To Fall for a Friend

By aristrocat24

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SEASON 1 Stiles x Reader Y/N gets incorporated, episode by episode, into Teen Wolf. Friends to lovers type be... More

Prologue - Stiles Gets His License
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

601 19 11
By aristrocat24

S1 Episode 9

He felt his chest erupt in butterflies at the sight of you nuzzling deeper into his chest as you slept. He always dreamt of what it would be like to date you. He knew the kisses would be sweet and the moments playful. He never imagined though how his heart would burst at the sight of you falling asleep on his chest. You twitched as you fell into your deep slumber, groaning softly and out of the blue as your dreams presented you with forgettable images and scenes. His mind never envisioned the way your limbs would tangle so naturally with his as you sprawled out on his couch. It was the small moments he loved; making you laugh until you cried, seeing the way your eyes lit up when he kissed your forehead, watching as you subconsciously cuddled into him as you slept peacefully.

"Hey, Y/N," He whispered, his heart breaking at the idea of him waking you up from such a tranquil state. You groaned and stirred a bit, making him chuckle softly. "Baby, you gotta wake up. You said your dad was expecting you at 8:00."

"Nooo, you're too comfy to wake up," You mumbled, burying your face into his warm chest and tucking your hand into his hoodie pocket.

"You're making it really hard to follow your orders," He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you and kissing your forehead. "If I had it my way, we'd just stay like this forever.."

You smiled at the way he spoke to you. It was new, along with most of his recent mannerisms and actions. Ever since the relationship became official, he exposed a side of himself that he has never felt capable of presenting to anyone other than you. He was still sarcastic and goofy at times, but this was an entirely different Stiles. He was effortlessly vulnerable and affectionate towards you. He spoke of fond memories that he shared with his late mother; how she tucked him in until she no longer recognized him or about how your mannerisms and sense of humor mirrored hers. No matter what the tone of a conversation was, his gaze glimmered with adoration for you. It was an effortless transition, melting into your roles of boyfriend and girlfriend. It felt familiar to be his. He felt like home.

"What time is it?" You yawned, finally perking your head up to look at him. He was already looking down at you.

"7:35. I hesitated to wake you up," He smiled, making you let out a single breathy chuckle. "We should probably get going, huh? You have to get ready to go to that dinner."

"I don't know why they're making it out to be such a formal event," You shook your head, looking down at the Beatles logo on his grey hoodie. "The last time they acted like this was when they told me my dad got that international job out of LA. I can only imagine what type of news they're going to drop on me tonight."

"Do you want me to come with you?" He frowned at the way you anxiously played with his hoodie strings.

"No, no, Scott did ask you to hang out tonight. I don't want to blow him off when he's still this heartbroken over Allison," You sighed, looking up. He threw his head back and groaned.

"As if he hasn't blown us off for Allison," He grumbled. "I'd so much rather go with you anyway. He's got some stupid plan he wants help with."

"As much as I would love to bring you with me, I still feel like you should play along with his stupid plan," You giggled, finally sitting up to stretch your stiff body. "You wanna sneak into my room tonight and spend the night again? We can finish that game of chess."

"Yeah, I'll call you after we're done," He nodded, leaning down to pull on his shoes. You watched as his hoodie stretched out, showing off the subtle muscular definition of his back. You smiled and mindlessly reached forward to rub your hand up and down his spine as he slipped on his sneakers. "I have to warn you, though. It is a beyond stupid idea. So, we might not be done before midnight. I mean, you know, if we don't get arrested."

"Are you fucking joking?" You laughed as he jumped off the couch with his lips turned into a smirk. "Do I wanna know?"

"Oh, definitely not," He said nonchalantly, making you laugh again before you stood up to slip your own shoes on. "If all goes well, I'll sneak in.. Wait, is your mom working the late-night shift?"

"Yeah, she's going in at 10:00. I'll let you know when the coast is clear," You smiled. He was deeply afraid of your mother. But then again, who wasn't?

"You got everything?" He asked, reaching towards his front door.

"Unfortunately," You mumbled, not quite ready to leave. He let out a single breathy chuckle, holding the door open for you and watching you make your way to his Jeep.

