An Unlikely Connection (Jirou...

By pearlshipper332

34.1K 654 465

What happens when Jirou is up late one night, and ends up catching Midoriya sneaking out. how does the relati... More

An Odd Night
Another Sleepless Night
A New Day
A Trip into Town
Going to Get some Advice
Starlit Night
Training Day

Figuring it out as we go

1.6K 42 6
By pearlshipper332

Midoriya's POV-

The moon had only just started descending in the night sky as Jirou and I made our way back to the dorms. The gentle breeze caused the leaves on the trees to rustle as the two of us silently continued down the path.

Neither of us had uttered a single word to one another since we had started walking, opting to just listen to the wind and the sounds around us as we walked. Though it wasn't because the two of us didn't have anything to say to one another.

'God I don't know what to say, I can barely look at her without blushing.' I thought to myself as we continued down the path that led back to the dorms.

Every time I glanced over at her I'd feel my face quickly heating up, forcing me to look away again. Though this time I couldn't help but stare at her for a few moments.

Her face was illuminated by the moonlight, while her dark purple hair seemed to shimmer as she pushed a strand of hair out of her face. It didn't take long for her to notice that I was staring at her, and once she did her face began to slowly redden as well.

"W-What is it? Is there something on my face?" She asked in a bashful tone, while she reached up and started twirling her ear jack around her finger.

It took me a moment to respond to her question as my brain struggled to find the words. "N-No, I-I was just thinking that you...looked...r-really good in the moonlight." I stammered out. My face heating up more and more with each word I managed to get out.

Jirou stared at me for a few moments as her face reddened even more than it alread was. "T-Thanks M-Midoriya, that m-means a lot." She responded with an embarrassed smile, before quickly looking away.

 A small smile spread on my lips as the blush on my face deepened even more. "Y-You're W-Welcome." I said, while we continued down the path to the dorms.

A couple minutes had passed before I decided to speak up again. "S-So, have you actually done anything like this before? I-I mean like be in a r-r-relationship before." I asked her, before quietly muttering to myself. "God I'm gonna have to get used to that word."

Jirou let out a small chuckle as she looked up at the night sky while we walked. "No, I can't say I really have. No one's ever been interested in me in that way before, and as you know I've been dealing with some stuff since the training camp incident." Jirou responded.

I found my gaze following hers as I looked up at the night sky as well. "So neither of us have any relationship experience?" I asked with a curious tone as my gaze drifted back to Jirou.

Jirou's eye's drifted back to me after a few moments as she nodded. "It would seem that how are you supposed to act in a relationship anyways?" She asked me.

After a few moments of thinking, I shrugged my shoulders. "Honestly, I'm not sure myself. I guess we just have to figure things out as we go, right?" I responded to her.

A smile spread across Jirou's lips as she looked at me and nodded. "I think that's the best we can really do right now, right?" She responded. "Should be interesting considering this is a first for both of us." She continued.

I let out a small chuckle and nodded. "It really should." I replied.

I was about to ask her something else as the dorms finally came into view, but the words died in my throat as I came to a halt. I blinked a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but the figure standing infront of the dorm entrance didn't disappear at all.

My stomach sank as I realized who was standing there infront of the dorm entrance. It was Mr. Aizawa, capture scarf and all.

'Crap, I forgot he would be the one doing rounds tonight. Did we leave any trace of us leaving the dorm?' I thought to myself as I quickly knelt down behind the line of bushes that seperated us from the clearing.

My hand shot out and grabbed Jirou's to keep her from walking out of the line of bushes and being seen by Mr. Aizawa.

Jirou looked at me in surprise as her face exploded in a heavy blush. "M-Midoriya what are you-." She tried to say, before I yanked her down behind the bush with me and covered her mouth.

"Mr. Aizawa is doing patrols today, and he's standing infront of the front entrance right now, that's why I grabbed you." I whispered to her, before pulling my hand away and letting her get up.

The blush on Jirou's face remained as she took a moment to peak over the top of the bush, before quickly ducking back down.

She quickly turned to me, the blush still slightly present on her face as she looked at me. "Okay, I see what you mean, aside from the way you went about it, thank you for stopping me." She whispered to me.

"Sorry about that, that was the first thing that came to mind to stop you from walking out into the clearing." I replied to her, before turning my gaze to the building, and trying to think of a way that we could get back inside without letting him know we were there.

'Can I get the both of us up to my rooms balcony from here, without being seen or heard?' I thought to myself as I sat there. After a few moments of running the scenario through in my head, I figured I could do it quietly enough that we wouldn't get caught at all.

"Okay so here's what I'm thinking, I can use my quirk to carry you as I jump up to my rooms balcony, and sneak us in that way. I left the door to my balcony unlocked incase something like this happened." I whispered to her.

I watched and waited for a few moments to see what her response would be, before she nodded in agreement. "How are you going to carry me though, you have your guitar on your back?" She asked in curiosity.

