Fated Queen | MiChaeng [G!P]✔

By _Myoui_Penguin_

80.3K 2K 963

⚠️: Bye innocent/sensitive people~🔞 Son Chaeyoung, the Crown Princess of the modern Kingdom of Korea. She... More

Author's Note


3.3K 95 17
By _Myoui_Penguin_

I closed my eyes and when I removed my thumb I opened my eyes and I gasped.

There are two lines.


I covered my mouth, I did my best not to cry.

I quickly threw away the test strip and went out without leaving any traces that I took a pregnancy test.

I couldn't think properly the whole day but I managed to do every task my superiors asked me to do as usual.

Dahyun would even ask me if I was ok and I would just nod.

A few hours later

Still Mina's POV

We went home now and I cooked for Dahyun and me.

She saw me and sighed, "Mitang just sit and let me cook please." she said.

"Oh it's ok I'm almost done anyway." I told her.

She just suddenly grabbed and wooden spoon from me and started stirring the food.

"You're one of the kindest, sweetest and selfless people I know but you still won't be great if you're stubborn so just sit there now." she told me so I just obeyed.

"I know something's going on with you Minari, you're avoiding me, you're so extra quiet than usual and you look like your sick often. Please just tell me, you know we got each other, I always tell you my problems so why couldn't you do the same? We've been best friends for years we're no different than being sisters." she started to say.

I know she's right, maybe I should tell her, how could I get rid of my worries and problems if I keep it to myself?

"Dubu...I..I think I'm pregnant" I said slowly and she stopped stirring and her jaw dropped.

"I know it's sudden but I've been vomiting often and get morning sickness and I crave strawberries dipped in peanut butter all the time and I searched on the net what's going on with me and it said I have signs of pregnancy  so I took a pregnancy test and it shows I'm positive I-I couldn't just accept it yet and I don't want to add to your problems with your work-"

I cut when Dahyun hugged me and stroke my head.

"Oh Minari you should have told me sooner, imagine if I didn't encourage you to open up, my work is not as important when my best friend is going through tough things." she said.

Then she suddenly pulled off from the hug and looked confused, "But Minari who's...who's the father? You said you didn't do it Dae Hyun after what you found out about him and everything.."

I looked down at my feet and started to sob, that question struck me, that's why I'm afraid to accept that I'm pregnant even if it's my dream to be a mother because of the other parent of this baby...

"I-I had a one-night stand." I told her and she gasped.

"I drank at the bar that night when I got a text about Dae Hyun cheating on me and I got drunk and went in the wrong room and I just suddenly woke up in the morning already with someone else beside me-"

Dahyun held my shoulders tightly, "Minari you know how serious this is?? How could you have kept all of this to yourself??" she burst in concern.

"By any chance do you remember his face? Was he a local there?" she asked.

I shook my head, "I can't say it's a guy-"

"What??" she asked in shock.

I took the handkerchief the queen lent me when I was crying from my bag and showed it to her "She gave this to me-"

 She took it, "She??" then she gasped when she took a closer look, "The one and only Queen of Korea Minari?? Are you serious???" she burst again.

"How did you know-"

"Can't you see these initials S.C. with a crown?? This is the famous handkerchief that is made for the next heir to the throne of Korea so this was made during her coronation and it's worth hundreds of millions of dollars!" she said drastically and my jaw dropped.

I'm glad I kept it safe all this time and didn't lose it just anywhere, if possible I could return it to her soon but who am I kidding she can't just meet anyone especially a commoner like me anytime I want us to meet.

"I-I didn't actually ride a regular plane on the way back here, she lent me that handkerchief when she saw me crying outside my room with my travel bag, then she just told me then to go back with her in her private plane." I told her nervously.

Dahyun's jaw kept on dropping on every word I say but what else should I say to her? Of course nothing else but the whole truth. 

It may sound like it's a total lie but what else could I say?

"Look Minari I know you don't brag about anything that's not real so I totally believe everything you say...you know how important and grand is this Minari? No one could easily experience that even for once in their lifetime but you Minari..so what was she like?" Dahyun suddenly asked me now in amazement.

