Alpha's Bad Day

By wolfthed

135 3 0


Alpha Male

135 3 0
By wolfthed

Alpha was perfect and there was nothing wrong with that. Any moments of the life of negativity were the fault of others and he knew eventually he would always come out on top. He currently had a perfect life to prove that mindset. A top-notch job, a beautiful  house, and best of all, he had a husband who was a little imperfect but perfect for Alpha.

Today was going to make things in his life better. He was meeting with a very important client that was going to make him a lot of money.

And what is a more perfect way to start the day than to get ready with his husband by shaving together.

"I hope today will be good for me too! Our work is having a party and I heard a rumor that my research paper may get an award! I don't know how true that is though I thought what I wrote was really bad," Charlie took the shaving cream and spread it on his face.

"Charles, what did I tell you about doubting yourself? It only makes it more real. I'm sure your paper about sea dust or whatever was the best in the world," Alpha carefully dragged the razed against his face.

"Irish moss?"

"Yeah whatever! I swear I'm going to kick ass today Chalire-OW". He rocolied the razer.

"Woah, are you ok?" Charlie looked over at him.

Alpha went to examine his beautiful face and of course, there was a small nic from the razor. "I haven't done that since I was fourteen, the hell?"

He reached over to the tissues and tore a small piece putting it on his bloody chin.

"You got a little too excited huh, Al?"

"Shush, it's not going to ruin my day. I have said this before to you but scars make you sexy," Alpha peered closer into the mirror checking out his face and his hair.

"That would be concerning if that small cut scarred."


Charlie then got close and raised a shaky hand to Alpha's chin. Alpha let him pull him to face him. "D-does it still hurt?"

"Again, tis' but a scratch Charles," He raised his own arm to squeeze Charlie's wrist. "You should know better than anyone of how capable I am of taking pain."

Alpha gave a cheeky smirk as a collection of noises came from Chalire as tried to form words. The shaving cream still on his face made everything even cuter.

"I-I Alpha you shouldn't be saying-"

Alpha glanced at his watch as his husband struggled, he raised his hand. "Charlie silence."

Charlie's lips instantly sealed.

"I have to get going."

"But... it is still pretty early?"

"Remember Charlie, being early is on time and being on time is late."

"Ohh yeah? I guess."

Alpha then gave him a quick perk on the lips, wrapping his arms around Charlie, he closed in on Charlie's ear and whispered. "We'll continue this conversation tonight, eh?"

He then pulled away and smirked again seeing his significant other's flushed face. He was beyond grateful that they still could share moments like this together despite being together for six years. Charlie being so shy made a lot of their interactions feel like they were flirting for the first time. The added bonus of being comfortable with each other was even more of a plus.

As he made the way down to the kitchen he froze when he noticed something. The papers that had important information about his client were gone. He swore he set then on the counter. Alpha never misplaced things.

"Charlie, where are my papers?" Alpha shouted upstairs.

"I-I d-don't know?" A voice rang Alpha felt his eyebrows twitch in annoyance. It must of have been Charlie! The man was a fool even if he loved him to death. He himself would never would be so irresponsible. Was he lying to him?

He took a deep breath and looked at his watch. Time was ticking away. This was wasteful; he spent a good chunk of last night analyzing it anyway. He didn't need them.

"Did you f-find it?" He heard Charlie shout again.

"Yeah, don't worry about it hon! Have a wonderful day," Alpha went to straighten his tie and went to the front door to put on his best shoes. He froze as he picked them up. The sole was falling off one of them. "No way, I paid good money for these."

He grumbled as he picked up his other pair that was more worn.

A sort of feeling washed over Alpha that he couldn't describe as he walked out of the door.
As he drove to work, of course, traffic had to hit. As he listened to the radio, he learned that some idiot apparently got himself killed in an accident. How pitiful he thought as he rolled his eyes. He hoped that they went to hell.

