Life, death, & the in between

By theblairewitch_

1.7K 68 7

This story is part two to my other story serving the commander if you haven't read that one yet I would befor... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Six

145 8 1
By theblairewitch_

Sucking in harsh gasps of air the sudden realization that I'd been pulled away from the dream sets in just as quickly as my anger, pulling back the covers preparing to stand when glancing down noticing quite the sticky mess between the sheets.

Grumbling quietly "really Kylo? Wet dreams? What are we 14?" Now realizing that must have been the culprit ruining all the fun, granted it had been quite a while since anyone or anything had touched my cock, including myself unable to masturbate in well over a month.

Next time I'll just have to take care of that problem before any sort of dreams take place again, mind wandering back to moments ago envisioning the sight of her dripping wet grinding against my cock was nearly enough to excite the monster again.

Only now there's no time for that, the fighters nearly arrived back at the finalizer. Quickly changing into a fresh pair of clothes tossing the soiled sheets away then taking my place back in the pilot's seat just in time to guide the fighter into the docking bay, there was much to do with the new information Palpatine had given me about that girl Rey, attention now needed solely be on finding and killing the scavenger.

All of this is necessary to get you back my love, after her demise there will be no use for sloppy wet dreams I'll have you to myself for real this time, sighing loudly just before landing the fighter "not much longer my (y/n) I promise you'll be mine again."

Ignoring Hux upon exiting the fighter only making out little of his babbling nonsense something about "wasting first-order resources for my personal treasure hunts was against...." by then I had stopped listening to his damned complaining.

Making my way straight towards my chamber needing the advice only an ancient artifact could muster, inside the room making my way past the bed into the bright white room where it lies.

Towering over a blackened case slowly opening its doors to reveal the mask of none other than Darth Vader, hovering my hand over its mangled shell calling out "show me the girl, tell me what to do..." at first nothing but then the world around me meshes with hers, suddenly seeing through her eyes she's training, poorly might I add.

Having not known her ancestry the girl has no idea the power she holds, the power she could control with the dark side. Ah, she's finally noticed my presence...let's give her what she's searching for. Flooding her mind with images of her parents, of power, of darkness.

A twinge of invasion stings as she pushes back digging into my own mind pulling my own deepest thoughts to the surface, flashes of you, Luke, betrayal, the look on Hans's face... the day I took my fathers life. Her voice calls out to me using the name only welcomed by your voice "Ben!"

Sharply pulling away, that lingering hint of fear piercing at my chest, she knows too much. Her death now sealed with or without the help of Palpatine, how dare she think she knows me, no one is allowed to call me that but you. There is much more to her than I once thought, her powers continue to grow with each passing day tho even still she is no match for me, for the dark side.

Days passed with growing anticipation, finding Rey's location proved harder than expected. Not to mention I haven't seen or felt the presence of you since the night my foolish manhood interrupted things, had that been the final moment we shared? Will you come back to me?

With not enough, yet entirely too much simultaneously on my mind I'd found time to have my helmet reconstructed, who is Kylo Ren without the fear of the unknown. Aboard the night buzzard, Albrekh forged the bits and pieces of metal back together with glowing red sarrassian iron, feeling the weight of it now even stronger as it was lowered over my face "feels good to have you back." I say quietly against the mouthpiece while it locks into place.

Back on the finalizer word had spread of a traitor, a deserter, a first-order informant leaking vital information to the resistance. Passing a droid commanding it at once "send word now, all generals to the conference room immediately."

Slamming the Ovissians head down on the table informing the room of the now known spy sensing the tension grow deep, "with what I've seen on Exegol nothing can stop us, the rumors are true. Tens of thousands will aid us in taking back the galaxy." Whispers among members fall silent when all eyes draw towards my back.

One set in particular studies my frame, whiny complaints fill my mind 'of course Ren has a new helmet. This one is even more dramatic than the last, could you be any more dramatic.'

"I sense an unease about my appearance, general Hux."

Embarrassment floods the redhead's face "about the mask...? No sir...I like it." What a kiss ass, across the table Quinn voices new complaints out loud proclaiming Palpatine's army to be a cult "I've heard the rumors, sir, conjurers, and soothsayers. For what, an army that we can produce ourselves with time? Or are all the rumors true? Has he promised life after death? To bring back your little maid. Such a promise couldn't merely be a gift, what's he asking for in return?"

Wrath takes over and in an instant flinging my arm out in his direction wrapping the force tightly around his throat slamming his body into the ceiling "no task offered by Palpatine would ever be turned down if it benefited the first order, rumors or not my priority belongs within these walls. She is but a reassurance the job gets done properly, speak ill of her again and they'll be one less to join us in victory."

Informing them to destroy anyone and anything in our way, palms pressed into the table anger fuels my insides "my knights and I are going hunting for the scavenger."

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