The ride home went by quickly, soft conversations and music occupying the otherwise silent night. He reached down and grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers in yours with an effortless swoop, resting them on your thigh. He dropped you off in front of your house after kissing you softly, bidding you a pouty farewell. You walked up to your front door, watching him pull into Scott's driveway and awaiting that night's stupid adventure. You walked in and were greeted by your father.

"Hey, kiddo," He smiled, lacking his usual energy. He walked up to you, kissing your forehead before heading upstairs without bombarding you with his usual questions. That was odd. No matter how tired he was, he always greeted you with the utmost enthusiasm. You hesitated to call after him as you watched him defeatedly climb the stairs.

"You okay?" You twisted the ring on your finger anxiously. He paused as he reached the final step before looking back at you.

"Long night," He smiled sadly. "Your mom was called in early. Raincheck on tonight's dinner?"

"Yeah, okay," You nodded slowly as he turned around and walked into his room. You furrowed your brows at the unusual conduct, your mind flooding with anxious thoughts that have been haunting you for the past few days. Something was going on with them and you weren't quite sure if you wanted to know. You decided to brush it off and walk back out to Stiles' jeep to check if he was still there. You smiled when you saw his silhouette typing away on his phone. You knocked on the passenger's window, seeing him lean over and crank it down.

"What are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready?" He smiled at you, leaning back to his original position.

"I think my parents got into a fight or something. But dinner's canceled and I was wondering if I could come with you tonight," You answered, leaning up against the now open window.

"You sure you wanna come? Derek is going to try and find out who the alpha is. So, we have to drive his car around to distract the hunters and the police so that he can have a better shot at not being caught," He admitted, making your jaw drop. "Yeah, I told you it was stupid. Still want in?"

"Is that even a question?" You laughed, opening his door and hopping in the back, watching Scott make his way to the Jeep. He looked at you in annoyance for a moment before speaking up.

"We are not taking her."

"But I'll be good, Mom!" You shouted sarcastically, making Stiles chuckle.

"Come on, dude! She's the brains in this operation!" He defended.

"I know that. But it's too dangerous. Go home, Y/N."

"More dangerous than the other night at the school?" You asked. Scott stood in silence before sighing.

"Fine, you can come. But if we get caught, I don't want to hear you complain about a lost full ride to Yale or whatever," He grumbled, hopping in the passenger's seat.

"I can live with that," You smiled, leaning back.


"You want me to steal Allison's necklace?!" You shouted, earning a shush from both boys. "You made me drive the get-away car last night! I don't wanna do this too!"

"We aren't trying to get you to steal it. Just like ask to borrow it or something," Scott said.

"Come on! You're our only hope!" Stiles pouted. "You were a rockstar last night. I didn't even know you could drive like that! What's stealing a necklace?"

"Yeah, she won't even look at me. Please, Y/N, I can't be the one to do it," Scott pleaded.

"Why not? This could be your chance to get close to her again," You turned back around, grabbing your books from your locker. "And even if I wanted to, I don't even know if I could help you. Jackson keeps stealing her away from me."

"How about, and hear me out on this one, you both try?" Stiles waved his arms. You and Scott looked at each other and sighed.


"Nice! Let's meet at lunch and discuss the progress you two make, yeah?"

"Yeah, okay," You sighed again, closing your locker. "I'll see you then. I gotta go. I told Lydia I'd meet up with her before class to talk about Jackson. Good luck."

"You're the best! I owe you big time," Scott smiled, holding out his fist for you to bump. You looked down at it and walked off. "Not cool!"


"So?" Stiles asked hopefully as you sat down.

"I finally got a moment with her but she was crying so I wasn't able to sneak it into the conversation," You muttered, setting your tray down across from him. "How about Scott?"

"Well, he was thrown off his game because apparently, Jackson knows," He dropped his apple to lean in, trying not to speak too loudly.

"Like he knows we want the necklace?"

"No, he knows that Scott's a werewolf," He whispered, making your eyes widen.

"Is that sarcasm? Because I can't tell with you sometimes." 

"What? No, like he actually knows! And he's threatening Scott by saying if he doesn't make him a werewolf too, then he's going to tell Allison- Hold on, why was she crying?"

"Because I know nothing about girls and they're psychotic," Scott huffed,  practically throwing his tray down next to Stiles.

