To Fall for a Friend

By aristrocat24

8.7K 255 98

SEASON 1 Stiles x Reader Y/N gets incorporated, episode by episode, into Teen Wolf. Friends to lovers type be... More

Prologue - Stiles Gets His License
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

1K 34 12
By aristrocat24

S.1 Episode 1

"Scott, hey, I'm getting another call," You mumbled, pulling your phone away from your ear. Your eyes widened a little at the name Lydia Martin. "Oh, what the fuck?"

"What, is it Stiles?" Scott asked in a boyish tone. Stiles can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to his best friends. So of course, Scott instantly knew about the moment the two of you shared the other night. You rolled your eyes at the power he had over the two of you, and he used it constantly to make you blush or shut up.

"First off, stop doing that. It makes me feel weird because it was just a-"

"Heat of the moment thing. Righht, okay. Anyways- *click* ... Hello? Y/N?" He held his phone in astonishment as he chuckled and continued to thread the laces of the head on his lacrosse stick.

"Lydia, hey! What's up?" You asked with a smile, already knowing what her call had to do with, making your way to the computer.

"Heyyy, girly. Whatcha doin?" She said sweetly. You knew the tone all too well.

"Do you need me to email you this week's notes?"

"How do you know I wasn't just calling for a quick chat with my best gal pal?" She quickly retaliated, only to receive silence on your end. "Okay, fine. Yes, I think I left them in Jackson's car but he isn't answering my calls. I just wanted to review for the summer reading quiz tomorrow. Could you send me pics?"

"Yeah, one step ahead of you," You laughed. "You should be getting them right about... now."

"Thanks," She softened her tone. "If you ever need anything, let me know."

"Oh, it's really no problem," You sweetly dismissed her empty proposal. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone you asked me for them."

"I appreciate it," She giggled. "But seriously, thank you!"

You opened your mouth to say something before familiar screams filled the silence.

"Yeah uh no biggie," You quickly replied as you looked out your window to see Stiles hanging upside down and Scott holding a bat. "Oh god. I gotta go. Bye!"

You quickly threw on a pair of sneakers and hurried out of your front door. You rushed up to boys who were now both upside right, only to catch the last part of a conversation that you weren't exactly sure you wanted to ask about.

"That's the best part. They only found half," Stiles bounced in place excitedly. "We're going."

"..Where? And found-"

The boys screamed louder than the first time, making you jump in response. Scott held his bat up defensively as Stiles jumped behind him and grabbed his shoulders.

"At ease, you fucking idiots!" You shouted. "It's me! Put the bat down!"

"HOW DO YOU JUST APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE THAT?! My god," Stiles yelped, holding his hand over his heart. "We need to put a bell on you."

"I literally jogged over here," You deadpanned. "Leaves were crunching and everything, I don't know what to tell you."

"Just out of curiosity, have you ever like, oh I don't know, overheard conversations I probably wouldn't want you knowing about?"

"Oh yeah, like at least a dozen," You smiled as he released an embarrassed groan. "But where are you going at this hour? Also who found half of what?"

"Nothing," Scott answered. You gave him an unamused look while you walked up the stairs of his porch. "Y/N, trust me, you don't want to know."

"Half of a dead body was discovered in the woods. We're going to go look for the other half," Stiles didn't even let him finish the entire sentence before gladly offering up the information.

"Really? The two of you. Alone in the woods. Looking for a dead body?" You laughed at the boys who were screaming only a few seconds before. It was only when they blankly stared back that you realized it wasn't a joke. "Oh wait- are you serious?! Dude, that's so stupid!"

"I knew you'd say that," Scott groaned. "God, you're such a girl."

"That's not an offensive statement? I literally am a girl. But that's rich, considering I just made you scream like a couple of sissies," You chuckled. "I was on the phone with Lydia and ended it abruptly just because I saw you guys roleplaying piñata."

"Woah, woah. Hold on! You were on the phone with the Lydia Martin?" His enthusiasm cut through you like a dull knife. You shifted uncomfortably, unaware of the way your shoulders fell.

