Big Bro Loud

By Davis5583

86.2K 1K 276

Big brother of the Loud house, one before Lincoln. Lloyd Loud how will his appearance in the Loud Family chan... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

17.2K 186 26
By Davis5583

In Royal Woods Michigan, it was a sunny morning like any other. At least as sunny and normal as it could get for the Loud House.

"First come, first serve!" A shout was heard from among stomping footsteps and slamming doors.

"No way, you will use all the hot water!"

"I was here first! Get out, now!"

"I gotta use it!" A voice exclaimed, "I have to go, bad!"

The arguing just kept going as a brown haired young man with a white streak sipped on a cup of steaming hot coffee as he poured some mixer into a pan. It seemed like he was unbothered by the rowdiness.

"Guess the early bird does get the worm." The young man released a chuckle before he heard breathing from behind him, he glanced behind himself and saw a young black haired girl with bangs that covered a majority of her face and super pale skin that was gray, "Hey, Lucy." He gave the girl a slight smile, "Waffle or pancake?"

"Morning, Lloyd." Lucy replied flatly grabbing a plate before heading towards the table, "Waffle, please."

"Burned?" He asked.


"Did I hear waffle?!" A young blonde girl with a red cap ran in excitedly stopping right in front of Lloyd bouncing up and down like a eager rabbit, "Chocolate chips! Chocolate chips! Please! Please!"

"Me first, Lana!" Another girl walked in who greatly resembled the red cap girl, only she had on a tiara, "Pancake with straw berries and extra syrup my good sir."

"I was here first, Lola!" Lana glared at her twin sister, "Also waffles are better!"

"No, pancakes are better and healthier!" Lola snapped back at her twin, it soon turned into a full on argument about which was better until Lloyd decided to break it up.

He put down his coffee, "Chill you two." Lloyd separated the two with his hands, "Unless you don't want breakfast?"

He raised his eyebrow at them as they both then glanced at each other before muttering, "No."

"Okay then, get your plates." The two nodded and grab plates and headed for the table joining their goths sister and waited for the young man to finish as he returned to cooking.

"Mmm, what's cooking bro?" A teenage brown haired girl with a short ponytail along with some freckles walking with a massive grin on her face.

"Pancakes and waffles, which one you want, Lynn?"

"Gimme a stack of pancakes!" She rubbed her hands together, "I'm gonna beat the record!"

"Yeah, sure you are LJ." The young man gave a slight smirk his voice having clear doubt in it.

"Don't underestimate me, Lloyd." Lynn sends him a challenging grin countering his doubt with full on confidence, "I know I can beat your record of thirty pancakes!"

"Factoring in your height and weight, its more likely you'll get sick and regurgitate." A voice spoke forming from the entrance of the kitchen, both brown heads looked and saw a young brown headed girl with glasses along with a stoic expression.

"Nothing is impossible for me, Lisa." Lynn huffed with her arms crossed, "I won't get sick! Just you watch kid!" Lynn said grabbing a plate and racing to the table.

"I tried to warn her." Lisa rolled her eyes before she looks up to Lloyd, "Eldest sibling I would like a waffle, please." Lisa said before grabbing a plate and going to the table.

"Heeey!" A teenage girl with braces and light brown hair peeked into the kitchen with a large grin, "You know who else loves pancakes? The lumberjack because he loves flapjacks!" Everyone sighed at her joke expect for Lloyd who chuckled.

"Nice Luan, so I take it that's what you want?" Lloyd asked taking a sip of his coffee.

"Yep!" Luan giggled, "Oh, wait, what do you call-"

"Chill dude, its to early for jokes." Another brown headed teenage girl with a pixie cut and freckles walks into the kitchen with a baby in her arms, "Don't want us to choke from laughing too hard." She lied but Luan believed her, "Anyway, waffle bro."

"Sure, Luna." Lloyd said before he looked down at the baby with a slight grin, "Sup, Lily."

"Ll-Ll!" Lily clapped her hands together with a giggle, Luna placed her in a baby chair and grabbed a plate along with Luan who went to the table.

Soon two more girls entered the kitchen, appearing to be older than the other girls yet still younger than Lloyd.

