By kris_sirk_kris

271K 8.8K 1.9K

"Should we tell them about us?" "No. Not yet" "So we'll hide it then?" "Yeah. Let's keep it lowkey" More

DAY 01
DAY 02


6.1K 247 111
By kris_sirk_kris


A loud splash of water was heard and everyone started shouting. They pointed at a direction and saw a girl slowly being eaten by the deep water.

Tzuyu and Sana stopped bickering and shouted Jennie's name when they realized she was pushed in the water. Irene immediately ran to tell the teachers about it while the others left the water since they couldn't reach the deep part of the lake.

Nayeon stopped smirking when she realized Jennie doesn't know how to swim. Panic begin to creep all over her body and her friends behind her left the dock to tell the teachers about what happened.

V who was nearby the lake heard the screams and he immediately run towards the lake and saw Jennie fighting for life until she slowly disappeared from the surface.

He immediately removed his clothes and run towards the water and jumped but someone beat him to it.

They heard another splash of water and some clothes scattered on the dock in front of Nayeon who's currently grimacing since someone pushed her aside.

The two teachers immediately followed their students after reporting about the incident.

They waited for seconds until a girl showed up on the surface with an unconscious student in her arms.

They immediately helped Lisa out of the water and pulled the both of them on the dock.

"Everyone, move aside!" Their teacher said as he stopped other students from coming near the dock.

Jennie didn't move a muscle and they couldn't feel her pulse.
Lisa remained calm on the outside but deep inside, she's shaking.

"Jennie, Jennie open your eyes" she whispered to the girl lying and check her pulse.

"Shes not breathing" Ms Dara said as she kneel beside the unconscious student.

Lisa immediately performed CPR on the girl. She unbuttoned Jennie's shirt and opened her airway. She tilted her head and lifted her chin and Lisa positioned herself. (A/N:I have no knowledge about this so feel free to educate me if I wrote it wrong. I only got this from google kekeke)

She started giving chest compressions while biting her lip because she can feel herself almost crying.

She's really soft towards the brunette.

"Come on" she whispered and checked Jennie's airway.

Everyone who's watching couldn't help but be worried as they look at their unconscious classmate.

"Lisa, do you know wha--"

"I know what I'm doing!" Lisa couldn't help but yell at her teacher.

Dara patted her colleague's shoulder as they look at the president.

Lisa gave Jennie a mouth to mouth resuscitationand those who's watching couldn't help but get envy with what they're seeing.

Even Jennie's friends couldn't believe their eyes while V was gritting his teeth as he look at the sight.

Jennie suddenly opened her eyes and started coughing.
Relief can be seen in everyone's eyes when they saw the brunette.

Dara helped Jennie to sit up whole rubbing her back.

The brunnete saw Lisa in front of her and when she realized what was happening, her tears fell and immediately clinged on the taller girl's neck.

Lisa hugged her tight and rubbed her back.

"Shhh, you're okay" she told the brunnete and pushed her slightly.

She stood up and carried the brunnete in her arms. Jennie encircled her arms around Lisa's neck and buried her face on her neck when she noticed everyone was looking at them.

Lisa didn't care about their looks since all she thinks about is Jennie's safety.

"She needs to rest" she told her teachers and they nodded.

Seulgi walked towards them and pick up Lisa's clothes. She was only wearing her sports bra since she took her shirt off before she jumped on the water. (A/N: I learned this at school. If you want to rescue a drowning person, you have to remove your clothes first)

Jennie is currently resting inside a villager's house. Lisa told her to sleep and promised she won't leave the brunnete.

When Jennie is in a deep slumber, Lisa didn't remove her eyes off of the brunnete. She couldn't help but feel guilty after seeing her fiancee almost dying. She's going to deal about the incident later but for now, she have to keep her eyes on the brunette.

Lisa is scared. She's afraid to remove her eyes off of the girl because she might disappear.

"I love you" she whispered as she trace Jennie's mandu cheeks.

They are currently lying on the bed with Jennie in her arms and resting her cheeks on Lisa's chest.

She locked the door so no one could disturb them.

Jennie moved and scrunched her nose before turning around, her back facing Lisa.