This moment bitterly reminded you of the reason why you'd been brushing him off for the past few days. This boy has been hopelessly in love with Lydia since you were kids. It was all he talked about since you met him. You knew there wasn't a chance in hell that she would ever go for anyone that wasn't the captain of some sort of sport, but you still didn't want to be the second choice when he was your first.

You, however, didn't hear the way he spoke about you while you weren't around. You were oblivious to the way he looked at you when you sang along to his music and how he softened his tone when he spoke to you. Sure, Lydia was hot and he still got excited to talk about her. But never in the way he talked about you.

"Dude, did you just not hear the part where we called you a sissy?" Scott jumped in, noticing your subtle disappointment and wanting to redirect the situation. "You don't have to come, Y/N. I know it's not your type of thing. But we're going because this is once in a lifetime opportunity here in Beacon Hills."

"Fine. But, uh, word of advice? Try not to scream like little girls if you hear a voice or see a bunny."

"Funny," Stiles smiled sarcastically as you walked away. "Very funny."

Scott waited for you to go back inside before slapping his best friend's chest with force.

"OW! What was that for?"

"For being an absolute idiot," Scott rolled his eyes. "Let's go find that body."


The next morning, you wanted to dress up a little for the first day of school. Your mom helped you with a subtle makeup look that brought out your best features and with curling your hair. You threw on the cute outfit you laid out the night before and had your mom drive you to school.

You hopped out of the car and walked up to your friends who were already standing outside of the building.

"Hey," You smiled.

"Y/N, woah. You, um, you look different! Like a good different though! Just like- wow you look nice," Stiles stuttered, making you giggle.

"Thanks! You too. How'd last night go?" You walked past them and led your friends into the building

"Shitty," Scott mumbled.

"My dad caught me out there and dragged my ass home. Scott, on the other hand, stayed, found the body, and got bitten by a wolf!" Stiles said dramatically.

"A wolf, huh?" You teased, walking up to your locker. "Damn it, Scott. I personally think vampires are way sexier but hey! Werewolves aren't that bad.. Aside from all of the fur-"

"Whatever, don't believe me! I'm going to my locker," Scott huffed, walking away from his friends' fit of giggles. Stiles followed after him, leaving you to decorate and organize your little corner of the school. You quickly threw up polaroid pictures of your favorite people and grabbed the necessary supplies for your first hour of the day.

"Y/N!" Lydia's voice called out to you as you shut your locker. You at her in confusion. Why was she talking to you in public? "That outfit is totally killer! Come sit next to me in English!"

She linked her arm around yours and walked you to class. Ah, of course she was shallow enough to induct you into her friend group because of a killer outfit. You took a moment to glance around at all of the eyes that landed on you, including those of your friends.

"I know, it's stupid how their small minds work. Put on a little lipgloss and a mini skirt on, and they're wrapped around your finger," She talked quietly, smirking. "But if you keep dressing like this, I might just have to take you under my wing. Pretty in the streets, brilliant in discrete."

"I appreciate the offer but I don't know how to feel about everyone's eyes on me," You smiled, making her giggle as you took your seats. "I think I preferred not being noticed."

"You'll get used to it. Nothing quite beats the feeling of being popular, trust me," She said.

Scott and Stiles followed you into the room, giving you their what the holy fuck is going on here looks. You widened your eyes and shrugged before turning back to Lydia as she talked about the glory that was Popularity.

She dragged you along to practically every single class and met up with you in the hallways, not giving you the chance to even greet the boys. Just as you thought it was the perfect moment to slip away, you met the new girl and instantly hit it off. You decided to stick around for the rest of the day. If nothing else came from your day of popularity, maybe you could make a genuine friend from it.

"So how long have you been friends with Lydia?" Allison smiled, taking the seat next to yours in the cafeteria.

"Since she called my outfit totally killer this morning," You mocked, looking up to smile at the kind girl. "I've known her since elementary school though."

"She called my jacket totally killer too!" Allison giggled. "And here I was feeling special about her thoughtful compliment! Also, that explains why you've seemed just as confused as me standing near her all day."

