The Love Of Mischief

By Jammy_Blackwood

811 188 7

Asgard, City of The Gods. Ruled by Lord Odin and his Queen, Lady Frigga. Home of The Princes, Thor and Loki. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Alternative Ending

Chapter 58

9 3 0
By Jammy_Blackwood

It had been a few months since my father attacked Asgard. I was all healed up. I had a jagged scar across my side. Loki still runs his fingers across it (While he also complains about Thor being so rough when he removed the sword)

Because of my (Stupid) actions (According to Loki and Bucky anyway) on my wedding day, Steve and Tony made Loki and I Avengers. Tony only wanted me to join but when Steve told him that Loki was joining as well. Tony backed down.
"Why do you want me, Captain?" Loki quizzed as he helped me up from the sofa.
"Since Amelia walked into your life, You have done nothing but prove that you are one of the good guys" Steve stood tall. Like the soldier that he was "And during the battle, You save mine and Bucky ass. I owe you for that"
"I didn't know that" I smiled as I hugged Loki's arm "But I was legging it away that day"
"I wasn't even aware myself" Loki patted my hand.
"Even so. You still saved my life. Will you join the Avengers?" Steve held his hand towards Loki. Loki looked down at the hand and then at me. He smiled and then looked back at the hand.
"I guess I should. It's blatantly obvious you need a leader" Loki rolled his eyes and he and Steve shook hands.
"Well, I wouldn't say that. But we do need someone to be able to sneak into places other than Nat" Barton folded his arms. Loki chuckled at this and hugged me.

I can't really fault The Avengers. Tony, Loki, Bucky, Wanda, her family and Pietro have been here for 6 months and had only just gone home last week. Bless their hearts, They didn't have to stay for as long as they did but they did. They helped rebuild the damage. I did tell them to go home as they would be gone years on Midgard but Loki said the world would cope without them plus they still had some Avengers there. Banner is unsure of whether to go home. He says he likes it here and the main reason is no one is scared of Hulk (Asgardians have seen worse) We did say he can stay as long as he likes.

They all want to visit once my baby is born. Tony even said he will add a nursery to The Avengers Tower for me (Wanda complained that she did get this much attention but when Tony pointed out that now she lives at Tower, What was the point)

After the battle, Thor searched Asgard for Sif and started to panic after he found her under some rubble. Fearing the worst had happened, Thor openly told Sif (In front of his parents and The Avengers) that he loved her and he was sorry for acting like an ass to her. Lord Fandral groaned at this revelation as he hand a small pouch to Lord Hogun. Those two had a bet going that Lord Hogun thought Thor loved Lady Sif and Lord Fandral hoped he didn't. Thor and Lady Sif started dating once she was out of the hospital. They seem happy together.

Mine and Loki's little bean is growing fine. I've reached the 6-month mark and tomorrow, We find out what we are having. I'm hoping for a girl, Loki wants a boy. Thor has got a bet going around that its a boy (Even Lord Odin and Lady Frigga have got in on this)

It was the morning of our gender scan and I woke up to birds singing outside the window, the warm sunlight streams into the bedroom through a crack in the curtain. And even though I wanted to burn the birds for waking me, I smiles brightly while instinctively caressing my stomach in small circles.
"Good morning, sweetie" Loki kissed my temple. After putting my glasses on, I rolled from my back to my side.
"Good morning, Darling" I smiled. I then winced as I am booted from my insides. My hand went to the front of my stomach "Well good morning to you too" I then roll onto my back and fling the covers off me. Loki shuffles down the bed and grins as he watched little bumps appear on my stomach.
"Good morning, Little one" He kisses my bump, Only to get booted away. Loki rubbed his jaw "Someone woke up with an attitude"
"Bump loves you really" I smiled as he leaned forward to press his lips to the baby bump "I swear you are obsessed" I spoke in a teasing tone.
"You are carrying our child, Amelia. Of course, I am obsessed" Loki rested his hands on the bump once more, "You look perfect like this"
"I look perfect getting fat?" I looked at Loki over my glasses.
"You are not fat, Darling. It's a baby" His fingers grazed over my skin "Our little hybrid"
"Who will either burn you or freeze you. Take your pick" I smiled as bump kicked again in agreement.
"What time is the scan thingy?"
"The scan thingy is at 11"
"Oh good. Do you fancy getting some breakfast with me or shall I bring it to you?" Loki kissed my cheek.
"I think I will come with you. Need a change of scenery" I smiled as Loki helped me climb out of bed. Just a few more months and I can roll onto my front. I miss those days.

