Myriad of Worlds

By AriesStar337

238 9 2

One-Shots of many multiverses. More

The Star Witch: Card User of Heroes

Chaldea in Gotham

103 3 1
By AriesStar337

An strange incident has sent Chaldea into another world in a city plagued with an infinite darkness. Can they adapt into this new situation.

[DC Animated Universe x Fate/Grand Order]

It has been two weeks. Two weeks ago, an white building has appeared on the docks of Gotham.

(Just imagine this building on Gotham City's docks)

There has been signs of people inhabiting the building, but they never let themselves into public. In fact they mystery has been a little unnerving for Gotham's police and even Batman.

The docks of Gotham was often fought over by criminal gangs of the city and how many supplies got into the city regularly changes. The most recent crime gang to hold the docks was the Falcone family and in just three days after the building's sudden appearance.

They were completely wiped out.

[Two weeks ago, Gotham City's docks]

Sirens of the police resounded through the city as many patrols drived towards the city's docks.

It has been reported that many cars from the Falcone family were in the way towards the mysterious white building. The police and Batman suspected that they were about to take over the building and wipe out whoever was inside.

When Batman was mentioned is because him and the rest of his protegees and Nightwing were on the move to stop the Falcone's men.

Meanwhile with Batman.

"Do you think we're going to make it?" Questioned a young boy who is garbed in a red, green and yellow costume.

This is Damian Wayne, the latest Robin and the son of the Batman.

Driving the famed Batmobile was a man around his forties, dressed in a jet black costume which reminded that of a bat.

This is was the Batman, who under the mask is Bruce Wayne.

"That's what we're going to find out." Batman says on his usual stern tone as he drived through the streets of Gotham to reach the docks to catch up with Falcone's men.

"But even so, this has to be the largest pool of men Falcone has ever sent. Don't you think this is too much just to take over one building? As far as we know, they could be just civilians in there." Robin spoken out of loud his thoughts on the how many men Falcone sent to invade the white building on the docks.

"For your first question, they probably don't want to take any chances so they sent this many in case something goes wrong on the take over. As for your second question, that is why we're going there." Batman said his part, which Robin agreed.

One would think that they would at least hesitate about engaging that many criminals at once. But, meh. Batman had dealed with worse and in much direr situations.

But little did he know, that what was going to happen on the docks, was the most unique of situations that he never dealt before.

[On the docks of Gotham City]

The job was a simple one. To take over the building that has mysteriously appeared on the docks and kill whoever was inside.

Yes, in hindsight, it is a simple job and no one, not even Franco himself, never doubted that the job was going to go right since they had no only large numbers, but they were also heavily armed.

So whatever defense the occupants of the white building could they come up with, were going to be wiped out by their sheer numbers and firepower.

"Yoho-ho-ho~ Yoho-ho-ho~ Yoho-ho-ho~ Yoho-ho-y~" Sang the nightmerish voice of a young man, who couldn't be over seventeen, dressed in a weird pirate costume and holding a sword in hand.

Yes, Franco and the men who he went with thought the job was going to be a piece of cake.

How wrong they were.

Just when they arrived, armed themselves with their weapons, and about to invade the building.

The red-haired boy appeared out of nowhere.

Franco could never forget the look on the red-haired kid's eyes, his eyes were darkened in a deep madness that threatened to drive Franco himself into insanity had he looked at them more.

The kid made a warning. "Listen! You useless mob! I am here to warn you on behalf of my Master that if you don't leave this place and just walk away peacefully, you will all die!"

That announcement was laughed off by the coworkers of Franco, who felt that the kid was pulling their hairs.

But just as one of the hitmen shot at the kid.... the very same hitman's head was sent flying.

The kid just decapitated a man with just one punch, ONE punch!

Thus hell broke out.

Many men of the Falcone fired their weapons at the red-haired kid. But the kid was not only too fast for them, he was also very skilled in not only martial arts, which could out the Batman in shame, but also in swordsmanship and marksmanship as well.