"Yeah, I normally hang out with the two dorks staring at us from the lunch line," You both laughed as they quickly turned away when they saw the two of you look over. A fantastic playoff. "I just happened to put a little effort into my appearance for once and suddenly my life was turned upside down! Remind me to never look do this again."

"Will do," She smiled as she looked back at the boys. "So who's the boy with the longer hair?"

"That's my best friend, Scott," You answered. "Well, he's more of a brother. I've known him since like birth."

"Oh so you guys aren't.. you know," She wiggled her eyebrows.

"God, no!" Your face scrunched up. "I'm weirdly into the geek standing next to him, but that's a whole story in and of itself. Scott's single and seems like he's totally into you."

"Really??" She grinned. You nodded and chuckled. Oh, he owed you big time for playing wingman. "Is he on the lacrosse team?"

"Yeah, actually. We'll get to see him and Stiles play later if Lydia drags us to their practice," You said. "But, um, just don't let his skills, or lack thereof, influence your view on him. He's really sweet and cool."

"Who is?" Lydia smiled as she sat in front of the two of you. "Oh, those guys? Are they new too?"

You and Allison shared a look before laughing. Lydia simply shrugged it off and continued to talk your ears off about whatever came to mind. You and Allison stuck together for the rest of the day, exchanging life stories and silly jokes.

Eventually, the final bell rang and Lydia dragged the two of you out to watch the boys' practice. You sat between the girls and watched as Scott took his place at the goal. Your nerves instantly disappeared when you saw him catch virtually every ball that hurled at him.

Afterwards, Allison gave you a ride home. The two of you listened to your favorite songs and talked lightheartedly about the town and the people in it. She thanked you for being so genuinely kind and you did the same before walking into your house and sticking your nose into your books. You found it a little odd not hearing from your friends the entire night and even sent them text messages to the group chat to make sure everything was okay.

Y/N: Hey, I'm so sorry for ditching you guys today :/ Great practice though! Save me a spot during lunch tmr?

Scott: Yeah ofc! I have so much to tell you!

Stiles: I mean if Lydia doesn't keep you all to herself then for sure lol. And same here

You smiled at your phone before putting it on the charger and going to sleep.


You decided against dressing so preppy and opted for a casual, yet very cute outfit. You did your hair and makeup very similar to yesterday's look and were off to school.

Lydia repeated her actions from the previous day, keeping you and Allison close until the last bell. You didn't mind as much seeing as you finally felt a little more comfortable running around with their crowd. Scott snd Stiles only smiled at you, which indicated that they were okay with seeing you make new friends. The queen bee dragged you out to the bleachers to watch the lacrosse boys do their thing yet again.

You watched Scott demolish the field and make first line, making you and the girls scream in excitement. After practice was over, you waited outside of the school for your mom to come pick you up for about twenty. Most of the cars left the parking lot, making you believe that she forgot to pick you up. You sighed and went to call her when suddenly, you felt someone grab your arm.

"I can't be the only one who thinks Scott's newly found lacrosse skills are a little weird," Stiles said in a concerned manner.

"I mean he has been working hard all summer," You stated slowly.

"But have you ever seen him do anything like that?" He questioned, making you tilt your head in realization. "Exactly. Come with me, I'll explain everything. I need help looking for some answers."

"Okay, but what kind of answers?" You asked as Stiles pulled you by your arm towards his Jeep. He just kept marching towards his vehicle. "Uh, hello? Earth to Stiles."

"You know how he said he got bit by a wolf the other night?" He asked, opening the passenger door for you. After you nodded and hopped in, he placed his arm on the top of your open door and leaned in. "Y/N, he had an open wound, clearly caused by the teeth of a big ass animal, that miraculously went away. His skills on the field? His weird behavior?"

"Oh my god, you're not seriously thinking he's a werewolf now," You chuckled. "Stiles, that's not possible there hasn't been a reported case of a wolf in California in decades."

