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By ziggs_mxyfield

50.2K 1.5K 218

'๐๐จ๐ฒ ๐–๐จ๐ง๐๐ž๐ซ ๐ง๐ž๐ž๐ ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐ก๐ž๐ฅ๐ฉ ๐š๐Ÿ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐š๐ฅ๐ฅ ๐ญ๐ก๐ž๐ฌ๐ž ๐ฒ๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ฌ?' ๐—œ๐—ก ๐—ช๐—›๐—œ๐—–๐—› Dick Gr... More

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1.7K 58 4
By ziggs_mxyfield


        PHOEBE, KORY AND DICK didn't speak a word to each other in the car after what had just occurred. Dick was pissed off at himself for going above what he should've, and Phoebe was just honestly embarrassed. 

        She was slumped in the passenger side seat against the window, her arms crossed. Dick's eyes stayed on the road while driving, never looking back while Kory sat between the two in the backseat, leaning over the glove compartment. 

        "I didn't know you two had it in you," Kory spoke up, after minutes of silence. Phoebe's eyes narrowed at Kory, before looking away again. 

        Phoebe could hear Dick sigh. "What?" 

        Kory was hesitant to keep speaking. "The way you attacked that man." Kory pursed her lips together, before continuing with her rant. "It's none of my business but if you both don't bury whatever it is that's going on, you're gonna explode. Just like Rachel." 

        "Were you a therapist in your past life?" Phoebe tilted her head at Kory, her arms kept crossed. 

        "Maybe I'm a therapist in this life, who knows?" Kory sarcastically replied, causing Phoebe to remember that Kory couldn't remember anything about herself. Kory then turned to Dick, sending him a fake smile. "You just have problems. You seem like a nice guy but I'm not so sure." 

        It took Dick a moment to answer. Taking a few deep breaths, he started. "I went through something when I was a kid." 

        "So, this is all about you?" 

         Dick turned his head to look at Kory for a moment. "I don't want her to make the same mistakes I did." 

        "Alright," Kory replied. "I'll take it." Then turning to Phoebe, she smiled. "Alright Ms. Blondie. What's your traumatic story? Anything I should know about you?" 

        Phoebe's eyes widened as the words escaped Kory's mouth. Wally. Wally fucking West. The hallucinations that sent her crazy. Although they hadn't been showing up as much recently, then sent her into a spaz. 

        Seeing the terror in Phoebe's eyes, Dick spoke up. "Pheebs, don't answer the question. It's alright if you don't." 

        "No," Kory cut Dick off. "I wanna know what's going on." 

        Phoebe stayed silent. She turned the other way, not wanting to deal with Kory. Dick turned right onto another street, and Phoebe jumped when she saw who was standing on the corner. Wally.

         God, Phoebe just wanted this to end. Turning back to Kory, she felt as her head was about to explode. "My best friend died a few years back and it's my fault. Now I get random hallucinations of her that drive me absolutely insane." 

        I took Kory a moment to reply. She didn't really know what to say. "You may have gone through some bad shit. I may have too, I don't know. But, what I do know is that no one manages alone." Phoebe looked Kory dead in her eyes. "I don't have to remember much to remember that." 

        The car stopped at a huge mansion in the middle of the woods, where the man said that Rachel had headed towards. Dick turned off the car, signaling all for them to get out. Closing the door behind her, the three walked up to the front door together. The door was creaked open, Dick motioning that they should go inside. 

        Walking in, the lights were flickering on and off as they tranced through the halls, Phoebe keeping close to Dick. Phoebe's heart started to pound, as if she was in some sort of horror movie. The lights turned on for a split second, before starting to flicker again. 

        "Get out," Phoebe heard a woman's voice from behind her, making her jump. Instinctively, Phoebe grabbed onto Dick's arm, terrified for her life. Turning around to face a beautiful woman, the lights went out again. A weird oozing sound was heard, the lights flickering on and off. The woman stood there, her face deformed and stretched. "GET OUT!" The woman screamed, Phoebe's ears piercing. 