"Girls aren't psychotic. You're just an idiot," You rolled your eyes, taking a bite of your lunch.

"I thought those pictures would be a sweet gesture!" He cried, earning odd looks from the table behind you.

"You thought sending her old pictures of you guys kissing would make her want you back?" You deadpanned.

"Yikes, I was going to try to stick up for you, buddy, but that's bad," Stiles mumbled. "Luckily, I came up with a Plan B just in case anything like this happened."

"Let me guess, you want us to steal it?" You looked up in disappointment.

"Don't look at me like that," He pointed his fork at you. "Do you have a better plan?"

"Uh, yeah. How about we talk to Harris?"

"My dad put him on a twenty-four-hour protective detail, okay? The necklace is all we got," He said exasperatedly.

"Okay, I see where you're coming from now," You nodded.

"Thank you!"

"Guys.. he's watching us," Scott muttered. You looked behind you and saw that Jackson was smirking, not bothering to be discrete.

"That's not creepy.." You mumbled before Scott began acting odd. "What's wrong?"

"He's talking to me," Scott replied. "He knows I can hear him. Stop looking at him. Just talk to me. Act normal. Pretend that nothing's happening."

You looked over at your boyfriend with shock, not knowing what to say.

"Say something," Scott looked up at Stiles impatiently. "Talk to me!"

"Okay, okay. Um... I can only think of bad things to talk about! What is wrong with me?" Your face fell into your hands. Scott looked over at Stiles.

"I can't think of anything— my mind's a complete blank!"

"Your mind's blank? You can't think of something to say?"

"Not under this kind of pressure!" He widened his eyes and shook his head, looking back at Jackson's table. "FYI, he's not even sitting with them anymore."

"Where the hell is he?" Scott looked around. You began to turn before he stopped you. "No, don't look, it'll make it obvious."

You looked at him anxiously, hearing as he muttered angrily.

"Hey, it's okay," You placed your hand on his hand, trying to snap him out of the trance. "Want me to talk about something?"

"Anything, please!"

"I think my parents are going to get divorced," You said quickly. His face dropped.

"What?" Scott's full attention was now on you, watching with worry.

"Yeah, they're acting really weird," You nodded, feeling incredibly vulnerable with your candid statement. "My mom keeps avoiding him by taking every available shift when he's in town and my dad's acting like a kicked puppy. It's been happening for a while now. He's even been leaving earlier than usual for his business trips."

"Are you being serious or did you just wanna get my attention?" He asked, scanning your face and hoping it was a joke. "Because he's not even talking to me anymore."

"No, no, I'm being serious," You sighed.

"Why didn't you say anything?" He furrowed his brows with concern.

"I figured you had a lot going on already, I didn't wanna burden you with this," You shrugged, taking another bite.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Stiles finally spoke up, sounding a little hurt.

"Well, I wasn't sure until last night. That's why I tagged along," You replied, trying not to show any type of negative emotion. "Can we change the subject since he's not talking to you anymore?"

"Uh, yeah.." Scott nodded, staying silent for a few seconds. "Okay, I totally get the whole mind's a blank thing now."

"See??" Stiles exclaimed, making you both laugh. "Okay, I think we should try and make a plan to steal the stupid necklace before Jackson comes back."


"Are you sure you don't want to come back to my place?" Stiles asked as he parked the Jeep in your driveway. You sighed.

"Yeah, I think I should talk to them and see what's going on," You nodded, keeping your gaze averted on your parents' vehicles parked in front of you.

"You wanna talk about it?" Stiles' voice was soft, trying not to provoke the impending breakdown that loomed above you.

"Not exactly," You muttered, mindlessly rubbing at your cheek, an anxious tick he knew all too well.

"I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but.."

"Your mind's a blank?" You smiled, finally looking over at him. He chuckled and nodded. "Mine would be too honestly. When Scott's parents got divorced, I literally pat his back and said 'there, there'."

"I remember that!" He threw his head back in laughter. "We all sat there laughing for like five minutes. He literally had to use his inhaler because of the way you made him wheeze-laugh."

"Oh my god, I almost forgot about that!" You giggled, remembering the bittersweet memory. You both spoke for a few minutes, the conversation flowed easily and was almost light enough to make you forget about the overhanging question: what the hell was going on with your parents?

