I Know You Need Me! (Ms Venab...

By Ellio_Dimitrescu

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Working for Ms Wilhemina Venable as her trusted assistant at Kineros Robotics before the bombs destroyed the... More

(Chapter 1) Apocalypse.
(Chapter 3) Purple & Gray.
(Chapter 4) Breaking.
(Chapter 5) A New Normal.
(Chapter 6) Rules Rules Rules.
(Chapter 7) Deary me!
(Chapter 8) Under the Surface.
(Chapter 9) Apples & Needles.
(Chapter 10) Party Till We Die.
(Chapter 11) One Last Chance.

(Chapter 2) Armageddon.

1K 62 42
By Ellio_Dimitrescu

( So far so good my readers. I hope you're enjoying this story as much as I am :) I hope you like this chapter! Again sorry for the bad grammar and spelling and that this took so long!💀)

You awoke to the whole building vibrating, the walls shaking, the clock on the wall bouncing on its nail.

You were terrified, your bed was moving with the movement of the world before the Horrific sound of something large being dropped far away from you hit.

Sending a new strong pulse of vibration through the building, the foundations of the outpost were based deep underground but still, you were able to hear everything from the surface.

You believed it was the end of the world, and in truth, you were not wrong! hearing the follow of sirens around the outpost before an automatic lockdown of the whole building, the running footsteps of all the guards running to their post.

You could only worry about Ms Venabel, how she would cope with all the movement as she was not with great balance anyway let alone a world breaking bombing.

Taking the opportunity between the bombs vibration to run out of your room, down the hallway to the stairs, trying not to lose your way through the building.

Grasping to whatever you could in the hope to keep your balance, hearing all the voices muttering to one another within the constant screaming of the warning siren, you somehow ignored it, however.

It was the thump that hit the ground that took you, hearing the cane drop with the body, automatically you knew who it was, spiing a new kind of strength within you, knowing that Ms Venable was more vulnerable than ever beofore in her life and although she was very proud needed help.

You gathered yourself to your feet, racing down the stairs, to your horror seeing Ms Venable struggling to her feet from the ground.

She saw you approaching you with speed, something about her looked relived an another ashamed.

"Ms Venable are you alright" you pant, kneeling down beside her, taking her arm before helping her to her feet, keeping your arm around hers taking her cane giving it to her other hand, she gripped it for dear life, clearly she had broken her normal cold character form the circumstances.

"Im fine Y/N" she muttered, she had pain in her voice but you knew she would rather die than show it. You lead her back to her office, the door was open, the fire had long gone out and the furniture was still in place, most likely nailed to the floor.

"I suppose your waning answers hmm" after Ms Venble was secure in her chair, knowing that she was alright, you looked to her in the hope you didn't have to answer that question but for it to be mere common sense as to explain the bombing.

"If you would be so kind" you reply, trying to stay as polite as possible, trying to avoid any unnessasery conflict.

"Well in short- Armageddon" she chuckled, toughing her head back in her disbelief at her own words let alone your facial expression.

"What do you mean... the end of the world, right now," you thought Ms Venable had lost her mind, it couldn't be? surly not.

"Well dear, i was told that what you can hear outside are millions of nuclear bombs being sent to destroy this cursed planet by the world leaders, in some kind of contract with the devil" she laughed, you were starstruck.

"then what is this place and why are we still standing if that's the case" more questions were just flowing out of you, no longer able to keep them inside.

"You know the idiots that ran Kineros Robotics?" she asked, looking to you with her deep brown eyes, you were still sitting on the floor by her feet, with her high on a chair, it was quite a sight.

"Well of course" you remembered those sex-crazed, coke addicted imbeciles" you grumble, the mere memory of them made your brain hurt.

"Yes well they had a mass involvement in this project and wanted t somehow fix te worked in satans image, and let only the worthy live, and appointed me to run one of the outposts," she said beaming.

The tingles that sent to you from this, the idea that she let you live, she chose you to work for her. But who were the worthy?

"WHy were chosen?" you ask, you had not seen anyone else other than staff in black and Ms Venabel that had been it.

"They will be arriving shortly" she replied like it was the most normal thing in the destroyed world.

"Will i ever be able to go outside again" you mumbled, not quite understanding what she meant.

"Not unless you want radioactive poisoning" her face returned to the normal emotionless expressions, how you missed her smile and her hands around your jaw.

"Your in charge" you whisper, looking to her, trying not to make it obvious that you were thrilled at this aspect.

"I am indeed, in control of everything and everyone" she tapped the floor with her cane twice loudly leaving the floor vibrating underneath you causing things to sture in your stomach.

"You may leave now" she uttered, waving her fingerless gloved hand at you on the floor, enjoying your disappointment, knowing you wanted more of her attention.

"Thank you Ms Venbable" you get up from your place on the floor, using the desk to get up, still a little shaky from the whole bombing. 

"Oh Y/N" she called before you left the room, you felt your heart flutter at the sound of your name in her mouth, your turn round looking to her hopeful for her to command you to do something.

"Meet me in my office at six sharp I must establish the new rules under my domain with you and also explain the new protocol with the other people seeking refuge that will be living here".

You leave after that, the information just sinking in. Your life. Your home. Your family. Gone in the matter of hours.

Feeling yourself wanting to break down and cry in a depressing heap on the ground. To curl up into a ball and hope that death soon followed.

You knew however that dwelling in such thoughts would only make things worse, you were one of the lucky ones to make it out alive and picked to live under Ms Venable's stricked domaine

Wondering about the people that would show up at the outpost. What they would be like and whether they would enjoy the new life ahead of them.

