Capricorn Season - Jimmy Page

By justangiem

6.2K 116 136

An American photographer living in London and burgeoning rockstar Jimmy Page are brought together through unl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 15 Part 3
Chapter 16 Part 1
Chapter 16 Part 2
Chapter 16 Part 3
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Part 1
Chapter 18 Part 2
Chapter 18 Part 3
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 Part 1
Chapter 25 Part 2
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 4

302 8 5
By justangiem

When Jimmy turned up to the photoshoot, he was the first one there. He was waiting around in the hotel lobby. The photographer hadn't even turned up yet. He began to feel awkward as it had already been 10 minutes. Am I early?  He looked again at the message that he had written. Unless I wrote this wrong, I've got the time correct. 

He had begun to pace nervously when he Jonesy turned up. "You alright, mate?" He looked at Jimmy, who was practically chewing his fingers. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't know if I'd gotten the right time." The two nodded. Jonesy had gotten used to Jimmy's odd ways. He was always doing something obsessively. Like toying with his hair when he was nervous or fixating on getting a riff just right. 

He picked up on these things. He doesn't know if the other guys saw this as well, but he could always tell when Jimmy was nervous. He had a "look at me and I will cry" attitude a lot of the time, while silently begging for attention. Most people saw him a mysterious being, but Jonesy could see right through him. He was an emotional and  insecure wreck. He could see this when Jimmy made a mistake at practice. He would look to everyone to see if they had reacted. He always locked eyes with the guitarist, giving him a reassuring glance. 

Bonzo joined the pair after a couple minutes. They caught up on what they'd been doing this last week apart. The two guys shared stories of their children. Jonesy had a young daughter, his first child. John had a son who was a couple years old. Jimmy had met them both a couple times, along with the wives of the men. It always confounded him how they had started families so young. 

Robert joined the three not long after, jogging up to them when he reached the lobby. He gave a smile before turning to Bonzo. They began talking about a new song he was writing. "I like that sweater." Jimmy said to Jonesy. "Thanks. I think it matches well with my trousers." He smiled wide. Jimmy nodded, taking note of the color scheme. "We're both wearing stripes." He commented, smiling at the match. 

Bonzo pointed to the car pulling up. This had to be the photographer. When Jimmy saw who stepped out of the car he almost fainted. The tall woman made her way to the men, smiling. Her camera hung around her neck. "Hi, I'm Gwen." She reached her hand out to shake everyone's hand. Robert was first. He smiled pleasantly and greeted her. The other two followed suit, making small talk. 

"Is that short for Gwenethen?" Bonzo joked. 

"Um, no, Guinevere. But that was close." Her laugh was the sound of angels, a thousand little chimes in his ears. 

For Jimmy, the world had stopped spinning. The tides had come to a halt and the wind ceased blowing. The sweltering Summer heat died completely. All he could feel was her. The light she emitted. When she looked to him, searching for a greeting, he could muster no words. He had finally found those familiar green eyes. She was so much more beautiful in actuality. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. This cannot be a dream. This time it was so much more real. He could feel it this time. She was real, and standing right in front of him. And waiting for you to shake her hand like a normal person! Come on, just say hello so she doesn't think you're daft!

He jerked his hand forward, meeting hers. Electricity shot up his arm, down into his spine, and into his feet. He was immediately warmed. Like drinking a healing potion. She was everything to him. She was Hecate, the mother of the earth and all things on it. A smile brushed her face at his awkward actions. His cheeks became hot and red. He realized he was still holding her hand, dropping it at once. She laughed, grabbing her camera. "Ready to start?" 

Jimmy was planted where he stood. He could live in this moment forever. When his feet refused to move, he again just laughed. He was becoming increasingly aware of his awkwardness. He wasn't like this. He was calm and collected when around women. But she was obviously different. This was the literal woman of his dreams. He felt like a young boy again. He felt how he did the first time he saw her. He was once again virginal and obtuse. 

She began directing them on where to sit. She snapped a few photos, but Jimmy couldn't tell. He felt he was in a bubble, isolated from everyone else. He could feel her gaze on him. It was like being shown the sun for the first time. The isolated sight of her eyes haunted him. He could focus on nothing else, could see nothing else. It was like smoking the strongest herb, drinking the strongest alcohol. It felt like god himself was looking into Jimmy. He was filled with childlike euphoria he hadn't felt in many years. 