"Hi, Lloyd!" A teenage girl with light blonde hair and white glasses on her head waved at him, "Oh, are those pancakes?"

"Yep, want one, Leni?" He asked and she bobbed her head happily before he turned to the older girl who was next to Leni, she was blonde as well and taller. Though she seemed more focused on texting at the moment, "And you Lori, waffle or pancake, either which is poison."

"Then we can't eat them?!" Leni turned to Lori with a gasp.

"He's just joking, Leni." Lori rolled her eyes lifting her gaze from her phone, "Waffle." Lori grabbed a plate and headed to the table alongside Leni.

"Now there was only one." Lloyd said and at that moment a voice was heard.

"Finally." A young boy with white hair walked in letting out a sigh of relief as he wiped his forehead before he noticed Lloyd with butter mix near the oven, "hey, are you making pancakes and waffles?"

"Yes, Lincoln, what you picking?" Lloyd asked the young boy.

"Let me see... Why not both!" Lincoln grinned at the older boy who just nodded at him before Lincoln turned to an empty air space, "In a family with teen sisters and one brother, their's someone whose willing to cook, which today is my brother, Lloyd. Judging by the fact that he's cooking must mean dad needs a break which you can't blame him, even I sometimes need Lloyd's help to keep these guys in check."

"Yo Lic, who are you talking to?" Lloyd asked while corking a brow, causing the boy to blush slightly.

"Don't you see, I'm talking to the readers." Lincoln stated.

"Hey guys, Lincoln'a apparently a star now." Lori said as everyone stated to laugh at him.

"...Oh, shut it..." Lincoln said under his breath, though it was low enough so Lori didn't hear him. Soon all of them got their breakfast from their brother.


Finishing his own breakfast Lloyd walked to the front door picking up a backpack and a skateboard. Having on his usual green shirt and black jacket, blue jeans, and a pair of sneakers. He opens the door to only bump ito a young black boy with glasses.

"Woah!" The boy falls backwards and was about to fall until Lloyd grabbed his arm and pulled him forward.

"My bad, Clyde." Lloyd helps him regain his balance, "Didn't know you were at the door."

"It's okay." Clyde pushed his glasses up, "Is Lincoln coming?"

"Yeah, he's just washing the dishes." Lloyd said going towards the kitchen, "Lincoln! Clyde's here, hurry up!" Lloyd then walks past Clyde. "Later Clyde."

"Likewise." Clyde replied waving at the young man as Lloyd started to skate down the sidewalk.

Lloyd was skating boarding until he heard someone call out to him.

"Hey bro, wait up!" Lynn roller skated up to him with a helmet and backpack on, "Mind if tag along?" She asked.

"Nah." He shook his head before he looked at her, "But why not just catch a ride with Lori like usual?"

"And get ordered around by Mrs. Boss a lot?" Lynn asked with a groan, "She always expects a favor for something she's supposed to do. Like manicures and massages... Ugh!" Lynn shivered at the mental imagine, "She treats us like slaves, just because she's got a drivers license."

"Nothing comes for free, and with the places you guys be trying to go can't exactly blame her." Lloyd said knowing the places his siblings would ask Lori to go, and he didn't blame for expecting in return.

"Yeah, yeah. You used to drive us to school, why'd you stop?" Lynn asked him.

"Too much of a hassle, trying to get all eleven of you into Vanzilla and to school on time is too much of a pain. I'll let Lori deal with that." Lloyd said with an amused chuckle.

"Nah your just lazy, anyway you coming to my game?" Lynn asked looking at him.

"What sport is it today?" Lloyd asked as Lynn was in so many sports that it was hard to keep track of which one she was going to be playing.


"You playing pitcher?"

"Nothing else, I'm gonna give the Loud fast ball." Lynn gave a grin.

"The Loud fast ball, huh? I hasn't seen one of those in a while and I do have free time later." Lloyd took on a thoughtful face making it seem like he wasn't gonna go making Lynn look down until he placed a hand on her helmet, "Can't think of anything better to do."

"You promise?" Lynn looked at him.

"Come on have I ever lied to you?" Lloyd asked as Lynn just stared at him.