I thought deeply of her question and I start to have flashbacks during the short time I spent with her highness and I don't know why I suddenly smiled but I didn't show it to Dahyun, "She's..she's the same." I told her simply.

"The same? What do you mean?" Dahyun asked as she became confused.

"She...she was just like any other person, she treated me like an equal and even let me eat with her on the plane and she even wanted me to just call by her name because she said she wanted to feel like a normal person for once, I would even forget at times that she was the queen when she's just treating me like a friend," I told her simply but inside I wanted to say more but I think this is enough for Dahyun now to understand.

"Woah just like that? I thought she'd be boastful or something grand that you might be uncomfortable with her then I would not care who she is and shut her up. *I giggle* I wish I was in your shoes Minari, oh just in the plane part, not the one night stand-"

I turned sad again and looked back at my belly.

Dahyun gasped and gave her mouth little slaps.

"Right the queen is not important here right now...so how are you planning to tell your mom about this?" she asked slowly.

"I-I don't know and I'm still not sure if I'm really positive it might have just been a mistake-" I cut 'cause I felt like throwing up again and quickly went to the bathroom straight to the toilet.

Dahyun became worried and she went to me and rubbed my back and she helped me wash my mouth by the sink.

After that she gave me water to drink.

"How could you still say it's just a mistake Minari? It's pretty obvious that you're pregnant." she said and kept on rubbing my back.

"I...I think you should take a rest for a while and spend time with your family Mitang, don't worry about work I'll cover up for you, I'll always help you in whatever way I can but no one can help you better than a real mother who has experienced carrying a baby in her womb, and you have to eventually tell your family about this especially your mom." she added.

Everything Dahyun said is all true, she may be younger than me but she's wiser and I don't know if how could I even survive if she doesn't give me advice on which paths I should go through in life.

"I-I don't know Dahyun-ah I'm just scared of how they would react and they might be so disappointed at me. But could I blame everything on myself Dahyun? I would've never done such a thing if I was completely sane that night." I started to cry again, I couldn't completely understand why I get so emotional easily these days.

She hugged me and started rubbing my back again, "It's natural they would react like that if they find out Mitang, and I know you're not that kind of person, of course, I know you'd never do that ever but things could always get out of our control yet despite all that, I know that aunt Young Ja and Jihyo unnie will never leave you and fully support you, and if I understand your situation, how much more them?" 

I kept on crying, I keep on realizing new things that had never come to my mind before.

I realized I have more people beside me than I know and are there to help me with my problems and I would've barely existed in the world if they weren't there for me.

I eventually nodded to Dahyun, agreeing that I should rest for a while and go back to my home island for a while, I miss my family too.

The next day she helped me pack up and she accompanied me to the seaport and I hugged her one last time and got on the ship.

The ship started sailing away and I waved goodbye to Dahyun and I look at the vast sea and the cool breeze takes my worries away for a moment.

After almost an hour we finally arrived at my home island and I went down slowly on the dock with my trolley bag and I sighed when I saw my mom's restaurant from afar.

We own a small restaurant near the seaport where tourists usually come to eat, above it is where we live, the restaurant may not be doing so good but  not so bad that it's enough to close down since this is one of the best places to eat in the island.

I started crying again while I look at our place from afar and I don't know why I just felt like I couldn't face my family.

Park Young Ja's POV (Mina and Jihyo's mom)

I'm putting out the trash as I always do every morning and when I finish doing so I'd always look at the beautiful sea and watch people arrive by the seaport which always calms me down.

But today was different when I saw a familiar figure of a lady by the dock with her travel bag.

I may not see her face as she was against the sunlight but I know my own daughter and I quickly went to her.

When I got to the dock I could see her more clearly and I waved at her and she waved back.

But then when I went even closer my smile disappeared and I became confused because I could see her rubbing her eyes like she's crying.

"Are you crying?" I asked her and I could see her trying to put up a smile and she shook her head.

"I-I'm not eo-eomma, something just got in my e-eye." she said with a shaky voice and she wiped her tears while sniffing.

"Why did you come? Did something happen?"

"No mom, I just missed you, my boss is kind enough to give me a short vacation." she answered and smiled faintly.

