Don't Be Afraid of Shadows (B...

By FroggyBiscuit44

853 44 11

That shadow lurking in the corner of Katsuki's room had been there as far back as he could remember. No one e... More

◅ Prologue ▻
◅ Chapter 1 ▻
◅ Chapter 2 ▻
◅ Chapter 3 ▻
◅ Chapter 4 ▻
◅ Chapter 5 ▻
◅ Chapter 6 ▻
◅ Chapter 7 ▻
◅ Chapter 8 ▻
◅ Chapter 9 ▻
◅ Chapter 10 ▻
◅ Chapter 12 ▻
◅ Chapter 13 ▻

◅ Chapter 11 ▻

49 3 1
By FroggyBiscuit44

'Now I know what a ghost is. Unfinished business, that's what.'
Salman Rushdie

They stayed curled up together on that bench until the winter sun was low over the horizon and full sweeping darkness had begun to creep across the park. At some point Izuku had become silent and still against Katsuki's chest, and if it weren't for the steady reassuring thump of the boy's heartbeat against the blond's own chest Katsuki might have feared he'd died right then and there from grief.

He pulled himself back just enough to see that Deku's eyes were wide open, staring blankly off into the distance. They were red rimmed and raw from the tears that now soaked the front of Katsuki's coat, his mouth parted slightly in soft breaths.

Katsuki brought his hand up slowly, gently, so as not to startle the boy, and ran it soothingly through soft green curls trying to avoid the tangles that lodged between his fingers. He increased the pressure of his movements until he was able to tip Deku's head back and lock eyes with him.

"Izuku?" He whispered, watching the other's eyes flutter, "You with me?" He rubbed his nose against Izuku's, feeling the cold of his skin.

"I'm-I'm with you Kacchan."

His voice was cracked and broken, his lips dry, and every syllable whistled past them as a barely audible breathless note.

Where did Katsuki go from here? He shifted his hold so that he cupped Deku's face in his hands and peered into his eyes, seeing that he was now back with him, that he was present. Katsuki hadn't felt the cold while they sat there in each other's embrace but it was starting to creep into him now, and he knew the same had to be true for Izuku who was beginning to slightly tremble against him. Katsuki contemplated his options. He didn't want to take Deku home to his bastard father, but he couldn't force him to go to the blond's hotel when he was working through such a massive heart-wrenching revelation.

"What do you wanna do, Deku? Do you- Would you wanna stay with me?" He said hesitantly, before thinking better of it and rushing to add,, "Or I could call one of your friends for you? Maybe Eye- Shinsou? Or uh, that Shoto guy?"

Izuku let out a small laugh that sounded wet and strangled, "You know their names?"

"I guess it's a good job I do, huh?" Katsuki replied quietly, not being able to help the slight smile that tugged at the corners of lips.

Deku pushed back slightly, locking his gaze intensely with Katsuki's, his own red eyes seemingly reflected there in emerald green, bouncing ruby fire off of the soft gold flecks deep in his irises.

"I want to stay with you Kacchan. Please?"

"You don't even have to ask Deku. I don't wanna let you go anywhere I'm not, nerd."

With one last pass of his thumbs over Izuku's cheeks, Katsuki stood and extended his hand for the greenette to take.

Izuku looked at it for a moment and held out his own gloved hand, stopping an inch from Katsuki's.

"You know what you said..." Green eyes never left their hands and Katsuki waited patiently for Izuku to continue, "What you said, it means my Dad- he-"

"Yeah, it does. I'm so-"

"No Kacchan." Izuku shook his head fiercely, taking the hand offered to him, "Don't apologise. I know what you're saying, but I don't wanna hear you say you're sorry. You've got nothing to be sorry about. You opened up to me and it must have been hard to lay that out there. I could have-" Izuku sighed wearily as he stood, steadying himself in Katsuki's hold, "I could've thought you were crazy, or a liar, but I don't Kacchan. I trust you and- and I believe everything you've told me. How could I not? I never told you anything about my Mom."

Katuki's throat burned again, but he didn't want to cry anymore. Not when Izuku was holding it together.

"I've been hiding parts of myself to make my life easier, to avoid having to deal with him. With his outbursts. Why? Why was I doing that? He's an abusive, manipulative piece of shit Kacchan. He murdered my mother before I even had a chance to know her. The worst thing is, I don't doubt for one second that he did it."

His eyes glistened again but he rubbed them with his free hand and stood up taller, chin held high.

"I hate him, Kacchan. I'm not gonna hide anymore. There are clearly enough secrets in our family."