        Footsteps were heard coming from behind her. Turning around, Phoebe stood face to face with a robotic man along with a mummified man with glasses. "Fuck," Phoebe whispered out, her grip tightening on Dick's arm. 

        A blood-curdling scream was heard from the basement, Dick's eyes lighting up. Turning to Phoebe and Kory, his lips were pursed. "Rachel." 

        "Go," Kory acknowledged to Phoebe and Dick, motioning that she could handle the people. Instantly, Phoebe let go of Dick's arm and the two ran through the halls, trying to find the stairs from the basement. The house was almost pitch black now, the only light being the moonlight reflecting off of the windows. 

        Finally finding the stairs, Phoebe gasped at what she saw from down below. Rachel's dark magic filled the air as she stood in the back of the room, almost looking through a violet portal. "Rachel!" Dick called out over all of the noise. The two quickly ran down the stairs, pushing through trying to push through Rachel's dark magic. 

        "Rach, it's us!" Phoebe tried to call out, but her voice was almost muffled by all of the noise. 

        Finally reaching Rachel, Dick grabbed the girl by the shoulders. Her eyes were pitch black, along with her skin as pale as a ghost. "Rachel, hey. It's us!" Dick tried to bring Rachel back to reality, but it just wasn't seeming to work. 

        "You're going to die," Rachel screamed at dick, her voice shaky and scared. "Please get out of here, before it's too late!"

         Phoebe placed her hand on Rachel's shoulder. "We aren't going anywhere, Rach. Dick and I are on your side." 

        Rachel shook her head, horrified at what she was becoming. "I don't wanna hurt you. Please." 

        "Listen, I was wrong," Dick started, taking a deep breath. "When I told you no one can help you."

       "You guys need to leave." Rachel started to cry, shaking her head. "Please." 

        Phoebe started to get worried. Not for herself, but for Rachel. This poor girl was going through so much. Phoebe started to see a little bit of herself in Rachel. Dick spoke up again, his voice calm and soothing. "When I said that you're all alone, I was wrong. You're not on your own. Okay? You have me and Pheebs." 

        Phoebe added onto Dick's statement. "We're here for you Rachel and we love you. We're not going anywhere, okay?" Rachel continued to sob, pulling both Phoebe and Dick into a hug. Phoebe and Dick's heads laid on Rachel's shoulders, comforting the girl as she cried her eyes. out. "We're here, Rachel." Phoebe whispered into Rachel's ear, soothing her. 

        Rachel continued to let out cries as her eyes turned back to normal. "It's okay," Dick comforted the girl, taking small deep breaths. "Phoebe and I are here." 

        Rachel's dark magic suddenly disappeared, the room going silent. Rachel wouldn't let go of Phoebe and Dick. She found the most comfort and warmth in them, the most she had felt in a very long time. 

        It had been a long night and Phoebe was exhausted. The sun was going to start coming up soon, the time around four am. Finally leaving the mansion that Rachel had been in, Phoebe kept an arm around Rachel's shoulders as they walked back to the car. Looking back at the house, they had been escorted by the robot man, the woman who almost scared the shit out of Phoebe, the mummy with sunglasses, and the boy with green hair who Rachel had said was Gar. 

        Phoebe could see the way Rachel looked at Gar. Pure adoration. I guess the robot saw it too, because he put a hand on Gar's shoulder. "Go, go with them." His voice was deep, intimidating. 

        "But the chief-" Gar started, only to be cut off by the mummy man.

         "His back is broken again. We'll take care of him." He assured Gar, nodding our way. 

        "I can't be the only one who finds him a little weird," Phoebe whispered to Rachel, motioning to the mummy guy as they continued to talk. 

        Rachel softly smiled. "Oh yeah, definitely one of the freakiest things I've ever seen, and that's saying something." 

        Gar waved goodbye to his friends before he started to walk towards the group. "Rachel, let's get in the car," Kory motioned to the back seat, opening the door. Rachel nodded her head, sliding in. 