I just hugged her, rather than asking her more questions now, I'll just welcome her and comfort her instead as a mother should. 

It is obvious she's crying but she might not be ready yet to say her problems, my sweet penguin is quiet and calm since she was a child, so eventually, I know she'll open up when I encourage her to do so.

It just breaks my heart when she keeps her problems to herself and suffers alone.

I rubbed her back, "Let's go now?" I asked her and she just nodded lightly.

I took her travel bag from her but she stopped me, "Gwaenchanah eomma, I could do it."

I just nodded to her and we went to the restaurant now and my other daughter saw us and a big smile lit up from her face as she saw Mina and hugged her.

Seeing this moment just warms my heart and I wish their father is still here to see this.

Mina's POV

I was so happy to see Jihyo and she quickly hugged me.

Her baby bump is so visible now that it's so obvious she's pregnant, I'm so happy for her, and I can't wait to see my nephew.

But then it reminded me that it might be the same case for me and I'm not sure how to tell them yet.

I didn't make myself obvious yet.

 I was also happy to see my mom welcome me from the dock.

We headed to the restaurant and mom immediately cooked for us.

When it was served we had a big pot of beef and radish soup on the table and pork cut into bite sizes that can be wrapped in greens.

They looked at me confused as I started to eat a lot, I didn't understand myself either, I just feel so hungry than usual.

"Slow down will you dear? You'll get an upset stomach. You eat a lot as if you're pregnant like your sister, you eat like a bird when you were young and I'm glad you eat well now but slow down." mom said while pouring me a cup of water and chuckled.

I choked a little hearing the part where she said I eat like a pregnant woman and I quickly drank from the cup of water she poured me.

"See? Tsk tsk tsk aigoo." mom said and I just smiled awkwardly after drinking the water and recovered.

"Slow down little sis, don't you eat well in the mainland?" Jihyo unnie asked me.

"I-I do eat well unnie, I just miss mom's food that's all." I lied to her a little, I do miss mom's food but I normally won't eat a lot in one go, most likely it's because I'm pregnant.

They just nodded and Jihyo unnie and mom also started eating.

Mom was eating fine while Jihyo unnie and I were eating as if we're in an eating contest and mom glances at both of us and shook her head and chuckles.

After we finished eating I helped mom put the bowls and utensils on the sink, I said I'd wash them but she insisted that she'd do it and I should settle my stuff upstairs.

I just nodded or mom will rant at me again and I don't want her to get hot-tempered because that won't be good for her health.

Suddenly the entrance of our restaurant rang and we saw Daniel oppa and Jin Hyuk come in.

My eyes widened a little, "Oh Jin Hyuk and Daniel oppa." I suddenly said and when they saw me they gasped and ran back outside.

"What's with them?" Mom suddenly asked and Jihyo unnie just raised her shoulders.

"Aigoo they've been acting strange ever since they came back from their 'trip'. They said they were successful but they look like they failed and nothing changed tsk tsk tsk." mom said and shook her head and continued washing the dishes

I went out for a while and I saw both of them near the seaport standing while crossing their arms or facepalming themselves.

I went to them slowly and when they noticed me. They were a little startled and they couldn't look at me in the eye and look guilty.

I know I should be mad at them but I couldn't fully blame them either because they didn't intend to do it on me.

"A-are you fine Mina?" Daniel oppa asked without looking at me.

"I am oppa." I lied obviously, "But why did you two do that?" I asked them.

Jin Hyuk suddenly plucked up the courage and looked at me and held my  hand and started to sob a little, "We're sorry noona, hyung and I were just desperate in getting our company back after it shut down, we couldn't just sit and watch that woman enjoy her vacation while we suffer when she canceled our partnership, we didn't expect you'll be there at all."

I just rubbed his back, he may be reaching his 30's now but he could still be a baby like this. He's like ur little brother and we've been playmates since childhood and good friends until now.

Daniel oppa also help my left shoulder, "Mina you know I couldn't face Jihyo and our incoming baby if I'm an incompetent husband and irresponsible dad, what money would we have to raise our baby if our company doesn't continue anytime sooner?" 

