To Fall for a Friend

By aristrocat24

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SEASON 1 Stiles x Reader Y/N gets incorporated, episode by episode, into Teen Wolf. Friends to lovers type be... More

Prologue - Stiles Gets His License
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

543 12 1
By aristrocat24

S1 Episode 6

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Stiles smiled as he opened his front door. You held up a warm container in your hands with contents you'd made only minutes before.

"I asked my mom for her chicken-penne casserole recipe before she went to work and made it as a get-well gift for your dad," You answered. His heart melted at the sight of you holding the dish. He froze in place, standing in awe of the kind-hearted girl in front of him. You chuckled nervously and shifted your weight. "Um, can I come in or..?"

"Stiles, let the girl in, it's cold!" Sheriff Stilinski called from the couch.

"Right! Uh, yeah, yeah come in!" Stiles stepped aside, taking the food from your hands and setting it on his counter. "Did you walk here?"

"Yeah, my parents aren't home and it's not that long of a walk so I figured what the hell," You replied. "How are you holding up, Mr. Stilinski."

"Y/N, you've gotta start calling me Noah. That makes me feel like my old man. And a hell of a lot better now that you brought me that casserole," He smiled, groaning as he got up to get a serving. "How are your folks?"

"Oh, same old, same old. Always working," You giggled. "But they're doing good! Mom got promoted and my dad's in town a lot more often."

"That's great! Well, you're always welcome here," He said, taking a bite of the food on his paper plate. "Wow, especially if you keep bringing us food. This is incredible! Thank you!"

"Ah, it's no problem," You grinned playfully. "Don't get used to it though- I hate cooking! I made an exception this one time with you being hurt and all."

"Welp, I think I've had enough of being the third wheel, for the night" Stiles clapped his hands together, making his dad laugh and shake his head. "Come on, I was actually about to call you to ask about that English assignment that's due tomorrow."

You waved to the Sheriff before following Stiles to his room. There was always a dull feeling of butterflies when you walked into his bedroom alone. You smiled at the previous memory you shared as you walked into the familiar space. You looked around and saw that it was close to spotless.

"Woah, what got into you?" You teased, earning a confused look as he closed his door. "You need my help on tomorrow's assignment and you cleaned your room? I feel like I just stepped into an alternate universe."

"Ha. Ha," He smiled sarcastically, making you giggle. Little did you know that he actually was about to call you, only it was to if you wanted to come over. So of course he decided to clean up his room and make it look presentable. He wanted to impress you by showing you his ability to super-clean. "And I don't need your help, I got that assignment done yesterday."

"Oh?' You quirked an eyebrow, the feeling in your chest swelling. "Then why'd you say it?"

"To get you to myself," He said matter of factly. "Duh."

"Oh okay," You laughed, walking up to him and reaching towards him. He smiled, happily accepting your arms around his neck, snaking his own around your waist in return.

You felt as if you should've gotten used to kissing him by now. You'd always assumed that all butterflies or nerves would've been gone once the first kiss was done and over with. But boy, were you wrong. Every kiss invigorated your already strong feelings. You finally began to recognize his mindless habits as he kissed you and you loved every single one; the way he would tangle his fingers in your hair, or how he never fail to rub his thumb on your jaw softly before he slid his tongue across your bottom lip, or the way he held you closer every time a noise would fall out of your mouth, encouraging you to be louder.

It was your turn to walk him back to the bed this time, making his heart jump into his throat. You sat him down, smirking, as you straddled him before you continued to kiss him. He thought he knew you; Scott's sweet, cute friend. You were thoughtful and funny. A rule-follower to the core. He never thought he'd be the one to bring out such a sexy side of you. You pulled away smiling and sloppily kissed down his jawline, slowly making your way to his neck. He tried to keep his cool but couldn't help but to mouth Oh my god as you kissed behind his ear.

You two were getting dangerously good at this.


"Hey, Y/N!" Scott called. "Wait up!"

"Hey, Scotty," You smiled, coming to a stop in the hallway so he could catch up with you. "What's up?"

"Stiles still won't talk to me," He groaned. "Has he talked to you?"