Katsuki didn't know what to say. How was this kid so strong? He had cried and cried until he fell limp against his chest, but now he was so matter-of-fact. He was just as determined as always. But Katsuki knew about putting on a mask and he recognised the familiarity of drawing oneself behind it. He also knew anger and saw how Izuku had just swapped out one emotion for another. Katsuki could see it all then, as the night fell around them. Izuku didn't want the grief. He wanted the anger, and he was reaching for it with both hands.

Katsuki brought Izuku into a final hug, not trusting himself to say the right words just yet, and with that he led the boy in the direction of the hotel.

The walk was silent, the grip of their hands never faltering as they walked with a lax pace.

By the time they made it to Katsuki's hotel room they were both cold and tired - and it was barely gone five o'clock. Katsuki mentally noted that if Izuku wanted to change his mind and go home he was running out of time to get there. Not that the blond would want to let him go. Especially not with the anger fermenting under Izuku's skin.

Izuku stood awkwardly by the door as Katsuki removed his outerwear and shoes.

"Hey nerd, relax, make yourself comfortable okay? Just gotta speak to my folks." Izuku nodded slowly, a strained smile trying to spread over his lips for Katsuki's benefit.

The blond placed a soft kiss on the other boy's forehead before slipping into the adjoining room.

His father was lounging on the bed reading and Katsuki could hear the shower running in the bathroom, a sign as to where his mother was.

He made his way around the bed and sat down next to the Old Man.

"Izuku is here." He said lowly.

Masaru nodded, placing his book down on the bed to keep his page, "Did you tell him everything?"

"Yeah, well nearly everything, still some stuff to iron out." Katsuki grimaced at the idea of having to go into the details, about Aizawa, about Yagi. "He didn't even question it. Fuck, I don't know know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."

His father hummed in understanding, "You have to realise son, Izuku might not have known his mother was dead but he's been grieving for her his whole life. He probably accepted that she was gone a long time ago. In some ways it might be easier, the known rather than the unknown. This isn't a fresh wound, this is slicing open an old one. The pain is already familiar."

Katuki stared down at his lap, contemplating his father's words. He supposed he was right, he just didn't know if he should be trying to make Izuku talk about it or wait for him to be ready. And how long would that take? The investigation was going to move forward regardless, and if there was no evidence to try Izuku's father the poor kid was still going to have to live with the knowledge that he did it... and that he was free.

"Should I- Do I ask him about this shit? Or do I just, I dunno, be there?"

"Just be there Kat, he'll talk to you when he's ready." His father smiled reassuringly, patting his son's leg.

"Dad," Masaru blinked in shock at the name, before snapping back his expression to one of sympathetic understanding, "He just seems- like he was sad at first, but now he just seems angry. That can't be good." Katsuki whispered, meeting his father's eyes with his own.

"I agree," Masaru shook his head, concern furrowing his brow, "But it's just happened Kat, these things take time. Anger can be good in the short term. I don't think you need to be concerned yet. Just be there for him. You've been doing a great job so far son."

Katsuki watched the soft smile his father gave him and clicked his tongue.

"Ugh, stop Old Man, you're giving me cavities with this sweet shit."

He was already moving back to the other room when he heard his father chuckle under his breath.

"Is he staying with you?"

Katsuki turned to reply, "Yeah- I mean, if that's alright?"

Masaru nodded, reaching for his book once more, "If he wants to be here, then I think it's the best place for him."

When Katsuki entered his own room, Izuku was already bundled up in his bed, comforter pulled up so that only his eyes peeked out framed between beige fabric and green curls.

"Can I join you?" He asked quietly as the other's eyes tracked his movements to the edge of the bed.

Izuku simply nodded and held up the covers for him.

Katsuki removed his belt, jeans and hoodie quickly, sliding in next to the greenette in his t-shirt and underwear before realising how inappropriate it was.

"Shit- I'll just put on-"

"No!" Izuku protested, grabbing onto Katsuki's t-shirt, stretching out the neckline. "It's fine, really. Am I ok to stay?"

Katsuki settled back against the mattress and turned himself to face the other boy, hand coming out to lay against his cheek.

"Of course, I said I don't want you anywhere I'm not, and I don't say shit-"

"You don't say shit you don't mean." Izuku whispered, smiling slightly at him. "I'm uh- I'm gonna get comfy if I'm staying."

He kissed Katsuki's palm before sitting up to rid himself of his clothing, until like Katsuki he wore only his t-shirt and underwear.

Katsuki couldn't stop the snort that escaped his lips as Izuku took his position beside him, "All Might, huh?"

Izuku didn't even look one iota embarrassed as he shrugged, snuggling closer to Katsuki's chest, "I like my underwear, I'm not ashamed about being a nerd. Plus, I know you're one too Kacchan."

The blond couldn't see the other's face anymore, tucked against his chest, but he felt the soft smile on his lips even through the thin fabric of his shirt.

