COLLIDE | Tom Hanson

By thorsthumb

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All that it took was for her to be late to work and for them to collide // 21 Jump Street Discontinued More



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By thorsthumb

Don't Pet the Teacher

The group was all sitting around the table for their daily morning talk, Iyla had her head resting on Tom's shoulder who was blushing madly.

"Speeding right along," Jenko said. "Apparently somebody is trying to relocate South Central High School one room at a time."

"Last night was the fourth B-and-E in the same amount of months. No forced entry, no busted windows. Burglary says it smacks of an inside gig. Like one kid gets a set of master keys, the next thing, half the school's drinking free sodas. And on top of that, some teacher's getting free roses from some secret admirer. Here, check it out, Hanson, before the kids walk into an empty schoolhouse." Jenko explained to them.

"Got any suspects?" Tom asked.

"A couple. My best bet is a guy named Jeffrey Stone." Jenko answered him. "Sells everything from hot records to tickets to The Boss's concerts. Third row, center."

"How do I get close?" Tom asked.

"I don't know," Jenko replied. "Ask him to a rock concert, I guess. Anything else?"

"I wanna go to a rock concert," Iyla said when she heard Jenko say rock concert.

They all just stared at her, yet not in shock or anything because it was a normal occurrence for Iyla to zone in and out of conversations.

"Jenk, uh, could you clear me on a couple extra hours at lunch. You know, I got that physical exam today." Ioki cleared his throat breaking the silence.

"Hey terrific, Harry," Jenko grinned at him. "So you're taking your sergeant's exam. Sergeant H.T Ioki. Hey, I can dig it, man. Study hard and fast, Harry. And good luck."

When Jenko had called the meeting to an end, he asked Iyla and Tom to stay. Iyla lifted her head from Tom's shoulder and sat herself down on the table.

Jenko looked at them both and started talking. "Rogers, I'm putting you in this case with Hanson. You seem to work well together.

"Yeah sure, sounds great." She smiled at Tom, who happily returned it.

Since their kiss and couple of days prior, they had been inseparable. They were way more handsy with each other, but they hadn't kissed since they had.

"But I hope you don't mind if you go in as a couple?" Jenko asked them.

They looked at each other and laughed, telling Jenko that it wouldn't be an issue at all.

Once they had left Jenko's office, Tom grabbed her hand. "So, do you maybe wanna, uhm, go out this weekend?"

"Yeah, sure. Where?" Iyla said with a huge grin on her face.

"Wherever you want?" He replied.

"Well, why don't we decide on the day?" Iyla said to him.

"Sure, whatever suits you, Illy." He grinned walking away from her, leaving her in shock.

Iyla's thoughts consumed her 'did he just call me illy?'


When Iyla had returned to her apartment that night, she noticed someone standing there that she really wasn't in the mood to see.

"What are you doing here, George?"

"I came to apolog-" He pleaded, but he was cut off by Iyla opening her door and slamming it shut.


By the time Tom picked her up from her apartment the following day, she had completely forgotten about the short encounter she had with George.

Then the car decided it was going to be an asshole and pop a tire.

"Terrific!" Tom muttered angrily, heading toward the trunk of his Mustang.

Iyla followed him out as he explained to her it was a flat tire.

"You got a jack?" Iyla asked him

"Nope, no jack."

"Great, we're screwed. Late on the first day Mr. Hanson." Iyla said to him frustrated.

"Yeah, well I'm sorry Miss. Rogers." He sassed at her back giving her a grin.

"Well, what are we gonna do?" Iyla thought aloud.

"Just call out I guess."

So that was what they did. "Flat tire!" they would call and when someone finally did Iyla let out "Thank god!"

"Hey," the woman greeted them as she approached the car.

"Looks like you could use some help." She asked them

"Yeah, we really could, this idiot ran over something and now we have a flat tire." Iyla laughed with the woman

"You wouldn't happen to have a jack, would you?" Tom asked her coming up from looking at the tire.

The women's eyes widen when she saw Tom as if she was shocked by his looks. This made Iyla slightly annoyed that this woman, who looked as if she was in her thirties, was eyeing Tom up.

"Let me see what I can do," she said as she walked away, her eyes not once leaving Tom's.

Iyla scoffed. "Hey, what's the problem?" Tom asked her noticing she was angry.

"Oh, it's nothing," Iyla replied

"You sure, because if you don't tell me, I won't be able to help you, princess."

With his words, her anger immediately went away, he had called her princess again.