"That's what I thought!" He shouted excitedly before lowering his voice, not wanting anyone to hear about his crazy hypothesis. "But then I heard my dad say that the fiber analysis came back with animal hairs on the body."

"No. Way," Your jaw dropped. He pursed his lips and shrugged before closing your door and jogging to his side of the vehicle. "The animal was a wolf? But how?"

"I don't know, that's why I need your help," He said turning on his car and switching it into first gear. "I mean it would explain the weird gymnastics routine from the field today, right? But you know what's fucked up? If I'm right and he's what I think he is, tomorrow's a full moon. So we better work fast."

He sped off to his house and you both ran to his room to find any information you could find on the internet. You searched away on your laptop, telling him about any article or old book pdf that related to lycanthropy that seemed legit. He did the same.

Eventually, your yawns and tired body got the best of you and you fell asleep reading an old book Stiles got from the public library.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you really going to sleep when we haven't even figured this out yet?" He asked when he noticed your face snuggled into his pillow.

"Fuck off, it's like three in the morning," You mumbled, flipping to face the other way. He laughed at your sleepy demeanor. "I even texted my mom that I was staying the night with Scott. Give me like an hour or two to recharge."

"Here, let me just.." He said, getting up and looking through his closet before tossing you one of his t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. You grumbled angrily at the sudden clothes that landed on you. "At least change into these. Those jeans don't seem very comfortable."

"Right now, they're the comfiest things ever," You mumbled sleepily as you snuggled back into his pillow. He rolled his eyes and grabbed another pillow, hitting you lightly. "Stilesss, let me sleeeep."

"Aw.. You think I'm actually going to listen to you. How cute," He smiled only to hear your breathing start to regulate again. "Hey!"

He laughed and decided to lay on top of you, getting a big grunt in response. He finally saw you smile and it absolutely melted his heart. You were so sleepy that you could barely even keep your eyes open. Your hair was messy and your makeup a little smudged, but he swore he'd never seen you look so beautiful. He especially liked that you looked so comfortable cuddled up under him.

"What did I ever do to you?" You giggled. "I do not deserve to be kept awake by being crushed under your weight at this hour."

"Oh please, you've never looked more comfortable," He joked softly, making you laugh again. God, there's that laugh again. It made his heart grow two sizes bigger under any given circumstance, but he swore he could die from the cuteness you radiated at that moment. He hadn't seen you so sleepy since your middle school sleepovers at Scott's house. He forgot how much he loved it.

"Okay, you're kind of right," You admitted before sitting up. "But alas, I will do as told."

You got up and walked to his bathroom with Stiles' clothes folded over your left arm. He smiled softly when he noticed that your scent lingered on his pillow. He finally pulled himself out of bed, moved all of the clutter to the floor, and pulled the covers down for you. He sat back down in his desk chair and continued to read an article, but he couldn't seem to wipe the smile off of his face.

That is until you walked into his room wearing his clothes. What a sight to see. The clothes hung off of you in a way that made his chest explode in butterflies. He watched you climb back into his bed and snuggle back into his pillow.

"Now I'm cold, asshole," You smiled, making him chuckle. You wanted to hint at the fact that you wanted him to join you. "Even the spot I was in is cold."

"Want me to hop in bed to warm you up?" He half-joked. But when you nodded, he forgot the entirety of the English language. He gave you a shocked look before smiling and shrugging as if to say fuck it.

You waited for him to get under the covers before you got close. You wrapped your arm around him and closed your eyes. It didn't take long for you to fall back asleep again. You were too tired to feel nervous about it.

Stiles stared at you in the dim light. This was definitely something he could get used to. At that moment, he didn't even care about the fact that Scott's situation. You completely silenced his mind; that was a new feeling. How? He'd never understand, but you did. He only wished he didn't take so much Adderall so that he could simply snuggle back into you and fall asleep. It was only when you flipped on your other side that he finally got back up to study everything he had earlier set his mind to.

An abrupt, loud knock on the door made you jump awake. You saw Stiles leap out of his desk chair to reveal a smiling Scott.