Lisa smiled and pulled her by the waist and started kissing her shoulders.

"I love you. You scared me" she told the brunnete as she draw circles on her back.

"I'll never forgive myself if something happen to you"

She nuzzled her nose on the brunette's hair and hugged her by the waist tightly.

Lisa suddenly heard a knock on the door. She lifted her head before answering.

"Who's that?"

"Lis, it's me. They need to talk to you" she heard Seulgi's voice in the other side of the door.


"It's about Jennie's incident. Im Nayeon is outside with our teachers" the bear said and Lisa could feel her blood boiling.

"I'll be out in a minute"

When she heard Seulgi's footsteps disappearing, she slowly got out of the bed. She pulled the blanket over Jennie's body before planting a kiss on her forehead and left the room.

She saw Ms Dara together with Mr Seo Jeon and Gong Yo.

She saw Nayeon standing with her hands in front of her and head hanging low. Her two friends are also behind her.

"Students who saw what happened said she pushed Jennie on the lake" Seulgi said as she stand beside Lisa.

Lisa look at them coldly. She badly want to hurt Nayeon for putting Jennie's life in danger but she knkws she have to keep her cool.

"Why did you push her?" Lisa asked her but the bunny didn't answer.

"Nayeon, Lisa is asking you a question"

"Why did you push her?" Lisa asked again and walked towards the trembling girl.

"S-she was making fun of me and I got mad. I didn't mean it"

"Liar! You're the one who approached my friend. She didn't even do anything to you but you pushed her!" Tzuyu suddenly entered the room and glared at Nayeon.

Sana and Irene were behind her.

"Shut up. You don't know what happened"

"You fucking shut up! I saw it with my own eyes, you freaking cunt" Tzuyu suddenly charged towards the bunny and was able to punch her before being dragged away by the two.

The teachers stood in between them to separate the girls since they started hurting each other.

"That's enough! Both of you stop or it's expulsion for the two of you" Mr Park Seo Jeon raised his voice and the girls immediately calmed down.

"Miss Im, we will not be tolerating this behavior of you. It's a disgrace to your family if they heard about what you did but we want you to reflect on what you did. You'll be going home today and you're suspended for a two weeks" Lisa said coldly.

She badly want to give the girl a much heavier punishment but she doesn't want to abuse the power she has.

"As for your friends, the both of you will do community service until Nayeon returns"

She didn't wait for their respond and just left the room. She was suffocating and she badly want to hurt someone.

Seulgi didn't bother following her since she knows Lisa is not in the mood. She was obviously affected by what happened and Seulgi doesn't know why she reacted that way. She didn't understand why her friend cared so much for the brunnete.

Lisa decided to walk around to calm herself before going back to Jennie. Because of what happened, she badly want to call Jennie's parents and just let them take Jennie back.

She knows Jennie is much safer inside their house but she also doesn't want to break the brunnete's heart.

She took a deep breath and saw V walking towards her.

"Miss Manoban" he called her.

Lisa stopped walking and stood in front of him. She noticed he was carrying some foods and a blanket.

"What are you up to, Mr Kim?" She asked him.

"Is Jennie awake? I want to give these to her" he said and showed Lisa the things he brought.

Lisa raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat.

"She's still sleeping. She needs to rest for a while and I advise you not to disturb her for now"

"I'm not gonna disturb her. I won't wake her up if that's what you're worried about. I just want to give her these and check on her" he tried walking pass Lisa but she stopped him.

"You can check on her later. I can give this to her for you if that's what you want"

They had a little staring contest before V gave in and let Lisa win. He gave her the foods and the blanket and turn around before giving a word.

Lisa scoff and look at the things in her hands. She badly want to throw it away but V might ask Jennie if she received it so she stopped herself.

She just walk back the house to give it to Jennie.

She opened the door and saw Jennie who's yawning and sitting up. Their eyes met and Jennie gave her a smile that always melt the taller girl's heart.

She locked the door behind her before approaching the brunette. She sat on the edge of the bed before giving the foods and blanket to Jennie.

"For me?" Jennie asked her.


"Thanks, Lili" she giggled and eyed the foods excitedly.