"Yeah, it's fine." She gave him a small smile.

The woman returned with a can in her hand. Tom gave her a funny look. "Doesn't look like a jack to me".

"No, it's even better. Here, welcome to the eighties." She smiled, handing Tom the can. Iyla didn't miss the fact that the woman deliberately touched his hand.

Iyla glanced over at the yellow can in Tom's hand it read 'puncture seal'. "Thanks," Iyla said thankful that the women had saved them, not that she liked her though.

"Anytime, there should be enough left to fill up the bottom. Also the names Susan."

With that, she bid them goodbye and walked back to her car.

Iyla rolled her eyes and got into the car, as Tom went to sort the tire.


"Hello, earth to Iyla Rogers" Tom called out to Iyla who was in her usual daydream.

"Yeah!" She exclaimed as she snapped out of it.

"We're here" He announced as he got out of the car.

They both headed inside, holding hands. Many eyes had turned towards them. This made them both angry. Tom was mad because the boys were looking at Iyla as if she was some sort of fresh meat. And Iyla was mad because all the girls fluttered their eyes at him.

After they had gotten their timetables, they went to their first lesson. Luckily enough they shared it with each other.

As they went to go into the classroom, they stopped themselves when they noticed the same very women, who had helped them with Tom's flat tire, teaching the room full of teenagers. Her name, Miss Chadwick, was written on a plaque on the door.

Her eyes looked towards the door and they widen when they landed on Tom and Iyla.

She walked over to them with a smile as she flirted with Tom.

"Don't you think you should've called first? I mean this is a little-" She started saying before she was cut off by Iyla

"Embarrassing, yeah. He's my boyfriend." She said with a fake laugh.

This made Susan, or now they should know her as Miss Chadwick, pull an awkward face.

"Anyways, looks like we're, uh, sort of in your class," Tom said stepping in to avoid Iyla saying anything that could get her into trouble.

After that Iyla just listened to them, Miss Chadwick apologizing for 'flirting' especially since he has a 'girlfriend' and Tom telling her it was alright.

"Umm, class, this is Tom Gilmore and Iyla Beckett. They're new students here. Tom, Iyla, I'm Miss Chadwick" She announced them to the class.

"Please to meet you, Miss Chadwick," Tom said to her shaking her hand. Iyla just gave her a tight-lipped smile.

"Okay, so here you go. And help yourself to any available seat."

So that's what they did. They were lucky enough to get two seats next to each other at the back of the class.

As they sat down, a boy walked into the classroom. "Sorry Miss Chadwick. It's these aliens. You know, you can't rely on them for anything."

"They, uh- they were supposed to have me back on Earth in time for class, but it uh, it took a while to unhook the life support system." This made the class laugh, as well as Iyla.

"How are you?" He mimicked in a robot voice. And then he dropped his book down onto the table behind Iyla and sat down.

"Thank you, Jeffrey. I'm sure we're all very amused." Miss Chadwick started. "But now I wonder, can we try and hold an English class?" Iyla looked at Tom and pretended to yawn, who simply shook his head at him with a grin.

"Let's read the poem and we'll discuss it at 10 minutes past the hour.

"Psst." Iyla heard behind her.

"Van Halen dude." He said to some guy who was sitting next to her. "Absolutely live, absolutely the last two tickets."

"Where'd you get them, man? I've been looking all over town" The guy asked him, going to take them from his hands. But Jeffrey pulled his hands away.

"Don't grab, Wayne. We are a civilized people. If you want them, they're yours." He told him. "80 bucks"

"Can you front me?" He asked him.

Both Iyla and Tom were listening closely to the boy's conversation.

Jeffrey laughed at Wayne. "Front you?" He asked him as if he was committing some crime. "Van Halen, dude"

And with that Tom turned around "I'll take them, 70 bucks right now."

"75." Jeffrey tried negotiating with him.

"70 bucks, come on, I just wanna take my girl out to see a band she loves," Tom said pointing at Iyla, who waved at Jeffrey with a smile and a raise of her eyebrows.

"Girl knows her music, Wayne," Jeffrey said pointing at Iyla with a wink.

They were all interrupted by the one and only Miss Chadwick. "This is an English class, not an auction."

Jeffrey slowly put the tickets into his denim jacket "I, uh, I heard the good news, Miss Chadwick"

"What good news is that, Jeffrey?" She asked him.

"That you've got a secret admirer." The whole classed 'oohed' at this.

