When Fates Collide | ATEEZ

By Treasure_Hunter_xx

13K 1.1K 680

SPIN-OFF/SEQUEL FROM 'A PIRATE'S TALE' I've hid from the world, all of my life. My existence is merely a leg... More

𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖜𝖔
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕿𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕱𝖎𝖛𝖊
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖎𝖝
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕾𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕰𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙
𝕿𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝕹𝖎𝖓𝖊

𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖞 𝕺𝖓𝖊

390 39 33
By Treasure_Hunter_xx

Three Years Later

Three years had passed since Seonghwa vowed his allegiance to the Nation as their new King.

The eight districts had seen drastic changes, with the Imperial Guard's new military strategy pulling thousands of people out from poverty. The program provided them with food and shelter as well as new skills in combat and farming, bringing the previous business-minded generations back down to their basic needs with a sustained emphasis on community. The new Imperial Cabinet oversaw the entire process, with the young King heading the operation alongside General Kim, Lieutenant Song and newly appointed Lord Jeong and Captain Choi.

The dynamic relationship between the young officials earned various reactions from the people. Most of the older generations were skeptical, with them not finding their security in the young leaders as they quickly began changing things within the Nation. The younger generations and those greatly affected by the poverty however, saw the changing of roles in the Imperial Cabinet as refreshing. To them it was a sign that their voices would finally be heard in a society where anyone from Districts 4 to 8 were previously over-looked.  

Once the program was underway, the older generations began to see the hope that the new King was providing for his people. Everyone saw how much more involved Seonghwa was with the condition of the Nation which all in all shifted their hearts to sincerely respect and admire their King.

The one thing that still remained a mystery throughout the Districts though was that of the identity of Choi Arae. She worked closely with General Kim and Lieutenant Song and became well-known as an instructor of the Imperial Guard. Other than that, only rumours were left as to who she really was and where she came from. Some thought she was a visiting Commander from another Kingdom, others assumed she was in a relationship with either the General or the Lieutenant, but the most popular rumour seemed to be that she was the King's mistress.

"Mistress? Captain Choi's King Seonghwa's mistress?"

"Shhh! Not so loud you idiot!"

"Yah! You didn't have to hit me!"

"You deserved it!"


The two soldiers turned around slowly, their gazes meeting the girl they were just talking about with her arms crossed and an unimpressed expression on her face.

Their eyes widened before immediately bowing to her, "We're so sorry Captain Choi!" They apologised in synch, making Arae shake her head at them.

She sighed looking at their name tags, "Seo Changbin, Han Jisung. If you have time to sit around and spout nonsense like that, then I guess Lieutenant Song isn't pushing you hard enough?"

"N-no ma'am! Lieutenant Song has given us lots of work to do! We were just taking a break because we were too tired." Changbin responded with his head still bowed to her.

"I don't mind if you take a break. But you both need to remember that you're the ones who signed up to be Guards for District 8. If you are not ready for this type of responsibility then I'd advise you to go back to training with everyone else. Your role is to protect the people in these camps, you cannot overlook any one of them." She lectured as she shifted her weight from one leg to the other.

The two soldiers bowed again while apologising again before proclaiming that they would work harder to not let her down. She cracked a smile before nodding to them and turned to leave.

"Do you actually think she's his mistress?" Jisung whispered to his comrade, making Changbin look at him with disbelief.

"Get to work." Arae instructed firmly, staring straight at them as they flinched and scurried back to their posts.

"Ughh", Arae sighed as she sat down and brought her palms up to her forehead. Her thoughts wandered back to the rumour as she ran her fingers through her hair, Mistress huh?


She looked up and saw Mingi standing above her, two cans of grape cider in his hands as he sat down across from her on one of the foldable chairs.

"Hey Mingi.." She greeted the Lieutenant as he passed her a can.

"What's up with you?" He questioned as he opened the can's lid, the 'pop' sound echoing louder than usual.

She tilted her head and looked at him with her lips pursed, "Apparently I'm his mistress."