"Uh, yeah," You smiled, remembering the make-out session from the night before. "A little."

"You think you could talk to him for me? Or like tell him I'm sorry? I have some big news I need to tell him about," He said. You gave him an annoyed look. "I need to tell both of you. Please, Y/N?"

"Scott, I would but you know an apology doesn't mean shit coming from someone else. You just need to get him to talk to you. Trust me, once you tell him whatever it is you're dying to tell him, he won't be able to ignore you," You sighed. "Now, I have to get to class. Good luck with that!"

"No, wait!" He grabbed your arm as you turned to walk off. "I don't have time to explain the whole story, so meet us after class so I can fill you in. But I need to avoid Allison, can you keep her distracted today?"

"Yeah, I can try," You nodded hesitantly. He shot you a quick thanks before you both went your respective ways. You jogged up to Lydia and Allison on the way to your shared class and took your seats.

Those 50 minutes felt like an eternity; you were curious as to why Scott was steering clear of Allison. It almost sounded like it pained him to say it, so you knew it could not have been a voluntary decision. Once the bell rang, you quickly met up with Stiles and Scott in the hallway on the way to lunch. "Explanation, please. She keeps asking about you."

"She does?" He whimpered, making Stiles roll his eyes.

"Basically this idiot is trusting Derek to teach him how to werewolf," He began, obviously annoyed that he even had to be around him. "He says that Scott needs to ditch Al in order to tap into his animal side and get angry. But every time he does that, he normally tries to kill someone. ME. I'm someone."

"I know," Scott said. "That's what he means when he says he doesn't know if he can teach me. I have to be able to control it."

"Well, how's he gonna teach you to do that?" You asked, walking behind them.

"I don't know. I don't think he does either."

"Okay, when are you seeing him again?" Stiles asked.

"After work."

"After work, alright well that gives me until the end of the school day then."

"To do what?" You both asked.

"To teach Scott myself."

The three of you walked into lunch seconds before the mass crowds arrived. You got your trays and sat down at the same table.

"Woah, woah!" Scott yelped. "You can't sit with us."

"Worried you'll scuff up my new popularity? I think I'm willing to take that blow," You teased, looking at his serious face. "For fucks sake, are you being serious?"

"Yes, I need you to distract Allison and keep her away until the full moon."

"You are seriously the worst," Stiles scoffed at him. "I never agreed to be left alone with you. Newsflash! I'm still pissed."

Scott shrugged empathetically but didn't change his mind. You groaned dramatically before sitting at the table the girls normally sat at and waited for them. They spotted you and gladly joined you. After some small chat, you heard Allison say something about the history project.

"The what of who?" Lydia asked.

"The Beast of Gevaudan. Listen," Allison said, opening her book to explain what she was referring to. Your heart sunk a little, knowing she was talking about her family's hunting history. You had no idea that dated all the way back to 18th century France.

"Any of this have to do with your family?" Lydia asked, unamused.

"The man who finally killed the beast was named Argent," Allison finished.

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?"

"Well, I, for one, think that's really interesting," You smiled, placing a reassuring hand on Allison's shoulder. You wanted to keep hearing about what she found out, worried it would lead to being inducted into the werewolf hunt. Or worse; she was warming you guys up to tell you that she's already a part of it.

"Thank you! But it's not just a big wolf," Allison said, holding up the picture on the page. "Take a look. What does it look like to you?"

The image very clearly showed an alpha werewolf. One that reminded you of the video Stiles showed you on Lydia's phone. Without wanting to cause a scene, you casually glanced over at Lydia. Her face had dropped as she inched closer to see the picture Al presented her with. It almost looked like terror had taken away her ability to move. She couldn't look away.

"Lydia?" Allison said gently, not getting a response. She gave you a confused look before speaking again. "Lydia."

"It looks.." She mumbled, before looking up with a sarcastic smile. "Like a big wolf. See you in History!"

She got up and walked away, leaving you two alone. You both chuckled before Allison continued to explain her new hyper-fixation.

"I think the book's making more obvious," Stiles said sharply to his idiotic friend, turning around to check on what the two of you were doing. "Besides she's facing Y/N and they're balls deep in a conversation anyway."

