Nothing Else Matters - Perrie...

By anonymouslmfan

94.9K 2.7K 373

A fanfiction between Perrie Edwards and a male fan. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five

Chapter Sixty Seven

1.1K 35 6
By anonymouslmfan

"Right you." Lauren pushed me away from her as quickly as she had pulled me into her arms and rounded on Perrie, hugging her too. "You better look after my mate, you get me?"

"I get you." Perrie grinned. "He'll be completely fine, I promise you."

We were flying to Belfast that evening. The very next night was the opening night of Little Mix's awaited tour. We had already been for lunch at my dad's, to say goodbye to my family, even though we would be back in London in four days.

"I hope you're prepared; he's never flown before."

"Aye I know, he better not be sick!"

"I am here you know!" I reminded them. "I will not be sick, I'm excited!"

"You can be sick with excitement." Lauren turned back to me and gave me another hug. "I can't wait to see you in London! Neither can your brother, even though he pretends he doesn't care. He can't wait."

"I might get him up on stage." Perrie quipped.

"Right we need to go in a minute, you need to get lost." I said, jabbing Lauren's ribs.

"How dare you, I brought you a present!"

"Did you?"

"Yeah... it's a bit daft but here... open it on the plane or I'll get embarrassed, I don't do stuff like this."

"Lauren... why? What is it?"

"You'll see. Right Jakers, I'm off. Have a brilliant few shows, enjoy every second... you too Pezza! See you in the O2!"

"God don't remind me." I shuddered. "That's like... the elite."

"I know, I might cry, I need to go." Lauren grinned. "Have a great flight and everything... ring your dad when you get there I'll probably be at yours anyway."

"I will, see you in a few days."

We said our goodbyes to Lauren and I heard a squeal behind me, turning to see Perrie jumping on the spot. "I keep getting bursts of proper crazy excitement! Is this seriously on as of tomorrow?"

"Yes! Can you believe it's here already?"

Perrie shook her head, biting her lip, and we heard a beep from outside. She opened the door again and held a hand up. "The car's here, you ready babe?"

"Yeah. Actually... I need to ask you something." I said, slipping the thing Lauren had given me into a carry-on bag.

"What's up?"

"I just need to ask you one more time if you're sure about this?"

Perrie sighed, looking a tiny bit annoyed. I had asked her the same thing many times leading up to today.

Because once we were seen boarding a flight together, whether or not we waited until the end of the tour to confirm it, it would be quite obvious there was slightly more to our relationship. How many popstars flew around, travelled from city to city on their tour, joined at the hip with their DJ?

"I'm not even gonna answer you babe. I've told you it's fine. Are you sure you wanna come? You don't wanna wait and get the next flight?"

"No you know I want to be with you. Anyway I'll need you to hold my hand if it turns out I'm scared of flying." I said, making her smile. "I just want you to be sure."

"I am sure. I'm not gonna have time to read any bullshit between now and the end of the tour anyway, so whatever gets written about us getting on the same flight means nothing to me. And the next time I speak to any press will be after the tour anyway. To tell them about us. So. You ready?"

"I'm ready."

"Great. Wheels up babe!"


"Oh my god, it's moving!"

"I know babe, they're supposed to!" Perrie giggled. She was watching me with a look of pure fascination on her face, like I was the best in-flight entertainment she had ever witnessed. And we hadn't even taken off yet.

"Yeah, frequently." Perrie nodded. She hadn't stopped grinning since we had entered the airport. Truthfully, I had probably been acting more like a child than she ever did in the whole time we had been together.

"Oh my god, I think I'm gonna be sick." I shouted, bouncing in my seat. Perrie reached for the sick bag in front of her and I laughed.

"I'm kidding, I mean I'm excited."

"I've never seen you like this." Perrie grinned. "We're only going to Belfast you know... what're you gonna be like when we go on a proper holiday?"

"You might have to sedate me."

Perrie shook her head, laughing, and took my hand as the plane left the ground. I barely noticed, my face practically pressed right against the window, fascinated. "Woah!"

About twenty minutes into the flight, I was still staring out of the window, even though I could see nothing but cloud now. I pulled myself away from the sky view and glanced over to see Leigh-Anne writing lyrics in a notebook, Jade reading a book and Jesy had her earphones in listening to her music. I glanced at Perrie, doodling in a notebook, and I slowly leaned over to her.

"What you doing?"

"I was gonna write... usually we try to on flights." She nodded towards Leigh before her eyes found her notebook again. "But I kind of... didn't."

I snorted with laughter as she held the page up, seeing random drawings of stick men and love hearts and flowers. "What's that one meant to be?"

