Never again

By swiftgirlil

31.2K 1K 277

Andy and Robert already knew each other when he came back to Seattle to be the captain of station 19, but whe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N - super important quiestion!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 21 - Epilogue

1.2K 45 18
By swiftgirlil

Andy and Robert got married within two months of the proposal. They had all of their friends from the station, Pruitt, Lucas and of course Maddie at the wedding.

It was one of the happiest days of their life. There wasn't a single moment they weren't smiling that day. Robert cried as Andy and Maddie walked down the aisle a little but it was happy tears so it doesn't count.

After the wedding the two of them took a honeymoon to Europe. Maddie was with Pruitt for two weeks while her parents had their fun and traveled through several countries: Italy, Germany, Austria and they wrapped up their vacation with three nights in Paris.

It was a little hard on Maddie but she talked to them and face timed them every day. Plus they showed her all the presents they had bought her so she was a little happier.

When they came back everything went back to normal just like it was before the wedding. Except that Andy and Robert spent much more time together at the station. Doing shared workouts, making dinner together or even just chilling together at Robert's office.


(15 months after the wedding)

Robert had just parked his car outside his and Andy's new house. They moved there just a little over three months earlier, they figured they would need more space.

It was 9AM, Maddie was already at school. Robert came home to his wife after a long shift.

He walked in and scanned all the first floor, not seeing her anywhere he took off his shoes and his jacket and put his bag in the floor.

"Andy?" He half yelled. "I'm here!" She called back.

He went up and went straight to their bedroom. Their bathroom door was open and when he didn't see her in bed he went over.

"Babe is everything oka-" he cut himself off mid sentence when he saw his nine months pregnant wife standing in a a puddle of water.

"Your water broke?" He asked, a smile crossing his face.

"No. I peed myself..."

"Oh" was all he said, even though he tried to hide it the disappointment was clear in his voice.

"I'm kidding! Yes my water broke five minutes ago." She laughed until a contraction hit her and she crumbled in pain. Robert quickly came behind her and rubbed her back. He knew it didn't relive the pain but it was comforting.

"So she's coming?" He asked for confirmation.

"She's coming" Andy repeated his words.

"Let's go to the hospital i'll clean that up later" he took her hand in his and he haloed her to change into clean clothes. Then, together they went to the car where all of the hospital bags for Andy and the baby already were.

They had a surprisingly quick drive to Grey Sloan, only about 10 minutes later they were at the ER. "Hi my name is Robert this is my wife Andy. She's a patient of Carina Deluca. So can you please page her 911?" Robert asked the first nurse he saw.

A couple minutes later Carina walked in and scanned the room to find the pair. "Hey guys!"

"I need an epidural right freaking now!" Andy yelled in pain. Squeezing Robert's hand. He was sure that by the time the baby is out he won't be able to feel his hand.

Andy was admitted and moved to a room up in maternity floor. A few hours past and Andy wasn't feeling the contractions as badly anymore with the epidural.

Robert called Pruitt to let him know Andy was in labor, then he called the team to let them know as well but like Andy requested, no one except of Robert was there. She wanted only him with her.


"You can do this Andy just one more push and you're a mother of two!" Carina said.

"I can't. Robert I really can't" Andy cried to her husband.

"Of course you can babe. You're the strongest person I've known. C'mon get our daughter out" he kissed her forehead sweetly.

"Okay okay" she replied and started pushing.

She held Robert's hand and again squeezed it tightly. Even though Robert was in pain he knew it didn't come close to what Andy was going through so he didn't dare to say a word.

"Congratulations mama! You have a healthy baby boy!" Carina said as she placed the newborn on Andy's chest.

Andy and Robert shot a look at each other than at Carina "baby boy?" They asked in sync.

"You told us it was a girl we prepared a pink room and everything" Andy said breathless.

"I guess there was a mistake on the ultrasound. It's more common than you might think" Carina laughed a little.

"It's fine we'll repaint the room love. We have a boy!" He looked at the baby on his wife's chest. He was so tiny.

A nurse took him to do some first tests and some cleaning. They brought him back an hour later wrapped in a light blue blanket.

Andy had already been clean and comfortable in the hospital bed when they brought the baby back in.

"Bring him to me I didn't get a good look at his face" she told Robert and he did just that. She looked at the small infant in her hands mesmerized.

"Oh my god he's so beautiful" she said looking at his face. She caressed his cheek with his fingers "hello baby..." the smile was instantly on he face "oh I love you so much" she whispered.