"Well their was the time y-" Lloyd placed a hand on her mouth before she could get it out.

"Yeah, I promise okay." Lloyd sighed as he dropped her off at her middle school before he headed off to his own little school.


It was now noon when Lloyd arrived back at the house, he only had to attend his little school until around 11:30, then he was free to do whatever he wanted for the rest of the day. He jumped on the arm chair and pulled out his laptop.

He only got moments like this once in an lifetime, he was alone.

His siblings were at school, with Lily being at daycare. His parents were at work, so the only company he had right now were the pets.

A bark caught his attention and he turned to the side, sitting next to the armchair was an American Pit Bull terrier, or by the name its goes by which is, "What do you want Charles?" The dog had a leash in his mouth. "Sorry, boy, I'll take you for a walk later."

Charles whimpered at him, but Lloyd was to absorb in his laptop to notice so Charles walked away in sadness. Lloyd sat as he continued on with his laptop seemingly doing some kind of work, before a short haired black cat jumped onto his lap and on his computer.

"Cliff!" Lloyd picked up the cat and threw him off, before he looked at his computer in a panic, "Sorry, but you could have messed up some really serious documents." Lloyd said as Cliff gave him the stick eye before walking away. "Okay ba-" Before he could finish his phone started to ring, he sighed and looked to see that it was Leni who was calling, "Hello, aren't you at school?"

"Yes, but I need you to do me a favor." Leni spoke from over the phone.

"And what would that be?"

"Well, like, I forgot my homework in my room and its like really important so can you grab it for me and bring it?" Leni asked.

Lloyd sighed, "Okay."

Leni let out a sequel from the from making him cover his ears, "Thanks Ll!"

That was were the phone call ended, Lloyd closed his laptop and made his way up stairs. Going towards the end of the hallway making it to Leni's room, only their was a slight problem.

It was also Lori's room as well, this might not seem like a big deal to most but Lori has a password and key lock on the door.

Which only her, Leni, and mom knew and there was only two keys, which Lori and Leni shared and mom's key.

It was mostly to keep people away from her phone, which he never understood since who would want her phone?

So he went ahead and tried to enter a password harmlessly, only he did get harmed when he got shocked. "OWWWW!" He fell to the ground with smoke admitting from his body. "Me and Lori are going to have some words."

So its time for him to play the game of how well does he know Lori.

Was it her birth year?


Was it her and Leni's ages?


Was it her phone password?


Was it the old, zero, zero.


Was it the last four digits on their house number

No shock.

"Something hidden in sight, not bad, but not good enough." Lloyd pumped his fist, now he just needed a key, which he didn't have. But there were other methods, "Walt!" Soon a yellow canary flew up the stairs and landed on his shoulder.

"I need this for a moment." Lloyd held Walt straight, he gently placed his beck into the door lock. He started to move him around a little, and... "Got it." Lloyd opened the door, he let go of Walt who went and pecked him on the head, "Ow! Yeah, yeah, here." He tossed Walt a treat.

Lloyd then walked into the room where he was meet with two beds, a dresser, and a closet. Now if he were Leni where he leave his homework? On the bed. He walked over and picked up a notebook.

Lloyd then walked out the room closing the door, and walked to the stairs. "Now just gotta head to the school an-" Before he could finish he tripped on something and fell down the stairs, "Ow!"

He looked up and saw that he had tripped over Geo, the hamster.

Luckily he didn't break anything, thank goodness but Leni's notebook fell down, and he saw what was written down. "Oh, Leni." It was just doodles, if she turned this in she was gonna get a big fat F, "Whelp, they can't never call me a bad brother." Lloyd went and picked up his skateboard and a pencil, "Charles, your getting that walk!"


"Here, Leni." Currently Lloyd was at the high school, Leni was currently in the middle of lunch. Where she was sitting with her friends.

"Thanks, Lloyd." Leni gave him a beaming smile as he handed her the notebook, which were no longer filled with doodles as he had actually put answers in there. "You wanna sit with us?"

"Umm... I don't know, Leni." He said glancing at her friends.

"Oh, we don't mind." One of Leni's friends said, which Lloyd thinks her name is Jackee. She was an Asian girl with long black hair and tanned skin. She batted her eyelashes at him with a smile.

