By kris_sirk_kris

253K 8.5K 1.7K

"Should we tell them about us?" "No. Not yet" "So we'll hide it then?" "Yeah. Let's keep it lowkey" More

DAY 01

DAY 02

4.8K 215 41
By kris_sirk_kris


I shared the tent with Irene and we're currently inside resting. She is telling me random stories about her childhood and how she met Seulgi. I kept smiling the whole time because I can see how happy my friend is while she's speaking.

"And then she came to me one day, asking if I'd like to go out and have coffee with her. I was stunned at first since she's the one who approached me first. I didn't even know she could talk" she said and chuckled.

"Is she always like that? Pretends she's cold on the outside but on the inside, she's really soft"

"Yeah. They had to look tough, Jennie. If not, others would take advantage of it"

I only nod. I remembered Lisa. She's like Seulgi too.
She acts like she's tough on the outside, but I know how soft hearted she is.

"You're smiling"


"You're smiling. Is it because of someone?" She asked and wiggled her eyebrows.

I shook my head and I could feel myself blushing.

"Oh come on, tell me. I can keep a secret you know. Who is it?"

"N-no one"

"Hmm let me guess, is it because of V?"

I raised an eyebrow and faced her. I placed my right hand under my head and stare at my friend.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh you know. We just noticed that the two of you are getting closer to each other. He's never really that close to girls except you. He's even acknowledging us as well"

"V is just my friend like you girls"

"Well I don't think he sees you that way"

"What do you mean?"

She chuckled and closed her eyes.

"The guy obviously likes you, Jennie"

I got silent. I didn't know what to say so I just stare at my friend.

"Sooner or later, he'll probably confess to you. I hope you're prepared. Goodnight, Jen"


I'm not yet sleepy so I decided to leave the tent for a while. I peeked outside to see if our teachers are still outside.

I don't want to get caught since they told us to sleep already.

I slowly crawled outside and stood up. I hugged myself since it's freezing and I didn't wear any jacket.

I wouldn't take long anyway. I'm just going to take a walk for a while.

I walked pass the tents of other students silently. I noticed that some of the villager's house still has a light on.
They're probably still awake.

I took a deep breath and rubbed my hands together and blow on it. It's really cold in here.

I suddenly felt warm fabric wrapped around my body. I grabbed the hands around me and wrapped it around my stomach.

"Whoah easy. Are you that cold?"

I froze and immediately turned around.
My eyes wide when I saw V smiling at me so I immediately removed his hands off of me.

"S-sorry. I thought you're someone else"

"Why? Are you expecting someone?"

"N-no. I thought you're Irene"

He just nodded and stepped closer. He fixed the jacket on my shoulder and wrapped it around me.


"No problem. Why are you out here?"

"Uhmm I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. How about you?"

"Well, I wanted to talk to you actually. I thought you're asleep already so I was ready to head back to my tent but then I saw you"

I only nod and started walking. He matched my pace and now we're walking beside each other.

He started telling me some stories about himself and I didn't noticed I was suddenly enjoying his company. He would crack some jokes and I find myself laughing but we would immediately cover our mouth so no one could hear us.

"I already told you half of my life. How about you?"


"Tell me something about yourself"

"Oh uhm I'm a uhmm ahhhh..."

He suddenly chuckled so I look up to him.

"What? What's funny?"

"How come you don't know yourself?"

I pouted and look ahead.

"You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable about it. I'm good with it"

"Thanks V"

"Uhmm Jen, I was actually wondering if you'd li---"

"I hope I'm not disturbing something"

We turn around and saw Lisa looking at us with a blank look.
I gulped and unconsciously moved away from V.

"Actually you are. You don't go snooping on someone else's conversation, Lisa" V said to her.

"Please watch your words, Mr Kim. You don't want to go against me"

"You can't keep doing that to me, Lisa. We're not in school right now so don't use your authority against me"

"We're not in the academy but I am in charge of everyone here so you follow what I say"

"We came here on our will, Lisa. You don't need to look after us like we're children. If something happens, I can assure you that you won't get into trouble if that's what you're afraid of"

Lisa suddenly stepped forward so I immediately went in between them and placed both of my hands on their chest.

"Please don't fight. I'm sorry, Lisa. We were just walking" I tried to explain and look at her.

She was clenching her jaw and was looking at V sharply. I felt V holding my hand and pulled me beside him.

"Come on, Jen. I'll walk you to your tent"

"N-no it's okay. You go ahead. I'll just have a word with her" I said and removed his jacket and gave it to him.

"I'm not leaving you with her"

"Please. I'll follow you soon"

He took a deep breath before taking the jacket and walked away.
I saw him bumped into Lisa as he walk passed her.

When I made sure he's already far away, I step closer to Lisa while fidgeting my fingers.