"I understood you both, but you didn't have to do that you know, there are still plenty of ways to get back on your feet other than taking revenge and blackmailing, then you would've become criminals so isn't that even worse?" I told them and they just looked down on their feet.

 They started realizing, I know they just want the best for their families and they won't easily give up but this isn't the way they should do it.

"Sorry noona, I know we did wrong but we won't do it again." Jin Hyuk said and I just nodded.

"Are you sure you're fine Mina? Did that woman do something bad to you? We're sorry we just ran like cowards we had no choice that time." Daniel asked.

I just shook my head but it made me remind of the short moments we both had together.

He sighed in relief and looked at me again, "C-can you just keep this from Jihyo and especially mother-in-law? We'd be dead meat if they found out now, we just have to fix things first Mina please." Daniel oppa pleaded to me.

"I was going to say the same thing." I said and eventually nodded to them and they both sighed in relief.

I started heading back in now and I took my bag upstairs to settle in.

Jihyo unnie wanted to help but I said it was fine she shouldn't do so much hard work.

Time skip to evening

Still Mina's POV

I'm laying beside mom now on the bed and she's already sleeping and snoring while I still couldn't sleep.

Not because of her snore, I'm used to it since I was a kid. It's just that I had a lot of things in my mind that I couldn't sleep peacefully.

I share the same room with Jihyo unnie before but then she got married to Daniel oppa and they both sleep in that room and I transferred to my mom's room so she wouldn't be so lonely and sometimes she sleepwalks so someone has to monitor her.

Luckily when I started working on the mainland she doesn't sleepwalk that often anymore, just occasionally but Jihyo saw her.

I really couldn't sleep, I slowly got up and put on a cardigan because it's a little chilly outside and I went out of the room quietly so mom won't wake up.

When I got out I went to the bench near the restaurant and I saw a woman seating on it and when I went nearer it was Jihyo unnie and when she noticed me she smiled and tapped the seat telling me to sit beside her and so I did.

"Unnie why are you here? It's not good to stay up late and it's chilly it won't be good for you and the baby." I asked her.

She just held my hand and caressed it, "Don't worry, I dressed up warmly and I only do this once in a while, I just went to have some fresh air and enjoy this view, wouldn't that be good for him?" she asked while rubbing her belly.

I nodded, the view is indeed beautiful, the gorgeous night sky with the big full moon reflecting on the vast sea with waves, and the cool breeze just tend to relax you and take your mind off things.

"Why are you here too?" she asked.

"Oh I also miss watching this view,"  I lied but it's sort of true though but I just really want to take my mind of things.

She just nodded and we continued watching the view.

I suddenly asked Jihyo unnie, "Unnie?" she hummed as a response.

"How did you react when you found out you were pregnant? I asked her.

"Of course I was very happy, Daniel and I always expected to have a baby after we got married like any couple would, so no doubt we were both in tears of joy." she responded.

I just nodded, "What symptoms did show when you suspected you were pregnant unnie?" I asked her more.

"You know...I felt nauseous and I vomited often and had morning sickness oh and I crave a lot of yogurts and won't even mind sharing and I get emotional often even until now." she said.

I just nodded, "Why are you asking those anyway?" she suddenly asked.

"Oh, I was just curious and someone from work is showing those symptoms so you know, maybe she's also-." I lied again and she just nodded.

"Oh I forgot one more thing, when I discovered I was pregnant I get so needy at times." unnie said like it's nothing and started laughing.

I slap her shoulder playfully, "Yah unnie you didn't have to mention that!" I said and she continued laughing.

She suddenly put her arm around my shoulder and caressed it, "Don't worry little sis you'll experience it someday too, I know it's your biggest dream to be a mom and I'm sure you'll be one of the best moms there could ever be, it's not too late to find someone else you still have time, I know you've been through a lot during these days and you might be uncomfortable when we mention 'him' but you still have to face it someday and I'm sure you'll just be laughing at this bad memory one day and you'll be with someone better." she told me.

Tears started rolling down my eyes when I heard those words, she just smiled and opened her arms wide and I hugged her and she started crying too.