"Oh that, I was planning on just picking you up and holding you." I replied to her.

Jirou stared at me for a few moments before her face turned a deep red. It was only then that I finally connected the dots and realized why she was blushing. "I-If y-you're okay with th-that." I added as I felt my face quickly heating up.

"O-Oh um, y-yeah that's fine." She quietly stammered out in reply. "J-Just please d-don't drop me." She continued.

We both sat there and stared at the ground for a few moments, before I took a deep breath and calmed myself. "Alright, are you ready?" I asked her.

Jirou took a deep breath of her own and nodded. "Yeah I am, let's get back inside before he realizes we're here." She replied.

I nodded and activated my quirk, letting the five percent of power evenly spread across my body. After a few moments I was ready to get us up to the balcony and past Mr. Aizawa.

I reached over and picked up Jirou princess style, as I whispered to her. "Hang on tight okay, and I won't drop you, I promise."

She only nodded in reply as she wrapped her arms around me and buried her head into my chest.

Feeling her bury her head into my chest, caused my heart to skip a beat as I felt my face heat up once more. "A-Alright, let's go." I told her.

I quickly peeked over the bush once more to see if Mr. Aizawa was looking in our direction still, and to our luck he was just sitting there on the steps of the dorm, as if he was waiting for someone to show up.

'He knows someones out past curfew, he just doesn't know who exactly, good.' I thought to myself as I backed up a little bit, before I took a running start at the wall of the building.

It only took a couple seconds to cross the clearing from the line of bushes. Once I was close enough to the wall, I pushed off of the ground with just enough force to send Jirou and I into the air, sailing towards the balcony of my room as I held onto her.

It only took a few moments for us to land on the balcony. The landing undoubtedly made enough noise to warrent some attention. So I set Jirou down and opened the sliding door to my room, before quickly shuffling Jirou and myself inside before closing the door behind us.

"I don't think he noticed us at all." I told her, as a sense of relief washed over me, while I sat down on my bed. I took another deep breath before letting my gaze drift over to where Jirou was standing.

When I looked over at her, her face was still a shade of bright red as she stood there in my room. "Y-Yeah, I'm g-glad that we didn't get caught at all." She stammered out.

"Are you okay Jirou?" I asked, a worried tone replacing the one of relief that I had previously, as I stood up and walked over to her.

"Y-Yeah, I'm j-just not used to being carried like that, that's all." She replied in an embarrassed tone.

"That's understandable, hopefully being carried like that wasn't uncomfortable for you." I told her as I stood infront of her.

Jirou shook her head in response. "No it wasn't, just different that's all." She replied to me.

I nodded in response before looking around my room and then back to her. "So I have two questions for you Jirou." I told her.

"Alright, go ahead and ask them then." She said, as she walked over to my bed and sat down on it.

"So the first one is, do you wanna just make it known that we're going out, or do you wanna keep it hidden for now?" I asked her.

Jirou sat there with a thoughtful look on her face, before responding a minute later. "Honestly, I don't think we need to keep it hidden, though we don't need to make a big announcement about it either. When they find out is when they find out." She replied as she looked up at the ceiling of my room.

I nodded and felt a smile slowly spread on my lips. "That sounds good to me, now the second question is, do you wanna spend the night here? Since Aizawa is on patrols tonight?" I asked her.

"Hmm, probably stay here for the night, it would be bad if Aizawa caught me coming out of your room so late in the night." She replied as she shuddered a bit. "God that would be hard to explain to him." She continued.

I let out a small chuckle as I nodded and grabbed the futon that was in the corner of my room and laid it out on the floor. "You can take the bed again tonight." I told her.

Jirou nodded and got up off the bed, quickly crossing the distance between the two of us.

Before I could ask her what she was doing, she leaned in and pressed her lips against the side of my face for a few moments, before quickly pulling away and blushing heavily. "T-That was a th-thank you for t-tonight,  I-I had a go-good time." She quickly stammered out, before quickly jumping into my bed and pulling the covers over her head.

"G-Goodnight M-Midoriya." She quickly squeaked out, as she rolled over towards the wall.

"G-G-Goodnight J-Jirou." I replied, my mind racing a mile a minute as I laid down under the covers of the futon. I stared at the ceiling for a few minutes as I held the side of my face that she kissed. Any attempts to try and process what had just happened were met with limited success.

'For how the night started off, it ended better than I ever could of hoped.' I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter of the series, and I apologize for the long wait on this most recent chapter. Part way through writing it I got hit by finals this semester.

Now that I'm on break, I'm going to try and write more than when I was in school. So look forward to more updates with this book, and the next chapter of One's Saving Grace.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask or comment them. I will try and get to them as I'm able to.

With that, I hope to see all of you in the next one, and thank you for being patient with my messed up update schedule.


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