He found it hard to look at her directly, she was too beautiful. He felt flustered so he chose to look at her camera instead. It was a Nikon Nikkormat, a model from 1967. Of course, he didn't know that. He wasn't very learned on the models of cameras. He owned a small camcorder and a polaroid, but nothing professional grade. Her camera wasn't anything fancy, it was quite outdated compared to what other people in her office had. They were adorned with fancy Olympus 35sp's and the Pentax 35x7, which came with a wooden handle that made it easier to hold. She was jealous of their ability to buy updated equipment. She could barely afford the film for this shoot.  

She took notice of his wiry frame. He was tall and thin, his wrists and ankles were dainty. A mass of frizzy black curls framed his face, trailing down his shoulders. His pale skin was shining in the rare British sun. She was his opposite in every way. Her disposition was sunny, her face was bright and slightly bronzed. She was the sun to his moon, a breathtaking dichotomy to his blues.

As she directed and posed them, she realized the depth of discomfiture. He didn't know how to pose or emote. His face was still and unmoving. Yet, the intense gaze he possessed was striking to her. His eyes were heavy. Like they were boring into her soul, gleaning the innermost parts of herself. She was slightly uncomfortable with how he made her feel. 

She felt like they were communicating even when no words were exchanged. Was he reading her thoughts? Certainly that is not something he, or anyone else, could do. But Gwen felt as if he was. There was something so familiar about this man. Something so comforting about his esse.

"Jimmy, can you move over here?" When she spoke his name, lightening erupted in his body. Flashes of scenes of them together clouded his mind. He could immediately feel something very uncomfortable start to form. He panicked, throwing his hands into his lap. He moved to the front of the group, sitting on the brick steps. "Perfect. And Jonesy, you here," She began pointing and moving them. She was amazing. She knew just what to do and how to direct them. God, she's so lovely. 

"Alright, let's move to the back garden." She picked up her camera bag and led them to where they needed to be. He couldn't stop looking at her as she walked. Her hair bounced as she walked. He looked at her long legs, adorned with green pants. She was wearing a white top, which complimented her very well. He looked down, cursing himself for wearing such thin pants. He hoped that she wouldn't notice. Or that she would be into it. Either way, he hoped she didn't find him to be a creep. I wonder if she's been dreaming of me as well? Why have I even been dreaming of her? Why meet her now? What is the purpose of this angelic woman? 

She snapped a few photos from above. She pulled over a chair, towering over them to get the shot. He gazed at her, seeing her beautiful locks dangling. They looked even better in person. He could recall how soft and fluffy they felt in his dreams. "Alright, that was great. We'll take a break, and then get a couple more." He followed her, not knowing exactly where they were going. He just knew he wanted to be where she was. 

The four musicians sat at a table, having tea. Gwen had left them to review some things, assess lighting, and change to color film. Jimmy could hear the three having a conversation, but he could not understand them. The only sound in his head was Gwen's voice playing on a loop. 

When he finally broke himself from this spell, he could hear laughing. "Jimmy?" Robert waved his hand in front of his face. "What?" He asked in a sour tone. "Have you got a crush on the photographer?" He laughed. Jimmy rolled his eyes, pouring himself some tea. He looked down, noticing he was now sitting on the table. He looked at the other three, who had chairs. "What, do I not get one?" He laughed. 

His casual tone slipped away when Gwen entered the room once again. He didn't even seen or heard her at first; it was as if he could feel she was there. "Can I have John Paul stand? You tend to get the shaft in photos." She laughed. When he stood she took a photo. She was so quick it caught Jimmy off guard. He hadn't had time to smile. She grabbed a few more photos, directing them the while. 

"Um, Robert, I can see your feet." She said. Jimmy cracked a smile and Bonzo burst into a thin laugh. "Not that they're not lovely. I just think it looks a little odd." Robert wore his charming smile. "I will move them." She was awkward in her asking, but still moved about the room with a certain professionalism. She knew what she was doing, despite her nerves. 

"Okay, can John and Jimmy swap places?" He stood from his chair immediately. He would've taken a swim in lava if she asked. "Which John?" 