After our scan, We went and sat in the lounge area and chilled out. Loki was laid on his front and was talking to the bump.
"And when you are big and strong, You can kick your uncle Sparkle's butt across the 9 realms" Loki kissed my bump "And I can't wait for everyone to find out if you are a girl or boy" The bump seemed to kick in agreement.
"Though if you could refrain from kicking me so hard, I would love it even more" I rubbed my belly. Bump kicked again in agreement. Only it wasn't as hard. At least in my head, it wasn't hard. Loki was about to speak when he heard the door fling open.
"Speaking of Sparkles" Loki muttered "Brother, What do you want?" Thor came running in. He seemed to be hyper. The Warriors 3 and Lady Sif was behind him.
"Brother. Amelia, We need to talk" He spoke quickly. Loki and I looked at each other. Both of us shrugging.
"What have you done?" Loki rolled onto his side. I looked at Thor over my glasses.
"Nothing bad. Yet" Thor held his hands up "I have read up on a Midgardian custom that I would like to try"
"Okay," Both Loki and I say.
"Can I throw you a baby shower? You 4 are all invited" Thor grinned stupidly. As he pointed to The Warriors and Lady Sif. The warriors 3 seemed to complain. I looked at Loki and he nodded at me.
"There will be mead" I sighed. The Warriors 3 then agreed to turn up. I rolled my eyes.
"Better bring gifts," Loki said menacingly. For a moment there was silence.
"So we can throw this party?" Thor stood up and grinned. I looked at Loki and we both nodded.
"Sure, You can throw one" I agreed. Thor shouted yes.
"That way we can reveal what gender this little one is" Loki put his hand on my stomach. Thor clapped his hands.
"Right, I am leaving. You will receive invitations. Amelia, Would you like the Avengers to come"
"Urm, yeah. Sure. I mean, Are they going to want to come so soon? We did just get rid of them"
"Nonsense. They will come" Thor flew out the door.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Loki asked me. I shrugged.
"So anyone going just so they don't get blasted with lightning?" Lord Hogun asked. Everyone raised their hands. Including myself and Loki.
"Got more chance of being melted than electrocuted" Lord Fandral joked.

I think I passed out in the end as Loki was gently shaking my shoulder.
"Hey, Darling" Loki whispered, a small smile on his face, The back of his fingers running along my cheek "Wake up sleepy head"
"I was not sleeping" I insisted, I pushed myself to sit up from the position, and I somehow managed to lay across the sofa.
"Explain the soft purs I heard then" Loki grinned as he picked me up in his arms.
"I don't know what you are talking about" I yawned. I wrapped my arms around Loki's neck. Loki rolled his eyes and carried me back to our room where I crashed the moment my head hit the pillow.

By the time the baby shower came around, I was nearly full term. (Thor is a horrible date planner) I had only 3 more weeks. I walked through the main hall, Where Thor was setting up the baby shower for tonight. There were pink and blue streamers and some sort of fabric stretched across the ceiling, Dipping here and there. The pillars were covered with pink and blue hearts and stars. The was a medium-size buffet table for presents and an oversized one for food (Asgardians and their food. God help me)