As he drove up to his office space parking was nonexistent. He grumbled as he drove around waiting for anyone to pull out. Eventually, he gave up and parked in a far away parking lot of a gas station. He swore that he would work to apply for his workspace to build more spaces. He then walked into the building.

"Alpha, you are a little late, your client is waiting for you."

"I'm fashionably late, shush Susie."

As he walked in, the man in a nicely ironed suit was sitting there on his phone looking extremely annoyed. Alpha has heard stories about how difficult this man was, he before was on good terms with him but it seemed like wasting his precious time had soured his mood. Alpha could work with this. He related to a mindset like this.

"Good morning, Mr. Smith I am sorry for not being on point and being late," He bowed. "I had a bunch of unplanned inconveniences."

The man raised his eyebrows. "My name is not Smith Mr. Senpai."


"My apologies again, my mind hasn't been in the right place."

"Clearly. And how can I trust you to be in the right headspace when you are my lawyer. Do you even have my papers with you?"

"I do not need them. I promise you I burned everything about them in my memory."

"Have you? You did not even remember my name?"

"Well I-."

"Tell me about my case then?"

"I- well let me just sit down," Everything in his mind was going blank. Why was everything going wrong so fast.

As he went over to sit over at his desk he stumbled and the man had to reach and catch him to ground him. Alpha took a deep breath and mumbled a thank you before sitting down.

"Well you see-" he began.

"Mr. Senpai, I think I want to take my business elsewhere. I can see you are having an off day but you have to understand that case is too important to me. Maybe someday I will contact you as your law business grows. You are still a very young kid." The man then held out his hand.

"..." Alpha could only stare at it. His body was frozen. This was the one thing he could have never imagined happening. The man just raised an eyebrow again and pulled away.

"Well, I hope you have a good rest of the day."

How could he? How absolutely could he?
Alpha spent the rest of the day looking at his computer watching pointless emails come in. The meeting today was supposed to last hours. That man was the ticket for him to get recognized by other high-class clients.

And he fucked up. He fucked up so badly. At least it was time to go home now, his hours being over. He could just go to bed and pretend this day never happened. Tomorrow he would be the Alpha man he was born to be.

As he made his way out he stopped outside of the front door. It was raining. No, it was pouring!

Alpha could not believe it. He really couldn't believe it. Of all the days he didn't bring an umbrella too. His hair was going to get ruined!

He grumbled as he opened the door and walked as fast as he could to get to his car. The freezing rain sent a shiver down his spine. He needed to get home as soon as possible so he wouldn't get a cold.

Alpha made it to the car and leaned down into it. He let out a sigh of relief, everything surely would get better at home. As he turned the key it wouldn't turn it on. Wow. Just wow? he couldn't do anything. He took a deep breath in trying to calm himself before letting out a big scream and slamming his head against the driving wheel.

What the actual fuck happened today?!

After letting out the scream he took deep breaths to calm himself down. He felt a little less angry but dread was still consuming. Looking down at his phone he saw that the time was too early for Charlie to be out of work. So him picking him up wasn't an option.

God, he hoped that Charlie had his usual bad day...


He stopped himself. No. That was a horrible wish to bestow on his husband. Every day he should wish that Charlie had the best day ever, he knew that is what Charlie himself was thinking for him. That Alpha was having an amazing day.

As if it was planned a notification popped up on his phone. Charlie, it was him. It was a badly angled selfie of Charlie holding a plague simply with the text "I did it!"

Alpha just smiled.

It really was like living in the twilight zone. But fuck he was so cute. Before exiting out of the app to rent an Uber he sent a text full of hearts.

It made his own heart feel a little better but still Alpha couldn't get over the feeling of how much of a failure of a man he was today.
When Alpha got home he instantly stripped off his clothes and went to take a scolding hot shower. He spent longer than usual in there just leaning against the wall reflecting everything he could've done better. When he got out he threw on a robe and decided it was time to treat himself with a sweet treat.