"A lion!"

"It looks more like a seal."

Perrie tutted and smacked my arm. "It's got a mane though!"

"Well, a hairy seal then."

Perrie closed the notebook, pouting. "I'm glad you managed to tear yourself away from the clouds..."

"Aah leave me alone, this is all new to me remember!"

"I know... I'm teasing babe, plus I think I fell a bit more in love with you since we got on this plane." She smiled, taking my hand.


"I just love seeing you so excited."

"I get excited all the time... especially about you."

"I'm glad you said that." Perrie said, licking her lips. "I was thinking since we're-"

"No." I said immediately.

"You don't even know what-"

"Yes I do. Perrie..." I lowered my voice even more, "I am not having sex with you on a plane. End of story."

Perrie pretended to look shocked. "Are you saying no to me?"

"You bet I am. We're trying to stay out of the headlines for the time being Perrie, I think my dad would need several weeks of very expensive therapy if he saw that about me on the internet."

"I'm not planning on us getting caught."

"It's not gonna happen, Pez. Unless you had a private jet and the girls were sat at the other side of it then the answer will always be no. It's the one thing I won't do, I'm sorry. It's just never gonna happen."

Perrie didn't answer, and for a few moments I thought she had genuinely fallen out with me over it. Then she leaned closer to me again, smirking slightly.

"The one thing you wouldn't do? So, you'd do anything else but join the mile high club?" "I dunno... probably. Nothing else comes to mind that I'm really against doing. Plus how uncomfortable would it be in that tiny cubicle, and so unhygienic... no way."

"So... in the corner of a nice dark club?"

"Can we not have this conversation right now?" I hissed, trying not to smile too much.

"Hmm... I'm not done though."

"I can tell. Stop smirking like that."


After dumping my luggage I crossed the hallway and knocked on the door of the room Perrie occupied. We had booked two seperate rooms for pretence, but I knew where I would be spending the night.

"Come in."

"Hey you."

"Hey... anyone see you come in?"

"No, there's nobody out there. Does flying always make you tired?"

"Yeah usually, that was short compared to most babe! Are you sure you could handle Australia, that's twenty four hours you know."

"Yeah but at the end of it you get Australia!"

"Suppose... oh babe! You never opened what Lauren gave you!"

"Oh yeah! Hang on I'll go and get it."

Perrie gave me a kiss before I left, smiling cutely.

I went back to her, holding the package Lauren had given me. She was lying on the bed, on her phone, but put it down and patted the space next to her. "Come on then, let's have a look!"

"I wonder what it is... She's never told me not to open something in front of her before."

I ripped open the package and both of us laughed.

Lauren had framed a picture of me from the last gig I had done, the bright colours of the strobe lights surrounding me and the frame was engraved at the bottom; 'DJ Cubby: LM5 Tour 2019 <3'

"That's it babe... that's definitely your name now, no changing that!"

"No it isn't." I laughed.

"Is too!" Perrie sang. "Anyways you've still not thought of anything else to call yourself!" "What's wrong with Jakob?"

"Nothing... but you're my Jakob." Perrie dragged me on top of her, kissing me deeply.

"Babe... can I just ring home? Tell my dad we're here and say thank you to Lauren?"

"Go on then..." Perrie grumbled playfully. "Don't be long... I'm gonna get changed." 

"You can get changed here."

"And distract you?"

"Think highly of yourself don't you?" I grinned, lightly smacking her bum as she rolled off the bed.

"Oi! I want you off the phone by the time I'm done mister, you're mine tonight."

"That right?"

"Yeah, because after tonight I dunno when I'm next gonna have the energy!"

After I spoke to my dad on the phone, he handed over to Lauren.

"Hi Jakers! Make it quick, we're just going to bed."

"Oh thanks a lot! I was calling to say thank you but maybe I won't bother..."
"You know I'm joking, how's Belfast? How was the flight?"

"Flight was brilliant! I actually wish it had been longer! We're just in the hotel now."

"Gonna make good use of that nice big bed yeah?"

"Shut up... Lauren, thanks so much for the gift. Perrie's already put it on the dressing table. It's great."


"Of course really! Thank you. It's something I can keep forever."

"So you're sticking with DJ Cubby?" She said excitedly.

"I'm gonna kill Perrie for ever mentioning that! I dunno, I don't have much of a choice now do I? I think it's growing on me."

"Wheeeyyy! I knew it. You nervous about tomorrow?"

"I don't think so... not yet, when we go for the sound check tomorrow and stuff I probably will be. I'll ring you again tomorrow, a bit before it kicks off, if that's okay?"