Iyla snickered as Tom looked at her with wide eyes to stop. Which she did.

Miss Chadwick looked upset and shocked at this, and yet Jeffrey just smiled and looked her up and down.

"Someone brought you flowers last night, Miss Chadwick?" He asked her.

Miss Chadwick ignored him as she walked towards the front of the class and carried on teaching.

"Drama" Iyla whispered to Jeffrey, who laughed at her.

And when Iyla went to face the front, she caught a glimpse of the look of jealousy Tom was giving her out of the corner of her eye.


After class was dismissed, Tom had gotten up and left Iyla to pack away. She shoved all of her belongings into her back and ran out of the room trying to catch up with Tom.

When she did she grabbed his arm, turning him around "Hey, what's the matter with you?" She asked him.

"Nothing, just I don't think it's a very good idea to be flirting with a teenager." He angrily whispered at her.

"Oh yea, well at least I haven't been flirting with some women in her thirties." Iyla shot back.

"Look I know we're not dating or anything, but for this assignment we-" She was cut off by Tom wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into a quick kiss in the middle of the hallway.

When he pulled away, Iyla gasped. "Well, maybe you should be my girlfriend in real life then?"

Iyla was too stunned to speak, and before she could say something Tom had already walked off.

When Iyla finally caught up with Tom, out of breath from the running, she saw him talking to that Jeffrey kids.

"I got a compact disc player." He said to Tom.

"Yeah, no thanks. My girlfriend thinks I'm a great gift item." Tom replied to him, wrapping his arm around Iyla once he saw her.

"Yeah, he sure is a great gift item," Iyla said with a grin.

Tom pulled her away, as they walked towards their next class.

"Uh, Zeno's tonight." Jeffrey called out to them "7, right. I'll buy you a drink."

"What's the matter, doesn't a hot-shot like you have any friend?" Tom asked him

"Depends on what they're selling for," Jeffrey said with a smirk. "If, uh, you need an ID, like I said, I got a department that handles that, too."

Tom and Iyla shooke their heads with a wide smile. "Most of these other jerks around here, they're just waiting for the prom. " He said walking up to them, "You need someone to show you around before you end up buying your dog a corsage."

With that Iyla growled at Jeffrey like a dog, who laughed as he walked away from them.

"You're not gonna take offense to that?" Tom asked her laughing.

"No, why 'woof' I?" She said.

"Never let me say that again, I beg." She asked Tom, who just laughed at her as they walked down the corridor.


After school, Tom and Iyla headed towards the Mustang, so that they could drive back to the chapel and inform Jenko what had gone down today at school.

When they were pulling out to leave, Tom slowed down because he saw Miss Chadwick.

"Hi." They both exchanged to each other.

"Got something for you." He said as he handed her the can of spray they borrowed earlier.

"I wouldn't want to owe you when it comes to midterms, you now?" He said to her as she smiled at him.

Iyla scoffed. This seriously couldn't be happening. They were being flirty in the morning after having an argument about the flirting Tom was doing with the teacher. And now he was doing the exact same thing.

Iyla had ignored their entire conversation, as she sulked and looked out of the other window.

Iyla was pulled from her thoughts as she felt the car move.

"Hey." Tom snapped his fingers in her face.

"Earth to Iyla, you alright?" He dragged.

"Look, Tom. We literally not even a couple of hours ago argued over this. And you've gone and done it again." She said glumly.

"Done what?" He said confused, pulling the car to the curb of some random street.

"You know what, the flirting."

"Oh really. No look Illy. That isn't flirting. Well, it is. But, I'm doing it because I need to." He tried convincing her.

"Okay then, why do you need to do it." She asked him, folding her arms under one another.

"If I stay close to her, then I can hopefully find out who's been giving her flowers. And who's been breaking into the school." He said. "I don't like her like that. Definitely not, yes she's a nice woman but I like you. A lot actually. And I don't want some case to come between us." He finished desperately for Iyla to believe him.

"I'm sorry. It's just the last time I been with someone, it didn't end too well and I guess I don't really want to have to go through that again." She said whilst looking down at her hands as she played with them.

Iyla felt warm hands cradle her face. "Look at me, please Iyla." He begged her. "I really want whatever this is between us to work, because, God, I haven't felt this way about anyone before."

"Really?!" Iyla was shocked. How could a gorgeous, loving, funny man like Tom never of had someone to love him as much as Iyla did?

