nothing fucking good.

By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

35.2K 1.4K 1.1K

Bakugou has to deal with COVID and mental issues in one way or another. Let's just say nothing good comes out... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
authors notes (ily all)

chapter 31

696 32 32
By B4kug0usnumber1s1mp

(Authors note: hey guys, im backkkk. we're at the end of the story, please don't judge me for my mistakes and for deleting my original plan for the ending, and just enjoy the fluff compared to the angst i was gonna give you all.)

Waking up every day, dreading the day ahead was hard, and that didn't change.

It was the day that Ochako wanted to put her plan into use, and his extra fucking hero training with Aizawa... not to mention he planned to come clean to his classmates to make sure they don't snitch on him the following Monday.

It was going to be a shitty, long day.


Feet stomping with grouchy-ness, he marched his way into the kitchen, getting an eyeful of Ochako making breakfast for the two.

"Hi Bakugou-kun, you'll need some fuel for today!! Go sit down whilst I make it, Hehe."

"Gosh I really will, won't I?" He grumbled sarcastically, not being happy with the situation. He just wanted to be lazy in his bed the whole weekend, starving his body. As per usual. But due to unfortunate circumstances, he had to change his ways.

He sat at a table, resting his head on his hand, depressed about the whole situation, not to mention angry.

Ochako swung around, cheerful, and slapped two plates of boiled eggs and bread in front of herself and Katsuki.

"C'mon, let's dig in!!"


Katsuki shoved around his food on the plate, squishing his eggs into a mash that could go on his toast.

Now he was just staring at his mashed boiled eggs on toast, and questioning his life decisions.

Looking up from her half-finished plate, Ochako frowned at Katsuki's display of unwilling-ness to eat the food.

"Go on Bakugou, the breakfast won't eat itself!"

He stared her down, angry at her, yet mostly himself.

It seemed her encouragement didn't get across to Bakugou.

"Please, Bakugou. If not for you, for me? Or literally any other person that cares about you."

With his eyebrows slanting more per second, he picked up the bread and shoved it in his mouth. Chewing and ripping it like a savage, just trying to get it over with.

Yet he was also so desperate to eat SOMETHING, that just that little food, gave him the impulse to eat more. Then maybe a little more after.

He knew those impulses always led to binging though, so he stuck to just that piece of bread.

Midoriya, Kirishima and a few other walked in, and gawked awkwardly at the sight of Bakugou's animalistic eating.

"Thats the spirit Bakugou!!" Uraraka exclaimed.

It seemed that Uraraka being next to him was even more of a sight to see.

They barely really talk outside of training stuff and homework, and now they were all buddy-buddy.

It was kinda obvious to a few people that it was Ochako who had gotten Katsuki to eat, a few other dense people (like Kirishima, who wasn't so great at putting pieces together) just thought it coincidence that they were sitting together, whilst Katsuki was eating.

The group of people walked over to the table and sat down, starting small talk.

"So Katsuki," Hagakure started, "You ready for extra training today?"

"God no." Katsuki said, voice muffled with eggs and toast.

Kirishima gave a little inward cry of happiness at the fact that Bakugou wasn't ignoring him (plus everyone else).

"That doesn't sound like you kacchan... Any reason you aren't looking forward to it?"

"Listen I don't want to beat around the bush anymore Deku..."

Ochako's mouth opened, he was gonna do it so soon?!?!?

"I know that you all know what's been going on with me the past few months."

Deafening silence washed over class 1-a.

"I just wanna say I've stopped doing it... I'm eating again. Pink cheeks here is helping out... So can you guys please not tell Aizawa!!!"

The crowd was shocked into silence. Tears being brought in a few people's eyes.

Out of any of the people that could've spoke first after that, Momo started.

"Bakugou-kun. What you're doing is very admirable. I promise to support you in your journey, and I believe in second chances, so I won't tell any adult figures as long as you're gaining weight at an appropriate rate."

"WHAT?!" Yelled Iida. "But we have to tell an adult, it's the responsible thing to do! We're only high school students, we can't cure eating disorders!"

Katsuki winced, yet didn't speak, too scared to open his big mouth.