        Phoebe slid into the passenger seat, knowing that if she didn't quickly enough Kory would take the seat from her. Dick already started the car, Rachel sitting in between Kory and Gar as they were on both sides of her. 

☺︎︎ ☺︎︎ ☺︎︎

        Hours later, Dick pulled into a crappy motel. As much as Phoebe did not want to say at the dump, she kept her mouth shut. He had traded some man earlier that morning his Porche for a mini van, making it comfortable for everyone to sit in. Phoebe sat in the front with Dick while Rachel and Gar were in the middle row, Kory all the way in the back. 

        "Still can't believe you traded in a Porche for a mini van," Gar's face was in utter shock, still trying to comprehend what had even happened the past night. 

        Dick sighed. "At least we can all fit in."

         Kory shrugged her shoulder's, looking around the car. "I like the van." 

         Rachel's face was in utter disgust. "We're not actually staying here, are we?" 

        "I second that, god I can smell the stench from the motel and we're still in the car," Phoebe scrunched her nose, raising her eyebrow at Dick. 

        "Yeah, there's probably a nicer place down the road." Kory added on, pursing her lips. 

        Dick huffed, exhausted and annoyed. "We're being hunted by sociopaths. Nicer places draw attention." 

        "Yeah, well they don't give you head lice." Phoebe giggled, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. 

        Kory spoke up, irritation in her voice. "They also make it easier to sleep." 

        Dick pointed to the main road on Phoebe's side. "One road in, same road out. Only one point of access we have to watch. It's also very quiet. If trouble comes our way, we should hear it first." Dick unbuckled his seat belt, opening his door. "Also, who said anything about sleeping?" 

         Dick had escorted everyone into his room after he got a motel room for everyone along with some pizza. Phoebe, Rachel and Gar sat on the bed eating pizza while Kory stood next to Dick. "Alright guys, listen up." He started, fiddling with the keys in his hand. "We're all in one piece, more or less. We need to figure out where we stand and determine what's mission critical."

        "Mission critical?" Rachel asked, her voice muffled by the pizza in her mouth.

        "Is that a cop thing?" Gar added on. "Sounds like a cop thing." 

        Dick stayed quiet for a moment before answering, his eyes set on Phoebe as she quietly ate her pizza. Even eating, he thought she was beautiful. Snapping back to reality, Dick looked back up. "I had some combat training when I was younger."

        "I'm sorry, you were referring to we?" Kory asked, stating the obvious as she was a little tempered. 

         "We as of right now are a group of people who share a common enemy."

        "That would make us like a team or a band," Phoebe added, finishing up her pizza. "We could call ourselves Green Day and sing Wake me up till September ends until our ears bleed."

        "How about we call it an alliance," Dick wasn't comfortable using the word team, knowing exactly what happened the last time he was in one. "One born of mutual need."

        "And, what is that?" Kory dragged out her voice, picking at her nails. 

        Dick turned his head to look at Kory, aggravated that she kept asking so many questions. "To stay alive." He turned his head back to the three on the bed, crossing his arms. "We have no idea how long it'll be until they find us." 

         "You just said they," Gar asked, his eyes widening. He held the pizza box in his lap, picking up another slice. "Who are they?" Gar nervously laughed, not knowing what was going on. Leaning in closer to Phoebe and Rachel, his smile dropped. "Who do they want?" He whispered, not wanting to sound stupid. 

        "We don't know who they are, but they want me." Rachel informed Gar, taking another bite of her pizza. 

       "Because of Rachel's abilities," Phoebe added in, licking pizza sauce off of her lips. 

       Kory crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "They make violence look like an art form." 

        Dick nodded his head, agreeing with Kory's statement. "The people that attacked us fought in unison. They were perfectly coordinated, we're not. We can't fight like that unless we learn each other's moves." 

        "Inspiring," Sarcasm dripped from Kory's voice. "And how do you suppose we do that?" 

       "We stick together," Dick answered, turning his head back to Phoebe, Rachel and Gar on the bed. "And we train."


i love gar so much i'm so happy he was finally added-

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