"Yeah, well don't go tellin' anyone Deku, I've got a reputation remember?"

Deku laughed softly, sadness still lingering in the background of its musical tones, and Katsuki rubbed circles into his back.

Then it was quiet for a long time, Katsuki could barely make out the chatter of his parent's in the next room and he wondered if Izuku had fallen asleep.

"Kacchan, the police, did they suspect my Dad?" Izuku said quietly against him.

Katsuki closed his eyes and exhaled through his nose slowly. The last pieces of the puzzle, shaped like a grumpy detective and a lanky florist were laid out before him. He just had to put them in place for Deku.

"Yeah, they questioned your dad and your mom's old boss, a guy named Yagi. He was, uh, in love with your mom."

Izuku's head drew back quickly to look into Katsuki's eyes, which had snapped open at the sudden movement.

"In love with her?" He frowned.

Katsuki nodded against his pillow, "Yeah, it's kinda sad actually. They were together before she met your dad. It sounds like it was kinda a marriage of convenience - Your grandfather was ill and in debt and marriage would make sure his care was paid for."

Izuku nodded sadly, "So Yagi, he let her go?"

"Well, they- they had an affair," Katsuki cleared his throat awkwardly looking away. He felt terrible having to tell Izuku this, like he was privy to all of his family secrets, "but she wouldn't let him help her when the abuse started. She cut things off when she got pregnant with you. Uh, Yagi said they knew you weren't his. She told him the abuse had stopped since your dad found out she was pregnant."

Izuku tucked his head firmly back against the blonde's built chest, sniffling and swallowing loudly.

Katsuki was about to apologise again when he remembered Izuku's earlier words, "I know it's a lot, Deku. I can't imagine how overwhelming it must be to find all of this out."

"Kacchan, she stayed with him because of me," the shorter boy choked, "If she hadn't had me, she may have left, still been al-"

"Hey!" Katsuki grabbed Izuku's chin firmly forcing it upwards, dark green lashes rising and their eyes meeting, "It wasn't your fault for being fucking born Izuku. You mom thought he'd changed. He didn't. He started the same shit again when you were born and he didn't stop."

Katsuki spoke firmly, his heart aching for the boy before him, the boy whose sunshine smile would likely be hidden from the world for a while.

"She went to Yagi not long before she was murdered. She said she wanted to leave Izuku, she was gonna take you and run. And I think your dad fucking knew it."

"And the detective? He didn't find anything?"

Katuski shook his head, pulling the boy back against him, "He said the body wasn't there the first time they searched. He must have moved her there after- fuck, I dunno. But Aizawa said without a body and no evidence she was murdered he couldn't do shit. He thought your dad did it though."

Katsuki felt Izuku's fists clench against his shirt so tightly that his strong arms shook.

"I wanna ask him why Kacchan, why he couldn't just let her be happy, let us be happy," He drew in a breath thick with emotion, "I wanna kill him. I wanna see him hurt. I wanna..."

"I know Deku, I know," God he felt useless, there was nothing he could do but hold Izuku against him and caress him gently, let him know he was there for him, "Aizawa, he met Inko's spirit that night and he believes me now, he's gonna do everything he can to get him locked away."

Even as the words left his lips, Katsuki wasn't sure if he believed them, but fuck, he wanted to.

"Thank you Kacchan, for telling me all this."

"Don't fucking thank me for giving you the worst news of your life Izuku."

Katsuki buried his head against the pillow and soft warm hands came up to turn his face towards the other boy.

Izuku leant forward, his face still wet with tears that lingered on his freckled skin. He connected their lips slowly, gently, before pushing in more firmly to try and convey everything he felt in a single kiss. Katsuki kissed back instantly, soft lips pressed tightly against the other's, the tip of Izuku's tongue coming out to tempt Katsuki to open up for him - and he did, without hesitation. They were in each other's mouths in a flash, exploring one another, tasting the salt from Izuku's tears and the lingering bitterness of Katsuki's coffee from hours before.

Then hands were travelling down Katsuki's back and slipping beneath the hem of his t-shirt, still damp over his chest from Izuku's tears, and the shorter boy was becoming hungry in his ministrations. Fingers running over the warm ridges of Katsuki's abs, dipping into the depression around his navel and running back up to grope at his pectorals, digging into his firm flesh. Katsuki made to reciprocate, hands finding Izuku's smooth skin below the edge of his shirt, and running hot hands over taught muscles which made the boy gasp and shiver. The greenette moved to flush their bodies against one another. Their chests and hips meet, trapping Izuku's hand as it brushed across the hardened bud of Katsuki's nipple.