"Hey hold on!" Mina exclaimed. "If Bakugou is getting better, and we can look after him, then I see no issue in it. You know not everyone is ready to bring personal issues to a teacher? But, if you don't get better Katsuki, we'll have to take it to mr. Aizawa."

His head hung in shame. This conversation was getting more and more uncomfortable for him per minute. Although he was grateful that it seemed he wasn't going to get ratted out, all these expectations of him having to gain weight, and be watched by classmates during recovery, was scary, to say the least.


Getting ready for his extra training was the definition of the shortest minutes of his life, juxta-positioned by the longest hour of his life.

He chose baggy joggers with an even baggier t-shirt.

Whilst he changed, he thought about the other aspects of his situation, like his marked-up legs and hips.

Not to mention his constant night terrors that had become so frequent and normalised since Kamino, that he didn't even bother to be disturbed by them anymore.

Hopefully that wouldn't be exposed as well...

Marching up to the training outside area, Koda, Katsuki, Mina and Hagakure each had looks of unhappiness written in bold along their faces.

"Hello, problem children, are you prepared for today's lesson?" Aizawa welcomed the small group.

Indecipherable mumbling was heard in response.

"Okay! Today we're focussing on endurance again! But not just that, also quirk endurance!"

"Damn..." Mina complained.

It seemed that Aizawa was getting a kick out of torturing his students with insufferable training.

"Ok, we better get to it!" The crusty eyed teacher called out, "We have got a time limit after all.

They started off with a good 25 minutes of jogging, which would fluctuate into sprinting every now again, (Aizawa's doing) then after, Aizawa had his plan for quirk training.

During the 25 minutes of running without a break, Katsuki got tired extremely fast, and found his throat to have already dried up with in around 5 minutes.

His knees felt that familiar wobbling sensation, even with the breakfast he had that morning. That just convinced Katsuki that getting 'better', wasn't all that worth it.

He survived thankfully, and when they were called back to the place Aizawa had watched them, he prepared for another big round of training.

Each student was told what things to do during the last 30 minutes or so.

Koda was to stand in the middle of the field and use all the power he had in his voice to call as many animals and order the most complex tasks for them to do.

It was to help him with his fear of talking, by making him shout, and making him have to talk more to explain the hard tasks he would send the animals off for.

Mina had to create different substances for different perfect situations. Like an acid that is slippery, but not an irritant, or corrosive to anything. Or perhaps try and produce an acid strong enough to melt through the soil and grass of the ground.

Invisible girl had to undress and practice being quiet, and she was granted permission to try and catch any of the other students off guard (+ Aizawa).

Katsuki had to go somewhere to practice a new technique Aizawa wanted to see him do (somewhere far from the noise sensitive Koda).

It wouldn't be so much exhausting as it would annoying.

Aizawa's plan was for Katsuki to be able to shoot little focused explosions. Kind of like a bullet or an arrow.

The tired teacher had even gone to such lengths as to set up targets.

It was going to be hard, and very challenging for the poor boy, but he was up for it. It would be useful during combat too!!

Each kid, in their own area, (apart from invisible girl, too busy scaring the shit out of Ashido) worked hard during the limited time that they had, and tried to enhance their skills as much as possible.

Bakugou was struggling a lot though.

He couldn't seem to create small focused explosions, and even when he did, they flew into wayward places, kind of like fireworks.

That reminded him of his Genshin main!! Yoimiya! His favourite Inazuma Character so far.

What was he doing?! Thinking about some video game, when he was supposed to be training for his future.

Ugh, he had to get back to reality instead of all the time he spent stuck in his head.



"Hahahah, sorry Bakugou, couldn't help myself!" Invisible girl cried out, voice cracking with laughter.

"What the fuck? I didn't actually expect you to go around creeping on people!" Katsuki complained, growing grumpy.

"C'mon Bakugou, lighten up a little!"

Just as he was about to respond, a massive chest pain came onto him.

Hes had this kind of thing before, it usually lasted for about 2 minutes, very painful and very random.

You could never predict these shits. He had done his reasearch, and found it was a side affect of some eating disorders.

"Bakugou!" Someone screamed in the back of his head. He know who and he didnt care who, he was too preoccupied with the unbearable pain of his chest cramp.

