The twin siblings new life (f...

By Candylivid

12.7K 297 17

Hi,so I am really into this manhwa and I gave a thought that what if athy (From wmmap) was a child Raphael wa... More

The departure
The unannounced guest
The twins fully manifest!
Magic brought me a pet and pest or a friend?
The dress code tryout (torture)
The meeting with the ladiegt empire
The voice.....?
Gifts... for a royal are.....HEAPS AND MOUNTAINS!!! my escort
I NEED YOUR HELP TO DECIDE! please help! Sneak peek to
Short skit part one
Day of debutante
The Rival and Respect
'Befriending' Cossete and My Position
Charlotte Vandela
My first tea party
A family breakfast and- what?!
Shopping and truth....
Duties and problems
Masquerade gone wrong....
A chance
A chance part 2
Cossete know your place!

Trying to trust my so-called family.

1.1K 20 2
By Candylivid

Athanasia pov :                                                                                                                                                                  "The patrol is over" the emperor said.It had been 2months since they came here,I still am hesitant to ask for help from these guys.I trust arien and Arjen a little bit more.Father told me since I am a dragon I can change into my 14 year old  form for a little while.Currently they are chatting around in the play room.The emperor went out to make preparations for us to get back to the imperial palace.1/4 of the imperial staff already knows me they are the ones serving us here.Arien and Arjen are playing with the puzzle,I am in my 14 year old form talking to felix(my personal guard since my magical guardian is my dragon) and lily my nanny. The rest of the princes are just fooling around.

I am busy in my room since I don't want to interact with them.Lily tried to persuade me several times to go talk to them but I just don't want to.Just then I heard a large thud and bang I jumped. "WHO IS IT,FELIX!!". "Relax,it's just us."the voice belonged to Eiji,my third older brother.He mostly the one hovering around me trying to get my attention and affection.I looked at them disinterested. "What are you doing here and what caused you to enter the room so abruptly and interrupt my talking?"I asked them angrily. "Sorry, athanasia we wanted to get closer to you."loyd spoke sheepishly, he was the most tolerable one out of them.Just then, a maid entered the room and said, "Princess, his majesty agreed to your request to teach you magic." "WHAT!!" They all screamed. "I wanted to learn magic from his majesty." I simply said. "You could have asked me to teach you."Alex the second prince said to me. "I will change before I go,lily please prepare my dress." "Yes princess." Lily said as she went to find me the dress. " I will go get my parchments." " Ah, princess your books!" Felix ran to my bookshelf and got my magic books. "Princess I found your blue dress." "Coming,lily."

The dress she is currently wearing and holding the above parchments.below.

Third pov: 

As, the emperor and the princess were studying magic, through the creak of the door you could see, the rest of the royal family spying on them. "Why is she being so distant from us?" Eiji whined. "Brother it takes time for a person to open their hearts up to you."Arien answered. " we did the same too" Arjen said. " Trying surrounding your magic around it and then try to lift it."they heard the emperor say. " Father really knows how to monopolise our younger siblings..." loyd spoke. " I did it, your majesty!" athy exclaimed.

The book fell and athy started coughing. " Quickly turn back to your real age."the emperor advised her.She did do so and ordered the maid to pick up her stuff and called felix. " Princess, why did you call me?" Felix asked. " I wanted a piggyback ride from you" " First you must say goodbye to the emperor, princess." " Thank you for teaching me your majesty." She said as she curtsied 

"So freaking precious!" Eiji said with hearts in his eyes. His majesty was busy coughing ,from the cuteness as was the rest of the royal family. " let's go princess." " Yes felix.". " we still have a week before we get ready for travel." The emperor chimed in. " Yes, your majesty, I will keep that in mind." Felix and athy left the emperor's office after that. " You know Arjen I want to help her choose her dress on the day of departure as a 14 - year old and 5-year old." " Me too." " Let's go help her!" Eiji chimed in. " Yes, we should go together, as siblings" Alex spoke, " Take care, father." " Thank you loyd." 

" Should we pick up the guardians, they are busy having a chat." " Good idea, Arjen." They walked through the corridors to the guardians. " Hey listen up, we are going to visit athanasia, let's go."

" Athanasia, guess who's here ~" Eiji sang. " Hello athanasia."Alex greeted. "Hello, if you allow us, can we state our business? Please?"loyd asked. The guardians were shocked that the princess could be so stern and make the princess and prince so doctile. " What is your business?"she asked.

"We wanted to help you choose your outfit on the day we leave"Arien asked nervously. " Arien & and Arjen don't call me athanasia call me athy, only the two of you." "SO UNFAIR, SIS!" Eiji howled. " I wanted that, now quit bothering me, sure, you can help me, we were about to decide on that in about 20 mins after I had my refreshments." " Can we join you?"alex asked as he sat down and so did the other siblings. "I don't see why not."she said as lily brought in her refreshments. " Dig in." as she picked up her chocolate cake. " Thank you, sis!" The twins said. "No problem!"said, smiling at them.( ignore the dialogue, again credit to spoon and author of the twin siblings new life for the pictures)

"Princess, what's that bird cage?"Jason asked. " It's a gift from his majesty."she said admiring the bird.

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