"Are you mad?"

"Why are you still awake?"

"I'm s-sorry. I couldn't sleep so I needed a walk. I didn't know he's still awake"

"Did you enjoy it? Hanging out with him?"


She inhaled sharply and closed her eyes before looking at me

"Get some rest, Jennie"


"I said get some rest"

I lowered my head before nodding and walking away.

I saw V waiting outside our tent and his face lit up when he saw me.

"Hey, what did she say? Did she hurt you?" He asked and took my arm to examine me.

"No, she didn't. I'm fine. You should get some rest"

"You sure?"

I nodded and patted his cheek before saying goodnight.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

"Yeah. See you. Goodnight, Jennie"

I forced a smile before stepping inside the tent. Irene was already snoring so I carefully lay beside her. I made sure I didn't make any noise so she won't wake up.

I took a deep breath before lying on my back. Lisa is mad at me and I don't know what I did wrong.

I kept looking at Lisa while planting. She hasn't glance at me even once and I can tell that she's still upset.

I even woke up early this morning so I could talk to her but she's too occupied talking to our teachers.
I'm a little disappointed since I didn't get my morning kisses today.

She promised me when we were still at home that she'll find a way to give me kisses but she didn't do anything this morning.

"Jennie, stop frowning. What happened to you?" I look at Tzuyu who's behind me.

"Let her be. Maybe she's just hungry" I heard Sana said but I didn't look at them.

We're currently planting the seeds right now. I'm supposed to be enjoying this but Lisa kept bugging my mind.

I couldn't focus.

"Do you think all do this would grow?" I heard Sana asked Tzuyu.

"Well I'm pretty sure my trees will grow because I'm the one who planted them. I'm not sure about yours though"

"Sheesh. What are you gonna do? Water them with your cockiness?"

The two started bickering once again and Irene came to separate them.

Ms Dara finally called us to take a break and I let go of the small shovel and stood up.

I reached for my bag to drink some water but my hands are still dirty with soil.

I pouted and turn around to ask my friends for some help when I saw V in front of me.

"Need help?"

I only nod and pointed at my bag. He smiled and unzipped it before taking the bottle out.

"Can you remove the lid? Thanks"

He nodded and do what I say.

"Open your mouth"

"V, I can do it"

"I don't think so. Come on"

I had no choice but to open my mouth and he brought the bottle close to my lips.

"Careful" he placed his left hand under my chin.

After I drank the water, my friends are looking at us while smiling like an idiot.

"What?" I asked them.

"Yoda, my hands are dirty too. Can you help me drink some water?" Sana said in a weird tone and they started laughing.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard Seulgi's voice and I saw her looking at Lisa who's now walking away.

Where is she going?

Mr Gong Yo led us to a lake.

He said there's one hidden behind the trees so we immediately followed him.
He also said we could wash our hands there because it's not that far.

When we saw the lake, the others excitedly ran towards the water. Our teachers warned us to be careful because the middle part is deep.

(A/N: Can't find anymore picture.Let's pretend there is a small dock okay?"

I decided to walk on the dock but Mr Gong Yo told me to be careful since it's a little old so I was careful on my steps.

I watch some of them dipped into the water.

I sat at the edge of the dock, with my feet on the water and I almost shivered because of how cold it was. I bend a little and dipped my hands so I could wash it.

After washing my hands, I stood up and look at them who's now swimming happily. I saw my friends on the other end and it looks like Sana is pulling Tzuyu towards the water and Irene is just standing there while laughing at them.

"What are you looking at you creep?"

I turn around and saw Nayeon with her two friends looking at me

"Nothing. Are you going to swim?" I asked her and she rolled her eyes.

"Obviously but you're blocking the way"

"I'm sorry. I'll just leave"

I walked pass her but she pushed me so I'm back on my place.

"Lisa looks upset and I'm sure that has something to do with you. What did you do this time huh? Stop pestering her"

"I'm not doing anything. Please let me through"

"I'm telling you right now, Jennie. Leave Lisa alone. She will never run after someone like you"

"And she'll be after you? I don't think so" I couldn't help but spat back because she's making me upset.

Who does she think she is?
Does she know Lisa like I do?

Her eyes widen and she gritted her teeth.

"You're a bitch" she said and pushed me hard until I fell on the water.

I suddenly felt the water consuming my whole body. Ms Dara was right when she said this lake is deep.

I tried to wiggle myself and tried to reach the surface but I'm being pulled down.

Oh crap I don't know how to swim!

I tried to open my mouth to call for help but it was a wrong move since more water went inside my mouth.

I'm slowly losing oxygen and I already drank a lot of water.

I closed my eyes and stopped moving and just let the water take me.


Everyone should know how to swim.
Even if you don't, atleast try learning the basic of floating on water.

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