With his sword, he gutted, cleaved, cut down in piece, and dismembered every single mob men of the Falcone so easily.

Not only the kid was unfazed about killing people, he was also a complete lunatic! Because while he was massacring the Falcone's men, he kept saying any random nonsense and singing a silly song as he was just playing around.

But what terrified Franco to his core, was that smile! That... That sickening smile that could compete with the Joker's was always plastered on the kid's face and he kept while he also laughed loudly while causing his havoc.

No bullets could reach him, every attempt to surround him only proved to end worse. It wasn't a kid, it was a monster! They messed up with the wrong people and now they were paying for it.

Franco couldn't take it anymore, he wasn't told that there was going to be such a monster as that, so he made a run for it, he ran and ran, not wanting to be killed by that monster in the guise of a teenager.

He ran while he kept hearing the screams of both pain, mercy, and fear from all the men of the Falcone. Franco could also have swared that there were also some who shared the same sentiment as him, but before he could even notice, they all disappeared from thin air.

At first, he thought that the Batman finally arrived, Franco was about to give himself in. He prefered the Batman, and going to prison, over being killed by that monster.

But to his horror. What he found were the dismembered rests of his compatriots, who were killed by a figure dressed in ninja clothings.

That figure while he did not have the same look as the other monster, his look was still frightening to Franco as the figure had the look of a predator that has locked its sight on its prey.

"Rider himself say it, you all will die. You should have walked way when you had the chance." The figure said.

But Franco ran and ran faster than his legs could muster. That white building did not only had one, but also another monster with it. It made him realize that they never possed a threat to them, they literally walked right through the lion's lair.

After running as far as he could, Franco thought that he finally managed to survive as he saw the exit of the docks.

But he felt that someone tapped his shoulder. So instictively turned around, to much of his horror, was the red-haired monster.

"Thanks for your visit on Chaldea! So, I'll escort you to the exit!" The monster said as with one powerful punch, he sent Franco flying to the exit of the docks.

Franco Giovanni. An man who never had nothing in his life. He was a simple mob thug working for the Falcone, he wasn't anything special, nor even a worth-mentioning member. He was just your everyday thug around Gotham City. But his life ended in what will be known in the future.

As the Massacre of the Gotham's Docks by the press.

[Returning to Batman and his team, minutes before the start of the massacre]

Richard 'Dick' Grayson, or better known as Nightwing. Had arrived at the docks of Gotham. He heard from the police radio that the Falcone family were about to assault the mysterious white building that appeared out of nowhere.

He arrived together with Barbara Gordon, otherwise known as Batgirl.

"They really want to be done with it if they're bringing these numbers of heavily armed men." Batgirl commented as she spied on the Falcone men who just arrived at the docks.

"Is there any signs of movement on the part of the white building's people?" Asked Nightwing, since they don't know anything about the white except that people do live there as previously drons sent by Batman had caught in video that some people got out of the building before it was mysteriously shot down.

"None so far. Maybe they're taking shelter by shutting themselves away hoping that the Falcone's men goes away." Batgirl guessed as she kept on watch with her binoculars.

They hard an vehicle's engine. They looked back to see that both Batman and Robin had arrived.

"Had the Falcone started to move?" Batman questioned while he got off from the Batmobile.

"They just arrived a few seconds ago, so they're just starting to arm themselves with their weapons." Nightwing informed.

Batman nodded and then said. "We must act now or else casualties may arise."

Before anyone could say anything else, Batgirl called out saying. "H-Hey... Just who's that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Up there, in front of all Falcone's army." Batgirl pointed as she passed the binoculars to Batman.

Batman looked over where Batgirl pointed and he saw was someone who looked out of place.

He was a tall young male, probably on his teenage years, with orange-red hair and was dressed in a strange pirate outfit.

He seemed to have a short conversation with Falcone's men, but then all laughed, and one tried to shot the teenager.

But then... The boy did something that made Batman widden his eyes in shock and horror.

The young man had just killed the man who just tried to shot him, by decapitate him with one punch.