"Yeah definitely. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see you in the O2. The actual O2, Jakers!"

"Oh god I know, stop it. I'll be sick." I laughed. I glanced up as Perrie came out of the bathroom and pointed threateningly at me, gesturing for me to get off the phone and drawing her fingers across her throat.

"Lauren, I've got to go, Perrie wants me and I think she's about to beat me to death with my own phone." I chuckled.


"Erm... never mind. She, err-"

"You know what, I think I've figured it out already. Have a good night, talk to you tomorrow-" Lauren said cheerfully, and she hung up.

"About time." Perrie grinned, crawling towards me from the end of the bed.

"You've only just got here!"

"I'm impatient."

"I noticed."

Perrie kissed me deeply, instantly gripping the bottom of my t-shirt and tugging it.

"Someone's eager." I sighed, bringing her lips back to mine without much resistance and turning her slightly so we were laying facing each other.

Moments later and Perrie was moaning, trying not to be too loud. My thigh had found its way between her legs, my hands and mouth lavishing attention on her chest.

"Jakob... will you come with me?"

"Well yeah... if you're just patient I was just about to."

Perrie rocked forwards, burying her face in the pillow howling with laughter.

"What? Perrie! What?!"

She composed herself, still sniggering with laughter. "I didn't mean that babe."

"What else could you mean at a moment like this?"

"I need you to come somewhere with me. Right now."

"Somewhere other than this bed?"

Perrie nodded.

"What are you up to?"


"Perrie I'm being serious now, come back to the room, this is insane!"

"We're nearly there."

"What are we gonna say if we bump into any staff?!"

"We won't."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see soon. We'll be there in one minute literally... wait, it's this way."

"What is? Perrie I'm going back up, thi-"

"No, we're here. It's this room on the end."

"What is?!" I hissed, looking frantically left and right. Not only was I expecting some kind of security guard to jump out at us any minute, but it was dark and scary and cold. "How do you even know where we are?"

"I stayed here once before, Bear do me a favour yeah?"


"Shut up for a minute."

Scowling, I kept my eyes moving, convinced we were about to get caught.

Perrie hauled me into a room, completely pitch black, and closed the door, then pushed me against it and kissed me. "You can talk now."

"You told me to shut up."

Perrie laughed softly. "I know, I'm sorry... babe if I put the light on, will you close your eyes? Just for a second?"

"Fine." I sighed, closing my eyes impatiently. My teeth chattered slightly and Perrie laughed again. "You cold?"

"Bloody freezing."

"It's okay... I'll warm you up. Your eyes shut?"


I squeezed my eyes closed tighter at the sound of a lightswitch, and Perrie took my hands. "Come here babe, come forward a bit... that'll do. Turn around... there, yeah that'll do."

Perrie pushed me against something that clattered loudly, sounding like glass hitting glass, and I asked. "What's that?"

Perrie's lips landed on mine again, her fingers raking through my hair. "Okay, you can look now." For a few seconds I couldn't tear my eyes from Perrie. She was looking at me... hungrily would be the only way to describe it. I swallowed nervously, feeling suddenly quite vulnerable under her gaze. Then I glanced at our surroundings. And at the things currently digging into my back.

 "Why are we in a wine cellar? What kind of hotel even has a wine cellar? Perrie why are we here?"

"I would've thought that was obvious hun."

"You've got to be taking the piss Pez!"

Perrie shook her head. "I've wanted you all day. Every single second since we got back from your dad's this afternoon."

"And it has to be here. Now?" I stammered. "What was wrong with upstairs in bed?"

Perrie smirked. "We've done that before."

"A wine cellar couldn't seriously have been on the list you were on about."

She just kept that same smile on her face. "Do you wanna talk or do you wanna...?"

I gasped, jumping involuntarily as Perrie's hand reached down my sweat pants. The rack of wine behind me clinked together again.

"Fuck it."

Grabbing her face in my hands I kissed her hard, our tongues colliding. Perrie's hands were all over, like she was trying to touch me everywhere in a limited amount of time.

She slammed me against a brick wall between two racks of wine, pulling away from my mouth breathlessly and holding my arms against the cold concrete. "Still."

I nodded, too desperate for her to do anything else. Perrie moved her hands, sliding them into my sweat pants again, taking them down as she dropped to her knees.

"Keep still." She reminded me huskily, slamming my hand back against the wall as I raised it.


Perrie leaned forwards.

"Fuck, Perrie."

She took my cock in her mouth and I choked back a moan. She leaned even closer and started sliding her tongue over the end.