"Yeah, surely you have time on your hands?" Next was Mandee a teenage girl with light brown hair, "You can sit here." She said scooting over giving him a similar smile.

"Or here..." Jackee said pointing to her side as her and Mandee started each other down for a moment.

"Yeah, I'll just stand." Lloyd stood next to Leni with a nervous laugh.

"Dang it..." Jackee and Mandee muttered under their breaths.

"So, where my other three little sisters?" Lloyd asked.

"Oh, Lori eating with Bobby." Leni pointed over to a table where Lori was sitting across from some friends along with a Latino boy, which they knew as Bobby, "Luna rocking with her friends." Leni pointed at another table where Luna was playing her guitar alongside some other   musicians, "And Luan's in lunch detention."

Lloyd raised a brow at her, "Why's that?"

"I don't know, like, something about an explosion in chemistry." Leni said and that was when Lloyd understood.

"Okay, what you got planned for today?" Lloyd asked while taking one of Leni's fries.

"Oh, we're going to the mall after school to go shopping," Leni answered, "Wanna come?"

"No can do." Lloyd sheepishly smiled, "Already promised LJ I go to her baseball game, sorry sis."

"It's okay." Leni replied happily, however she nor Lloyd noticed the grumbles from her friends, "Another time."

"Well, Saturday I'm busy and Sunday my shows new episode is coming out." Lloyd scratched his head, "So the weekends out, but Monday afternoon is good."

"Ooh, Loud shopping!" Leni squealed clapping her hands, "It's been, like, ever since we had one of those."

"What's Loud shopping?" Mandee asked while blinking.

"It's basically shopping just me getting her to all the best things without someone beating her to it..." He said while looking at his ditzy sister, ever since she had taken him shopping with her he was able to get her the best items on sale.

Also he always needed Leni's help when it came to getting new clothes.

He dreads Loud shopping, as he usually ends up with some bruises. But he never had the heart to say no to her, as it just seemed to make her happy. That's why he always tries to avoid it.

"Mind if we join for Loud shopping?" Jackee asked with a smirk.

"Sorry but nah-uh." Leni shook her head, "Loud shopping is for me and by big bro, like, you have any idea how hard it is to have a day with him when you, like, share him with ten sisters and a lil bro?"

"Guess that's one of the cons." Mandee muttered under her breath, since Royal Woods wasn't that big of a town everyone knew each other. But with ten girls and two boys, the Loud family was semi-famous.

Lloyd soon left having to go get Charles as he had left him in the parking lot, hopefully he hadn't left a surprise yet.


It was evening now as Lloyd skated up to his house with Lynn hopping around while wearing a baseball uniform, "The Loud fast ball does it again, getting us a clean slate. No run!" Lynn said loud and proud.

"Yeah, I know, I saw the game. Not half bad if I say so, you did well Lynn." Lynn grabbed her hat and put it on her backwards.

"Thanks, bro!" She grinned widely, bouncing on her heels from hearing his comment before she pun around to run to the steps, "Huh! Gotta hit the can! Later bro!" She rushed into the house to get to the bathroom.

"Make sure you flush!" Lloyd said not wanting to enter the bathroom later and see a surprise. As soon as he entered the home he was welcomed by two shouting figures tossing and turning over the floor.

Which he knew as Lana and Lola.

He stepped over them, "A storm as usual with those two."

"A storm?!" Leni gasped from the couch, "I didn't hear that on the forecast!"

"I think we need a brainstorm since some of us lack it." Luan popped out from the kitchen as she laughed.

"Nice Luan." Lloyd walked past his prankster sister.

"Eldest brother, are you going to use the bathroom?" Lloyd glanced up at the upstairs hallway to see Lisa as she stuck her head out with a clipboard under her arm, "I hasn't gotten your samples in quite some time."

"Lisa, we talked about this? Do we need to talk about it again?" Lloyd asked.

"No, sadly." Lisa rolled her eyes, "Fine. Carry on." She headed back to her room.

Lloyd walked up stairs towards the attic, before someone stopped him.