Love. As the word crossed her thoughts, her eyes widened. She loved him. Yes, it had only been a very short time but she did. Despite her past traumas with love. This one made her forget about it all.

"Yes, really. I like you a lot, maybe even love." And with that Iyla pulled him into a kiss, this time it didn't last a second. It was long and deep, with true meaning behind it.

After they slowly pulled away, they rested their foreheads against each other.

"I love you, Iyla," Tom said to her with a smile that warmed her heart.

"I love you too Tom, but one thing. I really don't want to ruin this, so please can we take this slow before we make this official or tell anyone." She begged him.

"Whatever you want Illy." That was all he said. As he pulled away from her and started driving towards the chapel.


When they realized that they were going to be late for meeting up with Jeffrey. Tom and Iyla ran towards Tom's Mustang and drove to the club.

Once they had gotten inside, there were many people dancing to the music. Tom wrapped his arm around Iyla's waist so that she wouldn't lose him in the busy crowd.

They walked over towards a table where Jeffrey was sitting.

"Nice place, terrific service," Tom said to Jeffrey as they sat down on the high stools. "I bet the escargot is excellent" He finished putting his hands into an 'okay' sign.

"You want friendly? Go to Pizza Hit." Jeffrey joked at Tom.

Some girl had come up beside Iyla and winked at her. "Whoa, bizarre seats at the U2 concert." She said looking Iyla up and down. Tom noticed so he placed his hand onto her thigh with a grip.

"Jeffrey, I'm a happy girl. Who's your friend?" She asked him, still looking at Iyla. Who was smiling at the girl not knowing exactly what to do.

"Karla, like, I'm happy you're happy, okay? But I'm busy." He said to her.

"I'm Karla." She introduced herself to Iyla. "Stop by and ruin me." She flirted as she walked off with a sway of her hips.

"Forget it. Chicks's a poster child for ludes." Jeffrey said to Iyla, who had wide eyes.

"Okay. One, I'm not on the market so I wouldn't go for her. Two, What!" She screeched.

Before he could answer her, some other girl came up to them. "Did you bring it?" She asked Jeffrey, looking around.

'Okay, sketchy.' Iyla said to herself.

Jeffrey signaled for the money, and so the girl did. She pulled the money out and handed it to him.

Jeffrey picked his bag up and pulled out a compact disk player, the same thing he was trying to sell Tom earlier.

"Oh, my boyfriend's gonna go nuts." She smiled.

"Your boyfriend is nuts." Jeffrey shot at her.

"They're a great gift item," Tom said to her making Iyla laugh, making the girl turn and leave.

"You lost out, man. That was my last one. Your girlfriend here would've loved it."

"I'll buy her a corsage." Tom looked at her with a smirk.

"Besides, I prefer collecting records. The old way, way better." Iyla smirked at Jeffrey.

"Look, this place stinks, man. You should finish your beer, and let's hit the road." Tom said. But he wasn't lying. The club was stinky, quite literally.

"I don't drink," Jeffrey said before getting up and leaving them to later catch up with him

"I think that's the first time I've heard about a teenager who doesn't drink." Iyla laughed as they both walked out to catch up with Jeffrey.


Iyla was tired at this point and asked if Tom would drop her home. And he did. Leaving Tom with Jeffrey to go do whatever teenage boys do.

When she was dressed in her nightwear, all freshly showered with her teeth brushed. She flopped down into her bed, thinking about everything that had happened that day.

They had both confessed their feelings for each other.


The next morning, Iyla, Doug, Ioki, and Jenko were all playing baseball.

"Steee-rike!" Doug shouted as he caught the ball that Iyla had batted.

"Hey, no fair! I give up!" She screeched, dropping the bat like the sore loser she is.

Ioki and Doug continued to yell at each other. And Iyla just sat on some random desk laughing at their childish behavior.

"C'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, come on guys. Come on Harry." Jenko called out to them to stop them from yelling.

Iyla laughed as she noticed Tom walking into the chapel. She smiled at him, to which he gladly returned.

She wished she could go and give him a hug. But that would be too suspicious.

"Play ball," Doug shouted

"Okay, Harry. According to the revised municipal code, no person below the age of-"

Jenko threw the ball to Ioki, who missed and was cut off by him saying "18 will not be granted a permit to own a gun without written consent by a parent or guardian."

Who was then cut off by Tom, who was standing next to the desk that Iyla was sitting on. "And unless that parent or guardian has a felony conviction within the last seven years."

"Hey, I was getting to that part, Hanson," Ioki said to him annoyed.

