoo's snarky remark on how no one cared.

"Wait, you're not going to eat your cookie?" Heeseung questioned, doe eyes staring up at Sunghoon's through his golden rimmed glasses.

Sunghoon briefly shook his head.

"C-can I have it?" Heeseung asked, lips forming an adorable pout and Sunghoon swore that if Heeseung wasn't looking at him, he would've already swooned at him.

"Take it." Sunghoon replied, tossing him the packet of cookies.

"Thank you hoonie!" Heeseung broke out into a cute smile, tearing open the packet, nibbling on the sweet treat.

"You can have mine too, hyung!" Sunoo butted in, giving the packet of the same treat to the older.

"Thank you Sunoo-yah."

Sunoo grinned at him, fighting back the urge to pet his fluffy pink hair and coo at him.


"Heeseung hyung! Do you want to go to the mall with us?" The two of them ask in unison when Heeseung walked out of his classroom with multiple people surrounding him.

He threw them a thankful smile, trying to squeeze himself out of the crowd.

The duo seemed to notice and tugged at his bony wrist.

"Let's go, then." Heeseung agreed, keeping the dark jacket draping his entire frame into his bag, linking arms with the boys on either his side.

"Is Riki coming?" He blurted out when they neared the gate.

"Nope." Sunghoon replied, popping the 'p'.

"He's got some sort of project to work on." Sunoo explained, pushing the gate open with his free hand.

"What do you two want to buy?" Heeseung asked once they entered the mall located near their university, the cool air instantly made them shudder.

"Let's go to the clothing shop!" Sunoo squealed, dragging the two olders to the flashy shop with a rainbow interior, walls hanging different clothes.

"Hi, welcome to- Oh my goodness! Heeseung hyung!!" A male staff who was folding the clothes immediately dropped the baby blue shirt that had 'BOSS' written in obnoxiously big lettering.

"Jaeho?!" Heeseung's eyes lit up at the sight of the younger, running to hug him.

Sunoo and Sunghoon stood awkwardly at the entrance, staring at the two friends.

"Please enter! Hyung, I need you to try on these newly shipped clothes! I think they'll look great on you." Jaeho pulled the latter by the wrist, bringing him into the back.

Sunoo and Sunghoon exchanged glances and Sunoo shrugged, following the two boys.

"Jaeho... these are skirts?" Heeseung spoke, staring at the pieces of clothing articles held gingerly in the younger's hands.

"Doesn't matter! Go try them on~ They're your size, don't worry." Jaeho reasoned, shoving Heeseung into the dressing room.

While Jaeho was praising himself for finally convincing Heeseung to try on a skirt, the duo stood rooted to the ground having witnessed the scenario.

"Oh, you must be Hyung's friends! I'm Jaeho! Heeseung Hyung's close friend. How may I assist you?" Jaeho chirped, smiling widely at them.

"Do you have the latest levanter hoodie? I heard they sold them here." Sunoo questioned, looking around at the huge store.

"Oh yes! They're right there-"

"Jaeho?" A soft voice spoke.

The trio whipped their heads in the direction of the voice, seeing Heeseung's head peeping out of the grey curtains.

"How's it? Did it fit? Let me see!" Jaeho urged, speeding through his words.

Heeseung parted the curtains and stepped out shyly, tugging at the pleats of the skirt.

Jaeho clapped his hands rapidly, levitating towards the older, wrapping an arm around him.

"Looks amazing on you Hyungie!"

Sunghoon and Sunoo stared at the oldest, mind blank and mouths agape.

And maybe it was the fact that Heeseung pulled off the skirt and the oversized green to white button up better than most girls.

Or maybe it was the fact that his proportions were godly - long, slim legs that were on full display, godly petite waist that was even more evident in the black tennis skirt and the collar of the button up the opened up and his clavicle was on full display,and a more than pretty face - yeah, maybe both.

"Do you guys think it looks good on him?" Jaeho questioned, giving them a sickeningly sweet glare.

"Yeah! Super pretty." Sunoo answered, sincerity and adoration dripping from every syllable his spoke.

Sunghoon nodded, words couldn't form in his mouth at that specific moment.

"Yeah see? It looks wonderful on you! You can buy it for half the price, wear it on what's that even called again... well it's right around the corner...was it cosplay day?"

Heeseung clasped a hand over Jaeho's mouth, his face adorning a pretty red hue.