"He better make the best out of his life while he can because he'll instantly die when I see him! How dare he do that to my little sister!" Jihyo unnie said angrily with a shaky voice referring to Dae Hyun and I just hugged her more tightly

People would think we're both crazy women crying right now but luckily it was just the two of us and this is a warm moment.

How did I ever deserve a kind and loving family like this? I may not be related to them by blood but they never treated or thought of me like a lowly adopted child and took care of me like their very own. I'm so lucky they took me in but all I do is disappoint them especially when they'll find out I had a one-night stand.

I couldn't just mention that right now because I'm still scared of telling them the truth, they don't deserve a bad daughter like me and we have plenty of problems already and I shouldn't add more to that.

We pulled off from the hug, "Should we go back now?" she asked and I just nodded.

We went inside and I sent her to her room and I also went back to mom's room.

The next day

Still Mina's POV

I woke up now and went to the bathroom.

I actually bought another pregnancy test yesterday.

If it still shows two lines then I'm definitely pregnant.

I did my business now and it was time to check it.

I hope it won't be two lines even if it's my dream to become a mom.

I removed my thumb suddenly I covered my mouth and started sobbing.

It's really two lines.

Someone then started knocking on the bathroom door.

"Mina sweetie are you crying again? Are you ok? Open the door!" mom called out from outside.

"Just g-give me a second m-mom!" I said with a shaky voice and quickly tried to hide the test strip somewhere but the bathroom door opened.

Mom actually had the keys to the bathroom then she saw what I was holding and took it from me.

She gasped and frowned at me.

She started giving me hard slaps on my right shoulder.

"Ahh! Eomma that hurts!" I couldn't help but just scream that it hurts but I didn't tell her to stop because I know I deserve it.

"Aigoo you brat why didn't you tell me sooner??? How could you just keep this to yourself huh?? Did you forget you still have a mother that's here to help and listen to you??" she kept on yelling in concern and her voice starts to get shaky like she's about to cry so I cried too.

Jihyo unnie saw us and restrained mom from continuing to slap me. "Mom calm down what happed?" 

"Look what your sister hid from us!" mom said and showed Jihyo the test strip.

She gasped, "Yah Minari that officemate you said, it was actually about you???" she said loudly.

I couldn't face them, I just kept crying, "I-I was about to tell you I-I did the test before but I didn't believe it yet so I had to do it again before I can-"

"If you did the test once Minari that's already the result! You didn't have to do it twice and others at times don't even take the test and just know they're pregnant already when they're showing some symptoms!" unnie said and I know she's right.

Mom cooled down and we took this matter downstairs and it's still early in the morning and the restaurant isn't open yet.

Mom made me sit down with my hands up in the air and she's crossing her arm while walking back and forth looking at me with flaming anger.

I just closed my eyes tightly, it's been a while since I saw mom this mad, she only does this when we were younger when Jihyo unnie and I fight.

I am scared but I'm more concerned that this will be bad for mom's health and I know it's all my fault.

"So who's the father? You broke up with your boyfriend and you two never did it." mom suddenly asked and that question stuck me again and my eyes widened.

"I-I... mianhe eomma you don't deserve a daughter like me I...I had a one-night stand." I told her straightforwardly and I looked down on my feet and started to cry while mom's eyes widened and Jihyo unnie gasped.

Mom's legs weekend but Jihyo caught her and I just kept on crying, 

She started to give small slaps on my shoulder and she started sobbing, "What- what were you doing all this time in the mainland Park Minari?? I never expected you to pay me back for raising you all this time but neither did I teach you to live this way-I" mom cut continued crying.

"I-I didn't mean to eomma you know I'd never do that...I had to drink that night eomma I felt so hurt but I wasn't good at holding my liquor and got in the wrong room-" I kept on sobbing and Jihyo tried to pull away mom from me so she'd stop slapping my shoulder.

Mom got off from Jihyo and quickly went to me and hugged me.