They panted into each other's mouths, kisses devolved into something messier, more primal, something seeking out an escape from the reality of the situation. Katuski felt Izuku's erection against his own, felt the boy buck into him to slide them together and let out a breathy whine, hands moving to Katuski's hips to encourage him to join in, to rut against him.

Katuski opened his eyes slowly, watching Izuku move down to kiss his neck, and he knew they had to stop. Izuku was hiding behind a curtain of arousal and desire, smothering the other shitty emotions out and stamping on the ashes only to ignite another larger fire that smouldered in his gut and spread to Katsuki's.

"Izuku?" Katsuki gasped, his eyes fluttering as Izuku sucked and bruised the flesh of his collarbone, careful of the marks already on his neck.

Deku whined in response trying to work himself further down the bed, but the blond's large hands caught him around the waist and held him still.

"Izuku, we need to stop."

There was stillness instantly and Katsuki could see how Izuku's face instantly flooded red, not from arousal but from embarrassment, even the tips of his ears flushed and he quickly tried to turn away from the blond.

"Hey, don't-" Izuku tried to flip over, but Katsuki wrestled him down onto his back and hovered over him, "Don't get all embarrassed nerd, trust me, it's not like I don't wanna jump your fucking bones." He held Izuku still and gently thudded their foreheads together, "I just don't want you to lose yourself in this to avoid all the other shitty emotions you're having to deal with right now."

Izuku nodded against him and Katsuki released him, bringing himself up on straightened arms to view the boy caged below.

"You're beautiful and gorgeous - and it's fucking cliche I know, but you are, inside and out. I want you now and a million times after that. But not like this." He passed a thumb over a freckled cheek, connecting one tan fleck to another, "I don't want you to use this to distract you. That's not what I want us to be."

"I'm sor-" Izuku caught himself, "Kacchan, you're right, I know you are. I-I want you, but I know what you're saying and you're right. I'm just trying to fill a dark hole with something better. I don't wanna use you like that." He shook his head dejectedly, green curls flying around him .

He leaned up and placed a soft kiss against Katsuki's lips, making the quarterback's heart flutter softly against his ribs. This kid, even when vulnerable, his bleeding heart open before him, he was still honest, caring, willing to give everything about himself over to Katsuki. He couldn't help but feel he didn't deserve it but he was going to do his damndest to prove himself wrong.

"I'm pretty tired, you know?" Izuku said, lazily stroking down Katsuki's back, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised Deku. Me too. Get some sleep nerd, I've got you." Katsuki laid beside him, head on Izuku's firm chest to hear his heartbeat steadily relaxing into an at-rest rhythm and traced circles up and down the arms that wrapped around his waist.

"Izuku," the boy hummed softly below him sending vibrations through Katuski's own chest, "Do you... do you want to meet her?"

Deku's chest stilled for a moment, air drawn in and held there before it was released in a soft exhale that fanned over Katsuki's forehead.

The arms around him tightened, "Yeah, I'd like that Kacchan. Thank you."

"Tomorrow then."

A simple nod above him, a kiss placed gently against his hair, and the two rested together, exhaustion pulling them both under even as the whirlwind of thoughts in their minds tried to drag them to the surface.

When Katsuki woke the next day he could already see soft winter sunlight peeking through the gap in the hotel curtains. At some point in the night he'd ended up spooning Izuku and the shorter boy was curled up next to him, arms locked around Katsuki's own which had weaved around Izuku's lean torso.

He blinked a few times trying to clear his sleep filled eyes and watched the way Izuku's green hair fluttered as his breath washed over it. There was a lot of tossing and turning for the both of them last night, as to be expected really, what with the hoffiric revelation that Izuku's mother was dead and all - not to mention Katsuki having insisted on being the one to tell him.

There was a soft vibration somewhere in the room and Katsuki slowly untangled himself from Izuku to find his phone without waking the boy. He turned back to place a soft kiss against a freckled cheek before he tucked the cover tightly around Izuku and slipped from the bed.

The quarterback huffed quietly as he stretched to retrieve his jeans from the floor and dig out his phone. It was late, much later than Katsuki had intended to wake, but emotional exhaustion will tend to do that to a person. It was already nearly two in the afternoon. He groaned at the multiple missed calls from various Squad members. They really didn't know when to quit. Not that Katsuki could blame them. They'd probably all been on edge not knowing how last night had gone.

He padded to the bathroom with all the stealth he could muster, glancing back at Izuku as he clicked the door closed before spinning and placing his phone to stand on the shelf below the vanity mirror.

He grimaced when he caught sight of his own reflection. His eyes were tired and bruised from exhaustion. The scratches on his neck were healing nicely, slight scabs flaking at the thin edges of the marks, but the hand-shaped bruises had now darkened to a nasty purpling hue that faded yellow at the edges. Was it really the best idea to let Izuku meet Inko? She wouldn't hurt her own son right?

