Serotonin - Drabbles for Drea...

By chocolatechinkara

3.4K 328 64

Serotonin-your happy hormone. Rikara (some non Rikara too) Drabbles to cure your weekly stress. Hundred perce... More

The Short Girlfriend
The Lightweight Diaries
The Better Half
You Belong With Me
The Shy And The Troubled
The White Shirt
A Happy Day

Pseudo Parents

446 48 11
By chocolatechinkara

Railyn sighed as soon as her favourite aunt picked up the phone, "I got grounded, again."

Two minutes later, the horn of a beat up Alto could be heard all the way up to the CEO's office in the building that housed the office of an Oberoi Corp branch and the headquarters of Vin Media, both coincidentally being controlled by the ass of the century, at least that's what Gauri calls him.

Railyn perked up as she looked down to the car parked right in front of the entrance of the building. Her aunt had come to save her.

She got out of the car, looking like a pissed fairy in her floor length lehenga complimented with matching accessories that made her look like (at least) a bride's sister on her wedding.

Railyn heard her uncle's phone ring from beyond the lobby she was currently grounded in. The door opened and her uncle entered the room shooting daggers at her. "You called her again."

"She called me!"

"Hello?" Omkaara answered his phone instead of arguing.

"Hello? Are you helloing me right now after torturing my poor niece?"

"Helloing isn't a verb."

"You know what is? Fuck. Go fuck yourself, you ass."

"Woah! Why are you dressed like you're two days away from your mandap?" Omkaara peeped from the big window that Railyn had been using to wave at her aunt.

"I have a date." Gauri muttered. "But that's not the point. Why didn't you call me if you were going to ground her? I would have taken her with me."

"And let her watch you torture another soul?" Omkaara asked and got a middle finger in return.

"Just send her down. I'll take her."

"That would be counterproductive to the grounding."

"Don't use your big words or you'll catch these hands." Gauri balled her hands into tiny fists that were barely visible from the height of the building.

Omkaara chuckled. "Wait for me in the cafe, I'll come back down after I wrap up my meeting."

"Send Railyn ahead. I will be boreeeeed."

Omkaara nodded towards the elevator in response and Railyn was already out of the floor before he could blink. One hundred percent chaos, just like her maasi. He thought as he re-entered the confernce.

When Railyn got down she found her Mausi in car, waving at her to get in. She did as gestured, before she asked, "But Chachu is going to wait for us."

"That loser can stay grounded then," Gauri reversed her car making enough noise to wake up a few dogs on the roadside. "Because we are going shopping." She excitedly hooted as she slammed her heel on the accelerator making Railyn thank the Gods above that she had put her seatbelt on.

"What did you get grounded for by the way?" Gauri asked, uncaring as the breeze blew her hair all over the place.

"He caught me in a party after I said I was in group study." Railyn mumbled.

"The next time, call me. I'll drive you to the party. That way, no one will suspect anything." Gauri suggested as she sped down near a cafe.

"They'll suspect me more then."

"Then, I'll wait by your window, Rupanzel." Gauri winked at her as she parked her car. "I'll be back in a few minutes." She said as she got two varmalas out of her backseat.

"So, another marriage proposal?" Railyn asked but only got a shrug in return.

Ten minutes later, a confused and panicked guy was being chased down by her Maasi as she screamed after him, "Let's get married!I already have the papers ready!"

Soon, Gauri had chased the guy far enough to return to her seat. Gauri grinned down at her as she said, "That's how you chase a guy away."

"Just get married and have cute babies. You'll be the best mom ever."

"Naah. I prefer being the best Maasi alive. Now, food or dresses? Pick one."

"Can't I have both?"

"Hayee, mera shona is just like her Maasi."


They had to eventually call Omkaara and tell him that they would be back at the Oberoi Mansion by sunset. Of course, Omkaara knowing both the chaotic and reckless women in his life, insisted that they get home before the sunset, that same day.

And that is why Railyn found herself on the Oberoi couch with her Maasi by her side before 5 PM aka before Omkaara got home.

"That ass making me come here and not turning up." Gauri mumbled.

"You did the same to him." Railyn pointed out.

Gauri only pulled a face before changing the subject, "So, why did you lie to go to the party?"

"There were going to boys."

"Strippers? They can be called for sixteen year olds these days?" Gauri looked intrigued.

"No. School guys and some college ones."

"So? Don't tell me that ass refused to let you go because of that."

"Nah. It was my own guilty conscious that didn't allow it. I mean, I was going to see the guys. I couldn't tell Chaachu that I was only going to see my friends. So I lied."

"Awh, mera baccha." Gauri cooed as she slung an arm around Railyn. "The guys or one of the guys, huh?"

"Just one."

"Who is he? Who is he?"

"You don't know him."

"Then introduce him to me."

"He is just a crush. Mumma told me to not get a boyfriend until college."

"Says the girl who got knocked up and married at eighteen. Trust me, once you grow up, love has no meaning. Fall in love before you grow a brain." Gauri rolled her eyes.

"You're not supposed to tell that to me." Railyn referred to the history of her birth.

Gauri shrugged. "She shouldn't be a hypocrite."

"About love, does it really not last?"

"It can, like once in a full moon."



"Blue moon. Once in a blue moon."

"Naah, it's more frequent than that." Gauri shrugged as she let her head roll onto the backrest.

Railyn tried to not ask her next question but curiosity made her blurt out, "If it weren't for Naanaji, would you have still been in love with Chachu?"

Gauri's smile dimmed the slightest bit. "Who told you about all that ancient history?"

"I heard it from someone." Railyn doged the question to avoid saying that the fight between Gauri, Omkaara and Anika was her first memory since birth.

11 years ago,

Chaos. All of it was just chaos.