I will admit, I was proud of Thor for throwing this together. I smiled as I watched Thor order people around. I trained that man well.
"Thor! Where do you want this thing?"
"I've said over there" Thor sighed "And for the 50th time, Bring me those banners!"
"We need more nails!"
"Where do these go?"
"Quick get the ice pack. Dumbass here dropped a crate on his foot!"
"I ain't no dumbass!"
"Yeah, You are!"
"Fucking move!!"
"Oh for the love of Odin"
"You!! Put those over there!" Thor ordered.
"Bring me ale!!"
"Why is there ale?"
"Can someone help me with these balloons please?" I smirked as I waddle through the crowd. I wasn't allowed to help move things but I was allowed to supervise. According to Loki, Thor needs babysitting. I said he has Sif for that.
"Amelia! How are you doing?" Thor said as soon as he saw me. He climbed (Jumped) down from the ladder. He wrapped his arms around me and gently squeezed.
"Hey, Thor. Could you not squeeze. The baby already uses my bladder as a squeeze toy. Don't need you encouraging it" I smiled.
"Sorry. Anyway, What do you think?" Thor spun in a circle as she showed off his work "Oh I got some news from The Avengers. Tony, Wanda, Pietro, Natasha, Clint and Banner are coming to the shower. Bucky said he doesn't hang around babies. Man of Spiders said he has school work to do and birdman has other things to do. And purple Stark has to watch the children"
"Who turns down a chance to travel for school work?"
"You would" Thor folded his arms. I sighed as I reluctantly agreed. I then rubbed the base of my back "Do you need to sit down? Surely with only a few weeks to go before my niece or nephew turns up, You should be resting" Thor held his arm out for me to take.
"I have done nothing but rest. I do not need to be wrapped in bubble wrap forever" I panted. I rubbed my belly "Though if the little one wants to turn up early, I wouldn't mind"
"Did the scan tell you which gender this one is?"
"Loki is putting the reveal together as we speak. He said it will be ready by tonight" Thor nodded and shouted that everyone can take a break.

"I still find it strange that you are having a baby. Not in a bad way. It's just, I knew you as a child myself" Thor smiled as we walked to the open windows.
"I never thought I would see it either. But then again, I never thought I would catch the eye of a god" I smiled. Thor helped me sit down.
"You did change him for the better. You thawed him out" Thor smirked "I know, The irony"
"Really?" I folded my arms "That was the best frost giant joke you could come up with? Such disappointment"

That evening was the party. Loki and I couldn't wait to reveal our baby's gender. Loki was so excited, he was glowing like never before. During this whole pregnancy, he's had nothing but the brightest smile on his face (That is because he ain't the one carrying the little one) Steve and Tony were talking with Lord Fandral and Lord Odin. I think Banner was hiding in the corner. Wanda and Pietro couldn't come in the end. The twins had chickenpox and they didn't want to risk me catching it.
"How's the dad-to-be feeling?" Clint asked as he walked over to us. Natasha is behind him.
"Overwhelmed by the decorations but excited" Loki grinned.
"And how's the mum-to-be feeling?" Natasha pondered.
"Tired. In dire need of sleep but a certain little one thinks it's funny to boot me all night" I looked down at my bump and saw (And felt) two little thuds.
"I wonder where they get their mischief side from" Natasha spoke as we all looked at Loki. He tried to whistle as he walked away.
"I don't know what you're on about" He jested. I rolled my eyes and went to mingle with the other guests.

As the party went on more and more people were getting anxious to find out what Loki and I were having so finally after waiting forever, Thor announced it was time for the big reveal.
"Ready?" I whispered. Loki nodded as he grabbed my hand.
"Are you nervous?"
"Always" I took a few deep breaths.
"I got you" Loki's grip tightened.
"Oh, and you have to pretend that you don't know what we are having" I ordered as Loki kissed my cheek as we moved to the centre stage.