Katsuki shook his head, rubbed the sleep from his eyes and unlocked his phone. He fumbled to quickly lower the volume as the ring of the outgoing call ran around the tiled walls before he set the phone back down and waited as patiently as he could for the Squad to answer.

To his surprise, despite ringing the group chat only Shitty Hair picked up the call, the rest of the members declining, but as several faces all crowded into view it became clear that they were all together.

"Bro!" There was a clamour of greetings as Kiri tried to encourage them all to quiet down while he set his phone up somewhere they could all be in view. Katsuki saw the Squad sprawled out on the hideous mustard rug and scraggy red sofa that were in Sero's basement and watched them all settle at Kiri's direction.

"So? Did you tell him?" The redhead asked, eyes wide in apprehension.

"Yeah, I told him." Katsuki said, keeping his voice low.

Tokoyami entered the frame, leaning over the back of the sofa Sero and Mina had thrown themselves on.

"I commend your bravery Bakugou, that couldn't have been an easy conversation." He shook his head slowly, "I hope Midoriya is doing well given the circumstances."

"He's..." The blond thought back to his dad's words the day before, "I think he's already mourned her before, ya' know? Now it's like, like it's almost familiar in a way."

The Squad nodded, sad sighs and hums of understanding leaving them.

"How much did you tell him?" Sero asked, leaning forward, hands clasped together between his knees.


"Even, about Yagi, about the affair and who Inko said did-"

"I said everything, Shitty Hair, and I meant everything." Katsuki glared, hoping it had its usual impact even through the phone.

"Shit- and he didn't think you were crazy as fuck?" Denki chimed in, indelicate as always, only to have Sero smack him around the head in Katsuki's absence.

"No moron, he listened and he came to the conclusion that I couldn't know the shit I did without what I said being true." He scoffed deep in his throat, "Some people have brain cells and the power of deductive reasoning you fucking dunce."

Denki just rolled his eyes at Katsuki's insults before ducking from another swipe of Sero's hand.

"So where is he now? Did he believe his dad did it? Cos' if so you really shouldn't have let him go home Kat." Mina fretted, hands tensing on the couch cushion.

"Tch, as if I'd do that. He said he already had his suspicions. Or did you fuckers forget he's been beating the shit out of Deku for years?"

"So not exactly a stretch for him to imagine then...." Kiri trailed off sadly.

"Nope, in fact it was the easiest part for him to accept honestly." Katuski's face twisted as he remembered Izuku's anger, "Anyway, he said he wanted to stay with me and I sure as shit wasn't letting him go so he's here asleep in my bed."

A round of groans crackled from the device as Mina facepaled herself in apparent annoyance.

"Really babe? You couldn't just wait for him to be in a better place mentally before you took what you wanted?"

Realisation flitted across Katuski's face only to be instantly replaced by fury.

"You fuckers!" Katsuki hissed, trying to keep his voice down as he braced himself against the sink with a grip nearly strong enough to crack the porcelain.

"You really think I'd do that?"

"Not me-" Kiri almost shouted, Sero following with a heartfelt "Nah bro, not to Mido" while Mina looked instantly apologetic, and Denki just nodded stupidly.

"Sorry Kat, I know you really like the boy- and he was in your bed- and it would have been easy for you to- shit I'm sorry, I shouldn't have presumed. That was fucked up." She twisted her hair, honey eyes fixed on her own knees.

Tokoyami looked like he couldn't care less.

"Well nice to know you dicks don't think I can control myself," Katsuki growled, "If you must know he tried to come on to me and we fucking talked it out because he wasn't in any fit state emotionally to fuck. Alright!"

They blinked back at him, both Kiri and Sero sporting stupid grins.

"Damn you really like this guy huh? I mean we all thought you did, but you- dude you really do!" Kiri laughed, tilting forward on the edge of his seat.

Katsuki stayed quiet. He didn't need to say anything, they already fucking knew as much. They clearly just didn't realise how much of a thing called 'self-control' he had when it came to things he cared about.

"So what now?" Sero asked, "It's winter break so he can't hide at school and he can't just hide with you forever either. I mean, you and your folks will go home soon, and surely Mido's gonna have to go home at some point too."

"Aizawa called my parents, said we can go home today, and they matched Inko's ID so he's gonna call in the previous suspects and notify next of kin."

"Shit, so Mido knows his dad's gonna be hauled in today?" Denki said from his seat on the floor.

"He's got a good idea, yeah." Katsuki affirmed. "He wants to meet Inko."

Silence, so quiet you could hear the static of the call.

"You'll need the spirit board then." Tokoyami nodded, standing up straighter.

"Yeah, could you drop it off at my house, I'll text you when we're on our way there."