She laughed again. "John Paul." She was embarrassed. Jimmy was distracting her. He was effervescent, magnetic. She couldn't take her eyes off him. She couldn't focus. He was a distraction, a subject that pulled her eyes from the rest of the frame. 

She shot a few more photos then slipped her camera into the bag. "Alright, that's it. That was a great shoot, guys." She smiled broadly, showing off the gap between her front teeth. It was the little details that Jimmy was enamored with. 

The three said their goodbyes, making their way out of the hotel. Gwen sat at the table, writing some things in a notebook. Jimmy was following the guys, but hesitated when he reached the door. This is the perfect time. You've been searching for this girl for almost 10 years. She was an old friend at this point. 

His typical shy demeanor was replaced by an uncharacteristic audacity. He had to have her, needed her in his presence. A woman like this deserved to be spoken to directly. Now was not the time to hide behind a manager. There was no one else around and nothing left but adrenaline and unadulterated gall.

"Uh, Hello. I'm Jimmy". His hand was out stretched, gaping in awkward greeting. "Hello, I'm Gwen. I believe we've met before." Her laugh was a wonderful sound. He felt as if he was being kissed by a thousand angels, the sights of every woman he'd ever loved entered his mind. She outshined each one of them in every way. 

"Yes, I suppose we have. I was hoping I could join you in a conversation." His words successfully reached her. He sat down, a smile wide on his face. His gaze shifted to her binder. She was writing exposures in a list of numbered frames and seated on the other side of the binder mechanism, was a page of plastic slots for negatives. Her set up was orderly. His eyes glazed past the other pages of a similar pattern; for every set of negatives was a sheet of exposures all labeled and dated, no doubt, just as the scene before him. 

"How long have you been a photographer?" The words left his mouth without notice. "Well, professionally, two years. But I've been taking pictures for as long as I can remember." Her voice was light and airy; the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard. 

"How long have you been in England?" 

"Just less than a year. I was doing photography work in America, but that was just weddings." 

"Oh, really? I'm glad you were here today, actually. I've really enjoyed working with you." Although he wasn't as charming as Robert, Jimmy could work up a certain mystique. It was whimsical and magical and he could sweet-talk anyone he needed to. But Gwen wasn't one of these people. Her presence had him beside himself, now more boyish than spelling binding. They made more small talk while she filled out her notebook. He was hanging on her every word, begging for more. He was trying his hardest to not be too intense. But he wanted to know everything. The little details, every crack in her sidewalk and dent in her walls. 

She complimented his tea making abilities. She called it his "British Skills". This made him laugh quite a bit. "Alright, well this has been great. I have to go, though. I've got another shoot to make." She stood from the table, collecting her notebook. "Do you think we could continue this some other time?" She asked.

He could feel his heart in his throat. The few seconds between her question and his answer seemed like a life time. "Of course. Could I have your number?" She quickly jotted it down and passed him the paper. "It was nice to meet you." She smiled, walking quickly out the door. As quickly as she came, she was gone. 


Jimmy sat in a chair next to the wall phone. He pulled the slip of paper from his jacket pocket.  He breathed in deeply, searching for courage. He grabbed the receiver with a trembling hand, fumbling to dial the numbers. The line rang once, twice, three times. His breath hitched in his throat. He felt as if he was going to throw up. He began to panic when it rang another time. 

"Hello?" The music of her voice flowed through the receiver into Jimmy's ears. He sighed heavily, smiling hard. "Hey, it's Jimmy." He cut himself off, afraid of embarrassing himself. 

"Oh, hey!" 

He panicked, not knowing what to say. "Uh, I was wondering if you wanted to continue talking. Over drinks or perhaps lunch." He lowered his head, upset by his lack of charm. It's like she pulled it right out of him. She put him on his ass. 

"That sounds lovely. Is there anywhere specific you want to go? Like I said, I'm new to the area. I really don't know anywhere that isn't my apartment. Oh sorry, my flat." She impersonated his accent. A laugh bubbled inside him. She made him giddy. 

"We could always have tea at my house. I can show you the Thames." He'd never felt better than when he heard her agreeance. She sounded excited. Jimmy felt his happiness rising. When they got off the phone, all he could do was smile to himself. 

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