He kneeled onto the ground, grasped at his shirt collar and groaned and hissed and held his breath slightly, doing whatever to make the pain more bearable.

When it was finally over, he realised what a fucking shit show he had put on for everyone around him.

Before he could even say anything. he was pulled up by an angry Aizawa.

"Sir, where are we going!" Bakugou yelled, being dragged away by Aizawa sensei.

"Whether it takes you a minute or a year, im going to find out what on earth is up with you." Aizawa basically growled, finally tired of Katsuki's shit.

"Fuck.." Katsuki mumbled.


"Uhm, what the actual fuck was that?" Mina gawked.

"I have no clue," Hagakure admitted, "But does this mean the training session is over now ahah"

Koda giggled at Hagakures attempt at lightening up the situation, even though they all knew if they left, Aizawa would have their heads on a stick.


Katsuki was relocated to the teachers office, and Aizawa pulled out a chair for him to sit in.

He tentatively took the seat facing Aizawa's desk and waited for Aizawa sensei himself to get situated too.

"All right, im ready to hear whatever your ready to say." Aizawa groaned, a bad feeling in his gut.

"Sir, i don't think you realise, I'm completely fine, it was just a little chest cramp."

" Oh yeah, you're fine? Really? You expect me to believe that?

 What about your grades dropping, your physical performance is dropping too, your god damn presence in a room now is basically none existent recently, not to mention your body weight has dropped so significantly it would be hard for the thickest person in the world to miss it. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD YOU FAINTED IN HERO PRACTICE ONCE!

So whether you're gonna tell me now, or in a weeks time, you ARE going to tell me what is wrong, because as your teacher and guardian at the school, I've got to make sure you are safe in my care."

Katsuki used the silence to think over all of his options.

Option number one, he could lie, but that wouldn't get him very far, Aizawa would sniff out the lies immediately,

Option number two he tell the truth, and his whole life is basically ruined.

Well, before he made that judgement, he should probably weight out the pros and cons first.

His friends already know so that wouldn't be too much of a surprise, but his parents...

My days, would the news break his parents hearts.

He already knew his mum had lost a co worker to bulimia in her job as a model.

Models were all very familiar with normalising unhealthy eating habits, but his mother was an avid believer against that.

When his mother got the call her heart would just shatter.

But maybe it would be for the best for her to find out? Maybe it would be a blessing in disguise, to have his mother know without him having to say, then her and his dad could help him out.

God knows he's been meaning to get this weight off his chest for ages.

It's not easy struggling with no one to tell, and no one to lift you through your pain.

But even considering all that, he would despise any kind of therapy or mental hospital.

He hates even the thought of them.

Especially when you look at them through this lens.

Your pain, is their gain, your success is their failure.

He would never be ok with paying someone because he's a bit down in the dumps or because wants to whinge.

"Bakugou, snap out of it. Are you gonna say something or what?"

Katsuki sighed, and quickly decided to go for it.

"Aizawa sensei, i think.... i think I've got bad eating habits.

I'm trying to put it lightly, but i think it might be really bad. 

i mean i barely eat at this point, and i usually just drink the lowest calorie drinks out there. I never meant for any of this to go so far, but sometimes what you just saw, happens as a result, and sometimes i cant focus in lessons or in tests, and on bad days it feels like i can barely walk.

i never wanted to admit it, but i think i need help, sir, but i have two requests, i dont want any therapist or any mental assylums shits, or whatever the fuck, and please, for the love of god, let my mum down gently."

He sat back, clenched his eyes and held his breath, waiting for something. He didn't know what, but not for anything fucking good. (Pls notice it's a pun to do with the name of this fanfic 😭)

Aizawa let out a long breathy sigh, and started to rub his temple.

Then he abruptly stood up. Katsuki went to follow suit, but Aizawa pushed him back onto the chair.

"I will make sure you are ok, and i will ring your parents, but first we've got something things to take care of."

He fumbled around with his phone before calling recovery girl to send a wheelchair up for Bakugou.

"A wheelchair?! Really?!" Bakugou exclaimed in shock.