"Did you come up with a plan yet?" Scott asked after a moment.

"I think so."

"Does that mean you don't hate me now?"

"No," Stiles furrowed his brows. "But your crap has infiltrated my life, so now I have to do something about it.. Plus I'm definitely a better Yoda than Derek."

"Okay, yeah, you teach me."

"Yeah, I'll be your Yoda," He said again, making it clear he wanted Scott to agree.

"Yeah, you be my Yoda," Scott mumbled.

"Your Yoda, I will be," He chuckled proudly at his joke, not getting a response. "I said it backwards-"

"Yeah, I got that," Scott looked up from his book. "I was just thinking about how if you ever made that joke to Y/N, you'd stay a virgin for life."

"Alright, you know what? I definitely still hate you," Stiles laughed sarcastically, grabbing his book and leaving behind an exposed Scott. "OH yeah."

"Scott?" Allison got up before you could even come up with yet another excuse to make her stay. "Scott, wait."

You smiled before grabbing your lunch and putting it away. You walked off to your locker, putting your stuff away and grabbing a book to get ready for your free period. As you closed your locker door, you jumped to see Stiles standing behind it.

"Hey, ready to ditch class to go give Scott a lesson in Anger Management?" Stiles smiled.

"You realize that I would't skip class to participate in something so childish, right?" You tilted your head. "Luckily for you, I have a free period, so how can I help?"

"How do you know my plan is childish?" He offendedly furrowed his brows.

"Okay, Stiles. I apologize for jumping to conclusions," You said insincerely before turning your whole body to face him. "Care to explain what the plan is?"

"I'm gonna tie Scott's hands behind his back while I hit him with Lacrosse balls," He grinned proudly. "I stole Coach's phone and one of his heart rate monitors to measure his anger."

"Not childish at all," You shook your head, walking past him to the field.

He spent the whole walk explaining how his plan was innovative and creative and how those adjectives differed from childish. Scott was already standing out there waiting for you two. You grabbed the duct tape out of Stiles' bag and taped the ignorant victim's hands behind his back before you jogged back to Stiles to keep an eye on the heart monitor.

You watched as Stiles, time after time, perfectly nailed Scott with Lacrosse balls in the chest, jaw, and stomach. You winced a little at the first shot but began to finally enjoy yourself once you saw Stiles giggling like a child. You felt like this was just his punishment for Scott.

"This target practice seems to really be making you better!" You laughed.

"Right? I was just thinking that my aim is actually improving!"

"Wonder why," Scott huffed.

"Ah, buh, buh! Don't get angry!" Stiles called. You looked down at the heart monitor to see it had jumped up significantly in numbers.

"Hey, Stiles," You mumbled as he aimed another shot at Scott's throat. "Hey, his heart is rising quite a bit, maybe we should-"

"BULLSEYE!" Stiles shouted after he got Scott in the nose. He ignored you and kept going, making you panic to see the number on the screen climb to such an extreme.

"Woah! Stiles, hold on!" You grabbed his shoulder, he looked at you with an amused smile before shooting again. "Would you just listen to me?! It's happening!"

He jumped at the sound of you raising your voice. You huffed and tossed the phone before running up to your best friend.

"Hey, hey, Scott. It's okay, we're done," You said softly, jumping away when you saw him rip out of his makeshift handcuffs. You walked back towards Stiles, afraid of the heaving boy in front of you. He quickly rushed up to you, holding out an arm in front of you and leading you back, not taking his eyes off Scott. That's when you heard the beeps on the phone begin to slow down again. Stiles took this as his queue to walk up to him.

"Scott, you started to change," He spoke softly, Concern lacing his words.

"From anger.." The boy breathed. "But it was more than that. It was like the angrier I got, the stronger I felt."

"So it is anger then," You jumped in, crouching down next to the boys. "Derek was right."

"I can't be around Allison."

"Just because she makes you happy?" Stiles asked in a partially sarcastic tone.

"No," Scott answered. "Because she makes me weak."


"God, I feel like an idiot," Stiles said, walking out of the classroom with Scott after seeing Allison slow down his heart rate by holding his hand. "Of course, it's her."