"Get in. You gotta see this, dude," Stiles said. Scott chuckled at your dazed and confused look. "Morning, sunshine! Someone tapped out but I've been up all night reading websites, books. All this information."

"How much Adderall have you had today?" Scott asked.

"A lot? Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen-"

"Is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott chuckled, throwing his backpack on top of you and sitting on your feet. You laughed, trying to push him off.

"No, they're still questioning people, even Derek Hale-"

"Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day."

"Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?" Stiles shouted. "Remember the joke from the other day? Not a joke anymore."

Scott scoffed and looked at you. You simply nodded.

"The wolf. The bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls? It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could've been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of them-"

"A whole pack of wolves?" Scott asked.

"No, werewolves," You finished. Scott looked over at you before speaking to Stiles again.

"Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour," Scott said. That was new information to you, but you didn't even have time before Stiles spoke again.

"We saw what you did on the field. Okay, what you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible."

"Okay, so I made a good shot-"

"No, you made an incredible shot! I mean the way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. People can't just suddenly do that overnight," Stiles replied anxiously. "And there's the vision and the sense. And don't even think I didn't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore-"

"Okay!" Scott shouted. "I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?!"

"What are you trying to do?! I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't even believe wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it??" Scott spat.

"He's trying to help," You interjected, getting out of bed. "You're cursed, dude. You're going to physically change tonight. And your bloodlust will be at its peak."

"Bloodlust?" He looked at you in a way that he'd never done before. You stepped back.

"Uh, I'm gonna grab a glass of water," you mumbled, walking out of the room. You leaned against the wall in front of Stiles' room, hearing the rest of the conversation unfold. You simply stood there until you heard Scott yell. You ran back in to see him holding Stiles against the wall. "HEY! Scott what the fuck?!"

He yelled before throwing the chair in your direction, making you yelp and jump out of the way. It was only then that he realized that his behavior was completely erratic.

"I'm sorry.." He said to you. You couldn't even look up at him in sheer fear. "I gotta go get ready for that party... I'm sorry.."

You watched him walk out of the room before Stiles rushed up to you.

"Are you okay? Did he hit you?" Stiles asked, frantically looking at your body to see if you were alright.

"I'm okay, I'm okay," You said quickly, making him release you and pick up his desk chair. "I jumped out of the way in time. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm-" He paused, looking at the scratches on his desk chair. "Oh my god look at this.."

He whirled his chair around to reveal claw marks. You felt your eyes widen as your right hand flew up to your mouth.

"I have to stop him," You mumbled before spinning on your heels. Stiles rushed up to you and grabbed your arm.

"Woah, woah, woah. Not a good idea. He literally almost killed us, Y/N," Stiles said, turning you around so you could look him in the eye. You tried to get him to let go so that you could follow your best friend. "Hey, hey! Look, the best that we can do is get ready and go to that party to keep an eye on him and everyone there. I mean, you saw the way he looked at you! He wouldn't hesitate to hurt you and I can't let that happen. I'm sorry but you have to promise me you won't go looking for him."

"Stiles, I-" You froze when he held out his pinky. That had always been something you'd only done with Scott. You felt a little guilty at the way your heart fluttered at the sight. You looked into his worry-ridden eyes and sighed, taking his pinky into yours. "Okay, fine. I swear."

"Okay, let me take you home," He breathed, grabbing your clothes and holding his door open for you. "C'mon, we have to get there before he does. I'll pick you up as soon as we're done getting ready."

You nodded and led the way to his Jeep. The ride home was quiet. You mumbled a quick goodbye and jogged into your house. You showered and threw on the nice outfit you'd picked out earlier that week for the party. You opted to blowout your hair and parked it with a nice smokey eye look. Stiles blew up your phone before you were done with your makeup.

Stiles: I'm done. You ready?

Stiles: Actually I don't care, I'm coming over

Stiles: I'm here, can I come in?

Stiles: Okay I'm tired of waiting. I'm coming in.

"Hey, don't get scared! It's just me!" Stiles shouted, entering your front door. He remembered you telling him the night before that your parents were out of town for the weekend, so he didn't mind barging in. He walked into your room, looking for you. "Y/N?"