He nodded again, as Kiri looked nervously around his friends and back to Katsuki. "Is this a good idea? Your neck still looks like shit from the last time you saw her dude. What if she goes ape-shit on Mido?"

Katsuki shook his head relaxing a little, "I honestly think she'll know who he is straight away. I'm hoping this is what she needs to move on, just knowing he's safe... because honestly, without evidence I don't think they can get his dad for murder. I think it's all circumstantial.

He didn't stay on the call much longer, saying his goodbyes to the Squad and promising to update them later on, and to let Tokoyami know when to drop off the board. He took a piss and brushed his teeth before slipping back out of the bathroom, only to be met with a sleep creased Izuku with messy bed head and tired green eyes looking over at him.

"Morning Kacchan." He croaked, voice sounding wrecked from sleep and the emotions of the night before.

"It's afternoon, Nerd," Katsuki ambled back over to the bed, noting that Izuku held the hefty brick-of-a-phone in his lap, "How are you holding up?"

Izuku looked down at his phone thoughtfully, a grimace on his usually placid face, "I'm in a lot of trouble Kacchan."

Katsuki slid into his side, chin resting on his shoulder and an arm around his waist. He peered down at the phone screen. Twelve missed calls, four voicemails and a handful of text messages all from 'Dad'.

"You knew this would happen when you didn't go home Deku, there's nothing to worry about. He's probably with Aizawa now, already being questioned." Katuski tried to reassure, his heart sinking for the other boy.

"It's just..." Izuku seemed to curl in on himself, "If they let him go, I've gotta face him and I can't go back and live there- I won't live with him anymore. I'm gonna be homeless, Kacchan."

Katsuki headbutted Deku gently, "No shitty nerd, there are plenty of people who care about you. Fuck, my folks would let you stay with me in a heartbeat."

A sad chuckle sounded from Izuku and he nuzzled into Katsuki's neck.

"Stop being so nice to me. You're supposed to be a mean playboy, remember?" he joked halfheartedly.

"Just shut up and take my love Deku." He tackled the shorter boy to bed and scattered kisses across his face, earning small chimes of laughter.

"Stop it Kacchan, I need to brush my teeth and I probably stink."

"Nah, you're worrying about nothin'." Katsuki replied, huffing out a laugh as he retreated from the bed to pull on some sweats. "There's a free travel toothbrush in the bathroom if you wanna use it. I'm gonna let the folks know what we're doing and grab something for us to eat."

"M'kay Kacchan, but I'm not really hung-"

"Tch, gotta eat nerd. I'll be right back."

He slipped into the adjoining room and found his father packing the last of his things into his overnight bag.

"Your mother has gone ahead to the house, she wanted to check on everything before we all go back there." He said, pulling the zip closed. "How's Izuku?"

"He's holding it together," the blond said, sidling up next to his dad, "I'm gonna take him to see Inko, but I need to feed the nerd first."

"Order what you like from room service, and just let me know when you're ready to go son." His father gestured to the door, "I'm going to head down to the cafe and do some work, but we'll drop you and Izuku off at the house when you're ready and let you have some time with Inko."

Katsuki shuffled a little awkwardly as his dad made to leave, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

"We're really proud of you Kat. Soon this will all be over and you'll be able to move on, both of you."

"I- thanks Old Man. I- fuck, it's nice to have your support."

They shared a moment, both understanding the weight currently sitting on Katsuki's shoulders before his dad left the room.

Katsuki picked up the phone to order room service, but his mind was already thinking ahead to their meeting with Inko, and he couldn't help the chill that ran up his spine and spread icy hands around his throat.

Eventually his folks were driving away while waving goodbye to Katsuki and Izuku as the boys stood at the front door of his family home. The blond was already mid way through unlocking the door when he noticed the black duffle bag tucked behind the potted rhododendron, drooping from the current climate.

Tokoyami must have made it here before them. Katsuki sntached the bag up before leading Izuku inside.

"Let's grab some drinks before we start. Settle the nerves, yeah?" Katsuki offered, as he strolled through the kitchen to the fridge with Izuku in tow, "Coke ok?"

When Izuku didn't answer Katsuki pulled his head from the fridge with two cans in hand to see him staring out of the window wide eyed. Katsuki followed his gaze as he moved up beside him and found the dark patch of raked earth outside where the azaleas once stood.

"She was here the whole time." Izuku said softly.

Katsuki wound an arm around him, rubbing his side gently, "She still is, ya' know? We're gonna go meet her right now Deku. That was just her body... but her soul, it's still here."

The shorter boy shook his head as if to clear it and his brows set in determination as he took his drink from Katsuki's hand. He cracked the top and took a long drink before breathing slowly through his nose, centering himself.

"Ok, take me to my Mom Kacchan."