They've had a healthy relationship for the entirety of your life. If they fought, the only remnants of their argument would linger into the next morning at most. They loved fiercely and taught you everything you knew about relationships; what to expect, how to show affection, how to wear your heart on your sleeve. In the past month and a half, everything in your life changed. Your social status, your love life, your friend group, the sudden exposure and fight with the supernatural; every aspect of your life has changed dramatically with the exception of your family. That is, until about a week ago.

Your father got home from a work trip and was greeted happily by your mother. They were hopelessly in love one night and aloof the next. The next day, suddenly your mother was distant and your father quiet; behaviors that were hardly portrayed by them.

After about half an hour of talking, you finally said your goodbyes before you began walking into your house. The door was unlocked, so you opened it to reveal a scene that had never been exhibited in your home. The muted TV and broken wine glass on the floor hinted at the weight of the argument. They hardly ever drank before 7 o'clock in an effort to set a good example for you. Your legs carried you slowly and hesitantly to explore the kitchen. The dishes were piled up in the sink from the night before and a damp rag was carelessly tossed on the floor, the wall still wet with a faint trail of its water.

"GET OUT!" You heard your mother scream suddenly behind a closed door. "You really expect me to bargain with you when you CHEATED on me with HER?!"

Your father's soft pleads were but inaudible murmurs. They easily drowned out in your mother's cries. Your body froze at the bottom of the stairs when you saw your father get pushed out of their shared bedroom. His hair was messy and there were bags under his eyes. He was so caught up in the moment that he didn't even think to look down.

"Take this and leave," Her voice was raw from crying as she tossed out a heavy suitcase that barely missed your father's frame by a hair. "How could you do this to me? To us! Why did you make me believe you were still in love when-"

"I am still in love with you! Please, darling, don't do this, let me explain!"

"You do not get to call me that. And what is there to explain? I SAW YOU!" She roared before the only sound the echoed down the hallways was her broken sobs. "I saw you."

"Will you please just talk to me? You've been avoiding me since you found out and now you're lashing out because-"

"BECAUSE I CAUGHT MY HUSBAND HAVING AN AFFAIR?! Excuse me for having a perfectly justified response," She walked past him, freezing when she saw you standing wide-eyed at the bottom of the staircase. Her angry face, red and puffy from the crying, fell into one of guilt. "Y/N, honey.."

"Y/N?" He turned to confirm his heartbreaking suspicions; his daughter was home and listening to the argument.

"You're having an affair?" You shook your head, eyes burning as they held back the wave of hot tears. His shoulders dropped at the sight, not knowing what to say.

"With who?" Your voice shook with shock but the question came out as an authoritative statement.

"Natalie Martin," Your mother spat, grabbing his suitcase and lugging it downstairs, your father behind her.

"Mrs. Martin?!" You shouted, stepping back as your father reached out for you. "So the night I found her here. Oh my god... You told me she was here looking for Lydia. Why would you- How could you.."

"Tell me how to make this better," Your father sobbed, looking at you with desperation. He reached out to hold you. You stepped back, finally meeting his devastating gaze with your emotionless one.

"Leave," You muttered, shaking your head. "Just leave."

You ran upstairs despite your parents calling after you and slammed your door shut. You knew it was bad, but not this bad. You figured your mother lost interest or got tired of how often your dad was gone. You never imagined that he was sleeping with your friend's mom, your fucking teacher.

The man who encouraged your relationship by talking about how much he loved your mother; the man who showed you what it was to trust in a man was the same one who broke up your family in his cloud of lust for a woman he dared to lie about. He cheated. He falsified a happy life, a happy marriage, a happy home effortlessly while he was secretly fucking the woman your mother has been cautious of since they began dating decades ago.

Your eyes grew blurry from the hot tears that threatened to break through your barrier, not wanting to cry over the loss of your favorite parent. Your breath was heavy and increasing in pace. Shaking, you took a seat on your bed, feeling the gravity of the situation yank at your stomach. You tuned out the sound of your front door opening and closing, followed by the revving of an all too familiar engine. Your mother fell silent but you dared not disturb her, not quite ready for the talk that followed the shit show that transpired only moments before.

