
By _readerholic_

26.5K 570 90

Evelyn Lodge, sweet but sassy teenager who means the world to her father. But what will happen when a tragedy... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

1K 28 1
By _readerholic_


The ride home was silent. It was that awkward silence that makes you wanna just run away.

I didn't mean to blurt out that I like him but I don't know why I did it.

I know he cares for me but we just can't be together. He's my dad's best friend.

It's a little after 1am as I lay in bed thinking about our conversation.

I wonder if we could still be friends, or whatever we were.

Even though I confessed my feelings to him, I don't want what we had to stop. We could still talk about books, or memories of my dad.

I hope everything is fine soon.

I feel myself drifting deeper to sleep.

I wake up to the sound of knocking on my door. Who could it be at this hour in the morning.

Speaking of which, I roll over and check the time on my phone. 11:51am. It's a Sunday and I should be....... Shittt!!!

I'm super late for work. I've never woken up late for work, ever. I hear the knocking again so I go downstairs and look through the peephole.

It's not possible. I stumble back at the sight of who it is. Dominic is standing in front of the door dressed in a casual jeans and shirt.

After last night I would think he wanted nothing to do with me, so what is he doing at my house.

He begins pounding on my door "Are you still asleep or something?" He says.

"Give me a minute" I yell while running upstairs to my bathroom.

I quickly brush my teeth and change my clothes to a long pajamas. After brushing my hair I run back downstairs to open the door.

"Wow, you seem out of breath" he says while inspecting me.

"Uh yeah I was...uh running after Bolt" I say, leaning against the doorframe "Fast dog" I let out a nervous laugh.

"Right" he looks at me with suspicion "Soo what brings you here?" I ask.

"Uh no reason, I was going home from my hospital. So I thought I'd stop by" he says.

"Oh that makes sense, except that your hospital is in the total opposite direction" I say lifting a brow up at him.

Now it's his turn to laugh nervously. To break the awkwardness, Bolt runs over to the door.

"Hey there big guy" Dominic bends down and give big ole Bolt a belly rub.

"So are you gonna tell me why you're really here" I say. Dominic pauses and gets up from the floor.

"Your mother, she called me for dinner today" he says.

Wow, my mother just couldn't wait.

"Wow, so what time will you be going there?" I ask him.
"That's not the problem, I told her that I'd be spending time with my girlfriend" I almost choked on nothing.

"You, you have a girlfriend?"
"No Evelyn, I just said that, so she'd leave me alone" I'm waiting for a but.

"But she said to bring her with me" wow

"My mother called your non existent girlfriend for dinner?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah I guess" he says.

"So what are you here for" i hope it's not what I think it is.

"Be my girlfriend?" He asks.

I almost choke again. "What"

"I mean pretend to be my girlfriend" he corrects himself.

Never in a million years. "Good chat Dom but you see I've gotta get going" I begin closing the door but he stops it with his foot.

"Please?" He pleads.

"It's not a good idea Dominic" I try to reason with him but there's no use. He's not leaving without me agreeing.

"Evelyn there's nothing to lose. Please"

"Then you're buying me McDonald's afterwards" I say and head inside leaving him to follow.

I hear him let out a deep breath while going to the kitchen. I begin making coffee when he comes to the kitchen.

"We have to be there at around 4. We'll be there for dinner and we'll leave early to get your McDonald's" he says while sitting on a stool.

"Alright" I reply. I don't want to see my mother but if it's to help Dominic then I'll do it. But this is the last time I see her.

Dominic says he'll be here at 4pm to pick me up. So I have more than enough time to laze around.

After he leaves I call at work to say I'm not going then I go back upstairs to bed and sleep again.

When I wake up I check the time. Ten minutes before my alarm rings. I have one go hour to get ready before Dominic comes.

I pick out clothes and head to the bathroom. After brushing my teeth,I hope in the shower and clean myself off.

When done showering I dry myself then dress up. I braid my hair into two fishtail braids and slip on some sneakers.

I don't bother trying to look good. It's only dinner at my wonderful mother's house.

I hear a knock on the door. Dominic is here early. I open the door and let him in.

I am met with a very good looking Dominic staring at me.

"Wow" he clears his throat "I mean,your hair looks good" he says.

"You're here early" I smirk.
He walks around me to the kitchen "I wanted to be on time"

"Okay...let's go get some McDonald's" I say skipping out of the house. Dominic follows me with a chuckle.

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