And then hell broke loose by a bloodbath just starting.

"Holy hell!!" Nightwing exclaimed in horror as he used his own binoculars to see for himself what happend.

"We must go, now!!" Batman urged loudly with the rest of his team nodden in agreement.

They had to stop the killing spree.

It took a few minutes when they arrived at the docks entrance. But when they were about to go in, the body of a man was sent crashing against a container.

They gasped in shock at that. Robin went to check on the man.

"How is he?" Batman asked hurriedly.

Robin shook his head and said. "He's dead, father. Either what sent him flying killed him or the impact, all his bone's structure were completely broken."

Such a way to kill a man was brutal and savage. But only someone with the strength comparable to Superman could kill a person like that.

"Fiuu!! And pops goes the weasel~" The Batman family got into alarm when they heard the voice singing.

They look to the direction from where the man was sent flying to see it was the very young man who started to kill the Falcone's men.

"Eh!? Was this an crossover fic? No wait... Nah... Its just a mere one-shot thing. Hey writer, I thought you didn't like those DC and Marvel universes, what's up with this?" The... pirate asked me, the writer himself.

(Writer's response: "Well... I just thought that I could try this once)

"So a one-time thing, huh. But you barely know anything about the DC universe, how do you expect it to work? Even Batman's lines sound kinda forced here." The damn pirate commented.

(Writer's response: "SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO WORK ALREADY!!!)

"Oh, fine...! Take-two... NOW!!" Clicking his fingers, the pirate did my job.


"What is this? An old dude in a cosplay, an emo-looking dork, and a little shit? Oh! And there's also a cutie with a suit that leave too much for imagination." The red-haired boy said, which irritated both Nightwing and Robin of the how he just called them, while Batgirl was embarrased of the how he described her suit.

But Batman remained unfazed by the words of the young man and said. "What have you done with the rest of Falcone's men?"

"Oh... The mob thugs? Didn't you just saw what I did?" The young man asked while pointing his recent kill.

"Why did you kill them, no... That's not important, desist from these actions, now." Batman demanded the young man to stop killing.

But the young man merely shook his head and shot back. "Old man, they invaded with the intention of killing us, so do you expect us to not respond in kind to those who tried to invade us?"

It was then Nightwing turn to say. "That's still not a good reason to kill them like this!"

The young man just childishly stuck his tongue at Nightwing and retorted. "Nyeh!! I don't fucking care what you want. If that's all what you're gonna say, then I'll just go back to my scoring with those losers!"

"No you won't!" Batgirl exclaimed as she threw a batrope at the red-haired young man to trap him in place, so they could stop his killing spree.

Once the young man was tied up, he merely just sighed and said. "Look... Even if you rope me up, what makes you think that I am the only one here?"

These words caught the Bat family off guard and then they heard the screams of fear, death and pain of Falcone's men and just as they started, they died off in silence.

"Awwww.... They finished them already... Oh, well. At least I killed most of them." The young man whinned about all the Falcone's men being killed before giving a uncaring shrug.

Those words enraged Batman as he walked towards the young man and grabbed him by his collar and said. "Does killing them was just a game to you!? Was that bloodbath something you can just shrug it off like it doesn't concerns you!?"

The young man, however, was totally unfazed by Batman's method of intimidation and just said. "Old dude. If you were your comic version-self, you could have a chance against me. But the author used your animated-self, so you have no chance against me!"

Batman was about to demand what he was talking about. But the young man not only broke free from the Batrope by using his brute strength, in a quick movement, he also kicked away Batman in the gut, thus sending him flying on the same manner as the man from the Falcone family.

"FATHER/BATMAN/BATMAN!!!" The team cried out in both worry and fear of the how Batman was sent flying.

Nightwing acted fast by taking out his Eskrima sticks for the innevitable fight and started to attack the red-haired young man.

But the red-haired young man, despite looking over his teenage years like the Teen Titans, proved to be a much better martial artist as he not only evaded each blow from him. He also managed to land many hits that were too fast for Nightwing to block in time.