"In here!" You called from your bathroom, finishing up your lipstick. He walked over and felt his jaw drop slightly. "What do you think?"

"Uh, um. Yeah! Yeah, you look really good!" He managed to blurt out as your twirled. "Like really good, holy shit. I feel underdressed. And I'm wearing a tie!"

"Oh shut up! You look great, Sti!" You laughed, making him chuckle nervously. "Let me just spray some perfume and we can get going."

"Sounds good," Stiles said, looking at the pictures that decorated your walls. He saw one of you and Scott playing in a tree and smiled. You loved to climb as a kid. Everything. You even figured out how to climb up the bricks on the side of your house and would hide away from the boys when they hurt your feelings. There was even a time when Scott said something really hurtful to you and you ran off and climbed up the wall to seclude yourself. Stiles took it upon himself to grab a ladder, climb up, and sit with you until he cheered you up. That was one of the first times he ever felt nervous around you.

"Okay, let's go!" You smiled, grabbing his wrist and pulling him downstairs. Once you got to the Jeep, he reached your door handle before you got the chance to. You smiled and blushed. "Oh, um thanks. I can open my own doors, you know."

"I like opening them for you," He shrugged before closing your door and jogging to his side. This boy sure was sweet. He made it really hard not to catch feelings, but you were dead set on not acting on them. Second choice your ass. "I gotta admit, I'm really nervous about how Scott's going to act tonight."

"Yeah, me too.." You responded. "But it's okay, we'll keep an eye out on him. If he starts acting crazy, we can just yell COPS and get everyone to scatter."

"That's brilliant!" He laughed. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because I'm smarter," You said simply, earning a scoff from the boy next to you. "You're just mad because it's true."

"Even if it were, I would never admit it," He laughed. "You know fragile ego, being a man and all."

You threw your head back in laughter at his reference to a comment you said a few weeks ago. He grinned at the sound of you.

"You will never let that one go, will you?" You looked over at him. He glanced at you before looking back at the road.

"Never," He confirmed, making you erupt in a fit of giggled again. He spotted Lydia's street and sighed. Man, how he wished Beacon Hills was a little bigger. It was definitely up and coming but not enough to make the drives last as long as he wanted with you. "Check it out, we're almost there. It's almost revolting, the fact that we can get anywhere in this town in less than five or ten minutes."

"Agreed. We should all apply to college in a big city," You smiled as Stiles pulled into the big driveway. You reached for your door handle before receiving an ah ah ah from Stiles. He turned off his car and jogged over to your side to open your door. "I don't know how to feel about this whole let me open every door for you thing."

"I've always done it," He smiled at the confused look you shot him. "No, seriously! One time, when we were in like the third grade, my mom saw me walk in a door and not hold it open for you. I guess it hit you and you rubbed your arm for the rest of the day. Dude, she yelled at me for like thirty whole minutes, telling me that she didn't raise me that way. After that, I've always held the doors open for you if I could help it."

"Aww, I never even realized," You pouted at the sweet story he shared, making him chuckle. "Well, then I guess I'll let you keep holding my doors open."

"Thank you," He smiled, opening the front door of the house to reveal a lively crowd of tipsy teenagers. "Let the party begin."

You both found a group of his friends and stood around talking until you saw Scott walk in with Allison. After that, you zoned out of the conversation and focused solely on your best friend. He walked into the backyard only to stumble back inside. You grabbed Stiles' arm, giving him a chest full of butterflies before he realized why you'd done it.

"Yo, Scott, you good?" He asked, reaching out for him. Scott simply walked past the two of you and out to his car. Allison ran past you and watched as her date drove away. Derek Hale approached her and offered to take her home. "Y/N, hey, are you listening? We gotta follow him!"

"Yeah, okay let go," You mumbled, feeling a little weird about the adult man taking your new friend home. You ran closely behind Stiles and hopped into his jeep before driving off towards your neighborhood. Once you got to Scott's house, you both darted into his house and up the stairs. You knocked on the door.

"Go away," Scott mumbled.