Mingi let out a sharp, loud laugh as soon as he heard the word, making Arae slap his knee hard with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Yah! That hurt!" He exclaimed as he rubbed the spot that Arae injured.

"Serves you right for laughing." She retorted before taking a sip of her drink.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Alright, alright, I'm sorry. But you've got to admit that they have to feed their curiosity somehow." He pointed his finger at her, "Why don't you just tell everyone about your relationship? It's been three years, I'm pretty sure everyone's gotten over Eunbyul."

She shrugged, "It's not my call. Besides, Seonghwa and I agreed that we wouldn't make everything about us until the Nation was in a better place."

"Arae, the districts are thriving! The only reason why rumours like that are spreading is because people are bored." He held his index finger up beside his face, "And when people are bored it means that they're stable enough to have time on their hands." He took another large gulp of his cider, "If you ask me, they're just waiting for news of King Seonghwa's engagement."

"I don't know Mingi.."

The Lieutenant sighed before putting his can down on the ground and leaned closer to Arae. He put his hands on her shoulders and looked seriously into her eyes.

"Choi Arae. Do you want to marry Seonghwa?"

Her eyes widened at the sudden question, causing her to slowly nod her head as she shifted her gaze away from Mingi.

"Do you love him?"

Her eyes flicked back to his, "Of course I do." She said immediately with a smile.

He let go of her shoulders and clapped his hands together, a smile revisiting his lips, "Then there you go! If a man and a woman love each other and want to marry each other, then why should you care about what anyone else says?"

Arae's eyes widened as the Lieutenant's logic registered in her brain. She let out a small scoff as a smile made its way to her lips.

"You know, I think you're more suited to be the Aris than I am." She joked as she looked at Mingi with a gratefulness in her eyes.

The Lieutenant returned her smile with a proud grin of his own, "That's what best friends are for!" He cheered before winking at her.

"Yunho's my best friend, Lieutenant." Arae responded teasingly, making Mingi scoff in offence as he put his hand to his heart and dramatically fell off of his chair.

"Ack! Help! I've been wounded! Choi Arae's hit me with the non-best-friend-attack!"

She shook her head at the man before genuinely laughing at his behaviour, "You're seriously weird sometimes Mingi." She commented in between her laughs as she extended her hand to help him up.

The Lieutenant took her hand and pulled himself up from the ground, "Yeah, but it got you laughing didn't it?" He questioned with a bright smile.

Arae nodded at him, understanding his angle and gave him a small side hug, "Don't tell Yunho, but you're close to overtaking his best-friend position."

Mingi's eyes lit up, "REALLY?!!" He fist-pumped into the air, "YES!"

Arae burst out laughing again as she shook her head at him, "Yah! I said 'close to', don't get ahead of yourself!"

"Pshh, 'close to', practically is 'is'." He stated as he crossed his arms.

"Looks like you two are having fun." Hongjoong said suddenly, scaring the wits out of both of them as they turned around to see the General standing behind them.

"Gosh, Hyung! Why'd you sneak up on us?!" Mingi exclaimed as he put his hand on his heart once again.

"I didn't sneak up on you, you just weren't paying attention to your surroundings." Hongjoong replied matter-of-factly. 

"Blunt as always General." Arae commented with a chuckle.

"Good to see you too Arae." Hongjoong laughed as he nodded to the girl.

"How's everything going with District 6?" She asked, remembering that the General had been over there for the past few days.

He nodded at her, "It's been alright, nothing too dramatic. The new recruits are settling in well and we've got a few more permanent Commanders over there now." He ran a hand through his hair and chuckled, "But enough about business, rumour has it that you're His Majesty's mistress?"

Arae rolled her eyes before pinching the bridge of her nose as she let out a loud sigh, "Don't tell me that people in District 6 are talking about that too?"

Hongjoong laughed, letting his eyes scrunch up as he nodded, "Yep. I hate to break it to you Arae, but I think you're stirring up a scandal in the Nation."