"What do you mean?"

"It's Allison. She's your Y/N."

"Ew, what?" Scott cringed.

"No, no, not like that, asshole. I mean remember the night of the full moon?" He continued. "You were thinking about her, right? About protecting her. And the first lacrosse game? You said you could hear her voice out on the field."

"What's your point, Stiles?" Scott grumbled.

"My point is that she's what brings you back," He explained. "It's like when I'm on the verge of a panic attack and then Y/N pulls me into a hug or-or even just by hearing her voice, it instantly makes me feel better. She's your Y/N."

"No, no, because it's not always true," Scott argued. "Because literally every time I'm kissing her or touching her or-"

"No, that's not the same. When you're doing that, you're just another hormonal teenager thinking about sex, you know?" Stiles responded as you walked up. "You're thinking about sex right now, aren't you?"

"Ew, bad timing," You said, making a face of disgust.

"Look, back in the classroom, when Allison was holding your hand, that was different, okay?" Stiles ignored your comment. "I don't think she makes you weak. I think she actually gives you control. She's kinda like an anchor."

"You mean because I love her," Scott said casually, taking you aback.

"Exactly!" Stiles agreed.

"Woah, lover boy, that was quick," You laughed.

"Did I just say that?" Scott mumbled.

"That's quick?" Stiles asked you. You shot him a confused smile. "No, yeah, yeah! That's so quick. That's like quick-quick. Super fast.."

"I love her.." Scott smiled, looking up at the two of you. "I think I'm totally in love with her."

"And that's beautiful. Now, before you go off and write a sonnet, can we figure this out, please? Because you obviously can't be around her all the time!"

"Yeah, sorry," Scott chuckled. "So what do I do?"

"I don't know," Stiles sighed, thinking. "Yet."

"Oh no, you're getting an idea, aren't you?" You asked, seeing the familiar light bulb turn on in his mind.


"Is this idea gonna get me in trouble?" Scott questioned.


"Is this idea gonna cause me physical pain?" He asked.

"Yeah, definitely. Come on!"

He led the two of you out to the parking lot in silence and halted to a stop in front of a truck. You both looked at him in confusion.

"Okay, stand right there. Do you have your keys?" Stiles asked, Scott held them up. "Now, whatever happens, just think about Allison. Try to find her voice like you did at the game. Y/N, go stand behind that truck, don't say anything until I walk up to you. Got it?"

"Okay.." You said, more as a question than anything. As you walked away, you heard the slight sound of metal on metal and sighed, what an idiot. You turned back around to see him keying the vehicle before walking over to you.

"Hey, hey, hey, dude! What do you think you're doing to that truck, bro?!" Stiles shouted, causing a group of guys to turn to Scott before promptly beating the living shit out of him. You winced and closed your eyes. "Ow! My God. Wow."

"You are having way too much fun with this- OOH! Yeah, that definitely just knocked the breath out of him," You jumped, seeing them punch Scott in the stomach. You both stood there watching as they threw him onto the ground.

"Ahh, come on. Stay calm. Stay calm," Stiles muttered, looking at the monitor. You cringed again as you saw them kick at his back and sides. "Oh, that's not okay... Scott, come on, buddy..."

"God, I can't keep watching this. As fun as it is to see my best friend get beaten to a pulp, I'm tapping out." You pat his shoulder before leaving.

"Y/N, c'mon!" He yelled after you. "It isn't even that bad- OH, RIGHT IN THE GROIN!"


"Hey, Al," You interrupted her, hearing the doorbell. "Someone's at my front door, can I call you back?"

"Careful," She said, the tone in her voice giving away the smile. "It might be Le Bete De Gevaudan."

"I never thought I would say this, but I miss the days where you only obsessed over Scott and The Neighborhood," You said, making her laugh. "I gotta go though, love you! Bye!"

You made your way downstairs and opened the door to reveal Stiles with three white roses in his hands. He chuckled nervously, waiting for your reaction, only to see you tilt your head and smile genuinely.

"You got me roses?" You felt your cheeks grow hot at the sweet gesture.