"Remember earlier?"


"What did you say to me earlier?"

She chose now to stop what she was doing and have a conversation?

"I dunno what yo-"

"On the plane." Perrie straightened up on her knees, grabbed me around the waist and spun me around. I swore loudly and grabbed her shoulders, my head inches from hitting the floor, but she held onto me and lowered me to the floor. I shivered as the cold hit my skin, but I kept my eyes on Perrie, and she continued staring at me as she held my hands into the floor, firmly but not painfully, and kissed across my jaw and down my neck. I wriggled beneath her, was close to begging her when she said, "you said no to me."

"Perrie I swear on my decks, I'll do it with you on every flight we get on for the next twenty five years but I need you to touch me."

If it wasn't for the huge smile on her face I would have thought she hadn't heard me. She kept kissing down my body, slowly letting go of my hands, she positioned herself between my legs and again took my cock into her mouth. I remembered where we were about a nanosecond before I shouted, and bit down on my tongue, turning my head to the side and closing my eyes, a long whimper escaping me. Perrie kept going, slowing her movements as I came back to earth and kissing her way steadily back up to my lips, where I raised my hand to the back of her head and held her there for as long as I could without needing to breathe normally.


We lay in bed, quiet music on in the background, chuckling. I was laying half on top of Perrie, feeding her chocolate buttons.

"I swear, I know you want it to last you the whole tour but nobody needs all those sweets Pez. Even Willy Wonka would be sick if he saw that bag. It's ridiculous!"

"Oh shush, I'm gonna share aren't I?"

"You don't have a choice babe, if you eat all that yourself, you'll end up about twenty five stone!"

Perrie rolled her eyes, sitting up and grabbing another chocolate button between her teeth from my hand. "You're so handsome."

"Oh god, sugar high! That's it! Away from the chocolate!"

"Bear!" Perrie whined, snatching the bag off me, laughing. She dropped it to the floor beside the bed and draped her arms around my neck. "Do you know what makes you so sexy, gorgeous and beautiful?"

I shook my head, playing with a loose bit of thread on the pillow edge.

"It's that you don't have the slightest clue how incredibly sexy, gorgeous and beautiful you really actually are."

"Neither do you." I replied. "Otherwise you see that mirror over there?" I jerked my thumb behind me. "You'd spend the entire time staring into it."

"And you'd be next to me staring into it as well."

"What time do we have to get up?"

Perrie sighed in annoyance, and rolled away from me to grab her phone and check the time. "In about seven hours. But I'm not tired yet."

"Me neither, I wonder why eh?! Sneaking around hotels in the middle of the night and breaking into wine cellars... do you do this often? Cos if you do, I'll stay somewhere else next time..."

"No you wouldn't." Perrie grinned. "And no, I don't do it often. Never done anything like that before. It's you babe... you bring out the rebel in me."

"Yep. Cos I'm so rebellious." I said sarcastically.

"Oh come on, can you honestly tell me you didn't enjoy that tonight?"

"No." I said immediately.

"And you promised me mile high club sex for twenty five years! Whheeeeyyy!"

"I didn't mean that!" I gasped, but she was laughing.

"Nah, it'd probably only be fun the one time anyway to be honest."

"Why do you want to do it so much?"

"Just to say I did it. With the most handsome boy in the world."

"Why? Who would you be planning on telling?!"

Perrie just laughed, stretching her arms above her head and closing her eyes. "I love you so much Jakob."

I quickly got up to turn off the light, then snuggled against Perrie, sliding my arms around her. The most natural action in the world to me. "And I love you too."

"See, why can you respond to that like a normal person but you can't even look at us when I tell you how handsome I think you are?"

I had been waiting for that. And I had my answer all ready.

"The same reason you say you trust me one hundred percent but you're still on some level just waiting for me to walk out and leave you."

Perrie didn't answer for a long time. I assumed she had fallen asleep, that she would have something to say in the morning, and I closed my eyes, wondering whether I should've spoken at all. I jumped slightly, halfway between being asleep and awake, when Perrie moved, curling herself up against my body and hugging me tight, her face in the crook of my neck and her breath warm on my skin.


"You've got nothing to be sorry for."

"Just one thing then I'll let you go to sleep."

"Yeah babe?"

"I'm never gonna stop telling you you're handsome. Cos you are."

"Well, I'm never gonna stop telling you I won't leave you. Because I won't."

Perrie held me, if possible, even tighter.

"Night babe." She whispered.

"Goodnight. Love you Pez."

"Love you, my little sex maniac."


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