Arae scoffed, crossing her arms, "Just when have I not stirred up a scandal here?" She murmured, but Hongjoong and Mingi heard her, exchanging small smirks to each other before looking back at Arae.

"You should head home for the day," Mingi said as he slung his arm around her shoulders, "I think you need a nice hot bath to relax those tense shoulders of yours." He rubbed her tight shoulders, earning a flinch from the girl as she felt just how knotted her muscles really were.

She sighed, nodding in defeat as she waved the Lieutenant's hands off of her, "Yeah maybe you're right." She looked back to the General, "Is it alright if I head back for the day Hongjoong?"

He smiled at her before nodding, "Go for it."

With that, Arae bowed to both of them before making her way to the locker room. She grabbed her duffel-bag out from the metal cabinet, slung it over her shoulder and headed to the exit, nodding to the guard on duty before widening her eyes as she spotted a familiar face across the street.

"Jeong Yunho!" She called to her friend, waving her hand as he looked up from his motorcycle, his lips breaking into a smile as soon as he locked eyes with her.

"Hey Arae!" He cheered as she ran over to him.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, a look of curiosity taking over her eyes as she inspected his casual outfit.

His cheeks flushed slightly as he rubbed the back of his head, "Umm I was actually out on a date..."

"What?! Seriously?" Arae exclaimed a little too loudly, making Yunho punch her in the arm, "Yah! Not so loud!"

"Hahah okay okay," She laughed as she rubbed her arm.

"Who was she?? Do I know her? Where did you guys go? Did you give her a ride on your bike? I bet she would've fallen hard for you if she saw you on the bike—"

"Hey hey, enough enough!" Yunho interrupted, the blush on his cheeks getting more noticeable by the second. Arae crossed her arms as a smirk draped itself on her lips, feeling proud that she was able to make her friend this flustered.

She patted his arm, letting her eyes drift to his chest briefly before looking back up to him, "I bet you and Chae Iseul had a really good time together."

"Yeah..Yeah we did! We— Wait." His eyes snapped to hers, "How did you know about Iseul? I didn't tell you her name. Unless..." His eyes widened as he realised the possibility of how Arae knew who is date was.

"Is she...?"

Arae smiled up at him, giving him a cheeky smirk before lightly punching his chest.

"Hey do you think you could give me a ride back to the Palace?" She asked, changing the subject as he stood there with a million questions running through his mind.

"Huh? Uh—Yeah sure." He shook his head before opening up his bike's compartment and tossed her the spare helmet.

"You ready?" Yunho asked as they had both gotten on the bike. Arae showed him a thumbs up before he started the ignition and kicked the stand off of the ground, sending them zooming through the District.

As Arae gripped Yunho's shoulders and felt the wind whip against her clothes, she closed her eyes. Darkness flooded her senses, for a moment black was all she could see. Then all of a sudden, there he was. Breaking out from the shadows, fading the darkness into a bright light was the man she loved. And as she saw him smiling at her, she smiled too.


I sure have been called a lot of things. Haven't I?

She opened her eyes.

But when I'm with him, I'm just Arae.

And that's all that matters.

As the gates opened for Yunho's motorcycle, Arae saluted to Jeno in the guardhouse, making the guard laugh as he waved to her.

After another couple of hundred metres, Yunho came to a stop at the Palace entrance. Arae got off the backseat, took off her helmet and handed it back to her friend. She waved goodbye to him but he stopped her before she turned around.

"Wait, Arae! Is Iseul really my soulmate?"

Her eyes widened slightly but she quickly regained her composure before letting out a small chuckle.

"Do you really want me to say it?"

He nodded eagerly, "Mhmm."

"Then yes. Yunho, Chae Iseul is your soulmate." She let out, earning a sigh of relief from her friend before his expression quickly turned to a panic.

"What do I do now?"

She shrugged, "Nothing." He looked at her in disbelief.

"I'm serious." She said. "Your attitude shouldn't change just because you know that she's your soulmate. Just be your usual dorky, loveable self and things will play out exactly the way they're meant to." Arae explained with a sincere smile on her face as she watched Yunho's expression relax.