Shivaay tried to hold Anika back as she lunged for Gauri the second she saw her.

"Why are you here? After insulting him in front of the entire town, why are you still here?" Anika weeped in between her screams.

"I came to return this. And take Railyn." Gauri replied stone faced as she forwarded a red lehenga.

"My daughter is going nowhere with you!!" Anika broke free from Shivaay to snatch the bridal dress.

"Dad-" Gauri started but was interrupted by a bang as Omkaara opened his room door, walking out with red eyes.

Shivika ran towards him trying to make sure that he was okay. His eyes remained on Gauri though, rather the dress in her hand.

"How's uncle now?" He asked with a voice that sounded choked.

A tear fell from Gauri's eye. "The doctors have given us 24 hours."


Gauri ruffled her hair with a soft smile as she said, "In life, you loose somethings on the way. It is all a part of you, so mulling about what ifs is of no use."

"Do you still hate Chachu?"

"Of course I do. He cages my Rupanzel all the time like some evil witch."

Railyn giggled as she said, "I really want to see Chachu's face when you call him that."

"That drama queen would probably throw a fit!" Gauri laughed at her imagination.

"Do you think he still loves you?"Railyn asked again because she couldn't control her curious mouth. That day, it had seemed like her still did.


"Why didn't you tell me this before?" Anika mumbled in shock. Turning to Shivaay she repeatedly muttered, "Let's go. We need to go."

"He can't come."

Anika glared at her little sister. "Are you out of your mind? How can you not be embarrassed to say that after denying your own marriage in front of a hundred people? Haven't you hurt all of us enough?"

"Bhabhi. Uncle is already critical. We should really not add to his stress. You and Railyn should go and meet him. We'll drop you there." Omkaara interrupted, his eyes now on Gauri's shaking and sobbing figure.


"Anika we don't have the time to waste. I'll get the car out, you go and wake up Railyn." Shivaay signalled to her room, unaware that his daughter had walked in half sleep and reached the staircase, behind which she was currently standing and listening to the conversation.

When Shivika had left, only Gauri's sobs echoed in the empty house. They had recently moved to a bigger house because Gauri Maasi was going to become her Chachi. Of course, this was a secret that shouldn't be spoken of in front of her grandparents.

"I am sorry but I can't be sorry for all that happened. I am not sorry because I got love you. " Omkaara whispered softly.

"I hate you, Oberoi."

"I love you too, Ms Sharma."

Gauri burst out crying then, and didn't stop until Shivika began shouting Railyn's name in panic, searching everywhere for her.


"How would I know?" Gauri shrugged. "But my guess is no."

"But both of you have never dated anyone else."

"That's cause we got burned young. Now, trusting someone is just, hard. It seems meaningless too. Because I can see the end before it begins."

"So, you guys broke up because Nanu didn't like Chachu? Why did he let Maa stay married to Dad then?"

"You needed a complete family. Papa," Gauri's eyes turned sad. "He would have probably agreed to Omkaara too if we didn't try running away. But now, we can never know."

"I shouldn't have asked, sorry." Railyn hugged her Maasi close as she wondered how different life would be if her maternal grandfather hadn't suffered an attack when he heard the news of Gauri running away with Omkaara.

"It's okay. Now that you know that, I can tell you this, even if it seems like no one understands you, no one cares for you, know that it is not true. You always have me. Before you take any decision, just tell me. You don't have to come to me for advice but please come to me for comfort."

"I miss Maa." Railyn found herself confessing. "I sometimes resent her too. Why must she work so hard for the company? Why must I stay alone with Chachu and you when others get to stay with their parents too? Dad, I can understand. He built the company. It is his dream. But my mother already has enough work from your company, why is she helping with his company too?"

"I'll tear her a new one for you." Gauri promised throwing her arms around her neice. "As for the reason, it is to prove to herself and our father's soul that she chose right. That even though she married a secretary at eighteen, she is still successful. All her choices had been right."

"I was being sexist na?"

"It's good that you know." Gauri smiled, ruffling Railyn's hair. "Now, let's watch Barbie movies!"

"Not again Masi!" Railyn whined.

"I liked you better when you just watched Barbie movies with me."


Omkaara came home to snores.

Tiptoeing into his own house, he heard a Barbie movie playing softly in the background as the two Princesses slept cuddling each other.

He paused the movie learning that it had only reached the halfway mark now. These two must have been exhausted.

He picked up his niece first. She stirred in sleep as he carried her into her bedroom.


He hummed not wanting to awaken her or make her worry about who was carrying her in the middle of the night.

"Do you still love Maasi?"

He paused. Then, slowly loading her on her bed, he asked, "Were you guys talking about me?"

"About love. You just came up."

He nodded even though she couldn't see through her closed eyes. "Sleep." He whispered to her as he gave her a finally pat on the forehead to nudge her into sleep.

Heading downstairs he looked at the beautiful lady, half awake and searching for Railyn as she patted the space around herself with her eyes closed.

"I took Railyn to her room. You guys ate, right?"

He only got a sigh and a nod in return.

"Are you staying the night?"

"Maa is not home."

That was all he needed to scoop her in his arms and move towards his bedroom.

"You talked about us to Railyn."

"She asked first. There's nothing to hide anyway."

"Really? Mrs. Omkaara Singh Oberoi?"

"Okay, maybe except the fact that we have been secretly married for a decade and a half."

"I love you."

"Huh? What's gotten into you?"

"Say it back. You're really letting our love down here."

"I love you too, Mr Oberoi."

"I have a business trip coming in three months, meet me in Delhi? We can go to Shimla."

"Hmm. I'll check my schedule and let you know." Gauri yawned as she let herself rest in the arms she knew she could always trust.


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