Child Of Fire ➵ Stilinski {Bo...

taylahjasmyne द्वारा

326K 8.2K 3.1K

Clara Ridgeway is the girl who everyone thinks needs better friends. Everyone thinks she should be one of the... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 6

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taylahjasmyne द्वारा

I wake up in the middle of the woods.


Why am I naked?

Where is Stiles?

Where is Scott?

What the hell is going on?

I look around and notice a road.

I try to walk but fall over, due to my weak legs wobbling so much.

My eyes are all puffy.

My body aches.

What happened to me.

I feel around and realise I'm in the reserve.

Why aren't I at home?

I notice a familiar baby blue jeep drive towards me on the road and I scream-


Suddenly the jeep comes to a holt and Stiles falls out of the jeep, running towards me.

I lay on my front so he can't see my breast.

"Clara are you alright, what the heck did you turn into to! What that what you were meaning to tell me, and oh my god your naked!" Stiles says covering his eyes.

"Get me home so I can get dressed and ready for school, please Stiles, just give me your jacket so I can cover up" I beg and he nods, throwing me the jacket and I cover myself and we walk towards his jeep.

The drive back to mine is silent and he drops me off, and waits for me to get dressed. I walk inside and make a b line to my bedroom and slam the door. I grab whatever clothes are close to me. I grab some white washed denim ripped jeans, a shirt that says 'I woke up like this', grey toms and a jacket. I throw my hair into a messy bun and just fix my face so I don't look I was hit by a bus, which is what I felt like.


I walk back down stairs and back to Stiles and we drive to school.

"Scott is freaking out" Stiles says to me and I scoff.


"He will explain when we get to school" Stiles says and then parks the car next to Scott's riding bike. We start walking into school and after Scott explains his dream that he killed Allison on the school but, Stiles doesn't help by asking a dumb question "So you killed her?"

"I don't know I just woke up, I was sweating and I couldn't breathe, I've never had a dream like that before" Scott says and I close the school door behind us.

"Really I have, usually ends differently." Stiles says and I just look at him.

"A I've never had a dream feel so real and B never give me detail about you in bed again" Scott says pulling a face.

"He would have been dreaming about making love to Lydia" I say and Stiles chokes.

"Yeah whatever noted" Stiles says.

"Do you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow? Like I would lose control her rip her throat out?" Scott asks me and I just shrug.

"I'm not good with boy dreams Scott, let alone teenage werewolf dreams" I state and he just rolls his eyes.

"No of course not" Stiles says as we walk through the hallway.

"He means that could totally be the reason you had the dream" I say rolling my eyes.

"Hey, everything is going to be fine, personally I think you're handling this amazing you know, there likes not a lycanthropy beginners class you can take right?" Stiles says as the three of us walk down the hallway. That would be pretty cool I mean if you were a supernatural being and had a class to understand how to control it, better than math, well anything is better than math. Maybe I can read something on what I am and how to control it, also why the wolfsbane affected me when it should only work on werewolves.

"There isn't a class, but there is a teacher" Scott says.

"Pardon me?" I ask raising one of my eyebrows at him.

Eyebrow game is strong Scotty.

"Who Derek!" Stiles asks, fake fuming then smacks the back of Scott's head causing me to sign deeply.

"Do you not remember we got him thrown in jail" I state to Scott.

"I know, but dragging her down to the end of the bus, it felt so real" Scott says looking down, overthinking his dream.

"How real?" Stiles asks frowning.

"Like it actually happened" Scott says.

We all walk towards the back door and open it, but when we see what is in front of us we all stop, me behind Stiles and Scott and we are in complete shock. My jaw drops, and my body starts to tremble. A bloody school bus, ripped with claw marks and blood everywhere, making me want to gag.

"I-I think it d-did" I stutter out.


Oh my god

We start walking back into the hallway, I'm trying to call Allison but she isn't picking up while Scott tries to text her. I start to panic, Allison could be dead because my idiot newly bitten teen wolf friend might of ripped her apart on the school bus while losing control trying to make out with her. I start smacking my phone harder with my fingers, when the call doesn't go through I almost let out a small cry.