"Well, I'll see you later Yunho! I've got a date of my own." She said with a laugh as Yunho's eyes widened.

"Has His Majesty proposed to you yet?"

She chuckled, "Nah, but we're not in any rush. As long as we've got each other we're good."

Yunho's face scrunched up, "When did you get so sappy?"

Arae scoffed as she crossed her arms, "Just for that, I'm not helping you with Iseul."

"Yah! That's not fair! You can literally see Seonghwa-hyung's emotions!" He retorted, a pout becoming visible on his lips.

She playfully rolled her eyes as a big smile curved up on her lips. She ran back over to him and gave him a hug, surprising him at first before he returned it with a chuckle.

"Okay, okay, I get you. Now go on and spend time with your boyfriend." Yunho said as he ruffled Arae's hair.

She laughed as she ran her hand through her hair before waving to him as he sped off, leaving her alone to her thoughts as she walked into the Palace.

The staff members bowed to her as she passed them, earning greetings from her until she came face to face with her brother and Advisor Kang.

"You're back already Arae?" San questioned.

"Mhmm, I got an early leave." She replied with a shrug.

"His Majesty's in his office. Would you like me to take your bag to your room first?" Yeosang offered, making Arae blink at his formality.

"Yeosang, you don't have to do that. I'll just bring my bag to my room later!" She replied with a cheer, observing the unsettled glow coming from the Advisor's heart.

The two men exchanged looks before Yeosang nodded to Arae.

"Alright. Then, we won't keep you any longer." He said with a small smile before bowing to her.

She let out a small chuckle before bowing to them, making her way through the Palace until she reached Seonghwa's office.

She knocked on the door and almost immediately, Seonghwa's muffled, "Come in!" bade her permission to enter the room.

Arae opened the door, peeping her head in first as she caught sight of Seonghwa standing in front of a mirror. As his eyes locked with hers in the reflection, he immediately broke into a wide smile.

"Why hello there," He said as he turned around to face her. She closed the door behind her and ran into his arms, giving him a warm embrace as he melted into her touch.

"Hey Seonghwa," She greeted as he kissed the top of her head.

"What's this for, all of a sudden?" He asked softly, tightening his grip around her waist.

"I just missed you." She replied simply, making him look down at her with his large eyes as she smiled up at him.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, a genuine concern laced in his eyes. She nodded softly before leaning her head back onto his chest, letting the beating of his heart echo in her ears as she closed her eyes.

Truth be told, Seonghwa knew all about the rumours circulating about the two of them. He knew that people were saying all kinds of things about Arae, but if she didn't say anything about it, he knew not to press her. He didn't need to be the Aris to know that what she needed right now was just someone to hold her in a long, warm hug. And that he could do.

"You know I really love you, don't you Hwa?"

He looked back down at her before nodding, "Of course. You know I really love you too, right?" He asked her back, earning a small chuckle from Arae.

"Yeah, I do."

A smile curved up on his lips as he took her hands and separated their hug.

"Good." Seonghwa held her hands tightly as he led her towards the mirror he was previously looking at.

"There's something I want to show you."

Arae raised her brows in curiosity as he took her right hand and placed it on the mirror's surface. As he put his palm over Arae's hand, she looked up at him with confusion, "Hwa what're you—" She stopped herself as she noticed the light glowing from underneath their hands. As she shielded her eyes from the bright flash, she felt Seonghwa intertwine his fingers with hers.

Once the light had died down, Arae opened her eyes and widened them immediately as she saw the sight before her.

They were on a beach. And not just any ordinary beach.

It was Mysnor.

She took a deep breath as the ocean shone before her, a galaxy of crystals dancing on the rolling waves. A laugh escaped her lips as she shifted her gaze to Seonghwa, who had a rather proud look on his face.

"How did you—?"

He squelched his toes in the sand, letting a smug look take over his eyes, "You're not the only one who knows how to use magic."