He pulled out dairy-free ice cream and lit a cigarette as he dug a spoon into it. The feelings of the day started to really hit him.

His dad would hate him. His mom would be disappointed. His brothers would laugh at him.

And Charlie...

Well Charlie would say it's OK but would still pity him. This wasn't him. What happened today? Alpha leaned against the counter as he felt his eyes sting. No. Crying?! This was even worse! His brain didn't care though as tears started to flow down his face. He tried to brush them away but they only fell harder.

"F-fuck," Alpha sniffed to himself. "This is so stupid."

The sound of a garage door opening made him flinch. God damn it. Not now. He turned himself away from door. Charlie didn't deserve to see him like this he was the strong one. He heard the door open.

"..Al? You're home? I didn't  see your car?"

Alpha cleared his throat to steady his voice.

"I had an issue with the car today so I left it at work. I'll call about it tomorrow."

"O-oh? I hope it isn't a big issue. I'm glad you got home safe," Alpha felt a hand on his shoulder which made him flinch. "Woah! Alpha are you ok?"

"I..." Alpha turned slowly to face his husband when they met eyes. Charlie's face fell instantly.

"O-OH MY GOD Al!? What happened?"

"I'm fine Charles," Alpha pushed away to head to their bedroom but he felt his wrist get gently grabbed.


"I just had a bad day ok?"

"Oh Al... I'm sorry about that? What happened exactly? Why didn't you text me?"

"Because it's stupid! I don't have bad days!"

"Everyone has bad days... you aren't alone."

"Not like this! Not with me! I was supposed to excel today with my client but it went all wrong!"


"And why did all the little other shit have to happen! Me hitting traffic and being late! Me having to walk through pouring rain and messing up my hair! My car broke down! WHY me!?"

Charlie face twisted in thought before he gace a small smile. "I am really sorry that happened today, it does sound like that suck."

"It really did.. god doesn't stuff like that happen with you all the time? How do you deal with it?!"

"Hm... it can be really hard b-but...uh-"

"But what..."

"Uh, I know! Just come with me-" Charlie pulled his hand to their living room, directing  him to sit on the couch."

"What are you doing?" He sniffed. Charlie just gave him another smile and went to over to the corner of the room to pick up his guitar. "You're going to play?"

Charlie just nodded. Now this was interesting. Usually he was so shy that often playing in front of his husband was even rare. It confused Alpha how it would help the situation but he would drop anything to hear Charlie's music. Charlie sat next to him and started to play some cords. The notes played off on Alpha's ear like honey. It calmed him.

As he played Alpha recognized the cords as songs they even wrote together. That made him even happier. He played two more songs before stopping and then sharing a shy smile back to Alpha.

"That was beautiful Charlie. I have to admit I am a little confused."

"I played for you because stuff like this helps me cope when I have a bad day. Just knowing I can come back here and spend time with you."

"Aw.." if Alpha heart wasn't beating fast before it surly was beating fast now.

"And I know that is not always guaranteed either. Because we have our own issues at home but you are family and I  just want your to know any time by the rare chance you have a bad day I'm here for you."

Alpha couldn't come with any possible words to respond to that so he just leaned against his chest. Charlie wrapped his arm around his waist.

"You know I'm here for you too. Thank you for making me feel better..."

"You are seriously so amazing Alpha! I know you have a hard time accepting you aren't perfect but that is ok. It is ok to mess up sometimes and I will never think less of you for it."

"I see," Alpha let out a laugh. "That reminds me!"


"Didn't my most perfect husband win something."

"Oh yeah? Ahah I actually bought some flowers and wine for the both of us if you want?"

"Ohh haha of course. I could really go for a drink.."

"Haha love you Al."

"I love you too Charlie, thank you again." Alpha leaned into place a long kiss on his face. They pulled away from each other and smiled. Alpha was so incredibly grateful.

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