A sordid Affair (Hollyoaks)

By Carolineeexx

837 27 26

Mia Roscoe is the daughter of sandy roscoe. She is the quiet one of the family, or so they thought. They have... More

Two 💖
Nineteen 💖
Twenty one💖
Twenty two 💖
Twenty three💖
Twenty Four💖


19 1 1
By Carolineeexx

Mia got to the Maalik house and looked to see Sami as he answered the door and looked to her and smiled

"are you okay? Is the baby okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay, I'm tried but I am okay. Look we need to talk, I know that things are bad and I know that we are trying to do this but if you want this then we had to do it right. We have to do this for real as I am having your baby and I can't do it, anymore of the secrets and I don't want to do it anymore, if you want to be with I need you to show me that i can trust you as I want to make this work and the last thing I want is too loose you and what we have you know" she said as Sami looked to her and nodded

he walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

"I am serious. I am serious about us and making this work and I promise you that we can do this and that everything is going to be okay" Sami said as Mia looked to him and smiled.

She only hoped that Sami was right and that she could trust him

Mia got home and smiled as she saw Alexa and smiled as she walked over and sat on the sofa next to her sister and smiled

"are you okay" alexa asked as Mia looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay, I am just trying to make it work with Sami, I am pretty and I want to do this you know, make this work but at the same time I am just scared I mean no one knows over us or the affair that we had and it's all going to get messy when the truth comes out. I told Sami I need to trust him if we are going to do this and I am scared I mean what if this blows up in my face I mean I don't know if I could cope if it did, you know" Mia said as alexa looked to her sister and smiled

"I know its hard and I know that you and Sami have been through a lot but it will be okay and you can make it work I mean you are having his baby after all" Alexa said as Mia looked to her and smiled.

Mia placed a hand on her bump and sighed. Mia knew that after all that had gone on that she just wanted to be happy and she knew that Sami made her happy, and she wanted things to be less complicated between them

Mia sat in bed and looked to see Sami as he walked in and smiled as she looked to him

"I got you some chocolate and I promise I am going to proof to you that you can trust me" he said as he sat on the bed next to her as she smiled. He handed her a rose and smiled as she rested a hand on his shoulder and smiled

"your cute you know that" she said as he kissed her and smiled

"I can't do it anymore sami the secrets, everything" Mia said as Sami nodded

"I know we will work it out I promise" Sami said

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