"I thought red ones would be too cliche," He looked down at them, making you laugh. "I felt bad for not being able to drive you home after school today. Does this makeup for walking home?"

"Yes, 100%," The enamored look felt impossible to wipe from your face. "Come in! I want to put it in a vase."

He happily obliged, handing you the small bouquet. You walked into the kitchen to grab the small white vase your grandmother gave you a few years ago. You looked up as you filled it with a little water to see Stiles take a seat on your island. You opened your mouth to thank him when he interrupted.

"Do you maybe wanna go on a date?" He asked hesitantly.

"A date?" You smiled, turning off the tap and putting the flowers in the white container.

"Yeah, I mean," He cleared his throat, trying to clear the nerves that lingered in his chest."I really like you, Y/N. And nothing against our current hangouts now, they're fucking awesome, but I just feel like the line might be getting blurred... and, uh, I want you to know that I'm kinda serious about this whole thing. Us, I mean. I don't want you to think that I just wanna be makeout buddies or whatever.. I mean, unless that's what you want! Then, I can totally live with that. Oh my god, please say something, I'm rambling."

"I'd love to go on a date with you," You laughed.

"Wait, really?" He smiled.

"Duh," You said, walking around to stand in front of him. He turned around on the stool to look at you.

Stiles smirked and grabbed you by the hips to pull you closer, leaving you to stand between his legs and look down at him. You didn't hesitate to wrap your arms around him; one hand resided on the back of his neck and played with his hair while the other rested on his right shoulder. He couldn't believe how perfectly you fit into him. Not even just your bodies, but your lips, your hands, fuck, even your lifestyles; everything about the two of you made so much sense.

"So this date, you got anything planned?" You asked, mindlessly massaging your fingers against his hairline.

"I really didn't even think I would make it this far to be honest," He laughed. "So no. Uh, maybe dinner? Then we can go out to our spot in the woods to stargaze?"

Our spot, you smiled at how natural that sounded falling from his lips.

"Pizza sounds good," You suggested.

"Pizza it is," He nodded. "You ready?"

"Yeah, let me just run up and grab a jacket," You said before leaning down to give him a lingering peck. "Be right back."

Stiles felt his phone buzz in his pocket and checked the ID, seeing that it was Scott. He rolled his eyes and clicked the decline button, only to see that he continued to call. "Oh my god, you could not have worse timing. What?"

"I need you to meet me at the school," Scott's voice sounded urgent.

"What?! No, Y/N agreed to go on a date. I don't want to postpone! She'll come to her senses," He argued. "Sorry, dude. You're on your own."

"Stiles!" Scott huffed. "Derek beat the shit out of my boss, thinking that he was a werewolf. Like he's literally holding him hostage and interrogating him like they do in those stupid novelas you watch. I need to prove to him that he's not the Alpha, please!"

"Mis películas Mexicanas son increíbles, don't diss on them like that if you want me to help you, asshole," Stiles snapped. He sighed and closed his eyes to genuinely think about what he should do.

On one hand, he was finally getting to take you out on a date. He's only been dreaming of this for fucking ever. On the other hand, Scott really did need you guys. Plus, you would not be happy to leave your best friend alone in a situation like this.


"Fine, yeah! Whatever!" He yelled. "I'll let her know about the change in plans. God, I hate you so much, dude. Like I could actually punch you."

"Change in plans?" You asked, walking downstairs. You were wrapped in a jacket he left behind at one point. The way it engulfed you made his heart swell.

"Scott needs our help," He groaned, taking in the adorable sight in front of him. "How dare you look so fucking cute? Do you realize how hard it was for me to agree to help him in the first place? Say the word and we'll let him fend for himself."

"Dude! What the fuck?!" Scott said through the phone.

"Shut up, we're on the way," Stiles rolled his eyes, hanging up before Scott had the chance to respond. "Come on, I'll explain everything on the way.."


"This is a terrible idea," Stiles sighed, opening his trunk as you all walked up to it.

"Yeah, I know," Scott agreed.

"But we're still gonna it?" You asked.

"Can you think of something better?"

