To Fall for a Friend

By aristrocat24

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SEASON 1 Stiles x Reader Y/N gets incorporated, episode by episode, into Teen Wolf. Friends to lovers type be... More

Prologue - Stiles Gets His License
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 5

561 17 6
By aristrocat24

S1 Episode 5

"Hey, birthday girl!" You beamed, walking up to Allison.

"Shh!" She widened her eyes. "I really don't want people to know! But uh, thank you."

"You're welcome?" You asked, with a smile on your face no less. "So got any plans tonight? I'm free if you wanna throw a little get-together. You know, food, cake, booze, whatever you'd like!"

"Oh, um," She laughed nervously. "I think I have to spend it with my family since my aunt is in town, unfortunately. But maybe this weekend?"

"Sure thing! Maybe a sleepover at my place or Lydia's?" You suggested. "That is if she ever answers my texts. Have you seen her this morning?"

"Actually, no," She furrowed her brows. "That's weird. I wonder if she's okay."

"I'll drop by her place after school if I still haven't heard anything," You readjusted your backpack, getting ready to walk off to your locker. "Also, I feel like I should let you know that she decorated your locker with like a shit ton of balloons yesterday. Had I known you didn't want to make any fuss, I would've stopped her. I'm sorry-"

"No, no, it's okay!" She sighed before pulling you into a hug. "Thanks for the heads up. And for the happy birthday. You're seriously such a good friend."

"Oh god.." You chuckled nervously, earning a confused look from your friend. "You should probably know that I told-"

"Hey, today's your birthday?" Scott practically skipped up to the two of you, making you both laugh. "What?"

"Nothing, lover boy," You pat his shoulder once before walking off. "See you guys in class!"

After a quick trip to your locker, you took your seat only to notice that the vast majority of your friends were gone. It made you wonder if there was something you didn't know about so you shot your best friend a text.

You continued on with your day, weirdly enjoying the silence. You managed to focus on the lectures and take notes without a lick of gossip or wolf drama. It was nice to feel like a normal high school student for once, but you also missed having your loud friends around. You closed your locker between classes to see Stiles standing behind it, giving you an angry glare.

"Is everyone just avoiding me today?" He asked, annoyed.

"I was just starting to wonder the same thing actually," You laughed. "Where is everyone? Did I not get the memo for sophomore ditch day or something?"

"Wait, so you haven't seen Scott either?" He questioned, beginning to walk to your shared chemistry class.

"I haven't seen Scott, Allison, Lydia, or Jackson today," You answered.

"Well, I think I know where the last two are," Stiles began, pulling you aside from the large crowd of people, lowering his voice.. "I was with my dad last night that there was a 1-8-7."

"A 1-8 what?"

"A murder," He said as if it should be obvious. "C'mon, I've gone over these codes with you before!"

"I tend to zone out when you do that," You smirked. Stiles sighed before continuing.

"Okay, so basically, there was a dead body found at Video 2C-"

"Another one?! And wait the video store?"

"Yes, another one. Yes, the video store. Let me finish!" He waved his arms, making you smile at his goofy way of expressing frustration. "Lydia and Jackson were there! I think they might've seen the alpha."

"No way," Your eyes widened. "No wonder she hasn't been answering my texts! She even called me to ask which movie they should rent and then, all of a sudden, radio silence- which is totally weird of her. I had a bad feeling about it. Any clue as to who was killed?"

"An employee," Stiles muttered. "Jackson was inside of the store too. Apparently, those bookshelf things fell on him."

"Oh my god!" Your hand flew up to your mouth. "Is he okay?"

"Oh, he's fine," He rolled his eyes. "He was standing outside of the store screaming at deputies and then went into privileged psycho mode on my dad."

"God, what a dick," You began to walk back towards the classroom. By now most of the students had scattered to their respective classes, making it easy to make it to your next one right on time.

"Right?!" Stiles asked, taking the seat next to you as the bell rang. "God, that kid has such a big stick up his-"

"Ah, Mr. Stilinski, Miss Y/L/N," Mr. Harris said bitterly. "Nice of you to join us! Perfect timing, actually. Just a second longer and you would've been spending the afternoon with me in detention."

"Sorry, Mr. Harris," You both mumbled.