"It's not from me. It's from your friend"



Jennie noticed discomfort on Lisa's face so she placed the foods on the nightstand and also the blanket.



"I'm cold"

"You can his blanket"

"Nahhh I want your hug"

"Pfft. A blanket can give you warmth, Jennie" she was about to leave the bed but Jennie hold her wrist using her two baby hands.

"You don't want to hug me?"

"I'm busy"

"You don't love me anymore?"

Lisa just rolled her eyes before slipping herself under the covers and sat beside Jennie. The brunette smiled widely before wrapping Lisa's right arm around her shoulder and leaned on the taller girl's chest.

"Thank you for saving me, Lili"

"You scared me. I thought I'll lose you"

"No thanks. You still have to marry me"

Lisa couldn't help but smile but she made sure Jennie didn't see her.

Before the day ends, Nayeon and her friends were sent back home. Before they left, they had to apologized to Jennie first but Jennie knew they didn't mean it since she saw Nayeon rolling her eyes at her.

After they left, the boys started making the bonfire once again and the others helped in making dinner.

Jennie is with her friends and some students would come to them and ask if Jennie's fine and she would just give them the same answer.

"They're still glaring at you" Sana said and look at the group of girls who's looking at them.

"Psh, envious bitches" Tzuyu said and rolled her eyes.

"Why are they looking at me like that anyway?" Jennie asked the three since she doesn't have any clue why some of them are looking at her sharply ever since she woke up.

"It's because Lisa kissed you" Irene said while looking at her nails.

"W-what?" Jennie's eyes widen and she couldn't believe what she heard.

"She didn't kiss Jennie, she gave Jennie air okay. That's both different things" Sana answered.

"It's still the same. Their lips met that's why they are being jealous of you. I bet some of them wished they're the one who drowned" Irene chuckled and shake her head.

"S-she what?" Jennie still couldn't believe what she's hearing.

Of course it's not the first time that Jennie and Lisa had kiss but it feels different now because lots of people saw them.

Although it's not really a kiss, Jennie still couldn't believe Lisa did that.

"So how does it taste like, Jen?" Tzuyu asked while wiggling her eyebrows

"Sheesh how would she know? She's unconscious remember?" Sana rolled her eyes and Tzuyu just glared at her.

"We were really surprised though. Lisa suddenly jumped out of nowhere earlier and saved you. I didn't even saw her near the lake before the incident happened so she definitely ran fast" Irene said and the two nodded.

"Yeah. And if you only saw her face. She was really scared"

"Awhh she cares for you. You're so pretty, Jenjen" Tzuyu teased her making Jennie blushed.

When it's already dark, they all gathered around to eat their dinner. Jennie kept looking at Lisa who's currently talking with Seulgi.

She was hoping the tall girl would glance at her but she received nothing. Lisa seems to be pretty occupied with whatever she and Seulgi are talking about.

After eating dinner, they decided to stay outside for a while to digest their food and talk about random stuffs.

Some of them washed the dishes while the others are around the bonfire singing.

Others are having their own world and their teachers are inside Gong Yo's house and are probably talking about some serious stuff.

Jennie has her eyes on Lisa who's still talking with Seulgi. She's trying to think of a way on how she could go near Lisa without others suspecting them.

"What are they even talking about? This is supposed to be our time together" Jennie heard Irene said behind her so she look around.

"Probably some council duties and stuff. Why? Missing your bear already?" Sana teased her and placed her arm around Tzuyu's waist.

"Of course. She didn't sneak out last night. I was waiting" she whispered but the three obviously heard it.

"The two of you are wild" Tzuyu chuckled and tried removing Sana's hand off of her.

Jennie was still hoping Lisa would look at her. She miss the raven haired girl already.

"Hi" an arm was suddenly draped around her shoulder making Jennie to look up.

"Hi, V" she said a little to loud and that might have earn Lisa's attention.

Lisa whipped her head to look at Jennie and she saw the tall guy who's currently have his arm around the brunette's shoulder.

"Hey, pretty girl. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good. I didn't drink that much water" she said and earn some small laughter from her friends.