Robert looked at her holding their son in her arms. His heart melted. Everything was just how it's supposed to be. They were now a family of four.

Andy looked up at him ״baby we need a name. We only thought about girls names but he's a boy"

"We do" Robert said and went closer to the bed. Andy moved over to give him some space to lay next to her.

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and she leaned her head on his chest.

"Ummm... Peter?" Andy asked.

"No he doesn't look like a Peter... Jake?"

"No. Jack is gonna think we named our son after him."

"What do you think about Oliver?" He asked and Andy just shook her head against his chest. They were silent thinking for a few minutes until Andy broke the silence.

"How about... Aiden?" She looked up to meet Robert's eyes.

A smile spread across his face "I love that" he looked at the sleeping baby "he looks like an Aiden" he kissed Andy's head softly.

"Here, hold him" she passed the baby to Robert. "Hi Aiden, I'm your father" Aiden held on Robert's finger with his hand.

"He looks even tinier in your hands" she chuckled.

"I'm so proud of you Andy and I love you so much. Thank you" he rested his head on top of hers. "For what?" She asked him not understanding what he was thanking her for "thank you for giving me two perfect kids and the greatest life I could ever imagine for myself. It's all you"

It warmed her heart to hear him say things like that "well although I'd like to take all the credit to myself I literally couldn't do this without you. And I should also thank you for the exact same things" she spoke quietly, trying not to wake up the baby.

"I can't believe we missed moments like this because of a huge misunderstanding." Robert sighed.

"I'm my defense, I didn't really want in my daughter's life someone who moved on from a six months relationship after two days" she laughed a little trying to lighten the mood thinking he was a little mad at her for that.

"Babe I'm not mad at you for that. Or for anything else in that matter. I have nothing but love and appreciation for you he smiled down at her.

He lowered his head a little to meat her halfway in a sweet tired kiss. Just as they pulled apart Aiden woke up. Andy took him from Robert's arms.

"Go call my dad and tell him to come and bring Maddie with him. Meanwhile I'm gonna feed him" Robert left the room to call Pruitt.

Half an hour later Pruitt walked in hand in hand with the six year old girl. As soon as she saw her parents she let go of her grandpa's hand and ran over to her father. She just jumped and luckily he caught her on time before she fell.

"I wanna see my baby sister!" She said with the excitement clear in her tone.

"Well Maddie we have a surprise for you. It was a surprise to us too but it's a good surprise so it's okay" Andy said while Robert brought the girl to the bed and sat her down.

Pruitt looked at his daughter confused "what surprise?" Just like his daughter surprises weren't his favorite thing.

"Maddie you don't have a baby sister. You have a baby brother." Robert told Maddie and she immediately frowned her face.

"What? No. You said there was a baby girl in mom's tummy" the six year old was definitely confused.

"The doctors made a mistake, there was a baby boy in my tummy" Andy explained.

"Where is he anyways?" Pruitt asked.

"We told the nurse to bring him. He should be here any moment" Robert said and just then the nurse walked in rolling the baby in his clear little hospital cradle.

He was wrapped in a blanket and had a tiny white hat oh his head.

Pruitt picked him up and held him for a minute before passing him to his mother.

"He's so small. Are you sure he was ready to come out?" Maddie asked concerned seeing the tiny baby in Andy's hands.

"Yes he was. Do you want to hold him?" Andy asked and Maddie nodded with a little uncertainty. She didn't want to hurt him or something.

"Come and sit like that" Robert adjusted her so she was leaning on him in a way he could hold the baby with her.

Andy placed the baby in Maddie's small hands. "Be careful baby".

Maddie just nodded as she looked down at her new brother. Ever since her parents told her she's gonna be a big sister she was over the moon about it and told everyone she met that she's gonna have a baby sister in a few months.

"Mom what's his name?" She asked not looking up from the baby in her hands.

"Aiden" Andy and Robert said at the same time and shot a short look at each other.

"Aiden" the girl repeated "I love it. And I love him he is so small" she said quietly.

Aiden wasn't sleeping and he just stared up at Maddie and even though he was just a few hours old and couldn't smile Andy and Robert saw how comfortable he was with Maddie. It was like he knew he could trust her.

"It's a beautiful name" Pruitt said and came closer to the bed. He wrapped his arm around Andy and placed kiss on her head. "Thanks dad"

Andy and the baby got discharged from the hospital three days later and Andy couldn't miss her own bed more.