They made their way upstairs, hands clasped together and the black duffle in Katsuki's free hand. At his closed bedroom door Izuku pulled the blond back, eyes tracing the dark marks on Katsuki's neck.

"I'm so stupid Kacchan," Katuski opened his mouth to protest but Deku spoke over him, "I didn't think about how coming back to see her would make you feel. She hurt you." A freckled hand lightly brushed against the quarterback's bruised skin, "I don't want you to be hurt anymore. I'm sorry I'm putting you through this again."

"I'm here because I wanna be Deku, don't get that twisted, ya' hear?" Katsuki scolded, taking Deku's hand in his once more before sighing. "Look, Inko, she never did any of this shit before that night and I may not know why she freaked the fuck out, but I don't think she wanted to hurt me. She's not a bad person Izuku, she's just stuck and scared, and probably as exhausted with it all as we are."

He released Izuku to open the door, "Maybe meeting you will put her to rest."

The greenette smiled slightly at the idea, following the blond into the room.

Katsuki glanced at Inko's shadow nestled right where it had always been in the corner of his room and it struck him then that there was a comforting familiarity to it. He couldn't feel anything emanating from it as he placed the duffle on his bed to open it. The board was nestled inside folded at its hinged centre. There was an obnoxiously green sticky note stuck to the bottom of the board.

'I don't think the candles & sage were what allowed us to connect with Inko, after all you've basically been connected your whole life when you think about it, so just the board should do it. Good luck Bakugou. - Tokoyami'

Katsuki opened the board, setting it on his floor and brought the planchette to rest on top of it while Deku looked around Katsuki's room. He pulled the pillows from his bed and placed them either end of the board, gesturing for Izuku to sit at its head.

Once both boys were seated cross-legged, Katsuki held his hands out to Izuku who took them gently.

"She's in that corner over my right shoulder. I can kinda see her, I guess cos I've been around her so long. I really don't know. She's like this shadow, it's kinda hard to explain." He said, rubbing his thumb over Deku's knuckles.

Izuku hummed in response, eyes fixed on the corner. "So, how do we do this?" he asked shakily, squeezing the blond's hands before returning his gaze, clearly nervous but steadfast.

"We both place our hands on the planchette - uh, the heart shaped thing - and you can ask her questions. Yes and no questions if possible, but she can spell out shit too."

Izuku nodded in understanding and they both moved their hands to the planchette.

"Apparently it's important neither of us let's go until this is over."

"Okay Kacchan, I'm ready." He smiled reassuringly over at the blond and Katsuki smiled back, the curl of his lips still slightly foreign when compared to his usual smirk.

"So I'm uh, I'm just gonna start..." Deku said, leaning forward slightly over the board, the winter sun coming in low through the window and giving everything a soft orange glow. "Inko, are you here?"

A steady drag moved the planchette across the board slowly and Izuku's whole body tensed, green eyes alight and already glassy as it slid to a stop over 'Yes'.

Katsuki grinned at him, "Told ya' nerd." He couldn't help the soft chuckle that left him as Izuku's face lit up. The boy had an opportunity not many ever got and he wasn't going to waste a moment of it.

"Ok um, where to start," He began, fingers gripping into the wooden heart as he breathed deeply, "My name is Midoriya Izuku and Kacchan - Katsuki - is my, well, h-he's my boyfriend." He said sheepishly, a blush crawling up his neck, "By some crazy coincidence or fate, or whatever you wanna call it, you died here in this house, Katsuki's house. Then separately Katsuki and I found each other and we... well we really really like each other."

Katsuki's own cheeks were growing warm and his heart was thudding steadily in his chest, but as Deku rambled there was something else happening. There was a warmness in his chest, spreading like a wildfire that licked and burned into his heart. He sat in wonderment as after years of negative emotions, hurt, loss and pain, something altogether different was happening. There was patience, longing and a distinct feeling of pride. There were softer undertones of relief and contentment.... And smothering all of those was love. A soft blanket of love draped over his whole being, forcing a soft sigh past his lips as his eyes focused back on the dark emerald curls atop Izuku's head, glowing in the afternoon light. And fuck, Katsuki knew that feeling already. That feeling greeted him everytime he thought of Izuku and the blond could never deny now what he meant to him - that he loved him.

"...And that's when he put it all together. He told me everything." Izuku finished, tears silently slipping over his waterline and down his speckled cheeks. "Inko, can you... I think you're my mom, right?"

Izuku held his breath but Katsuki couldn't help grinning wildly as the warmth flickered in his chest and the planchette circled 'Yes' and returned to stop over it once more.