"Enough, sorry guys, yall can go buy your own stuff." Heeseung apologised sheepishly, returning back to the dressing room.

Sunghoon grabbed Sunoo by the arm and whispered into his ear, "Whoever gets Heeseung Hyung's compliments first can order the other around for the day."

Sunoo smirked at the older, "Oh you're on."

And just like that, they started running around the store, bumping into some customers and leaving short 'sorry's for them when the customers start to complain.

Sunoo asked Jaeho to help him find the newest arrival of the levanter hoodie and scavenged on his own to find a pair of grey sweats that would match the dark turquoise of the hoodie.

"Here ya go, dressing room 5." Jaeho gave him the hoodie and opened the curtains so that Sunoo can enter.

In a matter of time, the latter had already finished putting on the clothes and was looking around for Heeseung.

"He must be near Jaeho..." He muttered to himself, tiptoeing to find the elder boy.


Sunoo waved his arms around hysterically, trying to gain the said boy's attention.

"Heeseung hyung!"

The older turned his head and walked over to him.

"Yeah? What's the matter? Oh and nice hoodie!" Heeseung gushed, eyes flitting over the hoodie.

"Thank you hyung, I was just about to ask you that." He said the last words out loudly, knowing a certain Park Sunghoon was boring holes into his back.

I win this time, Park.

Let's see how you'll do soon, Kim Sunoo.


Heeseung wasn't oblivious. He wasn't stupid either.

He noticed the way Sunoo and Sunghoon stared at him like he was the sole reason for their existence.

He also noticed their crush on him, to which he was flattered.

And Heeseung honestly wouldn't reject either of them if they wanted him to he their boyfriend.

Sunghoon was handsome, sharp black orbs bored into his back, leaving butterflies running in his stomach. The younger was also funny and playfully complacent, contrasting his cold demeanour he put up.

Sunoo was also very handsome as well, hazel fox-like eyes that left the same type of feeling that made Heeseung feel all fuzzy inside. He was adorable, competing with Sunghoon for his attention.

Heeseung wouldn't mind being in a polyamory relationship with the two of them, besides, Heeseung had already fallen for them despite it being only a few months of knowing them.

He was now seated under the old oak tree, a hunger games book in hand but he wasn't even reading it, too busy lost in his thoughts to notice the familiar bickering.

"Heeseung hyungie!" Sunoo and Sunghoon both yelled out at the same time, startling the eldest from his trance.

He blinked for a while before fixing his eyes onto the younger two.

"Yes? Do you need something?" The latter asked, folding the corner of his book, carefully packing it in his bag before standing up, brushing his pants to remove any form of dirt.

"Uh, hyung, we both have a really important question to tell you...?" Sunghoon started off, the end coming out like a question.

Heeseung stared intently at them, urging them to continue with a nod of his head.

Sunghoon jabbed the youngest in the side, side eyeing him as a signal for him to stary the speech they prepared.

"So, uh, Hyung, both of us, ever since the day we met you at the office and coincidentally on the first day at our new school, you seemed to have caught both our attention and for months, we've been pining over you. So-"

"-So would you do the honours of becoming our boyfriend? It's okay if you don't want to be with him, we can be together!" Sunghoon cut Sunoo off, grinning at the older.

Heeseung giggled, grabbing both their hands and interlaced them together.

"Of course I'd love to be your boyfriend."


"Hyung! Sunghoon's being mean again!" Sunoo whined, wrapping an arm around Heeseung's waist while Sunghoon mimicked his words in a slightly high-pitched mocking tone.

"When will you guys ever stop bickering?" Heeseung asked, a glint of playfulness evident in his eyes once they reached their dorm.

"Never." The both simultaneously answered, glaring at each other afterwards.

"Well you two can argue later, I want my cuddles." Heeseung sulked, going to the bathroom to change out of his uniform, the other two doing the same.

And now they were all cuddled up on the king-sized bed, Heeseung squished in between the youngers.

"I sometimes wonder why we're together..." Sunoo mumbled, nuzzling his face into the crook of Heeseung's neck.

"Welp, you are and you can never get rid of me! Now where's my kiss?" Heeseung pouted at the comment.

Sunghoon quickly pecked Heeseung's lips, patting his head lovingly while Sunoo peppered kisses all over his face making Heeseung giggle.

And maybe, being the new kids weren't so bad afterall.


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