"Now, just a friendly reminder– parent-teacher conferences are tonight! Students below a C-average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self-disgust should be more than enough punishment," He spoke to the class, before turning back to the two of you. "... Has anyone seen Scott McCall?"

You both shook your heads and/or shrugged. Stiles took the liberty to begin highlighting all of the important parts of this session's chapter. The door swung open to reveal a very quiet Jackson. You nudged Stiles and nodded your head over. He looked at you with wide eyes, not daring to speak in such a silent room.

"Hey, Jackson– if you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know," Mr. Harris spoke softly, making you roll your eyes at the special treatment. You swore he had a crush on him with the behavior he granted him with. "Everyone, start reading chapter nine... Mr. Stilinski, try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book."

God, you hated him. You both had a better grade than anyone one else sitting in that classroom, yet he still enjoyed making life a living hell for you and your friends. You painfully ignored the comment before doing as told.

"Hey, Danny," Stiles whispered after a few minutes to the boy sitting in front of you. "Can I ask you a question?"

"No," He said, obviously annoyed.

"Does anyone know what happened to Jackson and Lydia last night?" Stiles asked anyway.

".. He wouldn't tell me," Danny hesitantly responded.

"But he's your best friend," Stiles replied, shocked. You decided to not participate in the inevitable train wreck and take a sip from your water bottle. "Can I ask you another question?"

"Answer's still no."

"Do you find me attractive?" Stiles mumbled. You slapped your hand over your mouth, trying not to spew out the liquid in an effort of holding in your laughter.

"Is there a problem back there?" Mr. Harris turned around. You all shook your heads before continuing the reading. Stiles looked up and mouthed He's totally into me, making you purse your lips in fear of making any noise. The smile never left your face for the rest of the hour.


"That's it, I'm calling him!" Stiles huffed, walking away from your locker. He searched for his best friend's contact before pressing the call button. You followed him out of the building and listened to this end of the conversation. "Finally! Have you been getting any of my texts?!"

The call was incredibly short. Stiles groaned as soon as Scott hung up on him. He angrily opened your door and saw you smirking at him.

"Hey, don't look at me like that!" He pointed. "I have a reason to be mad, okay? He's like totally blowing me and this situation off to go make out with his girlfriend! It's like he won't even hear me out. We're going to Lydia's."

"What?" You asked as he closed your door, waiting for him to hop in before continuing your thought. "Stiles, why are we-"

"Because she's never not at school, Y/N!" He interrupted after he got in the car. His attention to detail made your heart sink a bit. "You have to admit you're a little worried about her."

"Uh," You looked down at your hands, twisting a ring that sat on your middle finger before continuing. "No-Yeah, I mean of course. But I just don't know how she would feel if we dropped by unannounced."

"If you feel uncomfortable coming with me, I could drop you off or something," He offered sweetly, completely oblivious to the way this was all coming off. You stayed silent for a moment, making sure you could not show off any type of negative emotion to the kind boy. "Y/N, you wanna come or-"

"No, no, it's okay," You smiled up at him. "Could you actually drop me off? I need to review chapter nine from the chem book. I wasn't really able to pay attention today."

"Uh, yeah. Sure, I can do that," He looked at you with furrowed brows. "You good?"

"Yeah! Just tired," You responded. "I might take a quick nap too."

He nodded, feeling as if he should stop pushing you for the real answer. He saw you reach forward to play music before sitting back. The trip was awkwardly silent, a foreign event to the two of you in the Jeep, seeing as it was always where you had your best conversations. The typical few minutes felt like an eternity to him. All he wanted was for you to talk to hi,, about anything really. But he couldn't help but feel as if he did something wrong. He pulled into your driveway and you mumbled thanks before opening your car door and walking into your house.

"Oh my god," You let yourself drop into the couch and run your hands through your hair. "I'm stupid. No beyond that, I'm idiotic. Of course, he still likes her, that shit just doesn't go away. God, I should just step back and let him-"

"Wanna share with the class, kiddo?" You heard your dad say from the counter, making you jump. You looked behind you to see him smiling kindly back at you.

"No. Yes? Ugh, I don't know," You mumbled. He got up and took the seat next to yours. "It's just- god! Okay, so you know about the whole Stiles thing? Well, he was starting to show interest but I completely forgot that the reason I've always steered clear was because he's like in love with Lydia. And I just let my own feelings cloud my judgment. I just don't wanna force him into something he's not ready for or be the girl he settles for, you know?"