"Yo, bro!" Luna slid out of her room with her guitar, "Wanna her some new jams? Check it out!" She rocked out with her guitar before she gave a peace sign, "What you think?"

"Rockin, Lunes." Lloyd gave a thumbs up as he pulled down the attic latter and headed up and got his computer.

Lloyd was doing some stuff until Lincoln suddenly came up, "I need to borrow your computer."

"For what?" Lloyd raised a brow at him.

"Mines a bit..." Lincoln paused for a minute, "Not working."

Lloyd sighed, "Fine, but you better not break it." Lloyd hands him his computer.

"Thanks!" Lincoln runs out.

"And don't go downloading a whole lot of stuff!" Lloyd called out, he went and jumped on his bed. He was gassed.

After he had dropped Leni's homework off he came home after picking up a little surprise from Charles in the parking lot. As soon as he got home, he got another call from his mother. Apparently he needed to go pick Lily up from daycare.

Then he had to go pick dad up from work.

So he had to go back to the school, get Vanzilla go get Lily then dad. Drop them off at home before he had to go back to the school and pick up his siblings and bring them home, then he just had to get to Lynn's game which was in the next town over.

But, mom needed the car to go get groceries from the store. So he had to ride his skateboard to the game, and back to the house.

So he was going to take a much needed nap.


"Here's the airplane." Lloyd moved a spoon around before he placed it in Lily's mouth, she chumping down on the mush with a giggle. Lloyd would sometimes bring Lily to the table of the oldest, or the adult table as its called.

Something the Loud parents didn't mind since he could keep Lily in check.

"We called the cable company only to find out that someone had just turned the power off." Lynn Loud Sir laughed out with his wife.

"Come on, dad..." Lloyd looked up as he fed Lily, "For how long you've been working their you'd think you know how to work a computer, remember that time you thought you broke it but you just forgot to charge it."

"Hey, in my defense I thought those computers just stayed charged, and the power was out." Lynn Sr rebuked as several of his children laughed.

"Now that you bring that up." Rita tapped her chin, "This is the third time this month the power at your compony went out, I wonder who keeps turning it off?"

"...I-It's a mystery." Lynn Sr said while looking away and whistling.

"Anyway..."Rita turned to Lloyd with a smile, "I ran into Carol today at the grocery store, she told me to say hi to you, Lloyd. Anything I should know?"

Lloyd knew that name and instantly glanced over at the person next to him, "Wait, Carol as in Carol Pingrey?" Lori jabbed her fork into her meal with her eyebrow twitching.

"Yes, her." Rita nodded, "She seems nice." She glanced at Lloyd, "Is their something going on between you two?" Several of the girl let out a oooohhhhh sound, being very interested.

"Carol Pingrey?" Lloyd looked his mother straight in the eye as he wiped Lily's mouth clean with a napkin. He had met Carol back when he was a sophomore in high school, her and Lori were freshmen, sure Carol was a nice girl. But he would rather avoid the wrath of Lori and also... "I don't know, I mean she's..."

"Not interesting?" Sr laughed before Rita smacked him on the back of the head, "Ow!"

"No not that, love and the relationship thing is just weird." Lloyd confirmed, "Why you ask mom, she say something?"

"Well it just seemed like she was interested." Rita said.

"If she is, break her heart Lloyd." Lori muttered to him with gritted teeth as she semi glared a him if he even considered the idea of dating Carol. Lloyd knew what was coming next and covered Lily's ears, "I hate that b$^%#!"

"Lori!" Rita shot a look at eldest daughter of the Loud House.

"Sorry, mom." Lori mumbled out, "But I can't stand her."

It wasn't news to anyone at the table that Lori had a deep grudge against Carol for winning prom queen over her. It probably didn't help that Lloyd was also awarded prom king that year and danced with Carol.

"No need to be upset lil sis, Carol probably just deserved." Lloyd said though that might have been the best comforting words he could have given."

"And what does that mean!?" Lori asked getting in his face while having several veins bulging on her face.

"Dang no need to throw a tantrum, just mean she probably earned it." Lloyd said though he soon regretted those words when Lori tried to punch him. "Hey!"

That dinner ended with Lynn Sr and Jr having to separate both the eldest brother and sister of the house.

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