"Well, personally I'm a fan of ignoring a problem until eventually it just goes away," Stiles said, making you smile.

"Just make sure we can get inside," Scott replied as Derek pulled up. Stiles reached inside and grabbed the tool he grabbed from his shed earlier.

"Where's my boss?" Scott questioned Derek.

"Nice to see the whole gang is here," Derek said sarcastically. "He's in the back."

The three of you peaked inside of his window to see Mr. Deaton unconscious with tape around his mouth. You gasped a little at the sight.

"Oh, he looks comfortable," Stiles muttered before following the two of you as you headed towards to school.

"Wait. Hey! What are you doing?" Derek called.

"You said I was linked with the Alpha," Scott called, turning back towards the school. "I'm gonna see if you're right.."


"Okay, one question," Stiles began. "What are you gonna do if the Alpha doesn't show up?"

"I don't know."

"And what are you gonna do if he does show up?" He asked again.

"I swear to god, Scott, if you say you don't-"

"I don't know."

"Good plan," Stiles muttered.

"We're gonna die," You said casually, falling back into a desk chair before mindlessly spinning in it, accepting your fate.

"You said that a wolf howls to signal his position to the rest of the pack, right?" Scott blatantly ignored you.

"Right, but if you bring him here, does that make you part of his pack?" Stiles questioned.

"Let me guess, you don't know?" You sneered, receiving an annoyed glance from Scott.

"I hope not," He corrected. You smiled and raised your brows, knowing he was totally gonna say that he didn't know.

"Yeah, me too," Stiles mumbled, giving Scott the mic before cranking the system to life. "Alright. All you."

Scott cleared his throat before sighing, prepping for the big roar. You both looked at him in anticipation, ready to cover your ears if need be. You heard the button click before Scott let out the most pathetic whimper of a scream in the history of ever. You looked at him in utter disgust, not believing that he made you cancel the date you've been dreaming of since you were a literal child for this. Stiles let his head fall into his hand to keep from cringing harder than he already was.

"Was that okay? I mean, that was a howl, right?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, technically," Stiles said, trying to be supportive.

"You're kidding, right?" You deadpanned.

"Well, what did it sound like to you?" Scott looked at you.

"Like a cat being choked to death, Scott," Stiles answered before you could, knowing your response.

"Yeah, to put it nicely," You added.

"What do I do? How am I supposed to do this?"

"It's your plan, jack ass!" You shrugged.

"Hey, hey! Don't listen to her," Stiles walked over, grabbing Scott's shoulders. "Listen to me, okay? You're calling the Alpha. Alright? Be a man. Be a werewolf, not a teen wolf! Be a werewolf."

"To be clear, that means to howl, not scream like a little girl," You clarified, gaining looks of disappointment from the boys. You giggled before spinning around again.

"You got this, okay? Do it," Stiles reassured again.

You looked up, to see Scott with a new sense of dedication. Your lips parted when his eyes began glowing yellow. He inhaled deeply before letting out the scariest howl you've ever heard. You looked over at Stiles, wide-eyed, as the windows and doors shook around you. He threw his fist up in the air in celebration before you all walked out again.

"I'm gonna kill you," Derek pointed. "All of you! What the hell was that?! What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school?"

"Sorry, mom," You mumbled.

"I didn't think it'd be that loud," Scott chuckled proudly.

"Yeah, it was loud," Stiles beamed. "And it was awesome."

"Shut up," Derek ordered, looking around.

"Don't be such a sour-wolf," Stiles said, making you chuckle and shake your head.

"What'd you do with him?" Scott interrogated.

"What?" Derek turned around to see his back door agape before turning back to you. "I didn't do anything-"

Suddenly, Derek began spewing blood as his feet dangled above the ground. The Alpha was standing behind him in the flesh, clawing through his back and howling.

You felt Stiles grab your waist and push you behind him, making a barrier between you and the horrifying beast, before you all ran back inside. You felt him pushing at your back, making you run at his pace. The boys pushed you in the doors before quickly pulling them closed and holding them in their place. You all looked at each other in silent horror, hearing the growling outside. You really wished you hadn't have agreed to Scott's stupid plan.

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