"What?" Your dad chuckled. "Sweetheart, do you see the way that boy looks at you? He looks at you the way I look at my collection of rare Star Wars action figures. The ones from 1992."

"I don't think anyone looks at anything the way you look at those dolls, Dad," You grumbled, crossing your arms.

"How many times do I have to tell you guys? They are not dolls, they're- You know what? I'll let it slide this one time since you're clearly upset," He said dramatically. you miserably held back a smile. "Y/N, don't let your fear of rejection or loss be the reason you're holding back from him. He likes you and you like him. It's not a competition of who he likes more, which anyone can see is you... It's more of a matter of like who gets there first."

"Wha- Dad!" You groaned. "I don't even know if that made me feel better or worse."

"Okay, that came out wrong," He corrected. "All I'm saying is that if you get into a relationship with him, it's game over. Trust me, I've been there. I liked a million other girls in high school, but the second I began dating your mom, it all changed. Those girls were just people at school. And I fell head over heels for that woman. I never felt like I settled or even missed out on anything. And when I was with her, it was like we were the only two people on the planet. I think you should go for it, kiddo. You won't regret it."

"That's.. actually really good advice," You smiled at him. "Mom only ever tells me that I'll figure it out and to keep the door open if he comes over."

"That's also a very important rule that I stand by," He said sternly. You giggled and reached over to give him a hug. "Aww, c'mere. I missed you, squirt! ... But I am serious about the door thing."


Stiles: hey, do you maybe wanna come over tonight? scott's not answering and i stole lydia's phone. i need to show you something

Y/N: yeah let me go ask my dad to drop me off lol

Stiles: no need, i'm already here

You chuckled before putting your chemistry book back in your bag and slipping on a pair of sneakers. You grabbed your purse and told your dad that you were leaving before walking out to the jeep.

"Hey, you!" You smiled, hopping in.

"Wow, that must've been one hell of a nap," Stiles laughed. "You're like a new person."

"You have no idea," You responded. "So how's Lydia?"

"Drugged up and traumatized," He answered, pulling out her phone. "Look at what I found."

"Is that Lydia's phone?!"

"Just watch!"

He showed you a video of Video 2C. It showed an animal figure jumping out of the glass window and running off into the night. He reversed it a little to show you that the culprit was very obviously an alpha. You felt your lips part as you looked up to see that he was already staring back at you with a concerned look.

"Get this, I even asked her what she saw, right? She said it was a mountain lion. Then I held up this stuffed giraffe and asked her to tell me what it was, and can you guess what she said? A fucking mountain lion!" Stiles stuffed the phone back into his pocket and reversed out of your driveway. "I panicked and stole it. I didn't know what else to do."

"Do we delete the video?" You asked. "She can't have proof, it could backfire and get Scott or even Derek hurt."

"That's why I took it. I've been trying to get a hold of Scott since I found the video to his opinion on it too."

"Do we have Derek's number? Maybe he can give us some advice."

"Wow, you're really fond of Derek, aren't ya?" He grumbled, making you laugh at his blatant jealousy. "I don't see why you're so concerned with him anyway."

"Only in the same way you are about Lydia," You shrugged, smiling at him. He gave you a look.

"Oh, please," He argued, making a face. "That's totally different. She's a victim. And it's a good thing I checked on her because I don't know what would've happened with this video had I not seen it! I wasn't flirting with her the way you do with Derek."

"I don't even like him," You laughed. "He's old and like obnoxiously serious. He weirds me out. Plus, the fact that I had to almost chop off his arm kind of sealed the deal. Why are you so concerned as to who I like anyway?"

He rolled his eyes and looked at you.

"You know why," He finally said.

"Maybe," You admitted, smiling. "But I wanna hear you say it."

"Because I like you!" He shouted, barely building the confidence to look over at you. The smile that painted your face was all it took for him to continue. "A lot, actually. Like it's ridiculous how much I like you."

"Mm," You said smugly.

"Mm? MM?!" He said loudly. "No, no, no, no. You don't just get to say mm after I just admitted to liking you! Say it back!"

"Say it back?!" You laughed, making him smile. "How are you so sure that I do??"