Arae scoffed as Seonghwa waved his hands in front of her face, his silly tease making her lightly punch him in the shoulder.

"Very funny, Your Majesty." She smiled, "But seriously, how is this even possible? I didn't think we could come back here after we defeated Thanatos."

Seonghwa shrugged, "Let's just say that I pulled some strings with people who know how this kind of thing works to surprise you."

Arae's eyes widened as she felt her heart swell with gratitude. "Seonghwa this is incredible. It really is." She said as she looked back out at the ocean before them.



As she turned her head back to him, her heart nearly stopped as she saw the position he was in. Down on one knee, Seonghwa held her hand with such gentleness that she could genuinely feel the emotions pouring out from his gaze on her.

He let out a small chuckle, "I know it's been a while since we've met and we've had our fair share of ups and down together, but I know for a fact that it was here in Mysnor that I first fell in love with you Arae. I believe it was in a position similar to this when you changed me into a person who was ready to take ownership and responsibility for their actions. That day you woke me up from this fantasy I lived in, and showed me just how brutal, harsh and unpredictable reality really is. And over the years, just like you taught me that day, everyday I become more and more certain that despite life's brutality and unpredictability, if I have you with me, then every moment of reality is actually pretty amazing."

Arae could feel her tears well up as his words fell on her, a big smile gracing her lips as she gripped his hand tighter.

"So I guess what I'm trying to say is...Though long overdue, Choi Arae, will you continue to make my reality a dream come true and, marry me?"

As the words registered in her mind, all she could do was nod her head over and over again. "Yes! I will marry you Hwa!" She exclaimed, giving Seonghwa the cue to unveil the beautiful sapphire ring that had been hiding in his pocket and slip it onto her ring finger.

As he stood up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and closed the gap between their lips as they shared a sweet and passionate kiss. Seonghwa hugged her tightly as they broke the kiss and rested his forehead against hers, his breath slightly panting as he stared into her eyes with so much love and joy.

"I love you so much Arae."

"And I love you Hwa."

The End.

"So...Do you think he's proposed yet?" Mingi asked as he looked around at the other six men.

"I sure hope so. He was freaking out so much about it during breakfast and lunch." Wooyoung stayed with a light scoff.

Jongho eyed his brother, a smirk appearing on his lips as he nudged him, "You alright San-hyung?"

All of their attention shifted to the Secretary who was rhythmically bouncing his leg up and down as he chewed on his thumb.

"Mhmm I'm totally fine."

"He's so not fine!" Yunho teased, making the rest of them burst into laughter.

"Looks like the big brother finally has to let go of his little sister~" Wooyoung cooed as he patted the Secretary's shoulder. San scoffed at his statement, slapping his hand away as he stood up.

"I'm fine everyone!" He proclaimed rather loudly, making passing servants look at him funnily.

"Wait," Yeosang began, making everyone turn to him, "How are they going to get back?"

They all froze as they stared at him, the realisation dawning on them suddenly that their monarchs had just travelled thousands of years back in time.

Hongjoong sighed with a smile as he crossed his arms, "I guess we'll just have to let our counter parts figure that out."

Their faces relaxed as they nodded at the General's words.

"Yeah, I guess we will."

The End.

No, really.

I mean it this time.

This is the end.

Hello my lovely readers! I am back after a very long hiatus. I want to apologise for making you all wait so long just for the ending of this book, but I hope that you all enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

I have to say that it was definitely a roller coaster writing this book, I didn't expect it to take as long as it did to finish and I just want to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to read it and really engage with the story.

I am kind of sad to see this story at its end but I think it's had its fair share of love and attention.

For those of you who've come from reading 'A Pirate's Tale,' or those of you who just started reading this book because you somehow stumbled upon it, I hope that you had a fun time going on this journey with me and with all of the characters.

Thank you once again for all of the support and love and I will definitely miss you guys and all of your comments!

Well, I guess that brings this book to a close.

Signing off for the last time (for a while at least),

Your Treasure Hunter

Yeah... Bye Bye!! 🤪✌️

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