"Scott, it's us!" Stiles said, opening his door. It was no use since something blocked it from opening it all the way. "Let me in, Scott. I can help."

"No! Listen, you gotta find Allison-"

"She's fine, all right? I saw her get a ride from the party. She's- she's totally fine, all right?" Stiles interrupted.

"No, I think I know who it is!"

"Just let me in. We can try-"

"It's Derek. Derek Hale is the werewolf. He's the one that bit me!" Scott shouted. Stiles looked over at you with wide eyes. "He's the one who killed the girl in the woods."

"Scott, Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party," You finally spoke up. There was a split moment of silence before Scott slammed and locked the door.

"Scott!?" Stiles shouted before trying to open the door to no avail. He pounded on the door once more in desperation.

"Wait, move over. I can unlock it with a bobby pin," You said, digging in your purse and pulling one out. You quickly sprang into action, unlocking the door in seconds. You opened the door and ran in to find an empty bedroom. Stiles ran to the bathroom to check for any sign of your friend.

"He's not in there!" He panicked. You sighed and slid down the wall. "Wait don't give up, we have to check on Allison!"

He took your hand and pulled you behind him to his car. You directed him to her address and quickly got out to run to her door. You rang the doorbell and waited for someone to answer the door.

"Hello," A woman smiled.

"Hi, Mrs. Argent! I'm a friend of Allison's. I was wondering if she was home," You smiled, speaking quick.

"Yeah, she's home! Come in, come in!" She stepped aside. "Allison!"

Your friend appeared from what you assumed was her room, giving you a confused look.

"Oh thank god," You breathed, putting your hand over your heart. Her mother mirrored her daughter's face. "I'm sorry for just showing up. I saw Scott leave and then Derek gave you a ride. He gives me a weird vibe so I just wanted to check if you were alright."

Her mother smiled as you turned around to give Stiles a thumbs up.

"That's so sweet of you," Mrs. Argent said as Allison walked down the stairs. "Thank you, uh-"

"Y/N," You chuckled nervously, holding out your hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Oh, this is Y/N?" She asked her daughter. "I've heard a lot about you! It's so nice to meet you too!"

"Thanks for checking up on me," Allison pulled you into a hug. "I really appreciate it. I'm a little bummed over the whole Scott thing, but I'll be okay."

"Yeah, I don't think he was feeling well. He has asthma and might've forgotten his inhaler or something," You said. "I really don't know what happened. I'm so glad you're okay, though. But, um, it's pretty late, I just came by to make sure you were home. Derek is just weird. Nothing against him, but it never sat well with me how he just like lingers around town, you know? Anyways, call me if you want to talk about tonight. I should get home, I don't wanna be out past my curfew."

"Yeah, of course! Thanks again!" Allison giggled.

"Y/N, you should come by for dinner sometime!" Mrs. Argent said as you walked out of the door she held open for you. "We'd love to have you."

"Absolutely! I'll have to bring one of my mom's famous pies," You chuckled. "It was so nice meeting you! Sorry again for barging in at this hour."

You walked out to Stiles' Jeep that he leaned on.

"She's okay," You said making him smile softly as he opened your car door for you. "Thanks."

"I just wish we could say the same about Scott.." He mumbled as he buckled in. You nodded in agreement. "But, uh, I should probably take you home, huh? It is a little late."

"Yeah," You agreed. His shoulders slumped a little at his disappointment. "I mean unless you wanna come over to keep an eye out for Scott? We can pop on a Star Wars movie and make popcorn while we wait."

He looked at you with wide eyes. You never wanted to watch Star Wars. Ever. Maybe you did like him back.

"Or not," You mumbled after receiving nothing but silence. "You're right, it's pretty late-"

"No, no, no, no! You already said you'd watch Star Wars. You can't take it back now," He interrupted, making you laugh. He pulled out of Allison's driveway and made his way to your house.

You spent the rest of the night throwing popcorn at one another, checking to see if Scott's room light was on, and arguing over Stiles' favorite movie until you fell asleep on his shoulder during the second movie.

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