She slept as much as she could while she was admitted to the hospital but the bed wasn't really comfortable and she didn't have Robert by her side. She got so used to sleep next to him, they always slept cuddled or spooned and even when they both were on shift she usually didn't sleep as good as at home. So from time to time she'd go to sleep with him in his bunk and then sneak back to her bunk at the morning.

The first night at home was... let's say she didn't get much sleep if any at all. Aiden woke up every hour and it took him so long to go back to sleep each time.

It took him about four months to sleep through the night. And Andy and Robert couldn't be more grateful for that. Andy was also grateful that this time she had Robert by her side, while with Maddie she did all the work and woke up several times each night with Aiden her and Robert took turns and that way both got more sleep.

He started crawling at six months with apparently was a bit quicker than the average.
And at 11 months he was already walking around and even running even though he could run just for a short length until he fell down.

Maddie loved Aiden so much and loved being a big sister she walked him around the house all the time, played with him and sang to him.

(Time jump - present)

Maddie is now nine years old. Aiden just turned three a month ago.

Andy and Robert are happier than ever, they have a perfect family and their life feels like the happy ending of a fairytale. Yes, there are some fights from time to time but they'd always figure it out and make up.

Andy's birthday is tomorrow, Robert had planned a family vacation for the four of them.

It's winter and Robert rented a cabin in the woods where it's snowing. Andy loved snow and the kids love it as well so he thought it would be nice. According to the pictures the cabin looked nice, warm and cozy they are leaving tomorrow and they have three days of vacation.

Robert opens his eyes at 7:30 am, he walks to the kids bedrooms. waking them up gently, he makes sure they keep quiet.

He then goes down to the kitchen to bring Andy's birthday cake, he ordered it a week and a half ago and picked it up from the bakery last night after Andy went to sleep.

The three of them head to Andy and Robert's bedroom and start singing "happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to mommy! Happy birthday to you"

Andy wakes up from their singing and she rolls over in bed to see her husband and her two precious children. Instantly a smile spreads across her face and she can't help that and the happy tears start to form in her eyes.

"Oh my god Robert!" She says, knowing it was all him. Aiden crawls into bed, he lays down on Andy with his face on her stomach.

"Come here" she tells Maddie as she opens her arms to hug her daughter. Maddie doesn't need to think twice and get into bed to cuddle with her mom. Since it's still early for the two to me awake they fall back asleep in a matter of minutes.

Andy picks Aiden up and put him back down on the bed as she get out of it. She tucked him and Maddie under the blanket and finally went to give some attention to the one who made it all happen.

He waited patiently while she was in bed cuddling his kids but he couldn't wait to hug her himself. She wraps her arms around his middle and buries her face in his chest mumbling "thank you" and "I love you".

His hands find their place around her frame and he pulls her impossibly close to him. Planting a kiss on the top of her head before resting his chin on it.

A few minutes pass and they pull away only to find each other's lips less the 10 seconds after.

"You're amazing. And I love you. Thank you so much for doing all of this for me" she speaks when they pull apart from the kiss.

"Of course I'm doing this. When we got married I promised you I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you as happy as you make me" he packs her lips.

"You do" she confirms with a smile "you really do". She looks into his eyes and she doesn't need to say another thank you because he already know, he is thankful for her as well.

They changes their position, Robert stands behind Andy, her back against his chest her head leant back into him.
With his hands embracing her small figure she feels safe. She always feels safe with him.

"Ugh I don't deserve all of this" Andy sigh.

"Nuhhh I love you. And the kids love you. You're good" he says making her to let a chuckle out.

"I love you more" she turns in his hands wrapping her arms around his neck.

They look deep into each other's eyes, both of them can't see something other than love and appreciation for the other.

"Impossible" he replays before leaning down to catch her lips in a breathtaking kiss. It's passionate and caring and both are pouring all the love they have into that kiss.

They pull away and Andy pulls Robert into a tight hug. Her head is buried in the crock of his neck and she can't help it but think about how grateful she was for him and her family, how much had happened until they got to the happily ever after part of their story.

And when a small fear in her guts wakes up and tells her everything can go away in a second she just pushes it away, reminding herself she won't be alone anymore. He promised her and gave her his word, never again.


So this is it.

The story is really finished. And I can't believe it but I hope you enjoyed this last and final chapter of "Never Again"

Thank you so much for everyone who read this and took the time to comment and vote, it really made my days better.

For the last time... (god I'm so dramatic but I'm emotional about it)
Don't forget to vote and comment!!!


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