Allison pick up!

"Clara calm down, she is probably fine!" Stiles says grabbing my shoulder trying to calm down my breathing speed.

"She isn't answering any of my calls or texts Stiles!" I cry out quietly so no other students here anything.

"It could just be a conscience" Stiles says and Scott starts looking around at every student with Allison's colour hair.

"Just help me find her!" Scott says to us.

"If you killed her Scott I'm going to kill you" I say crying at him with anger.

Scott starts walking faster than myself and Stiles and disappears around one of the corners.

I start feeling like everything is slowing down, and my heart rate is going insane.

I think I'm having a panic attack

I start to run towards an empty hallway, Stiles hot on my trail and I fall against the door leading to the boys change room, not caring if someone was in there. I collapse to the fall, trying to control my breathing. I start to cry, my hands shaking I feel like I can't breathe.

"Clara, calm down, you need to hold your breath" Stiles says panicking that his best friend his panicking.

"S-Stiles" I squeal out and then he holds my mouth and my nose, making me hold in a breath, he holds it for like twenty seconds then lets go.

"You alright?" he asks worried, he strokes my cheek and I fall into his touch, my head landing in his lap and my body sprawled out on the floor trying to relax.

"How did you know what to do" I ask looking up at him.

"I use to get a lot of panic attacks when I was little, when my mum died" Stiles explains and I remember those nights.

"We need to get to chem" I say standing up in a rush but then falling into Stiles chest, my eyes darting around the room.

"Clara, we have ten minutes, relax please" Stiles says, making us sit down on one of the benches.

After ten minutes Stiles helps me to the Chem Lab, when we sit down and see Scott smiling when he walks in. Guess Allison is alright then.

"Maybe it was my blood on the door" Scott says to us, swinging around in his seat.

"Maybe it was animal blood" Stiles suggests.

"Maybe you caught a rabbit or something?" I state and Scott just looks at me.

"And ate it raw!" He whispers in disgust.

"No you stuffed in a little werewolf oven, I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything" Stiles says and I roll my eyes.

"Mr Stilinski, If that's your idea at a hush whisper, you need to pull out the ear plugs every once and a while" Mr Harris says.

I swear he is the devil in disguise.

"I think you, Ms Ridgeway and Mr McCall would befit from a little distance don't you?" Mr Harris says making me roll my eyes.

"No" Stiles says with a slight whine in his voice.

Mr Harris points to the two boys and they both move away from me and I sigh, placing my head onto the table.

"Hey I think they found something" Some random girl shouts who Scott was forced next to and everyone jumps up to the windows, Stiles walks next to me and grabs my hand giving it a squeeze. We see people taking a bed to the ambulance and suddenly the guy jumps up, grasping the people around him and everyone screams in shock. I walk backwards with Scott; my eyes widen so much it's unbelievable.

"That's good he's not dead, he got up" Stiles says trying to make everything seem like it was okay.

"Guys, I did that" Scott says gasping at the end.

Thank god class was suddenly over, we walk to the cafeteria and grab out lunch, finding a good table that was empty and sitting down talking about the dream Scott had.

"But dreams aren't memories" Stiles says.

"Then it wasn't a dream" I mumble out sitting down next to Stiles.

"Something happened last night, I just don't know what" Scott says sitting across from us.

"What even makes you think Derek has all the answers?" I ask raising my eyebrow, taking one of my fries and placing it into my mouth.

Love those greasy French fries.

"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed, he had total control, while I was running around the woods attacking some poor innocent guy" Scott says to me, upset over everything.

"You don't know that" Stiles says.

"I don't not know it, can't go out with Allison, I have to cancel" Scott says and I shake my head.

"You're not cancelling this date" I say then suddenly an extra tray is placed down next to Scott.

I look up and it's Lydia Martin?

"Figure what out?" She asks and Stiles jaw drops, causing me to raise my hand and close his mouth.

"Just homework?" Stiles says questionly.

"Why is she sitting with us?" Scott asks me and I shake my head.