"I'm glad you're fine. You got me worried. Did you receive the foods I sent you?"

"Oh yeah. They were delicious" she answered although she wasn't able to finish all of it because Lisa was sulking.

She had to make up with the girl so they ended up having a heated session inside the room not until Seulgi knocked and interrupted them.

"I'm glad you liked them"

Jennie felt a nudge on her side and she look ahead and saw Seulgi with Lisa currently walking towards them.

Jennie's face immediately lit up when she saw the girl and V had to pretend he didn't saw that.

Jennie unconsciously slipped out of V's arm because she wanted to run to the tall girl. V didn't bother holding her back so he just placed his hands inside his pocket.

"Miss Kim" Lisa called her making Jennie nervous.

"Lil---Lisa, I mean miss Manoban. Uh thank you!" She said nervously and bowed her head.

"For what?"

"For saving me earlier"

Lisa only responded with a nod. She badly want to push the guy away because he was still standing beside Jennie.

"Jeez it's really cold tonight" Irene said and hugged her body before looking at Seulgi.

"Well it's a good thing me and Sana wore jacket. You should've worn one too" Tzuyu told her.

Irene knew it would be freezing tonight but she did it on purpose.

"Well yeah. I could really use a warm jacket right now" she said and cleared her throat before looking at Seulgi.

The bear still doesn't understand the stunt her girlfriend was pulling.

"Man it's so cold. I wish 'Someone' could lend me their jacket so I won't freeze to death" she said a little annoyed because her girlfriend is freaking slow.

Seulgi finally realized what she meant so she immediately opened her mouth to speak.

"You can have my jacket. Is that okay?" She asked and slowly removed the jacket off of her body

"What? Oh no, it's fine. I'm fine"

"Really? Oh okay then" she shrugged her shoulders before wearing it again.

Sana and Tzuyu couldn't help but snort because of the sight. When Jennie and V couldn't help but chuckle because of it

"Wtf. Well okay then. I'm pretty sure you're not bothered if I die because of the coldness!"

Seulgi just scratched her head before taking the jacket off of her body and went beside the fuming Irene and slipped the jacket on her body.

Jennie suddenly sneezed making Lisa to look at her.

"You okay?" V asked and rubbed her back.

"Y-yeah. Man, it is cold" she said and chuckled before hugging herself.

"I'll get you a jacket. Be right back" he said and run back to his tent.

"Why didn't you wear one?" Sana asked her.

"I didn't know it will be this cold. And I didn't brought a thick jacket" she answered and rubbed her arms.

"Lisa can also lend you her jacket. Right Lisa?" Seulgi said, praying Lisa would also give her jacket to the Jennie so she's not the only one freezing to death right now because her girlfriend, Irene took hers away.

"No, thanks. If I do that, then I'm the one who'll freeze to death" Lisa answered and Jennie look down.

She was hoping Lisa would also give hers. She couldn't help but feel jealous of Irene because Seulgi gave her the jacket.

"Come here"

She look up and saw Lisa unzipping her black leather puffer jacket.


"Are you deaf?"

Even though Jennie doesn't understand, she walk close to Lisa and she almost gasp when Lisa suddenly pulled her and made her face her friends. She felt Lisa's chest behind her and Lisa pulled her closer before zipping the jacket in front of Jennie.

Jennie couldn't help but blush because of their position. She is currently inside the jacket too giving her enough warmth since Lisa's body heat was mixed with it.

"You guys are so cute"

Her friend teased.

"Pfft, clever idiot" Seulgi mumbled.

"Placed your hands inside the sleeves" Lisa whispered behind her.

Jennie did what she's told and her arms replaced Lisa's arms on the sleeves. She almost gasped when she felt Lisa's hands around her stomach, hugging her waist inside the jacket.

Lisa couldn't help but smile and hid herself behind Jennie's hair.
Their friends doesn't notice it since they're back into talking and gossiping.

Jennie knew she was blushing hard especially since Lisa kept on whispering on her ear.
She totally forgot they are being watched by some envious students.

She forgot about a certain boy who's watching her from afar with a jacket in his arms.


Bawi ka nalang next time, V wahahahaba

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