"Good eye, Harry. Wait for your pitch" Was all that Tom said back to him.

"Hey, you guys might have invented the game, but we perfect it." As Doug caught a ball that Iyla threw at him, with the intention of hitting him in the head.

"Yeah," Doug said as he threw the ball to Jenko. "Sushi and baseball both, right?"

"So how was your concert, bro?" Jenko asked Iyla and Tom. "Was it radical awesome, like wow?"

"How would I know?" Tom laughed "I never listen to Van Halen in my life. Got that from an expert."

"I think the Jeffrey Stone might be our guy." Iyla said to Jenko, actually getting to the point.

"A real loner, part-time junior vampire." Tom continued for her. "Spends his nights spying on his English teacher and hanging out on the school's roof.

"Woah, wait Miss Chadwick. Ew!" Iyla said in disgust.

"Tried to be a hard guy. Huge campaign, but not a lot of votes." He carried on, ignoring Iyla's comment on the situation.

"Any priors?" Jenko asked.

"Not really. Just a felony-sized chip on his shoulder." He replied. "Problems at home things like that. I'm not even sure the stuff he sells is hot. He thinks I'm a player."

"Oh, go cry, Hanson." Iyla joked as she walked away from the group, towards her desk. The men, or really boys as that's what they acted like, all looked at each other and laughed whilst shaking their heads at the girl.


The following morning, Iyla was running slightly late. She was needed at the chapel, as she was every morning.

The reason she was running late was embarrassing. She had simply taken a shower too long. Well, because she was too busy singing songs to realize that she had been showering for 30 minutes and was 10 minutes late at that time.

"Hey sorry I'm late," She said stumbling into Jenko's office.

"Reason?" Jenko asked her with sass.

Obviously, she was going to lie about what made her late. "Traffic," Iyla said with the same level of sass that Jenko had given her.

"Anyways, where's out?" Jenko asked Tom.

"I, uh, had something to eat with a friend," Tom said almost quietly.

This made Iyla raise her eyebrows in interest.

"Who might that be, Sport?" Jenko asked him with intrigue.

"What do you mean, who?" Tom asked Jenko's question with a question.

"Well, I don't mean the Who, as in the rock group."

"Oh, I love the Who. Great band." Iyla cut in, nodding her head up and down as both men looked at her in annoyance, to which she immediately stopped.

"I mean who as in what party were you with?" He continued after being interrupted by Iyla.

"Now, we know it wasn't our man Stone, as he was obviously occupied," Jenko said to him.

"I was with my, uh, English teacher." Iyla sput out the water, which she had been drinking when she was listening to their conversation.

"You what?!" She chocked.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday?" He gave her a look of truth, with a smile.

Instantly, Iyla calmed down and remembered that it was just for the assignment.

Jenko just gave them a confused glance before he continued talking. "Ah, the teacher. Well, I hope you had a swell time."

"I don't," Iyla muttered, luckily no one heard her.

"I tried, " Tom said standing up, Iyla followed his actions and left the office without him, as the talk was clearly just between both men.


When Iyla and Tom had turned up to school, they had been running slightly late, due to Tom telling her what Jenko had told him once she left the office.

Around 20 minutes of them sitting in their English lesson, the principal and some janitor walked into the classroom summoning Miss Chadwick.

Iyla looked at Tom confused, who, in return, just shrugged his shoulders at her.

"Excuse me just a sec." She told the class.

Tom looked at Iyla and nudged his head towards the door. They both stood up and left the classroom, walking towards the adults.

"Sir, I really don't think it's fair to just search a student's locker." Miss Chadwick protested.

"It's not only unfair." Tom started.

"It's illegal." Iyla finished.

"Tom, Iyla, please stay out of this." Miss Chadwick pleaded them.

"I'm already into it," Tom said to her.

Tom grabbed the janitor's hand, who was trying to open Jeffrey's locker.

"Well, you're going to get into a two-weeks detention, unless you get back to class." The principal said to them both.

"Open it." He demanded the janitor.

"Don't do this!" Iyla shouted.

"Iyla." Miss Chadwick said.

"I have to ask you not to open Jeffrey Stone's locker," Tom said, standing in the way of it.

"We're police officers," Tom announced to them, as Tom and Iyla pulled out their badges, showing them.

They all looked shocked, especially Miss Chadwick.

"That was one of the pieces missing," Tom said to her, making Iyla confused.

"What the hell is going on here?" The principal interrupted them.

