Haven (a Bang Chan x male rea...

By nightheart97

10.5K 359 13

Daegan is a fox hybrid that's always been under his fathers thumb. What happens when he gets a way to escape... More

Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 4
Ch 5
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15

Ch 9

589 20 0
By nightheart97

Over the next few weeks I get more comfortable with my therapist and start opening up more. Talking about my problems and past has helped with the nightmares a lot instead of keeping everything inside. And I'm also put on some medicine for my anxiety and depression. Waking up I carefully maneuver out of bed and stretch before slipping on my little fox slippers Chan got me then head to the kitchen. There I see Hyunjin sitting in the kitchen crying. Frowning I walk over. "What has you up early?" He looks up at me wiping his eyes and gives a sheepish look. "I had a bad dream." Expression softening I check the time before looking at him. "Why don't we go out for coffee? The others won't be up for awhile." He perks up a little and nods going to put his shoes, cap and mask on. I change my slippers off for my tennis shoes and put on a cap and mask as well. I then grab the keys and lead Hyunjin out of the dorm. When we get outside we start walking down the street to a cafe. On the way we chat happily finding we have a lot in common like our favorite colors and snacks. Once we reach the cafe I ask his order before going to the front to order it. Once I get our coffee's I head over to Hyunjin handing over his coffee and we start walking to the park. Once we reach it and sit on a bench. It's quiet for a moment before Hyunjin speaks up. "Are you really going to marry Chan hyung?" I look over at him blinking. "Well I kinda have to bub. It's either marry him or be deported back to America." He looks over at me seriously. "I mean if you had a choice and weren't threatened with being deported and met him naturally. Would you still marry him?" I blink at him opening and closing my mouth for a moment before deciding to be honest with him and myself. "Honestly Hyunjin. I would still marry him." He immediately smiles looking pleased. "Good. Because I think you two fit together." I can't help but blush and smile a little at that. I then look at the time and sigh. "We better head back." He nods and we dispose of our empty cups then head back to the dorm. On the way I get a little nervous when some fans spit us so Hyunjin holds my hand and tells jokes making me laugh I trying to hold in my giggles as we walk through the front door. I can't help but let out a few giggles as I head to the kitchen telling Hyunjin to go wake the others up after releasing his hand. As I turn to walk into the kitchen I run into Chan making a shocked noise and stumble back a little. Looking up at him I give a cheerful smile. "Good morning Chan." He raises an eyebrow at me. "Morning. Where'd you and Hyunjin go?" I smile and move past him blinking when I see breakfast already made. "Oh we just went for coffee and to the park. Breakfast is already made?" He passes me to put the plates on the table being oddly a little despondent his tone flat. "Well I couldn't find you and it was getting late." I can't help but frown. "Oh. Sorry Hyunjin had a bad dream and needed cheering up." He just hums in response and calls the others for breakfast. Everyone takes a seat and so do I starting to eat. Once I'm finished I look at Chan curiously. "What are you guys doing today?" He looks at me before saying flatly. "We have practice for the new comeback." I frown slightly before asking hopefully. "Can I come?" The others immediately get excited and cheer saying things like "Yes!" And "please let him come hyung!" Chan sighs and reluctantly agrees everyone cheering and I smile putting my plate in the sink then head to go get ready. Once I'm done I rush to the others and follow them to the practice rooms taking a seat in the back. I watch the boys practice all day until Chan finally calls for a break. I immediately jump up and tell everyone I'll be right back before heading to a convenient store to buy snacks for everyone. Heading back to the practice room I look curious when I see Chan and a girl talking. That is until I see him and the girl leaning in and kissing. Immediately feeling my heart shatter I drop the bags of snacks my lip quivering and I quickly turn around and run away heading back to the dorms. Sniffling I rush to mine and Chan's room quickly grabbing my stuffed fox and a few clothes before I head to Jeongin and Han's room. I immediately climb onto Jeongin's bed knowing he won't mind and curl up with my stuffed fox crying. After awhile I hear the door opening and multiple footsteps along with the calling of my name. I stay quiet just crying before I hear the door opening and Jeongin pokes his head in. He seems to look relieved and opens his mouth to call out but I give him a broken pleading look. "Please don't yell where I'm at." He closes his mouth and nods looking concerned. I just sniffle my lip trembling and voice cracking struggling a little with my Korean. "Will you please get Felix?" He quickly nods and runs off I sitting up and hugging my knees to my chest. Soon the door opens and I lift my head to see Felix and Jeongin walking in. I look at Jeongin and open my arms he immediately climbing up beside me and lets me get comfortable cuddling him. I then look at Felix vulnerably before saying in English. "He has someone else." He looks at me in confusion. "What do you mean? Who?" I sniffle pitifully. "Chan. He was kissing a girl when I came back from getting snacks." His eyes widen and he immediately looks angry. "Seriously? That asshole! Wait until I give him a piece of my mind." I immediately give him a stern but broken look. "You will do no such thing young man. Just leave it." He goes to protest but I give him a stern growl like noise. "Felix leave it." He pouts but reluctantly agrees. I rub my eyes feeling exhausted and both Felix and Jeongin's expression softens. "Rest hyung. We'll bring you dinner." I immediately shake my head no. "Im not hungry." They go to say something but stop at my look. Sighing they get up and leave me alone where I cry myself to sleep.

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