She stroked my head while we continue to cry, "My poor daughter you've been through a lot *she sniffs* I'm such a bad mother for not being there for you in your tough times-"

"No, no mom that's not true I'm the trouble here and just add to your problems and I know all my excuses are useless, I don't deserve a good mom like you-"

I cut off when mom covered my mouth and she pulled off from the hug then she bent down to cup my cheeks and wipe my tears, "You should never say that Mina, you and your sister are the best gifts I ever received in my life, no matter what bad things you go through I'll be there to help you in any way I can but you always forget that I'm here and face things alone, that just makes me feel like a bad mom so please, don't say you're just causing me trouble, it's my duty as a mom to always be there for you." she said and managed to smile faintly.

Jihyo then went to hug us both and started to sob too.

I held mom's hand and nodded to her, "O-ok mom but...I want to keep the baby with or without this baby's other parent, I'll raise this baby on my own." I said with a shaky voice while rubbing gently my belly.

"Of course you're keeping that baby, and even if you don't want that baby I'll raise it on my own like how I raised you and your sister. It won't be different from giving birth to a child again, just because this baby was made from a mistake doesn't mean this baby should be gotten rid of or given up for adoption same for other babies all around that were also born from a mistake." mom said firmly and I just looked down and nodded and Jihyo unnie rubbed my back.

"But do you even know the father of this child?" mom asked and again that question struck me and I gasped a little shut my eyes tightly because I felt so nervous if she finds out and she might find it unrealistic.

"Well?" she asked

"I..I do mom but I can't say it's a father and she's not someone you could just meet-"

Jihyo gasped and mom slammed her hands on the table, "She?? What rubbish are you talking about??" mom asked angrily.

For a second she was emotional and now she's mad as hell which causes me to scold myself mentally for making her react this way and it might shorten her lifespan.

Unnie rubbed mom's back to calm her down and unnie mouthed me 'Yah michyeosseo?? Stop talking nonsense.'

I started to say softly, "I know it's hard to believe-"

I was cut when the door of the restaurant rang entering Daniel oppa and Jin Hyuk, "Good morning- ooh what's this mood?" Daniel oppa suddenly asked.

Mom sighed and put the test strip on the table, "Look what your sister-in-law has for us."

Daniel oppa and Jin Hyuk looked at it and both gasped and looked at me, "Yah Mina-yah you said you were fine but what's this!?!?" oppa freaked out.

"What's your problem? It's not like you're the one who's got pregnant." mom asked Daniel as she became confused.

"Mom, it's a long story but we know the other parent of this child." Daniel oppa said and it was too late to keep him quiet.

Someone's POV

It's confirmed, she's absolutely pregnant.

Her Majesty must know about this.

I confirmed that she wasn't a part of those two men who planned to set up on the Queen but now this.

I was told that my job would be done if I confirmed that she's not a part of the trap but I couldn't let this slide. So that's why I followed her from the mainland to this island.

I always heard her conversations with everyone she's talking to as I was the guy who purposely bumped into her and installed a voice recorder and tracker in her phone when it dropped on the ground.

I'm calling her majesty's number right now because I must tell her personally, not just by a text because she might not be able to read it immediately.

I just have to tell her or I might be dead meat if she finds it out herself and thinks that I didn't tell her about it.

And I know her majesty's money's worth for paying me to do this and it's not the first time anyway, so I must do my job right.

Shoot she's not answering I should try calling her assistant.

Queen Chaeyoung's POV

I'm working on my desk for a moment when I heard a phone ringing so it must be mine and I tried to look for my phone when someone knocked from the door of my chamber

"My Queen please be ready for the trip, your private yacht is prepared." Momo said.

"Alright I'll be right there." I said back and forgot about my phone and went back to fix the papers that are still scattered on my desk.

I have a business trip today on a remote, outdated island because my royal family owns a portion of land there and I should check it out if I should sell it off or keep it and put up a company there and could help enhance the island and make them advance and updated because it's important to be updated in news and social media nowadays.

I finished fixing the papers and turned off my computer and I'm just wearing a simple long sleeve summer dress to fit the time and place and it would just look like I'm having a vacation on an island for a day.

I'm really not used to dresses but I lost a bet with Momo last time so this is what she asked me to wear because the loser has to do what the winner wants. Plus, it's also a sort of disguise because I don't want to bring a lot of company like extra security so I won't gather attention and it'll just be quick.