"Well, Bakugou, it's our job as the school to make sure you don't faint again and get a concussion. You're going to be very familiar with the hospital in this school, soon enough." The bittersweet joke tasted like lemons in Aizawas mouth, how could he let his student get to this stage? He was supposed to be a good teacher for crying out loud!

Bakugou slumped in his seat and accepted defeat.

When the wheelchair arrived, he was helped into it like a weekling, but the scary thing was, that the pressure off his stick thin ankles felt like heaven, and his mind fogged up, a common occurance with what his diet consisted of. (Barely anything)

And fuck, that feeling scared him even more. Just how far had he taken this thing...

He arrived to the hospital wing and was surrounded by nurses told of his predicament.

They hurried in undressing him and putting him in an official hospital gown, the nurses saw the old and new scars running in all which ways on his legs, and one that had been jotting down notes since Aizawa's call, made sure to note that down too.

They took a decent amount of his blood for running tests on, they weighed him on a scale and measured him, and finally, they inserted an IV into his arm.

The sight of himself in the mirror scared him, when he looked at himself, like REALLY looked, he could see the sick deathly boy everyone else could see, and he almost cried out of pity.

He wasn't sure if it was for himself, or those surrounding him, but out of self respect, he held back the tears.

How come, it was only now that he realized what he was doing.

He grabbed for his phone and flipped to a contact that he had messaged not long ago, telling her of his stupid extra practice.


He had been getting to know her since running into her at the supermarket, and she was really a lovely girl and a good friend.

But he had kept so much from her.

She didn't judge him for his past actions, only respected him for his current actions, and he respected her back for exactly that.

So he decided to do the brave thing, and tell her of his predicament. She was the only one he felt like he could talk to without judgement when he got to his lowest and had blocked out all his friends, so now that he accepted them back into his life, he shouldn't push her out of it.

So there, the message was sent, with a sorry looking selfie of himself.

But the only think different about his appearance now, was the fact he could see how his eyes were hollowed out, and how his cheekbones were prominent and spiky. He could see every fine line of bone down his neck and his collar bones protruded like daggers.

This was the first time in ages he had looked at himself, and saw him how everyone else saw him.



As soon as masaru and mitski received the call from their baby's school informing them of his situation, they immediately ditched whatever had previously occupied them, and rushed as fast as they could to the thirty minute away school.

Because of Mitskis pitiful state of uncontrollable sobbing, Masaru had reserved himself the driving seat and sped away, all the whilst trying to hold back his own tears, and comfort his wife.

"Honey, please don't cry, he's going to be ok now... Our baby is going to be ok."

Even Masaru couldn't help but let a few tears slip.

"My baby.... Why?! Why... My baby...!" Mistki tried to form words between snotty crying and repetitive hyperventilating.

As soon as they situated themselves, parked outside the school, they practically tried to force their way through security and their insistent checking.

When they finally made it through, Mr Aizawa greeted them inside and took them to talk to their son.

Mitski slammed the door open like a madwoman and practically screeched, "Where is my son?!"

A young nurse rushed over and scolded the frantic couple, "no screaming in the hospital wing! I'll have to show you two out for a minute until you regain composure."

Bakugou flushed at the second hand embarrassment as Aizawas walked up to him with the paper of Bakugou's information in his hands, looking just as tired and concerned as ever.

"Your parents are calming down right now, but until then, I'm going to need to talk to you about some arrangements that need to be made." Aizawas spoke as cold and no non sense as always, and the fact Aizawa wasn't treading on egg shells around him, brought some comfort.

Key work "some", although even then, it didn't last too long.


"Baby, we're allowed back in now." His mother whispered, dried up gross looking tears streaking against her contrasting beautiful complexion.

"Hi, mum... Dad..." Katsuki whispered right back, he was ashamed to even be speaking to his parents right then.

"Son, why? I... I mean... Just... Just why son? Why didn't you say something?" Masaru started.

"Why did you do it in the first place at all?!" Mitski started to lose her composure again, shaking, with new tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt you, and please, please just know none of this is any of your faults!" Katsuki insisted, already feeling the blame his parents were taking.