Understanding that not all people would want to be dominated and controlled by Ms Venable or anyone for that matter.

The rules were another thing in itself, knowing back at the office Ms Venable liked everything just so. No one out of her line, everything within her liking or it would have consequence.

Even her bosses feared her, something about the control she had just excited you, which was one of the reasons why you had allowed her to lead you on this tangent into this unknown place serving her hand and foot knowing that everyone that you never known was dead or dying from nuclear poison.

You realised you'd have to get used to calling Outpost 3 your home.

The clock was ticking so slowly, just passing the time cleaning what you saw, swaying around the hallways like a lost child.

The time slipped like a sand timer, wanting it to be six o'clock so badly but also you were dreading it as well, the uncertainty of the meeting was writing around in your mind never resting for a second.

At five-fifty you were pacing outside Ms Venables office, knowing that tardiness was not an option in her eyes, so you always made sure you were early.

As the grandfather clock chimed six, you felt your heart leap into your throat, feeling physically ill as you knocked on the door, as you hit the wooded door with your weak knuckles, you flinch.

"On time as always Miss Y/N" Ms Venable chuckled on the other side, you feel our cheeks heat up, the way her praise powered you more than anything was quite worrying but you could not see any other way to live.

"Come in Y/N," she said in her normal cold and calm tone, feeling shivers crawl up your spine as you entered the room, the fire re-lit and the two black chairs in the room seemed to have more life this time.

"Thank you, Ms Venable" you stutter, before the stern look from Ms Venable dug into you,

"I believe i have spoken to you about mumbling dear, speak up" she was seated in one of the black chairs, her legs crossed in the elegance and grace she came with.

Her cane resting underneath the left palm stays straight upright. you hold your breath worrying you would moan at her very words.

"Have a seat i need to go through the rules with you, although i have faith that you will follow them with no issue" she smiled at you, your skin heat up, not waning to expose your deep crush with the exposer of your now crimson cheeks.

"Well, I do like to please," you say, louder than you liked but not at a mumble.

"Oh I know you do" she tapped the ground with her cane, at this you straightened up your posture, your body tense, with no means of relaxation.

"Well to start off leaving the building is deeply forbidden as of radiation hazards" she looked at you her eyes threatening and powerful, you could stare at them for hours.

"Second, sexual intercourse or masturbation is forbidden and if discovered will have major consequences" the took you by surprise, feeling the urge to gulp, you had to admit this you would struggle with, stuck in a building all day every day with the love of your life with no way of relive would be torture, the intercourse but would be easy as there was no one you had eyes fir but ms Venable.

"Are we clear Miss Y/N" Ms Venable lowered her gaze to your eye line leaning her body forward, almost so close she could touch you, watching your panicked face in amusement, searching for an answer.

"Transparent Ms Venable" you wanted to shoot yourself for sounding so stupid but it seemed to be the right answer as Ms Venable sage you a small smile before leaning back into her chair.

"As well as the rules there will be a new hiaraky, for the ones though brought a ticket to live here will be called the purples and will live like royalty and the others who are shipped here will be known a the greys, cleaning and working as the bottom of the chain. I want to restore true form and structure to my small world" you were amazed, this was not what you were expecting but at the same time it was.

"Where will I be classed?" you tilt your head slightly to the side,

"You will be a black, the middle and technically the overseers of the outpost as me as the leader i need a strong set to help me" you wanted to burry your head in a pillow and cry, you would treasure her words forever.

"You and my new henchwoman Ms Mead she will be arriving a little later today before the humans arrive her very tomorrow" you felt something boil in your stomach and this was not a good feeling, the bubbling jealousy, of someone working as close to Ms Venable as you were, was in your mind seen as a threat.

"Right..." you reply, regretting your bluntness as Ms Venable, gave you a look saying 'you're on your last warning' biting your inner cheek.

"You're testing my patience Y/N and if it continues I will have to do something about it" you wanted to kneel down and do unspeakable things at that moment to redeem yourself but that was for your head and your head only.

"I apologise Ms Venable, it's all very new and the idea of you needing anyone else in your field doesn't make sense" you close your mouth before anything more came out of it.

"Oh how adorable, am I sensing a hint of jealousy on you Miss Y/N" her expression held only amusement for your pathetic emotions.

You were stunned, wanting the seat to swallow you up and to never see the light of day again but sadly it was only the end of the world outside the building.

"Ms Mead is very high in the cooperative working with leader of this whole operation so for her to be coming here to work for me is quite an achievement" ms Venable said wiht pride.

You on the other hand we're not as thrilled as your beloved boss, as much as you wanted to throw your head back and conplain you would only get a famous punishment, in your time working for Ms Venable you had only had one of those and it was definitely an experience you would never forget.

"Well Y/N I will need you to prepare one of the spare bedrooms for Ms Mead and then set up all of the rooms for the purples then once you are done you may have dinner and just before you head off to your room report back here to see me" you nod.

"Yes Ms Venable" you reply trying not to act cold as you didn't want to pay childish in front of the most mature woman now walk to the Earth.

"Oh Y/N put that pretty smile back on your face. This grumpy look does not go with your complexion." She chuckled causing a smile to creep on your lips her smile her love meant everything to you it is warmed you up inside making it almost impossible to stay mad at her.

However you had bigger problems than Ms Mead as there was a whole stack of people who are going to be entering the outpost. These purples you've heard so much about and there a parent royalty. The new rules that had been put in place that were going to drive you nuts! And the so-called Grays who will be taking over all of the domestic chores. Miss Venable really did have what she wanted in order.

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