Both boys let out relieved laughter, shoulders shaking and fingertips touching across the rough wood of the planchette. God, Katsuki wanted to reach out to him, to hold him, but they couldn't break the connection right now. Instead he gave him a sharp grin with an 'I told you so' smugness that made Izuku release a small giggle - Not quite as merry as the boy's previous musical laughter, but it was something and Katsuki would take any small mercies he could get.

They settled again, letting the moment wash over them and Izuku attempted to wipe his face on his shoulder without releasing the planchette from his grip.

"Okay," Deku cleared his throat, "Mom, I'm sorry this happened to you, I never really got a chance to know you but I still miss you." He shook slightly as he tried to hold it together, and Katsuki stretched a leg around the board to rest his socked foot against Izuku's knee. The greenette smiled softly at him for the show of kindness, "Dad, he... he doesn't talk about you much and I guess now I'm kinda glad about that. Because anything I learned from him would have been tainted now that I know he hurt you... he k-killed you."

As the boy's face creased with the agony of loss, Katsuki pushed himself into the floor so as to not lunge forward and force Deku into a tight embrace. A flicker of pain shot through him, guilt - Inko's guilt at not being there for her son.

"She feels like shit that she wasn't there for you Deku." He said, before he could stop himself.

Izuku's shimmering eyes snapped to meet his own, "H-how do you...?"

He let the question hang for a moment, "All those shitty emotions she's always making me feel, it's like, I dunno - It's like as soon as she knew who you were they changed. Fuck, Deku she loved you, she's missed you so much."

They watched together as the planchette spelled out Inko's response, 'S-O-R-R-Y B-A-B-Y'

Izuku wailed, stuttering in his haste to correct her, "No! No! You don't say that! Ever! It wasn't your fault, it was only his. Mom, I hate him. I hate him and I wish you were here and he wasn't."

Katsuki's guts cramped tightly in anger. Inko did not like her son's response. The planchette shot across the board, red eyes trying to keep track of the letters. "Forgive" Katsuki breathed.

"What? Why? I can't-"

The planchette moved again, "For... me." The blond shook his head as he tried to understand the swirl of Inko's emotions, "She doesn't want you to hold on to the anger Deku, doing that is what's kept her here. I think she wants you to be able to move on too."

"But, but this is all I have of you Mom, if I let you go - If I let him get away with this, if I don't hate him, then what is there?"

Inko spelled a word out quickly, 'Love.' Katsuki sat with his heart still aflame and his head reeling.

"Love who? Dad?" Izuku scoffed through his tears, "I can't do that."



Both boys stared down at the board before their eyes found one another.



Katsuki's eyes burned and he sniffed harshly in an effort to pull back the tears. "Fuck Inko, why you gotta be all sappy and shit?" He laughed, short and sharp, in shock, locking eyes with Izuku. "Yeah he's safe with me. Yeah I have... feelings for him or whatever..." Izuku giggled lightly, his face slowly turning red from his cheeks outwards, "... And fuck, I promise you, I'll do my best to protect him from now on. Not that he fucking needs it. He's a tough kid Inko. And he's smart too. Brave, loyal, and a fucking ball of sunshine. Shit's annoying honestly." He smirked across at Izuku. "And I really, really, like your son too."

Izuku grinned back at him, "I think this means she approves." He wiped his face on his already wet shoulder as the planchette slid over to 'Yes'.

"We've known each other for a long time, she knows how awesome I am." He chuckled.

They both let the silence hang for a moment before Katsuki had a thought, "Inko, is there anything you can think of, any evidence that might get your husband convicted?"

They both watched the board. Time seemingly stretched as they awaited Inko's reply. Katsuki felt tightness in his chest again, and the simmering anger from before as she moved their hands to answer: 'No'.

The blond sighed, hanging his head.

"No matter what happens, I'll make sure Izuku is okay. I promise." He stated to the room, nodding his head, "You don't have to go through this shit alone Deku. Me, the Squad, your friends, we're all here for you."

"I know," He sniffed, shaking his bangs aside to look around Katsuki's room, "Mom, I'm really gonna be okay. Kacchan, he offered me a place to stay if Dad-" he hesitated, swallowing harshly around his next words, "If Dad gets away with it, I can stay with him. I'm sure you know his parents are good people. And next year, I'll be studying photography and living in dorms. I'll be safe, and I'll get my inheritance when I'm eighteen. I'll be okay Mom. I'll miss you, I'll always wish you'd been here, but I'll be okay."

I know.

Relief washed over Katsuki and he felt Inko begin to feel at peace. She believed her son. She believed he'd be ok.

"She's relieved." Katsuki said, smiling reassuringly at the boy before him. They both watched as the planchette moved lazily around the board for some time, Inko needing to say what Katsuki sensed would be her final words.

I Miss you.

I Love you.


Be safe.

Protect him.

Bye baby.

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