"Because you definitely wouldn't have kissed me the way you did," He shrugged, making your jaw drop, which just fueled his confidence. "You like even moaned a little bit. You were all 'mmm'-"

"OH MY GOD! STOP IT!" You covered your face with your hands, making him throw his head back in laughter. You slapped his chest before finally giving him what he wanted. "Okay, fine! Yes, I like you! Can you stop embarrassing me now?!"

"Why?" He chuckled, pulling into his driveway. "You look so pretty when you blush."

"Huh, how weird because I don't feel very pretty when I'm mortified," You rolled your eyes. "Can we focus on the subject at hand, please? What are we going to do with the video? And how are you going to return her phone?"

"Kiss me and we can go back to talking about the situation," He smiled complacently.

"No!" You laughed.

"Why?" He pouted.

"Because for starters, you just made fun of me," You giggled. "Also, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't get anything done tonight if I kissed you right now. Let's focus on solving this whole thing for now."

"Such a buzzkill," He teased as you both got out of his jeep. "Any word from Scott?"

"No, I think his phone died or something because it goes straight to voicemail," You responded while he held his front door open for you. "You think he's with Allison?"


"Let me try her cell," You said before walking to his room and calling her phone.

"Hello?" She answered after a few rings.

"Allison! Is Scott with you?"

"Uh," She hesitated, there was a moment of muffled speech before she spoke up again. "No?"

"Pass the phone to him," You said. "It's important."

"What?" Scott griped.

"We have a situation. A bad one. It has to do with last night," You stayed ominous, feeling as if you were on speaker. "Also did you by chance forget about the parent-teacher conference?"

"THAT'S TONIGHT?!" He shouted. "Okay, I need to swing by the school first but meet at your house afterwards?"

"I'm actually at Stiles'," You hesitantly admitted.

"Oh?" You could HEAR the smirk on his face. "Why are you at Stiles'?"

"To figure out a way to save your ass," You snapped. "Get to the school, asshole. I'm sure Melissa is hearing all about your grades and attendance."

"Fuck off, I'm going!" He groaned. "I'll meet you guys at your house in an hour. Let me know if you need more time though. Losing your virginity is a big deal, I don't want to rush-"

"He said to meet him at my house in an hour," You mumbled after hanging up on him.

"So what I'm hearing is that we have about fifty minutes to blow?" Stiles stepped closer, licking his lips. You felt your heart skip a beat.

"Mhm," You smiled as he closed in the space between the two of you. "What should we do in the meantime?"

"I have a few ideas," He said softly, only centimeters away from your lips. You bit your lip, feeling his warm breath against your skin. He leaned down and crashed his lips onto yours. This was different from your previous sweet encounters. He kissed you with a fervor you hadn't quite experienced before.

You wrapped your arms around him as his soft lips moved against your own. His fingers tangled into your hair as he walked you back into his bed. He parted from you to allow you to fall into his familiar mattress, smiling before climbing on top of you to continue the passionate exchange.

The butterflies in your chest made it hard to breathe, yet you were completely comfortable with him. It's as if you've shared a million kisses in past lives. There was a familiarity to the way he kissed you, the way he held you. Your bodies intertwined like the yarn of a lousy sweater, messily and in a disarray.

He often thought about what it would be like to kiss you like this. For years, he dreamt of what you tasted like, what your lips felt like when they pressed against his as they danced in harmony with one another. Nothing could've prepared him for the euphoric electricity that flowed through every single neuron in his body. He knew it would be good, but he never thought it would make him weak in the knees.

"What time is it?" You breathlessly pulled away after a while.

"Who cares?" He smiled, pressing back against you. He couldn't get enough of your sweet, swollen lips. You giggled and kissed him back for a moment before pulling away again, still hovering over him. He pouted. "Noo, come back."

"I need to catch my breath," You giggled, grabbing your phone. Two missed calls from Scott. "Oh my god, it's been an hour and a half."

"In our defense, he ignored us all day," He reached up to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. His eyes glistened with pure adoration, a look that made your heart melt.

"Very true," You smiled. "But it also is past my curfew, so I should really get going."

"Mm, one more kiss," He whined, making you laugh once more before kissing him. "Okay, fine. I guess I'll take you home. Scott owes me big time for interrupting this."

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