It'll just be me, Momo, my bodyguard, my business manager, and the 3 caretakers that are waiting for us at the island.

I went out of my chamber now and Momo and my bodyguard greeted me with a bow and we started heading out of my hall out to the black Rolls-Royce Ghost that I chose we should take today and my bodyguard opened the door to the backseat for me and Momo went in the passenger seat and my bodyguard jogged to the driver's seat now.

At the back of us was another car same model as this where my extra security is inside but they'll only escort me up to the seaport.

We started going now and I wore my sunglasses and shortly we arrived at the seaport and I got on the yacht now and Momo followed and my bodyguard and the captain greeted us his crew like 5 of them.

I went on the yacht and sat with Momo shortly after, champagne was served and I gladly drank while enjoying the view of the sea by the window of the yacht.

Too bad when I got back here from Bali Somi left already on a business trip again in the Netherlands and won't be back at least for 2 months and I was pissed that my plan failed.

I told myself 2 months would just pass by quickly yet after all this I kept on thinking about Mina because I know she'll be sad after what she found out about her boyfriend.

I thought about our weird encounters but I didn't dig deeply into her background like I usually do because I want to respect her private life, I just know that she's an adopted child and lives in a cheap apartment with her friend and she actually works as a job hire at Jangin Company so maybe that's why she was shopping at the Royal mall that time as it was near.

Overall she has a life full of struggles and adding the fact that she broke up with her boyfriend just makes me feel bad for her and mad at the world for making her live this way.

I shook my head, I had already done my part, I shouldn't get involved anymore with her and I know others would also tell me that I didn't have to take her with me in my private plane in the first place.

I realized I forgot my phone somewhere in my chambers and groan. "Momo, I forgot my phone." I told her.

"Oh it's ok Your Highness anyone calls me first before dialing you anyway or contact me if you're not answering." she said and I nodded.

Her phone suddenly rang , "Oh it's one of the caretakers on that island." she told me and I just nodded and she went out to take the call.

After a while she must be finished talking on the phone and went back in. "What did they say?" I asked her.

"Oh they're just asking if what time we'll arrive." she responded and I just nodded.

"What's the name of the island again?" I asked her.

"Oh it's Jukdo Island your Highness." she answered.

"Jukdo Island." I suddenly reapeted.

Someone's POV

Gosh none of them are answering my calls.

First the queen's phone just keeps on ringing but no one is answering and her assistant's phone is busy too and I kept on calling but it seems she's having a long call.

I also couldn't be on the phone the whole time because I have to keep following her and not let my guard down because I might be caught.

Queen Chaeyoung's POV

We arrived shortly and the island was peaceful and not as populated as the city which is nice and breathtaking.

I kind of like this island, and this is why it's good I didn't bring much company or I might cause I big show here letting everyone know I'm here on this island today.

Suddenly an old man with two old ladies came towards us and they look like farmers and it's obvious that they're living on this island.

They bowed to me, "Welcome your Highness, I hope your trip going here was safe and enjoyable." the old man said.

"Yes it was, thank you for concern." I responded back and he chuckled gently like any grandpa would and my grandmother would also chuckle like that too.

"Oh and these are my sisters Your Highness, three of us have been taking care of the royal family's land here for years." they bowed to me and I just smiled and nodded.

"I appreciate all your efforts taking care of our land all these years." I told them and they just smiled and bowed.

"Oh my, I didn't expect Queen Yu Ra to stay this young, she is indeed very beautiful." one of the old women said Momo cleared her throat.

They're so outdated indeed.

"I'm sorry ma'am to say but this already the late Queen Yu Ra's daughter, Queen Son Chaeyoung." Momo corrected and their jaws sort of dropped.

"Oh I'm so sorry your Highness, please forgive as we are very outdated, I'm sorry we didn't know that your mother passed away already." the old woman said.

"It's ok ma'am I understand, that's I came to visit and help this island become more advanced and updated." I told her with a smile while I held her hands and she rubbed my back like I'm her grandaughter which was very comforting. 