"If you open that locker without a legal warrant, it's illegal search and seizure," Iyla said to him.

"Cops?" He asked them. "Why wasn't I notified?"

"Because then it wouldn't be undercover," Tom said to him like it was obvious.

"Duh," Iyla sassed at him, but quickly went back to being professional.

"And be able to harass the student body." He asked them.

To which Tom replied "No, I pretty much stay from the student bodies.

And despite everything they had told the principal, he still demanded that Jeffrey's locker was to be opened.

At this point, Iyla had had enough, and just let Tom do the talking. He clearly wasn't going to listen to her.

Then students started pouring out of classrooms. 'Great timing' Iyla thought to herself.

"I want Stone arrested." The principal demanded.

"No," Tom begged.

The principal then went on to explain that due to his position in the school he has the right to open whatever locker he wants if needed. Which doesn't work, but like that was going to stop him.

"Let me do my job." Tom said

"Don't be an idiot," Iyla said to the principal growing restless.

"I don't know, Beckett. That's asking a lot of him." Jeffrey said, making Iyla jump as he came out from nowhere. "Something I can do for you, gentlemen?"

"Sell you some tickets to Van Halen?" He joked. "Tell ya what, I'll trade you two front row center seats for a stack of signed hall passes."

"Open it." The principal said ignoring Jeffrey.

"Why?" Jeffrey asked.

"Open your locker, Jeff," Tom said finally giving up, moving away from the locker to stand next to Iyla.

"Get a guy some fake ID, and wham he starts giving orders like an adult," Jeffrey said annoyed at Tom.

"This one's not fake," Tom said pulling out his badge.

Jeffrey laughed, shaking his head. "Why, you narc blossom? You got one to princess?" He said asking Iyla, to which she pulled hers out opening it up.

"Sorry, bud." She said giving him a smile and raising her eyebrows.

"Very smooth routine, Gilmore, Beckett. Very smooth indeed. For a while there, I thought you were both just jerks. But you're both professional jerks, right Gilmore, Beckett?" He said upset, yet hiding it pretty well.

"I betcha that isn't even your real name." He said "

"Open your locker, son." The principal said for a final time. To which Jeffrey did willingly.

When he opened it, the only thing in there were calculators. Just what Tom had told her was reported missing.

"Oh come on. Would you please- oh, this is the best part for you." He started as Tom and Iyla started handcuffing him. "That's not my merchandise. It's too cheap."

And yet Iyla oddly believed that he hadn't stolen them. He had only ever sold stuff that's worth value.

So with that, Iyla and Tom took Jeffrey by each arm and walked him down the corridor so that he could be taken to the Police station.

"You're under arrest." Iyla started

"I didn't do it." Jeffrey pleaded.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney." Iyla dragged on, with what they said every time they had to arrest someone, walking down the corridor.


Later that night, Tom had shown up at her apartment.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Iyla asked him as he entered.

"I think I busted the wrong guy." He said shaking his head as he sat down on her couch.

"Wait, how?" Iyla asked him confused sitting down next to him.

"Well, I went over to Susan or Miss Chadwicks, whatever, to explain the whole situation with the 'flirting' and that I shouldn't have led her on when I'm clearly in love with y-." He was cut off by Iyla's soft lips pecking his.

"Slow down. Stop rambling. And just get to the point." She said laughing at him

"Yeah, so anyway. She accused me of leaving one of those compact disc players on her doorstep, and obviously, I didn't. And then it clicked, you know. If I hadn't left it, and Jeffrey hadn't due to him being locked up, and he had also sold out on those two days ago. So it must mean that I busted the wrong guy."

After he had finished rambling, he took a deep breath and looked up at Iyla's face.

"Yeah, now, that could be a problem." She said, making Tom laugh.

"Well, what do I do?" Tom begged for her help.

"No idea, sorry." She said.

"Just help me keep my mind off of it." And with that, he planted his lips onto Iyla's leading them to make out for a while.


Later that evening, Iyla woke to someone knocking on her door. She was in her bedroom, which was not where she was left. The last thing she remembered was her and Tom watching some TV after their make-out session.

Her heart sped up at the thought of Tom moving her into her bedroom so that she could be more comfortable.

Then she jumped at the second knock on her door. She got up from her bed and walked to the door. When she opened it she was met by Tom holding a corsage.

"Said I'd get you one, didn't I?" All she did was smile, as Tom moved into her apartment, planting his lips onto hers and shutting the door behind him with a slam.


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