You angrily wiped the tear that broke past your emotional dam. Everything you've known in your life was flipped upside down since the school year began. Your social status, your friend group, your relationship with Scott, Stiles, your knowledge of the supernatural- EVERYTHING was entering a new phase in your life. The one thing that felt lethargic was your home life, and you found comfort in that. Until this day. This was not only a new chapter in life, it was a new damn book, a shitty sequel no one asked for.

You curled into your pillow, the faint smell of your boyfriend's cologne ever so gently lingered, bringing you a slight peace of mind. Regardless of how badly you wanted to run to his house and spill everything, you did not dare bother him while he was so close to figuring out who the alpha was. Not only that, but he had his hands full with harboring California's most wanted fugitive and figuring out a way to trace the text that was sent to Allison's phone. That was what finally brought you to tears; the need to see the boy who made everything feel better and the inability to do anything about it.

A knock on your window brought you out of your congested mind. You jumped before realizing that it was your best friend. You quickly wiped your tear-stained cheeks and sat up, begrudgingly opening the window.

"Did your mom tell you already?" You scoffed as he slid into your room. "That's gotta be a world record."

"No, I heard the screaming," He said softly. You nodded, sitting back down on your bed. "I stepped outside and saw your dad leave. I kinda freaked out when I heard your heart racing so I came over... I'd ask how you were holding up but I can literally smell your emotions. You wanna talk about it?"

"That's actually the opposite of what I wanna do," You muttered, eyes averted on the wall in front of you. He nodded, not taking his eyes off of you. He could feel your anguish. He couldn't tell if it was empathy or yet another trait of being a werewolf, being emotionally or physically bound to his pack. Either way, being as you were arguably the person he loved most, it was a gutwrenching sight. He was dying to lift the mood.

"Is it bad that part of me wants to pat your back and say there, there?" He shifted his weight, making you chuckle half-heartedly.

"I feel like that's a perfectly good response to this situation," You defended, smiling slightly as you finally made eye contact. He giggled and sat down next to you. "Did you feel this shitty when your parents split?"

"No," He admitted without hesitation. "I felt relieved. They fought about everything and I was tired of sneaking into your bed every night so that I could get some sleep."

"Right," You nodded once, pursing your lips. "I almost forgot about that."

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, dude," He wrapped his arm around your shoulders in the same comforting way he has since you were children. You placed your head on his own shoulder. "It's crazy. Just when it feels like everything in our lives has changed, the universe finds another way to prove us wrong."

"It's just one fuck-you after the other," You agreed, making him chuckle again. "Hey, did you get the necklace?"

"Mhm," He hummed. "But long story short; yeah, I got it."

"Wanna go to your house and examine it before we go to the game?" You asked. He furrowed his brow and looked over at you.

"You still want to go to the game?"

"Yeah, it's Bilinski's first game on first line!" You laughed. "Plus I need to get the hell out of here."

"Sounds like a plan. Are we leaving through the front door or out the window?" He grinned.

"I'm pretty sure my mom's going to be the one to get the house so definitely the window from here on out."


"Stiles hasn't answered my text, you think he got the picture?" Scott asked you anxiously as he walked out of the locker room.

"He isn't answering my texts either," You huffed, looking up from your phone and walking out towards the field. The stands were bursting with an excited crowd. As you scanned over familiar faces in the crowd and bench alike, your eyes locked with Mr. Stilinski.

"That's it. I'm gonna call him," Scott mumbled, walking away from you.

"No, wait! Scott!" You pleaded, not wanting to be the one to invent some excuse as to why Stiles wasn't at the game.

"Y/N!" Noah called with a smile.

"Damn it," You muttered before waving back and mirroring his expression. You walked over to him. "Hey, Mr. Stilinski!"

"Do you know where the hell my son is?" He laughed.

"I was actually about to ask you the same question," You furrowed your brows. "Scott's trying to call him. I'll come find you if we figure anything out."

"Should I be worried?" He asked, not quite sure if you were telling the truth.

"No! No!" You laughed, earning an unamused expression. "Okay, yeah, probably. But honest to God I don't know where he's at."

"Okay, I'm choosing to trust you on this one," He shook his head, walking off.

"Come on, Stiles," You mumbled looking at your phone. "Where are you?"

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