"How could you say that and mean it? My son, we're your parents for goodness sake, spotting these things and stopping it, is our job, and we failed." Masaru was now starting to also lose his composure.

"No, it was me that kept it hidden, so... So don't put any blame on yourselves!! I promise to get better, and to stop this madness, I want to! For you guys..." Katsuki started to yell back, frustration and sadness creeping up on him, a few angry tears falling and soaking his face and covers.

Soon enough, everyone was crying, and katsuki tried to get up to hug his parents, but his pure physical and mental exhaustion made his legs tremble with his attempt.

The sight pulled more tears from his parents and they ran over to him, hugging him, despite his stabbing bones, and his icy coldness.

They didn't care, all they cared about was having they're baby safe and sound in their arms.


"So, Mrs and Mr Bakugou, now that we have come to the knowledge of Katsukis eating disorder and self harm, we are legally obligated to put something in place. I was talking to Bakugou about it before, and he is very strongly against any therapist or mental institution. So, I have a few propositions." Mr Aizawas calmly explained.

"Yes sir, what ever you think is best, anything for our son to get better." Masaru begged, whilst mitsuki absorbed the information, still in pain about what her baby boy was doing to himself.

"Well, he agreed to talk to a trusted adult about these topics at least one hour a week. However for this to fit in with the law as well, it has to be someone that has qualifications to deal with youth's mental health, and every single member of staff in UA has those qualifications, so we could arrange something here, without him feeling the way he feels about therapists, towards us."

Mitski, finally speaking up, said, " I don't care who, as long as my baby is ok with it, I'm completely fine with ditching a therapist, also, there was no way in hell I would be sending my baby to a mental institution! Excuse my language, but my point stands."

Aizawa nodded in understanding. "Now, is there anything else you wish to arrange or ask??"

Masaru and Mitski looked between each other and stayed silent until Mitski spoke up.

"As soon as Katsuki is well enough to be out of the hospital wing you guys have, I want him home after school hours and after his hour of talking to you teachers. I don't care if the dorms keep villains from finding our home, I want my baby back in my house where I can do what I failed to do before."

Aizawa let a smile smile creep up, at the sight of such good parents, "I'll see what I can do, but I wouldn't worry, I'm sure it can be easily arranged."


Masaru and Mitski had make themselves comfortable in the hospital whilst there was still an hour of visit time left, until a dishevelled looking Aizawa came in and asked if they were willing to let his classmates visit him.

Both not seeing an issue with it, stepped outside for a moment, letting his classmates go wild.

"I hope they don't break him in there." Chuckled Masaru.

Mitski gave a bitter sweet giggle, feeling angsty and overprotective of her son in the moment.


"KACHANNNNN!" Izuku yelled, throwing his heavy and rough arms over Bakugou's delicate and small frame, he quickly retreated and regretted jumping on Kacchan too quickly.


A bunch of relived voices cried out and his class proceeded to crowd him with words of worry, and thoughtfulness.

Not too long ago, he would've pushed them away for doing exactly what they were doing now, but he genuinely thinks that he has recognized his worth now.

And he is completely worthy of love and care, so he will take this in stride and push back his thoughts of rejection.

There was a certain redhead looking over him with a bit of extra love and care though, and soon enough he stepped forwards.

"I'm sorry I didn't help sooner," kirishima started, holding Katsukis hands with a loving gentleness no one could compare too, "but now that I everyone knows, I won't shy away from my feelings. And I don't care if you don't want my help, my feelings are that, I DO want to help, so no matter if you reject my assistance or not, I'll always be here for you, and you will get through this bump in the road."

The class went silent and listened to the speech, some kiribaku shippers squealing and jumping.

The manly red head ended his speech with a tender kiss to the forehead, and moved his way slowly to next to Katsuki's ear, and whispered, "I like you, katsuki, and I'm not willing to give up on you any time soon."

A deep cherry red sprung all over Katsuki's face and everyone else whistled and clapped at the live in front of their eyes.

You know what? He could do this, no matter how hard the journey would be, it was all gonna be worth it in the long run, because now he had a real motivation to get better.

All of his loved ones surrounding him, and for that, he was enternally grateful.

(Goodbye lovelies, and enjoy ❤️)

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