I notice more people sitting down around us, including Danny who is next to me, Allison who is next to Scott and some random guy next to Lydia. I smile at Danny and he smiles back.

"Get up" Jackson says to the random guy.

"Why don't you ever ask Danny to move?" The guy whines.

"Cause I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot" Danny says full of sass and I high five him.

"That's why you are one of my favourite people" I say to Danny and he grins at me.

"So I heard they think it's some sort of animal attack" Danny says leaning forward.

"You think cougar?" I question Danny and he shrugs, trying to act like I know nothing about the supernatural.

"I heard mountain lion" Jackson says trying to sound better than me and I send a glare his way.

"Jackass" I whisper.

"Whore" He whispers back.

"A cougar is a mountain lion" Lydia says sounding so annoyed with Jackson, forgetting she is sounding smart, then she realises it and fixes her tone "Isn't it?"

I sigh.

"Who cares, it was probably some homeless twicker who was going to die anyway" Jackson says.

"Actually I just found out who is it" Stiles says pulling out his phone showing us a video that the news posted, we all lean in to get a better look at what they were saying and showing. Listening to the boring monotone news reporter say who it is, Scott looks up-

"I know this guy"

"You do?" Allison and I ask in confusion.

"Yeah when I use to take the bus back when I lived with my dad" Scott says looking down "He was the driver"

"Can we talk about something more fun please? Like oh where are we going tomorrow night?" Lydia asks Allison and Scott.

Oh god, she just invited herself and Jackson on Scott and Allison's date.

Doesn't surprise me actually at all.

We need to get Lydia on a filter that stops her from saying everything she thinks.

"You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night" Lydia says to Allison who just looks at her.

"Um, we were thinking about what we were doing to do" Allison says trying to think of what to say.

"Well I'm not going to sit at home watching lacrosse videos all night so if we are going to do something it needs to be fun" Lydia says and Scott just looks at myself and Stiles and I just shake my head, not wanting to get involved.

"H-H-Hanging out" Scott stutters, looking at Allison who is drinking her water bottle feeling awful. Stiles just covers his mouth and I cover my face into my hands, "the four of us? Wanna hang out like us and them" Scott says looking lost as Allison just goes pale.

"Y-Yeah, I guess, sounds fun" Allison says, trying to be nice to Lydia, wishing she hadn't invited herself on their date.

"You know what else sounds fun, stabbing my eye with this fork" Jackson says twirling a fork in his fingers.

"Would save everyone a favour in doing it ourselves" I state and Danny and Stiles try to cover their laughter and Jackson just glares at me, causing me to fake smile at him.

"How about bowling! You love to bowl" Lydia says to Jackson.

"Yeah with actual competition" Jackson says to Lydia.

"How do you know we aren't actual competition" Allison says smirking and my eyes widen.

Oh god.

Scott sucks at Bowling.

Allison just threw him under a bus.

I groan.

"You can bowl right?" Allison says, trying to act cocky while asking Scott.

"Sort of?" Scott replies unsure what to answer with.

Jackson leans forward onto the table "Is it sort of or yes?"

I lean over and whisper in Stiles ear "I swear to god when I find out what ever the hell I am, I will burn Jackson to a crisp" causing Stiles to choke on his food slightly.


Dramatic pause.

Really Scott

"In fact, I'm a great bowler"

Within minutes we get away from the group walking down some stairs.

"You're a terrible bowler" Stiles says.

"I know I'm such an idiot" Scott whines.

"That was like waiting for a train wreck to happen, god oh mighty" I say.

"It started with the phrase -" Stiles says but then Scott cuts him off.

"Hanging out" Scott says upset to even say it.

"You don't hang out with hot girls" Stiles says and I frown.

"What am I Stilinski!" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"You're different" Stiles says.

Well that hurt.

I stop walking and the boys notice it too.

"Clara wait, you didn't let me-"Stiles says and I hold my hand up.

"Save it Stiles, see you later" I say turning on my heel and walking the other direction.

A single tear rolls down my cheek and I brush it away and keep walking.

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