We stood side by side with a huge black balloon between us that was filled with either blue or pink confetti.
"Alright on the count of three, pop the balloon!" Thor smiled widely while wrapping his arm around Lady Sif. Loki held my left hand and gave me one of his daggers to pop the balloon "One, Two, Three!" They popped it and blue confetti came flying out all over them.
"Blue! It's a boy! Amelia, We're having a baby boy!" Loki jumped around. I heard Thor shout yes in the background. I giggled as I grinned my hands covering my mouth. Loki's hands flew to my face as we shared a kiss. We broke apart when I saw Loki was crying so I started tearing up too. Loki was so happy and excited we were having a boy. I hugged him again and kissed away his tears.
"A boy!" I cheered.
"Congratulations guys!" "Woohoo"
"I lost 30 gold again" Lord Fandral handed a pouch to Thor.
"I said it would be a boy" Thor beamed as he threw the pouch up and down. Many people came and hugged us. Loki was still crying as he kissed my bump.

It was the next day. I was so tired from the night before so I went to the lounge to relax. Thor and Lady Sif were already in there.
"Thor, Quick word outside please" Loki spoke as I waddled to a sofa. I was in an instant state of regret when I sat on the sofa. I need a drink and I didn't want to keep asking people to help me up. Loki and Thor were out in the hallway, talking about something (I think Midgard was mentioned) and Lady Sif was reading a book (I didn't want to disturb her) I put my hand on the bump and got kicked away.
"Someone woke up with an attitude" I muttered as I rubbed my belly. I got a few more violent boots "Just like your father. Violence over peace. Come on, Let's get a drink" I wiggled off the end of the sofa. Hearing a tut, Lady Sif offered her hand and helped me up.
"You should have called one of us over" Lady Sif smiled. I rolled my eyes and walked to the drinks table.
"You were reading and the boys are outside. Didn't want to bother you" Lady Sif tutted at me this time "I feel like a whale" I huffed. This pregnancy was taking its toll on me.
"You look great though"
"Like 50 gold" Lady Sif grinned at me.
"You made a bet with Thor didn't you?" I narrowed my eyes. Everyone seems to be betting. Maybe I should do, If I am going to be miserable may as well make some money off.
"Yeah, Thor thinks the baby will turn up any day and I think you will go over your due date"
"I've still got two weeks left so it might be possible" I smiled. Lady went back to her spot with her book. I went to walk back to the sofa when I felt an odd pain. I put my hands on my belly. I felt it again. It was sharp and quick but only last for a second or two. I thought back to all the books that Loki made me read and what Lady Frigga has told me. As another pain shot through me. I knew what this was "Urm Sif?" I made the oo sound. I heard a book close and Lady Sif was by my side in a flash.
"I think the baby is coming" I panted. Lady Sif was trying to keep me upright as I doubled over in pain.
"Are you sure?" Lady Sif asked, "Could be fake labour?" I took a few deep breaths and tried to walk forward. I had to stop as I felt water trickle down my leg.
"That, or I just wet myself!" I yelled. I held my belly as I winced in pain "Yep, The baby is coming"
"Loki! Thor!" Lady Sif shouted. I quickly heard loud footsteps.
"What?" Thor bellowed as Loki came straight to me.
"Amelia, are you okay?"
"It hurts" I cried. I didn't know what to do "I think the baby is coming" Loki was even stumped on what to do.
"I don't know what to do" He muttered. He was in that pre-parental freak out stage. Not what I needed right now.
"Sif, Run to the doctors and tell them we are on our way" Thor ordered.
"On it" Lady Sif looked at me and then ran out the door.
"Brother! Snap out of it" Thor clicked his fingers a few times. Loki finally came to his sense after Thor smack the back of his head "You good?"
"I think so" He stuttered. Then Thor knelt next to me.
"Amelia, Wrap one arm around my neck" He instructed as I did as I was told. Thor placed one hand on my back and one under my legs "Ready? On Three. One... Two... Three!" And just like that, he lifted me off the floor.
"Remind me to never do this again!" I whimpered.
"Amelia, Here, Hold my hand. Just squeeze it. I can take it. I'm here" Loki grabbed my hand. I smiled. My face scrunched in pain so did squeeze his hand. I thought it was about to break "Right okay. Let's get you out of here" Loki replied in his most calming voice. Even if deep down, I knew he was panicking like mad.

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