Haven (a Bang Chan x male rea...

By nightheart97

10.5K 359 13

Daegan is a fox hybrid that's always been under his fathers thumb. What happens when he gets a way to escape... More

Ch 1
Ch 3
Ch 4
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Ch 7
Ch 8
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Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Ch 14
Ch 15

Ch 2

848 29 0
By nightheart97

(Daegan's Pov)

Waking up with a start I blink at the bright lights shining in my eyes. I quickly close them to get adjusted then slowly open them only to see that I'm in my dads giant farm truck in my transport cage in the back seat. Frowning I look around in confusion but know better than to ask questions. Instead I tug at the handcuffs on my wrists and ankles in frustration. After ten minutes of this my dad yells and next thing I know I feel white hot pain yelping out in pain. Breathing heavily my body temporarily paralyzed I watch as my dad puts away his taser I grimacing in hatred. Finally after forever the truck stops and the back door opens I getting dragged out of my cage. I stumble once I'm on my feet and my dad smiles at a serious looking man. "Well here he is just like I said. Now where's my money?" I look at my dad in fear and horror when I hear the word money it hitting me that I'm being sold. Soon a bag is thrown at my dad and he takes the cuffs of of me and shoves me forward throwing a bag after me before leaving. I look at the man in terror but he gives a small reassuring smile before leading me to a large fancy car. He has me sit up front and asks me questions I answering as honestly as possible because I don't want hurt. Soon we come to a stop and I get out following the man who I now know is J.Y Park inside but as soon as I step foot past the door I'm whisked away. I'm suddenly ambushed with a haircut, skin treatment, nails done, teeth looked at and my injuries taken care of. It's when I'm trying on clothes that someone finally talks to me. "Oh your new husband is going to have his socks knocked off." I frown and look down at the woman. "Excuse me but what do you mean?" She smiles up at me whilst fixing my pants. "Your getting married." My thoughts immediately go to the man who bought me and I cringe. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when the seamstress tells me I'm done. She then points across the room smiling. "Go over there and Amy will take care of the knots in your tail and ears." I nod smiling then go over and sit down. A really nice girl walks over her cat ears and tail smooth like silk. Soon she starts on my ears and tail I feeling a lot better once I'm groomed. I thank everyone then head up to J.Y's office. Knocking on the door I shift anxiously and slowly walk through the door when I hear the words "come in." Once I'm inside the office I cautiously approach the desk. "Much better. How do you feel?" I toe the ground a little shyly. "A lot better." He smiles and nods. "Good. Now I have some things for you to look over and sign." He hands over a few papers and I start reading through them in confusion. "It's just saying that you can't tell about what happens here and that your husbands life will be kept secret too." I look at him in slight confusion. "Your not going to be my husband?" He chuckles in amusement. "No I'm not. Your marrying someone closer to your age." I nod then say softly. "Do I have to get married?" J.Y's expression softens. "If you want to stay here then yes. Your citizenship is about to run out and the only way to stay is get married. Don't worry he'll take care of you." I give a reluctant nod then let him lead me down to the managers office where I'll meet my future husband. Once I arrive I'm told to go in and I start shaking from nerves. I hesitantly head over to the chair and sit beside the man supposed to be my future husband and I can't help but notice how good looking he is. Once the meeting is over I learn that I'm going to be sharing a room and bed with the guy I now know as Chan. But all of my stress and worry melt away when I see my childhood stuffed fox sitting on the bed. Grinning I run over and cuddle it happily until I slowly end up dozing off.

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