"Thank you for your kindness My Queen." she said and I nodded.

"So shall we go ahead and see the land now?" the old man asked.

"Oh yes please." I responded and it was not that far, I'm glad I could take a good walk on this beautiful island.

After we saw the land we were just walking by admiring the island, "Your Highness, I would be honored to invite you to try and eat at the famous restaurant here on this Island." one of the old ladies told me.

"Oh I'd be very glad to, I am a little hungry." I told her and she chuckled and she guided us the way.

"We personally call the owner of the restaurant 'Mrs. Wraps' as her seaweed wraps are the best and it's what makes her restaurant famous." the old woman said and I just nodded.

"Speaking of which there she is walking towards us." the old man said and we look in the direction he's pointing at and a woman was heading towards us with a few more people behind her.

She stopped in front of us but she looks angry, "Please your highness, please say hi she's very welcoming and kind." the old man told me.

I nodded and faced the woman known as 'Mrs Wraps', "Good day Mrs. Wraps I'd be honored to try and enjoy the food of your famous restaurant." I said.

She just looked at me from head to toe and suddenly two men showed up behind her and I exactly know those two.

"Y-you??" I asked while pointing at the two rats but then one of them just said to 'Mrs. Wraps', "Mother, she's the one responsible!" he told her while pointing at me and everyone was confused including 'Mrs. Wraps'.

"What nonsense are you talking about Kang Daniel?? She's a woman for God's sake!" 'Mrs. Wraps' said angrily but I still cannot relate to what are they talking about.

He went to her and whispered out loud, "She's no ordinary woman mother, she has a different body part down there, and she's not just anyone but the Queen of this country!"

"What?? Do you think that I don't know how Queen Jin Young looks like?? She doesn't look as young as this lady and her mole is on her upper lip, not the lower!" Mrs. Wraps said and Momo tried to hold her laugh.

This woman is even more outdated, she thought my grandmother is still the Queen.

I cleared my throat and they focused their attention on me.

I started to say, "I'm sorry to say that it's my grandmother you're referring and she's the Grand Queen Dowager now while I am the Queen, and may I ask now what I am responsible for?"

Mrs. Wraps suddenly looked angry at me and grabbed me by my sleeve and she started giving me slaps on my shoulder, "How could you do this to my daughter huh?? You shouldn't just leave her suffering like this!" she started yelling.

I was totally shocked and everyone was started too. They started pulling me away from Mrs. Wraps and they started to calm down Mrs. Wraps.

"How dare you do that to the Queen-" my bodyguard stop because I signaled him that's it's ok and Momo started to look worried again along with my business manager and the caretakers.

"Are you alright my Queen?" Momo asked and fixed me. "Yes I am don't worry." I told her and faced Mrs. Wraps whose still breathing heavily while looking angry at me.

"Ma'am I know you're angry at... me right now but we could talk this out, please tell me what did I do wrong I'll fix it-"

"You! *she pointed at me* because of you my daughter now she's pre-" Mrs. Wraps was cut when a woman went in front of her and covered her mouth.

"Mom don't tell her please!" the woman said and her voice is so familliar.

I looked at her more closely and I exactly knew who it was when she faced us, "Mina-ssi??" I asked in a surprised tone.

Mrs. Wraps took Mina's hand off her mouth. 

"She has to know Mina-ya! *she faced me* you! Because of you she's pre-" Mrs. Wraps was cut when Mina covered her mouth again.

"Mom please...just please..I-I'll be the one to tell her hm?" Mina said with a worried tone and she took her hands off from Mrs. Wraps' mouth.

Mina then just stood there, "Well then? Tell her now." Mrs. Wraps told her.

I faced Mina, "Mina-ssi what is it?" I asked her.

Everyone was waiting for her to answer but she just looked at me sadly like she's about to cry, "I-I'm...I'm pregnant with your child." she suddenly said with a shaky voice.

My world froze while everyone gasped.


A/N: Hi guys Merry Christmas and I hope you like this new update:)

Sorry for the grammatical errors and misspellings even if I review and edit it before publishing I still have many overlooked errors:<

Always stay safe!~💙


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