"UUGHH!! HE'S TOO FAST AND HE HAS GOOD REFLEXES!!" Nightwing thought in frustration while trying to fight back the pirate-dressed young man.

Nightwing thought he finally was about to land a blow, but the young pirate merely made a faint attack.

By grabbing Nightwing's head and crash it against a container.

"Noo! Nightwing!" Batgirl cried out in worry, but she soon got her act together. "Do not fight him alone, together!"

Robin nodded, as he already unsheathed his sword, and both him and Batgirl attempted to team up to fight the pirate.

"Baby, it doesn't matters whatever is two or five. I'll just keep dancing!" The young pirate just exclaimed and then he first blocked Robin's sword with his own and then he punched Batgirl with a punch without even looking at her.

"Damn it!!" Robin merely exclaimed as he tried to slash the pirate with his sword each time, but the pirate easily blocked Robin and so their swords were locked.

"Pft! How cute, the little boy thinks that his toy sword can reach me." The pirate said in mockery.

Which only served to fuel Robin's anger and shouted. "DON'T LOOK DOWN ON ME!!"

And a one-sided sword fight continue, on favor of the pirate who proved to have not only the superior strength, but also the superior swordsmanship and technique so much farther than anything Damian's training at the League of Shadows could have reached.

"He's only toying with me!!" Just the thought in realization that the pirate wasn't even taking him seriously, that only further fueled Robin's frustration and anger.

"Robin, get way!" But Batman's voice snapped Robin out from his anger and did as he was told.

Soon many explossive Batrangs were thrown at the pirate which created a big curtain of smoke.

"Did that get him?" Nightwing asked after recovering from the attack he suffered. Whatever was out of luck or the pirate hold himself back, Nightwing's head wasn't fractured, but he still felt his head going numb.

Batman and his team waited for the smoke to clean up, only to be shocked that the young pirate was completely fine, no signs of damage or anything.

"Old man. You should just have throwed your darts with the intention of killing me rather than just wanting to knock me off, that way, you would had at least scratch me a little." The pirate commented as he prepared to go at it again.

The Batman family was ready for another fight, until.

"Hold it, Rider!" Out of nowhere, a man who appeared to be around the pirate's age, with a darker red hair that covered both his eyes and waz garbed in a ninja outfit, appeared in front of the who was identified as 'Rider' by the ninja.

"Oh, what is it? Are we going into our classes to call each other now? Or is that the author doesn't wants to go into details of the why your name can't be said?" Rider's words while confusing the ninja for a bit.

But the ninja remained unfazed by his words, as he's used to hear him talk like that. Thus he said. "Master had order us to leave them be."

"Really now? But shouldn't we at least kill the old man? Just to be sure he doesn't proves to be a pain in the ass later." Rider said insisting on fighting the Bat family.

"We only were sent to deal with the mafia gang, fighting them would expose us further. So Master said." The ninja reasoned about the why they should avoid fighting Batman and his family.

"Oh, fine! Just because this One-Shot has been dragged for too long." Rider said in resignation about keep fighting. He turned then to Batman and his team and said. "Look. This... may have gone against any kind of moral you have, and maybe some laws, but I will assure you this. We only did this to defend ourselves. We have no intention of getting too involved with this city or its problems, at least for now."

Batman perked up at the 'for now' words that Rider said and asked. "What do you mean 'for now' what are your intention?"

"Believe what you want. But I'll just let you know that we're not your enemies nor we're looking to become it. So, let's go Assassin!" That was the last words of Rider before him and the now identified as Assassin disappeared in a blinding speed towards the white building.

This is the first out of the many conflicts that Chaldea would face in this world.

Will both Chaldea and the Justice League become allies or bitter enemies?

Well... it's not like I am a fan of the DC universe. Though I admit that I watch some of their animated movies and the Justice League animated series.

I am still not sure whatever I will make this or not. So this will remain as a One-Shot for now.

About what part of the DC universe I used here. Well, you can say that it is a mix of the animated series with the animated movies, kinda like an anime style if you can say.

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